or fs Page 2 RC OAR lk , vA — Te News i rt —— eee _ ee —_——— : > . — } - * i NT Pit U.S. TO SPEND 1 by ' € of LrOWn- Granted mera alms | A) 3 FOUR BILLIONS Bah as for Delinquent Taxes We a Seoretary of Treasury Makes hn the (Aza if | Forecast of Amount to be . f Ne Boia Prince Rupert A Distri 24 | ges rince Rupert Assessment District. " | WASHINGTON, Oct, 20.-—The _- — ! | Government expenditures will be invent ' t that on MOR fs the tet das f Sowenber, (990, at the hour of 1 . four billion dellare durin th ' yf r -ondlt. ort, ‘- | “ed bet (P sale 8 j i inext fiscal year, according toa : i " 1¥ ‘ ie and expe@ses, inetuding Ht ' ane forecast made by Seeretary Hor vibe ates ne hinnsed th weeded oe qermation peapettiing the following Wet wt ton of the U.S. Treasury depar ; basaiion Amendment Art linent hatare ‘the American LIST AGOVE MENTIONED: ‘anh Association — OMAIM AND LOT NO TA ; MUFFINS SEINE PICKED UP ae 1 “ «A inetet ia 1 a | : ' ' j ‘ i t sta : Lot 134 | DOWN THE COAST cabsian | Fy | : —always tasty seit Roosevelt Min t Rot Lat BG ' ‘Tug Point Grey Reports to Local ©» i. Landy Bay. tan 4 Muffins cold and muffins | Customs House on Arrival iechor Gheell v. tat 406 ; : . ‘ Harbor. \ : ’ hot—Eagle Brand gives dass 9 tk ora acter ive Lat 618s aaa them a distinctive,pleasing | = A-danture has been reectved by | stemess plates « lievekaenent. Camen Eehorem, tat os a4 flavor. “The milk that Jarvis MoLeod at the local cus. | 3fewarl Wyains ony cee eee eo : saves the sugar” jioms house Lelling of the picking | same: f Fraction, Lat ete Eagle Brand is excellent for hap by the tug Point Grey of @)jithes | ee cca Aan 600 F cake and confections of all kinds jscine. about 15 miles south of seme ts Ait ad —for breads—and wherever So ms OUT buey on Sunday night KN vow York, Lat 148 ; milk and sugar are used. . Whit “ae ry ; iN yea ear Hiver M vets Lat 1 48 @) f, let of Poreher Island and the mes — : . : bie ieat i oo waa: okie Py jstage Was sent from Thirsty " af niv qe net actim = iot 1486 ; , g| {Harbor on the arrival of the Point fice Wdener’ Minne, Lat a3 ; } jficey there The tug is engaged ee ; or . == _ — ‘ , in hauling rafts for the Powell ' ‘ Hemet, iat AaB ¥ jane M "mA ' “ . : Lo one 43 River Pulp and Paper Company jatne ; Wink : j os ‘3 : rate O} lends The seine may have been droy — eink at ee ' ; Flactric C “tied ped from a fishing boat gor: RM. Stew ©. tet ‘ ; a q - south. QUEEN CHAMLOTTE is.anos } " : i uy | ie i a fonn S$. M “ elle, Low & 4 ; v Dpiy : APPROXIMATE MAJORITY we on , Cow Bay, Pris td , ? . ‘ee ae CONDENSED MILK 25,000 FOR GOVT. SALE — : fice, oe 3 ELECTRIC anp ct éitiio : ‘ : ; ENGINE f ¢ : i 4 ‘ re . : * $ , CUR a Continued Frem Page One a MARINE Ham : n Cedar Cottage eS 60Gb 4 " ‘ Liny, ; ean ne wat faeries! NO OBJECTIONS israetes: “ES he ss Housewives! Atiention! DJL port. Reafrew .... 28 vr Seco towed if: — Harrison Mills ... 6 t¢ f skew ie ee You can save money on your FROM REFINERS ose i 17 ; Fy T hed F fuel bill by buying CEDAR |} ‘ ry Summerland i8 i “ . ie 3 BLOCKS in stove lengths at Mineola ; } f ais Hh. Frectios 1 eeue ake . $4.50 per load. Crder Suspending the Infamous INDroOs 1; ~s ‘ Deneeny b 90u8 oe Give us your order now. Sugar Order is Made raigellacht : Ag ' Y mH I have the sole agency j Permanent Solsqua .. iS Viltie ands iew waee it JOE EROWN’S | ; West Summerland 159 BJ earthen ; aa ; s / PASSENGER & TRANSFER ° OTTAWA. Oct ) Huntley Vernon ‘ R14 7 Marion bre Lot ena w Phone Black 334 Dy ' i representing the re-| Revelstoke ; 147 ; . a ion gett 7 : eabinet this morn-/Shorts Point . 1" } ' . ’ 7. ‘ SPPOSOOOIOD ay et roo th ee w tt finers did not take!450-Mile House .. 53 5 , ‘ hits ‘ 3 re : . ' ¢ ' ies me issue hs the Government's Haleyon ......... 6 + james 3 Weds a ' ; ‘7! ae ; es that the Board of Commerce/Fer@uson ....... 4 5 lias ; ; ber a aoe 7 4a Night Phones - J. G; Steen, 371 i Ander Whe-dites vitds.. -The Bonsdibien raw ..... 5 18 |lames K Cortes indian Bey, Lot en8 ; We have a Longwill, Blue 270 , : : ? ; : . Castie Rock 43 , [ames { ktward fet “ft h nf Pee Ay D Ph S xceeded its authority, SOMERS POTS +0 o's os : aes ¥ oe i. ie “3 oe oe a x r° the hearing Premier|Alexandria ...... 32 halt tl ishiee Oasee, Lik’ a ; . ee STEENSLONGWILL | ; eighen instantly declared the Barkervilie ...... i6 16)? : he Jem, 10 O68 ai 1000 T eS sion of the sugar order| Nanaimo ........ 1,960 BOA Jan ; ‘ ckenuastons. Lot 649 . ; | Sheet Metal Works ace {Chilliwack City .. 307 616 {22ers 2 tent Chickmunsion, Frection, Lat 444 Well fl ita for ‘McC lary F urn . iSkeena Crocsing.. 6 " — rs au ne Bay i if 1@. re . ; RPA ds oc clan ¢ 690 175 limes } : 1 Ray paar tog ; Sanitary and } ANNULMENT OF MIXED =|", see SOE Stet i ah oseite 0 Ta Heating Engineers ; FOSLONM «+ 4 9: F mem Lew : il, Lot 994 Sth Street and Fraser Street} MARRIAGES DECLARED {ivs0" O8 ---- fle meme les. an Sen ies s EAs Dei RLU wc eee! ene Prince Rupert - - - - B.C. a F : noms & : ILLEGAL AND IMMORAL Porrven 8 maton: gesrotihih “eeginda aus: ne ony ot antl: ©. “dil oa ba Bees rns BED so 2 4% - if W. 5 FINNER, Cotector WIXIPEG. Oct. 214. rhe it. hlackwater o. wae o é 6 Y ed eS eae 69 iS © ! nt f mixed marriages by! 7 on : a eee ee Variety of Plants 3. ts of Quebec wap de [HOUSOR.....+-+.. 28 ____ in bloom arrived end as -itlewal-end-e4ubence| oe Cee -:- $0 ! CHICKENS & BROILERS th ral.life of the:nation, in|po™™ Pees ---- a aS | | aoe Oe martha af Seneion: PO olionweed +...) 2. 8 Ss ass ie : CITY MARKET R.BeOpTe By tae SRS Patia 4.0RO 1c cede 2 1 { { ooes . service of the eM it ; 0 j 2 CENTS PER yt IN ADVANCE. No Advertisement Taken for Lees than SOc j 116, 564,8 te ey mnniteniatnne £h h of England in Canada, Redsione ...%..- 1° Oo 8 ett f A. G. GRAY STRIKES ALL OVER epee 3s o> ‘oe oh as wantse FOR SALE--A good bargain 2% ins. by 4 Albert ms e ° pee as i illiams Lake ... ‘2 ‘ aAdaviices ited te eas Rooming bouse, sixteen roome list of expens . Li Teacher of Piano LETHBRIDGI Oct 0) The Rleechers ....... 7 6) ; wi 1On end pool room, Good location eash ac tof ¥ . ¢ snl ‘ ipher nan 1 ilution Studio 127 Second Avenue ‘lt the mines along the! merase Creek... 10 . ret 835 Second Avenue. Phone 557.) Keward. Phone ts Naat P Vere and PMOMne boss weeks 38 18, in city. Applications to be made —$—$——— $$ | —— PHONE Sine st sad 444 j is 7 ; ea E yet ‘Bers ; . Btanley .o5. see 13 1 in own handwriting to box 126 -0n SALE Piano. very ood FOUND eee - ape Mad. eS {Wellington ...... Us 27 Daily News oflice tf condition, reasonable. Phone Pe r Grande Prairie ... {2 4 VANTED——Young English girl to Care en 296 605 Thompson 8, | FCUND at = : Midway «...+++:- 5Y 7 ; Piggy cor wer Siaas off 6th Avenue, slicker cape i" ou J. Nesbit G. Clark [Port Moody ..... 153 00 bs with housework, Sleep cpbetaapeeie * iene id olin out Apply Mra. BE. A, Wake Pon SALA ine set double C. (. & N N, CLEANING AND egetow 00-4: 72 48] . StuionGonatite. "| “npr nm tayo dake one| POUND A vite 0 ac 16 o- open arate stove and pipes PRESSING PARLORS [Asherott Ba tare ih Bt dasuiee aia. sien, te, Phone Hed 508. — “ fen t LopGe MEETINGS 130 130 Bighth S Street - Pri tec ls Hache .... z8 1] 127 Daily News office. 48 FOR SALE OR LEASE—Job print- DER Ol - nce Rupert, B.C. ls ac a ‘ Lom 1084 LOYAL OR t pert, iMmithers ........ 139 aD) poe GALR ing business end plent. For ee a Repair Work and Alterations a Specialty JANYOX 2.2+++2006 282 - 81 “ oe! particulars apply Daily News : vening al the De Luxe Ha Our Motto: ‘'To Give Customers Satisfaction”’ ea a a ; rOR SALE Or will trade for ap onen ~~ 4 TION fo or ni Prompt Attention Phone 563 IHape .., ee 103 | proved elose-in Prince Rupert) von BALA Old newspapers, 25¢ ve ' 2) 4 yer etter kr " ¢ +N yr? °° mat mat 4 . eo. Clark, Manager, b r | wna Nobby Ms Hardville cee iR4 39 real il a turge bundle, News office, Uf) eHOnTHAND ~ ‘TYPES VIN lTalkwa 83 (8 The fast run-about launch ] : : rlemearaan : l Alice fiat te ir ae ‘0 : Keh either with or without FOR BALE liaby carriage and agg ” ' a i > tn me's Z ° engine bi ermalen Phone Hed B24, if oe ane ree Pom Port Kasington .. 25 8 si centsciieeaal enced teach Ir . One firet-clase marine en FOR SALE—Safe, Price $125 struction, ensuring | est oO me unc PRINCE R PER a f t.clase laree row boat News oflice tf sulle, Kats reasot , ' ne erste “ ve row pon Qeetemreetamndine> cnaamememeneiil Newa alice. 4 ALL WHITE HELP 1 f)__¥. mu. Stephon, Phone tee, | _ On aa pies mamma Pee eAle O.B. U. G.-P. R. FARM LANDS-—The rie? PURCHASER WILL BAVE #5,.00.00 On HENTHeoam with soared a ees tole e : prairies of Alberta, Sask Westholme Special Mrs. Rose Henderson One 20 h. p. heavy duty N, & Apply Mea, W ilieox (upstairs wan and Manitoba are espec! il Montreal, | §. engine price $2,200.00, The 726 I raser Street. 47 ly enited for mixed farming will speak in the M'latyre Hall, | price ofthis engine has gone up Se ee ee ee \ ® ; teae hie Three Course Meal - from 45c up rday, Oct. 23, 6 p.m. 1 “$500.00 since wo bought this POR iii Ni Furnished room, Land that will pre du ~ Subj ect, “The One Big oe thaM@aat We have at contral location, Phone Green| erops of grain and fod lor U f Cavitalis rom the faetory. We have a 40) pa ‘4 for dairying oF an” of Capitalism. | on hand” hop, N. & 8. enwines,| * 6": tf) well adapte till be on, | ane Dp. 5, Sy) . . n ati a Renny, D604, ROS p- mm. | price for same complete, $200, OW HEN'T."Two furnished rooma pean alas’ qvernging about THEO COLLART, N ta P bli Sub or Women, Past Prines Rupert Cigar Store. near Dry Dock, Phone Red 259° 818.00 an acre, with twenty Olary rubic pest, (oman, | Phone Blue #4, f| ee tee Ce tee vag wish. Onl} i —- ~ — - ————— - nee omen | ft ara ‘ i * ( : POR SALE CORNER LOTS on 14th Street and Second Avenue, Avspices Ladies Aux.,.0. 8. U. POR SALE. Four drays in first ea’ 1y box ‘20 Dally Nowa. mi 10 per cent down wo a f ea ection Two 1 OO cash. ree % : . : OO : yrinoipal un EDSON COAL FOR SALE —|ose $12.50, Sacked Lump $14.00 OPEN FORUM | Glass shage and two express | eo RENT Sinmetied’ teem | payment on the | seas (eee per ton delivered Sunday, Oct. 24, at 8 p.m. wagons, hese wagons are “4 LPT TOK “n.) the end of the four ih 4 Most Liberal MARINE INSURANCE on the Coaat sf Subject, good and will be sold for any! _ Phone Hive 504, a a6) sixteen annual payments Be Nee Insurance Company of North America. Pays Claims promptly International Politics’ reasonable offer, Apply ¥.| LosT terest 6 per vent ee lway Collection to defray expenses ae : : 3 Beaty is eT ; Canadian Pacific Hailw ¥ P. 0. Box 66 Westholme Theatre fiock Phone Blue 69 McINTYRE HA( L Hweeney, Ivanhoe Hotel, Main ran, Car 0 | an —— | treet, Vancouver. |LOST L eather cove oad: note book | Btation, Vancouver, B. t i : wae} ‘a aa Cleaned a! Steam es Our Prt Reasnw lee nd . Deliver! LING TA syiTH 0 meind * PLU enoitll Fatin ates i) address srd of Reco phone 174 Phone a Vy, Aucli Auditor *