e N CW Brunswick ——— f}) e Highest Class om > Talking Machine in ; ) the world. Plays all oe \ Life makes of Records ‘- i perfectly, without ‘ ee ag extra attachments. eg - Prices the same A as in Montreal and > / Toront af y S caty pay- Y ent M . llers Stationers Printers Pi PERT, B.( — ee ee ae ee ae a €F REPE ER RT DR Y DOCK | ngineeri ing Bs. Limited. Ton Floating Dry Pock ARINE AND MERCIAL WORK TLVIEK . . 7 rating--—-(. rt M ava COh ay f the Dr Dock “ cintathereneintiianarncsingattiilinitindniaaattiataatesian msm 1in i er M ‘ra, oun Pattern Makers, etc. _ - snEREUnEEneNNN ae S Your Enquiries Phones 43 and 385 IN RUPERT, B.C. a re indling Wood ood -N DRIED PLANER ENDS i kupert Lumber Com- [ Mill ‘ to better facilities, to in- the load, and to reduce the price to 7 AK 4.00 _per load ee eee ae Order from 3 iC artage, Ltd. Phone 93 Mar, MTT r POU RY MUSTARD hs if ilting period the egg pro- eo practically nile Why not change YS pony “ hon? ONE TEASPOONFUL of Mdothice >) MUSTARD ‘fed daily to each six a iortening the moulting period, Will commence laying much BRACKM & RUKH. “AGRA R MILLING C0., LTD. _ | ricee Rupert, B.C, Phone 35 “ste te Eoweies a THE DAILY NEWS “ Page 4 Me ee eee = = = = —— = ——_—_—_—<—a,__ | | p MANY VISITORS TO ’ | © Local and ersonal JASPER NATIONAL PARK SAYS ROGERS : i for Atkins’ Bausage. ul noma | ’ . * Colonel Horers, # te lent | Six balls crochet eotton for $1), if ib Jasper Nath Par f } i ja® Jabours’ Dollar fale. 47], ‘ : tf T e a ; ’ hie city 5 l ‘ 5 hie a SO sl oe , , t | Sons of Canada sinoker Monday |"*** al the ‘ gt : ; sight Sie , tq iore vi tor tt t ccehtmh ctiacee To Home 1 Dance at the Auditoriur rr " fj j Bi lay ‘end. Hefreshments 47 I lmperia | Ss K 4 ° ° ° Was perha the i mo e "a | W A. Wallace arrived yvester-\and ey d ared « 1 lay morning from Vancouver jit ‘has be the n i . . . ldevy hey pel 7 z us J, W. Scott of the Kaien Hard-|}, , is away on a trip to Edson.|" , . . . } Says The best photoplay yet, “Male|'"° #* ” ; 4} hats mid Female," Westholme Satur-|"" ling ” rel my * * * oe ISS 00 Y wif wi ur 1 Dollar b la Phureday, Friday M ING IN W DS OUR e ll welcome yo smoxing re > a whee irr “ ” land Saturday this week. Jabou EAST OF EVERETT OLD CHUM?” about the house. .« trothers, Lid, ] . . . ee e rhe new Shinn pump in black|@ © Starr Went South Tuesday When supper is over, and you settle kid, patent leather, and tan, just Night to Engage in Quest d d h 1 Royal Bhoe Stor tf for Brother. ; own to read or chat, fill up your . . ’ quetsitidbine . . . Don't forget ty hear Canada’s sine fs favorite pipe with “OLD CHUM” and Soldier adre (anon Scott Qn) « ’ Canada’s New Outlook” Empre ' - _ : 3 puff away. Theatre Friday night at 9 o'cloc) : ae ag : . . + ’ : . . Ne salto betel Mitten oes)? } Washing 1" The mellow fragrance of this choice jon't eeing “Male and Fe- 7 . vou ® ’ ° ile" at the Westholme. Pridey|| h Mrs tobacco makes it Canada’s favorite. 1 Saturday matinee and even-} ** 7 Cheloh , tail luesday night assist ing } « i “he, Fou. | ithe search Boxing bouts; bag punching! 1 thal j dancing, club swingirtz,! t ha i ~ at the Bons of Car H ne - k i mpress Theatre onts t M night i8ihad ~ ~ h and Charlies Rt. Byles! ; cean Falls arriva ! ae ‘ ree yesterday ia and J McA L night to Alice |FLOAT PRINCE RUPERT esa ” - * 7 ‘panee witt be nota) — IN TWO WEEKS” TIME Canada’s Favorite as ‘1 : Ge” ! e Hall b e Adi De Lage Bae hy ee odes ! Pipe Tobacco. { ber 20, Anyone wish-| ‘ ation 4 hed 330 iGla . act al 1 Wa i = wreck : eH eached tow ve : MRS aE I a «is Sates Boe s re en ge ee " lay ing and was vou ‘ _ar as Dis u ial in® the afternoon) > ‘ HLbAY “onan th John Currie, Jr., at the whee 1a has o> ye on , MINE EXPLOSION e ofliee oft Red Cedar Shingles \. Sloeombl, 721 Lothiniere St gs | te at Ottawa. It gives ‘nd bis son Alfred leave lonigh! four Hundred Killed in Tong yaa ©. Bb, OF pe. 28 Dry Kiln Capacity: 100,000 feet psr pal we Vancouver where they Willi gnan mines, Chill Province naa Peers Miss ‘Bost wh has live e, “ho v ed I h ts a ly family ix already at Var China War al 1 vers ! » - SITKA SPRUCE she having gone there in so \ E. Seg } an 1 4 . ae ' s ie ° Ce WESTERN HEMLOCK FLOORING, SIDING W. A. Matheison, building ' ards if CEILING FINISH OF ALL KINDS ae submitted his resi : i . the 'y auth ilies t das miy Tective early in Nove 4 ‘ a oie sane S Charlotte Islands Spruce Produc's Ltd. wis Mmitends | - Nevember 12 for a vis BIG TAX SALE Mills: Prince Rupert, B.C. N Zealand , Local Agents: ALBERT & McCAFFERY rm : oe Prince Rupert, B.C. Telephones, 564, 116, Blue 69 a ‘ -Wour Thousand Being Offered at \dair Carss ¢ VancOuver on December 1 se 1 Danes asf nigh Mrs nN UF \dams ul enven big ‘ ‘ VGEE 4 s weer oa ae I} = VANCOU\ = With our modern equipment and sanitary methods, ; . as nwided by 6 Laie’ ' bject se - Adams, Rudeet Arthur, Jt.14 eae int, purpe we produce a wholesome WW Martin, J err : lity aca 9: 2 a — Fon, tng utritious Grea Mah Wing Le Chung Mah ' cers Sing aud M. B i ts mre 8 . : ‘ . ‘ : a Ls 7 white, 4 | : g of Our Goods are all made from High-class Material = \ i | Us S . ‘ ‘ ~ the Drug Act, were the ar De) , as tong as TRY THEM rt i I y and Parttian t “ mert sot Oe clio aca ; The La Casse Bakery mw ning ae ioe . 717 3rd Ave. Auto Delivery Phone 190 ' 1 “ Minera - oe Nyey wr will = n wie op ~ > : — 7 J i acid the Cold Storage Med in. the itt ‘ “a oorree iGe and 8 be Pish Ex- {iy frigee | [oan te oxpes . {his g. The Gray. |bear ardor } organs Mail Orders Receive P. O. Box 183 ’ vith 18,000 le h ut t and any perso A Sate Prompt Attention Phone 558 ae was ve erday after- ' rw . the x it leared f Sealt “ i at ‘ ns pov —_ ol Kenia nen mea aa ‘sin a Miss GLEESON A : oe “ ’ ' nae he 2D : : . , u 5 te “Ss r Preverence is given te returned ‘aan 1SS - . te g t f ring supe mve iy 1 f “~icaflon of this ith th necessary Qualifications. cs e Agi ret mbership in the {Botee 18 September o20 ence EXAMINATIONS Exclusive Ladies’ Ready-to-Wear - American College of Burge a : * bach Pr] } mvention ft ently he iW er I + . r och te 2. mana ae rita - $ § Third Avenue Prince Rupert, B.C, : ' the Db i- 16 New Westminster, brother of Mrs \ Application | & seasineen aaintn senanenin tase ial ‘ be 1 nal matied back . G. Dawson, has also betn t Fores mn tame to: reach | ~~ ” "pity ed a fellow hae (he craminatiog NOTICE. ; iw - We have secured ti agency for hia Frida ine ‘Tr Sth. f the best Coa! fou n the interior P fap a Nov eabe: ee IN THE GASSIAR LAND Dis THICT—He ; Coreiul Piane Tuning 4 “ BRIDGE PARTY ON se Saar ie ms haa © Pe” SAR EAE fp nO ak Ps a TUESDAY AFTERNOON i, aoe ee ep iAP ada fou KAR ER, tn cian, mum | Rhnwograpie, Someentee Boos | 4 aetna 5. omM AN MIT D, i cr a ; uncier H stor I ri ' Prince Rupert Feed Co. WATRPR NOTICE ee > of ae col ae oa Ree i Slade Stevens 3) ae Corner 2nd Av and Tth St USE AND STORAGE 7 eee eres, ae By ae B 42s 1 Avenue W. ¥ r Queen Mary Chapter Assist Naval Phone 58 r, ee Gress 54s AA? NOTICE 1 49 Tayler Mining mu . to a ne fo . overt s ae a 2 vite - om Brigade in Campaign pany Limited, Ww address is 607 | lands, situate in Ln ee Saree he 5 for Funds. er ; vy - me ane. ae the Cassiar Dustricl on Alice Arm mn tne anipcedieaii i Ae pe te ne et of wa pit of Wolf Creek — oe ae . et nae 8 = a nino Know ae Davies ook, whieh ldwe 438 in the Cassiar District, thence run } \ enjovable bridge party Was ! estert ins inte the Kit- south 5 deg. 29 min, West @ distance Phon® Green 507 1017 Sra Avenue < st EE CO . Kiver and & half MNCS or \¢ feet, thence North 84 deg. ¥1 : given on Tuesday afternoon dy ° perth of the D Pe 8 tonne Weat @ distance of 175.7 feet to the | * the Queen Mary Ohaptet . ¢): o) o. ’ ; eo Seas : mn rie : nnd See * nut nerly b " odary of Lat A66as, thence D g & W it is r im aid of the Naval Brigade im 840 Second Avenue, West. re of isaboue tll Prepn nN an 2¢ ony! cone SS a aro a s ‘heed ' : = ‘ r Will be diverted e143 feet to Point of commencement, and Soe I eT ET their Trafalaar Week campaign ' : point about af tM@ ooniam ye ore oF 1088, Whicl nacpe bd < i > . ' cee hele in thn ae VEGETABLES W“ + i! claims, and - \ be ue @ for — Etch on oes ae oo or Neeae BU.LDERS ans CONTRA TORS it We Looe . OTs : power p 6 a alnes Gescripe zu Specialists in Light vy Con- Luxe hall and there were 14 tables Wholesale and Retail as the W M ‘ um and the Doky '* C, B NOKTH, slonaian, Kepairs aud Aiterasions. a n charge of a committee consist- General Contractors and See stina wink Dansad adhe ground oh | (Ce Ree eee First Gines Bietveone Ga, ne 7 , oan : ; nis \ ing of Mesdames Blanee, MeMul- Labor Exchange. ‘ . ge "4 a “apptication oar 2S eet ae SU, tae Bee Est'metes acodial Given ie iin. D. Thomsen and F, G, Daw nen : and W eter Act, me aarengn, a son, The prize winners were Mrs Prince Rupert, B,C. raster tae ae Ore ee m rwo-color window cards take SKIOK AND COM METE BUILOING wt . i. i Mrs. P. W ‘ ‘ ition or petition fhe eye q Liekly Bee them at tae CONTRACTOKS M. M ephens and M : Phone 547 — P.O, Box 725 ; i with the said Water Recorder Baldwin. eur ile Complnoliesy of Water Aights, News Job Departaicaut. z Fi ea