BS rket tl. ese teTU DODO OIA ION, Dressed Beef aur ealkley Valley FJ, FRIZZELL 5 10, ont htering. Ship- nek Now arriving + from the stock . 185 Marko 25, Fultor Northern and Te ~ PRINGE RK oal Miners Strike : WER OLIVER SAYS ELECTION PRINCE a Central British Columbia’s Newspaper - tp} ny 14. ¢ ii) Y. OCTOBER 22. 1920. Che Daily News Vestorday’s Circulation 1,600. PPL mm nee olf Coaali Mong. "a » A-f iszu g » TAXI TAXI Phone 75 WE NEVER SLEEP Prince Rupert Auto 707 Second Ave. - Prince Kupert > Street Gales 268. PRICE “FIVE CENTS t Centre of Stage WILL BE SOON BUT NO DATE YET SET ion of Railwaymen Makes Sirike Settlement Difficult er L! loyd George says negot: jations were under way when indiscreet action was taken; discussions may be resumed tree " CANON SCOTT ARRIVES TODAY Genial Chaptain was Given Recep- tion When He Stepped off Princsss Mary. ‘ v pe Secretary Makes ° Mayer D = /% i Provision for Emergency ©. »« nes Camp, wane th wipes and Jim tet | to Ruin all aie us Withdrawa! of Men;)4« the Ganon stepped off tl | made to German Miners by British Labor aree 2 ee ea : : . Indian Doctor Proache CLOSING DOWN WHERE c be TWO STATIONS EXIST EL ECT iON ee , 4 | One Depot at einai Prince Al- a bert, Moose Jaw, Portage la t for Tomorrow ., ae = : | Prairie, Yorkton and sior will ; 7 m i i Battleford. ’ 2 i 7 i y 4 ‘ vl Jaw . ! \ “ , : ‘Ibert i i i n ‘ i here I i Owl ' | t bi i all worl Ledules and WIRELESS STATION se Pes Rupert le a BEEN DISMANTLED | | Beacon Established at Entrance to BIRTHS Masset tnict on Straic Islets. - : VORP OPC G, ~» \ \ Mr. and Mrs naw loan tion : i | Nu Ave lel. ge ; i ol ! uN erday B — 3 \ t Ike Bay \ Mr. and Mrs B ek $i) ‘ ; 1. j Whe . Hiv! 12 Basil St ; wey a) he ? oe tie 1 NOTICE , ‘ h ta 2 j s i “ \ irgea { ! | \ A cae ie aa es) an late. ; i i i \ | : tk é Ore ; | Meb. 1 NTER, & E | CANON SCOTT H ‘*Canada’s New Outlook’”’ HEAD OF CANADIAN NATIONAL > silway. \ Na ul Re Officers Elected for. Athletic Associa‘ior | New Directors open seastn with money in the bark; ft lars for Season discussed last n ight resident of the Canadian a clezen sheet anc R ert Amat Athiet Ass ; f ; - ris. re - 4 dix - e it ‘ £ : ‘ or ne ft Ming SZ,132 , the s ii i erating : 1 j Iprove 6 s ‘ heat- vaths ane l> f ! “li ordet rhe new the financial . ¥ phys- \\ t ind financing 1 i = ‘ i ‘ ‘ : the < d Mioncy in Bank, fi j hey M M was is the v that eady bren e and sug- . vf : t? t manace- ing i : ' y ar could be ‘ - wees and other events s ink « vd dl commercial Bets doing this, * ' they 1 vet a lease of] ud ‘ seas i ; . fee was dis- | - L.0.D.E. G.W.V.A, UNDER AUSPICES of and Come and Hear Canada’s Soldier Padre Theatre, Friday, Oct. 22, AT 9 P.M Col. Cy. Peck, V.C., M.P. One Dollar Empress Chairman Adniission’ - - < = =) ©) @ eh a’ icussed at some Péemies Declares Election Very Soon Private Mectings of supporters of the big parties have been held in Van- couver preparing slates {cr coming contest oo | MILNER, 22 Premier but October ——Inu a three-hour speech before a large dience, John Oliver declared there would be an elec very seen, as yet no date had been decided After expressing surprise at fhe result of the ; iseile, Mr. Oliver said government contro] would mean that the money heretofore sent out of the province would now be kept within a] in nindaries He ans need that he bimself voted prohibition VANCOUVER, Oct. 22.—Election mors are already giving place q referendum results im the assaa public interest. Both the major » parties have been holding private France's New Premier was Presi- dent*Millerand’s Fifth Choice. to getting Everywhere the Liberals are expressing them- selves as confident that the Gov- ernment will be returned with a good majority. These who are |Preater of Franee. Aceording to not allied with either of the po-|the “Matin,” the Freneh litieal parties say there is noth |ehip Was deelined SUgeseivs ing else to do but return the preg *M- bhopiteau, mrmister mt Government. }M. Steez, minister of the interior; and M. Jonnart before M. Miller meetings wilh a view out strong = slates. M. Georges Le yeuecs has Decome premior- ly by of justice; i and offered it to M. Leyeues. Our ‘NO CARS $9 THERE Paris correspondent has said thal WAS N9 FISH SALE it was also offered to M. Briand, , Bi 2 M. Leygues is M. Millerand’s } nee fifth choice. This newillingness | Wearly 200,009 Pounds of Fish i j.. aecept the post om M. Miller- Again Tied up at the and's conditions suggests that the Fish Wharves. apparent desire of the 1 j wee dent to be his own prime minister Phe were 2 refrigerator is not wniversaily eapooseg It is for the arrivals posted at the most be the first ti in the bis Fis Exchange this morning 80 tory of the Third rope publ that a sale has been held over until prime minister bas been appoint- mnorrow imerting when 4hree ad on tie condition of taking over cars a reported toa be arriving. af} bit predecessor's colleagues, Phe only sale was the Jean which which means in effect that all the svld 300 pounds of salmon to the ministers are directly chosen by Atlin Fisheries at 16c and Se. The the president of the republie. Al- st being halibut beats have been though he has held offi Six 1 over, times-——on the first océ@asion in F¢ wing are the arrivals list-|the Charles Depuy Cabinet of 1804 d today: Tom and Al, 50,000 Ibs.;tand on the last oecasion in the iLineo! 10,000; Washington. 20,-/)Clemeneceau cabinet of 1947 he 000: Ju 11,000; White Star, has never been in the front rank 11.000; Star, 10,000; Helena, 10.-lof French p i s and was (000: Brothers, 10,000; Lancing, |never looked upon as likely to bee 0 one Procress, 6.000 Fanny fcome prime minister or minister and Pair of Jacks, 7,000/of foreign affairs, still less both & rat once PREPARE TO INVADE SMITHERS BOY IS NORTHERN OIL FIELD GIVEN LONG TERM stdtitctent Gok, Sane alia AT OKALLA PRISON partics will feave Edmonton aa he new off flelds on the Matkenzie! Normatr Kitson a Ben s : e nentenced to s {8 tiver by dog team in order to youth, wa t lt : sta in advance Other pros- ths at Okalla Prison Farm on peetors will travel by the river |"VPearns before Judge Young ‘ the spring as soon as the/#? evening session of the cour ; out jlast night Evidence was given ce goes oO : nf sedi ale eanenibainalh Iby Constable Jobm Kelly of Male and Female,” one of the|Smithers, 2 to. th a ? af lmost interesting and gorgeous the boy and his breaking jail pict ver produced at the /bwiee, on one occasion! king an vietures eve produ Westholme tonight and tomorrow, ther prisoner with him rhe eajizd was clearly shown to have A short time Young feriminal tendene! gen-j; length, the feo he was befor ude Lop “ gt it wi now | eral opinion bein hat it As no! shareeé with theft ae let. oui tuo high. The new president said ke this association on suspended sapped, he oped m vn u a sal The case was short a beld ie lee x sports organization in le teacing 7 : : ~~ between (he arrival of the in at the city rhey had a good gymh- ; : i® o'elock and the arture of the nasium and baths and they want- : : ‘ rT ‘ ted He did Prince ¢ ze al Inight. Con. rT get iterested. , fi : ed to .s oegey eee et $ istable K continued the journey net want the dues to keep people south, taking the boy to prinon oul, A number of young men had| eae ; already signified their intention There will be one show only at tef joining J. Day Bell, W. ©. the Empress Theatre tonight, Fulton, J. GO, Beady and a number commencing at 7.80 sharp and of others took part in the dis-/finishing in time for Canon Scott's ssion but it was finally left to lecture at 9 o’cf@ck. the new board of direetors to for- — mulate a policy | B.C, Undertakers, Phone 41, SE OOS OO ot e