> oo m5 rn + eee coe =: rg rs We have now on hand 1000 Tons Wellington Goal 1000 Tons Edson Goal As we anticipate not only a searcity and increase in price of coal but also a difficulty in meet- ing your demands for prompt delivery this fall) we strongly recommend that vou make sure of your winter's supply now by phoning 116, 564, Blue 69 Albert & McCaffery Limited Qe - ere WARD Electric & Miarine Supply Co. Cow Bay, Prince Rupert ELECTRIC AND GASOLINE ENGINE SUPPLIES $ |< MARINE HARDWARE representing Canadian Fair- banks Morse, Ltd., Marine GC. O. Crude Engines Stationary Engines Gasoline Drag Saws Circular Saw Frames Pumps, ete. Electric Light Plants Self starting—slow speed will operate on Kerosine the most simple and reas- onably priced outfit on the market, Write us for full particulars. Housewives! Attention! You can save money on your fuel bill by buying CEDAR BLOCKS in stove lengths at $4.50 per load. Give us your order now. I have the sole agency. JOE EROWN’'S PASSENGER & TRANSFER Phone Biack 334 Night Phones - J. G: Steen, 371 W. Longwill, Blue 270 Day Phone 5 STEEN & LONGWILL- Sheet Metal Works Agent for McC lary Furneaes Sanitary and Heating Engineers 5th Street and Fraser Stre et Prince Rupert - - B.C. Variety of Plants in bloom arrived CHICKENS & BROILERS CITY MARKET A. G. GRAY Teacher of Piano Studio 137 Second Avenue ower | The seven entries for the fseenior league were from the 4G, Canaries, parrots, and other song-| jspacious veranda. Her chief pets,| jhowever, are a family of Austra- |S nted to her when she was a little girl and which she carefully lodged in a pen. Miss Bennett ther acquaintances to a child in iter vivaciousness and enthu- jsfasm. In her new picture, “What lexuberant child-wife who becomes }sob red through tragedy and learns that a philosophy of joy lalone will not enable her to eope NO WAGE INCREASE t PHONE Blue 421 or 444 | MANY ENTRIES BASKETBALL Seven Teams in Senlor League— | Ladies Enter Seven Toams in All, The first executive meeting of th Basketball Association was held last evening in Peck-Moore's lee and the entries for partici- pation in the winter series were opined It was decided te close the applications fer the senior as seven teams have en. tered, bul all ether leagues have 1 left open until next Monday. ident PF. Gilhuly was in the iehair nd the delewates were W., it. Martin for the Callies; R. V. iLepine, Elks; H. Fraser, Colts; BE. \. Donohue, Dry Dock; Joe Ratch- wd, Beavers; J, Day Bell, Sons England; A. M. Macdonald, King Fdward Sehool, and Harry Love, Sons of Canada. W. V. A., Sons of Canada, Sone of} Enaland, Colts, Dry Dock, Elks,| mad Callies, A committee con.| lent Gilhuly ane ty retary G ve S. Russell was ated to draw up the renr| i edule and present their jdraft to the executive next Mon | ' i gh | Phe following were the other] entries: Ladies Intermediate, He Ho| Girls, G. W. V. A., Maple Leafs, | ind Meteors; «Junior Ladies Spartans, ‘Tillicums, and King Ekdward School; Intermediate Boys | Colts; Junior Boys—Colts and Saad one W WONDERFUL GARDEN, | BIRDS AND FLOWERS IN PICTURE TONIGHT Enid Bennett. who is coming to} the Westhoime Thpatre tonight! picture, “What Every \ Learns is a great lover} is and flowers. Surrounding} home is a beautiful garden at contains practically every} tivariety of flower grown in semi-} tropical southern California, and} tree has its bird-house.} rs hang in cages around the lian rabbits which a friend pfte- yrought to America with her-and herself has often been likened by Every Woman Learns,” she is the vith her more serious problems, FOR CARETAKER OF THE CITY CEMETERY A recommendation of the board of works to grant Harry Smith, cemetery caretaker, an increase of salary to $140 a month failed to] carry at the meeting of the city council last night after consider. able discussion, Alderman Rochester suggested that the matter should be discuss- Prompt Service ERNIE LARGE J. Nesbit CLEANING AND C. & N. PRESSING PARLORS 130 Eighth Street - Repair Work and Alterations a Specialty Our Motto: ‘To Give Customers Satisfaction’’ Phone Calls given Prompt Attention Geo, Clark, Manager, better known as ‘‘Nobby’’ Royal Auto a First Class Cars - - Proprietor — Day and Night G. Clark - Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 563 iy: THE DAILY eee Canada’s Sons of the Sea The Navy Teague has 2000 Canadian lads in continuous training for the Sea. These boys are trained in the Nelson Attributes of-- Self-Reliance Power of Initiative Fearlessness of Responsibility Fertility of Resource Britain, the Greatest Maritime Power, Supports Her Mercantile Training Ships Wholly by Voluntary Public Contributions, Because it is Realized that the Sailor is a National Asset. It takes six times as long to train a seaman as it does to build a ship. Maritime strength cannot be achieved in a year or even a decade. Its growth can only be commensurate with the development of sea- conscious spirit in the nation. The continuous training of over two thousand Canadian lads, in the Boys’ Naval Brigades of the Navy League of Canada, is to-day having an effect upon our maritime future. Only threugh this medium can the foundation be laid of trained Canadian seamen for our ships. Public opinion demands that this work be maintained. From the public, then, must come the funds. The Navy League of Canada SAILORS’ WEEK CAMPAIGN Dominion Objective October 18—23. Canada Expects Every Man To Do His Duty Since May last, sixty of these lads have com- pleted their training and passed into the Can- adian Merchant Navy. Uifty more are on the new ships of the re-organised Koyal Canadian Navy. Under the guidance of Experienced Sea Minds, it is being planned to give chosen lads from the Boys’ Naval Brigades an ocean-going education second to none, so that Canada wil! have effi- cient master seamen. The Merchant Navy of any nation is its first step to sea power. $760,000. ed in committee of the whole but M~ to this Alderman Perry objected and it was decided to take the inatter up at once, Ald. Rochester said this was a vexatious question. or two they would be leaving of- gy — 2 of them never to re. dealing with, had not gone up recently but the tendency was downward. If they ‘ ns took action in this particular cass they would stir up 4 hornet’s nest —— should not be done, wage increases. along for the balance of the year. * Smith doubtless earned every) dollar he got but = thought the application should go} i & oe : te a ae over to the first of the year. | every case should be dealt with One 20 h.p. was personally The cost of living was) price for same complete, $290.) omeg. coming down and at this late hour) prines tupert Cigar Store.) in the life of the council it would) py one Blue of Alderman Perry urged that Mr. unpleasant work and that he had a jong family, The motion failed to carry, the Sweeney, Ivanhoe Hotel, Main acting mayor yoting against it. Bireet, Vancouver fetter meres rone rns E In a month } Daily News Classified Ads. | SMITH EL 2 CENTS PER yt IN ADVANCE. No Advertisement Taken for Less than 50c / / Dails News office ia Rooming house, sixteen rooms FOUND of ide and pool room, Good location, eas - Phone 657, FOUND A rifle, Ow ND PLUMBING A ENGINEERS eal i Fatimates fur WARTED. (FOR SALE —Or will trade for ap- FOR RENT an » Smith was a good mag I proved close-w Prince Kupert . address srd AY but it was the principle they were | Wanricy — Gompetent stenog-| peal estate: OR RENT — Tw me ot Bacond Binet » cost of living} rapher for financial institution The fast run-about launch near Dry Dock, P! ‘ Phone 14 — p.0. in city. Applieations Lo be made Keho” either with or withoul),;, pen ! n own riting to box 126 eveina, Ph e ii ; Daily News oflice tf) One first-class marine en- annem LosT n a Good : . . i ae wo Rnwiiad rl to eine. Lear ° among the ¢ ty , mee o a aa wane ’ a a Eng ri oe . t ioe first-class large row boat ‘ i | her in Big! Wee ‘y # ‘ annie A ouseEwo Sleep > ‘ i¢ ' rf , 7 ay: men a h ! 7 with 2% hop Gaille Perfeetion Pett not keep raking up this matter of out. Apply Mrs. BE. A. Wake Siisnml abhdaichih ins, | ; : The Le ele erlean Consulate, a : | { oxy i ‘ ’ Phay should get 3 Th Eee M. M. Stephens, Phone 222, il a ne tof yi Mu : nine A wat Wome wants work by the day, POI ALB A mak, edit i vard rt {78 seal : : 0 On 8 i BOE vargain pow wrens the alderman | cleaning. Apply bos pout aanteh FOR SALE 835 Second Avenue, BE). BUDO LE LINE Vt ecteeeieee » motion for an increase said | PURCHASER WILL SAYE $5.00,00 POR SALE — Piano, very good} ; 5 . Gree 200 out hompaon Stee ) prairies OF ! Any adjustment 8. efigine priee $2,200.00, ‘The “ nm z Ds » Thompao LODGE 1054 LOYAL ORDER | I pra 4 Man sitoa a made at the beginning of the year) price of this engine has gone up| _ Ol OLR AVON Moose meets every Thursday rf 4 for mm would doubtless be downward, £500.00 since we bought this |p on BAT FE On LEASE...Job print evening at the De Luxe Hla y wil that will ? Acting Mayor Dybhayn said he from the factory. We have 0180) jing business and plant. For) ---- wa of grait and opposed fo the) on hand 4h. p, N. & 8. enwines,| particulars apply Daily News TUITION. FE ’ i easaype not be BO0d judgINENL LO ERATE | mmr Teer.) a lee bundle, News oMce, tf] ing formed Peaction! i FOR SALE. Four drays in first) SO OD enced teacher Indivir v Class shape and two express) FOR SALE Baby oareiege and atruction, énsuring oe For Smith was doing dangerous and wagons These wagons are _heater, _ Phone Red $24, tf sults, ates geoponee’’ cna good and will be sold for any 2 > n particulars write box 12 a : von SALKH--Safe. Price $125 tf reasonable offer, Apply News office. oe heavy duty N. &| condition, reasonable, Phone tf FOR SALE—Old newspapers, 250 HOUSES FOR BALEF, W, Hart, Biack 516, LODGE MEETINGS Uf SHORTHAND - TYPEWRITING ' } ¢ class b Small private evening eA tf News oftice, aduaiiinn, in “the Datly News.