ee ; . THE DAILY ST ws “~“ge 8 eo = a ne —_-= — yay ay / fn Dany News | FRE OFTERRGLE MUCH TRAVEL , PRiLSCE RUPERT - BRITYSH COLUMBIA EL: ‘ Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by The News LONDON- PARIS | Printing and ee Co., Third Avenue. H. F, PULLE&N, MANAGING EDITOR. BY AER \OPLANE i ye or ne a ee ee After Three Years of oe: > ‘ 4 J ES" Brought Relle : SUBSCRIPTION RATES: a xe =A T EV) rought Re City Delivery, by carrier or mail, per month ............ $4.00. ‘During 18 Woeks Air Service Carried 3,600 Passengers Between Two Capitals. PRINCE of WALES, fe By mail to all parts of the British Empire and the United States, &5 i) QGUVANCGE, PEF YOR 2 ccc c a cbeceweeswessetecsedecs $6.00. al To all other countries, in advamee, per‘year ............ $7.50. LONDON CH EWIN SG TOBACCO Cet IE OSES * TELEPHONE 98. x ae Contract Rates on Ay ,«.Géetion, | a oy ae All advertising should be in the Daily Wews Office on day pre- | ; ceding publieation All advertising recefved subject to approval. | ‘ I { - ibe a! i ne ae In ¢ ‘ / DAILY EDITION, aren Friday, October 22, 1920. Hien ts ’ Reorganization of _— ’ , 1 . , nictriow ; Athletic Association. MADAME HORMIDAS FOISY ; ‘ The Prince Rupert Amateur Athletic Association elected ne | eh rhe P \ ie \ , n electe w 624 umplain St., Montreal. i ex t i officers tast geht and starts off the season with every pros; ; $y At « he officers and directors are voung men who art “Por three years, I was ill and =“ ; not only erested eport b who themselves take part ' exhausted and I suffered constantly A ee ‘+ game et tivities, ‘They have energy and are men of from Kidney Trouble and Liver Disease ; f i vers De high standing ithe sport world rhey should get the undivided My ‘health was miserntle and . il ie sii pelt Ola Uae nothing in the way of medicine did ' m Tanase aa ey hbiélite far ihe new directom to work) See good. Then I startedtouse | !! : her ‘ es ane ; . : s out as they w he looked to im connection with the arrangeme : Daan 2 and the eifect was | entinmns' te 4 rs — +4 , > - A | for all important events They can, we think, depend trpon the rey. ; . il Ka Law ' . ails hail } I began to improve immediately [1.0 ® ra . support if the o ‘ peopie, lw are 4 al eeing some. - ‘ - a 7 pt m7 Ry nnd this woncerfil fruit medicine entirely i lal increwse ir ‘ —- abl. 3 this sort prospr restored me tohealth, Alithe old pains, pring and oO OOe OF COS CST ESE 1 Prepare Now for headaches, indigestion and con. gle Lowes “ MLiL SONEDULE . 73) Winter Skating. sUipation were relieved and once more y seven gui eee ee ete eee eeeee Whilqa we do not get much weather in this citv snitable for I was well. I de aire Fer the East. . | ] ; skating, if is usual for the thermometer to drop below the freezing _Toall who suffer from Indigestion, [tion tial a pe Serre ‘ondgrs, Wednesdays and Sat. ’ a r poi nt for WEEK wo some time during the winter and thus Constipation, Rheumatic Pains or i - . e tha a ad sf at 30 7) 8. Th, i make it poss e to skate. The nearest point is at the Salt Lake sees Futignue, 2 advise the use of | Passenger Planes. i ‘| across the harbor. Frebotiver Specially a mt From the East. j Last vear was decided to make a skating pond by damming Madame HORMIDAS FOISY. rupee r' 7 Sundays, Tuesdays and Thurs. j Morse Creek The work did not commence, however, until after S0c.a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size Me. | ; wer days at 7 p.m } Q ALI , the frost commenced and the result was that the work was un-| At all dealers or sent postpaid by re a U I Y satisfactory. The pond still exists only in the imagination _Fruite-tives Limited, Ottawa, Ont. , - For Vancouver and South. ———_— be The cost of k g skating pond at this point would not TROMED "rE ae) : “ war ' ip.n Fe 3 be large and would be a great boon to those who are fond of : ine ‘ ' ee ! fi p.t j sh ° skating lt is s ear that all we d he able to use it and if snow SUITCASES ar wv une : i po. r avne bay came it could kept clear much more easily than the lake across oo nw it 5 | , ao o cise en ere eae Seal RIO fhe coe on oa ie, the frost mmenees t will be too ty and gl nae . ora q te t Af 9 HANDBAGS : : on ' &) « ‘ wm te “ oe No Long Waits sone f 136 < at F y 4 Beuth tvere ti es rom Vancouver an uth. 3 At Jasper Junction. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL 3) eeneers inset ‘0 ” lie - There are to be no long waits for the train at Jasper. That = dated it ae " oo oa . p.m Dental Nur = is the announcement made by the railway company. The trai: ‘ “iy adde« tie : ee . - ~~ i Phone i Sill bot 4tb for mace than Pec hours evaiting the Wancemeer|| ac At MaRUCINTEMMICM o ones, = van | section but w proceed if the other is late rhat is good news. }3 rnd te ‘ int 2 . ; Rooms 4, 5, 6, Hi a . a : ‘\$ 722 Second Ave., Prince Rupert oF lctober: | , 4 but s hardly good enough [wo hours is a long time to wait!* ; is witle wick ‘ : > i . ‘ . Hest Equippe 5 4 ef for the \ conver I It is to be hoped that in the verw pear iphinthneniinantientt siapemmenaed anutranemn TOR 14 t fart ‘ Y ‘4 future the r way company will see fit to give Prince Rupert its bee a0977 » dee ¥ \“ f ed own thr h t p r com th v a la, Oe re oe i T " vor Rayer ond Giles Arm - 2a. ; g ’ “senge = . Tr ng I< \ 4 r Ts aa o r ne Ceaistats Mate hel 10 chkade tnd we aie-dnforaned. thet e' Guede) . PRINCE RUPERT TIDES * ; Pe are - ‘@ oon ra a ee ee nar : and we are mlormet Co ~ nm m0 ese eneeseeetaeveenes ] ‘ ‘ er ee Who jeave ie ncouver train is abways ltarger than the number Law we 7 + : ' 7 Fri b > , ~ i who remain in it. Why make a branch of the Ime which does ‘ reg Te - ‘ ef ‘ to Le I From & B A bi the business and try to make the branch into a main line? Here ee ‘ in ag ‘i ; i; 4 get, this nev f ' < oe punitive,” ae GRAN le is a new port where the railway can operate without cempetitior sc ii a ae ifast fi : ne . ty " a 2 : ; : w, 3:41 a.m. 7.7 feet ' ufsdays , rage The wise policy would seem to be to try to build up their own oie ' 0.41 femt rney int : . ; : = ik La RINCE GEORG Fl orl instead of making an effort to take siness fr »C.P nas ee a Phat thes fa : r Ss; 5. r : J lal ’ ike business from the C. P. R. | Saturday, October 23. roe : For Port Simpson, Arrandale, Mili ; A SAIL , ae os ) i es e appre ‘ om ar . : Falling Pricx |} High, 10:30 a.m., 18.2 feet ; Say, Wales isiand and Naas River 1 j ; i ail owe s shown by fis ‘ , Midnight Thursda 3 in Great Britain. 22:48 p.m., 17.7 feet. roa get : . ‘ ‘ 19 p.m 9 7 . z I The matter of prices is being discussed in Great Britain and Low, 4:8 a , 7-3 feet 0 * ‘ end — 1) p.m AN Wednesday 10 ¢ wey the general! opinion is that they will come dewn The following ! , " 1.6 feet a3 7 : ; " , C PRINCE ALBERT i ; z ! hat 1 | ; ollo gE . aitieas ry . SS. PRINCE JOHN OR i, ; is from an editorial in the London Times: he time used Is Pactfic Stan.) "ene! oe Prom Pt. Simpoce, Arvandale, Gil ‘ Sunday 9p." bo, “The plein but unpalatable truth of the situation is that dard, for the 120th Meridian west , ; . , Bay, Wales isiand and Naas River ’ tf i ' 7 ’ UY prices of commodities have reached a level which the existing|!t #8 counted from 0 to 24 hours , _—s a volume of credit, or buying power, is unable to maintair Prices from midnight to midnight . : ” . oa : e ae must fall. The credit position is fully extended, A further resort The table given is for Port/“’'" ; TRAIN SERVICE a " to inflation for the purpose of enlarging it would only aggravate |S!mpson but the time for Prince|"’ rem ’ Queer Cirerioctte istandes Monday, Wednesday and Saturday Be +f ps a disease from which the whole world is trving to recover. Proot *upert varies only a few minutes ' . For Massett, Port Clements and ” of the ct that prices have outstripped buving po ote te 9 m some days and on others is Upper Isiand potote rt :y ving powe >» be ; va i ‘ found not only in the diff vy of obtaiming fresh credit. but the same. The range of the tide , ' "4 All O 9 ' bta > cea the warehousing of high-priced goods which ¢annot be sold. If )™ay be computed as 5 per cent ' Agency , ‘ ! ‘ om Mw ‘ Por . r inform these goods were sold the credits which are immobilized in them sreater at Prince Rupert than at nm Masset. Port Clements and ee ce Oca 8 would be neleased-and the banks would be able to lend the money | Port Simpson both at springs and Ss 2 r Upper Island points again. Obvidousiy, therefore, the solution of the nresent nosition |BCaps. Therefore the rise in the j iys a. ia, +e hee : : : . iS 6 BE 10U8d In a reduction in prices, which will applw a fresh Prince Rupert harbor is alyehtis T y A stimulus to demand.” ; oe greater than Port Simpson. _ Sane > { “or Bkidewate, Queen Charlotte = ~ . i The hateit 1a in Sect-and tenths in rence uper { City and Lower Island points ADIAN PACIFIC RAIL of feet above the average level of) : &, 18; Oetober 2, 16 . ? ‘ lower low water _ October 22. 1810 ! Teh ooKAN eERviol ‘ . : Om 10 LW +} La | h Dr. H.W. Crippen has be | oie eomamena ream O88 , es ~~, “tenes i feat 7 I From Skidegate. Queen Chariotte PAC { Sernice , pant l oO me unc ote? j ; } ea is ity and Lower Island points ory beak B. r. Coast Steamsh p - Under New Management a 4o 7} ne |} i ‘ i tember 44, 28; October 12 —_——_—_—_- ae ae euneted o wisl ‘ SS MARY ALL WHITE HELP TIMBER SALE X 23264. la WOH 8.8 pRanvess vem worince nenet on pt : Seated tenders “w i he reenived Dy the rt ‘ieee : fer Ketchinen, duneeu, Breewer an Gi. dae at Deameuee ’ aa fe ere “1 ' For nae and the Yukon um prince weet . ion Licence X 24,7 t Sit ry ! r ’ ' ' : ‘ ‘7 2°49 October for Vancouver Wicvor * es © e ecia feet of Spruce, Cedar and Hemiock ON white pect hy hewn hee ; ‘ S : : m NG 1 in ljoiming Lot 1936, Serwyn intet,| ""! ' : ow 1 ud over r4 eeu BeaTRiCs oe uf Netrict curred ; os ' we “me , Three Course Meal fs fies was e anes tor t Havingion as) ag a can a ree urse Meal - from 45c up moval of timber. beet: Hooded, the railway ‘tine t a ee ee Pea from Prines Mupert tor Swanton Ooh ver and victor Purther parti lars Of the Chief Forester, |} op fam me the ¢ rant Reptember 40, 24: October 4 Seaver Gove, Powel! Miver, ¥* ; Victoria, B r District Forester, Prines| Cem damaged and the te : , Srery Saivedsy, * | Hupert, B. ¢ line is dead ; ot ind vi ber oO ; + os. werd * — : Sor rata, revervs Agent —- = OHARD Genere (] —= - | The Keien Island Club gave ttewart, Mapie Bay and Swamp Ww. 0. OF t Prinee Ruperts 8 ; fee “HE | Very successful damee laxt night Point. Cor 3rd Avenue and 4th Stree . The committee m ebat ne For-—-Saturdesye ...... 9 $.%% fiprised A. George, Fred Stork, A. J ! iB days ..eesaee p.m. f e e Morri«, G, A. Sweet, TR. Ha iy 4. Kk. MeMaster and F. G. Dawson There may be something you J. Nesbit Prince Rooms 7 and 8 8 ‘Smith Block eiations, oor at, Kinungit aarud ; | PRESSIN ie Mun Se Pr ERT LA fjstations, one at Khungit Island | i pO and the ither at the t uth TERRACE - | DEN | IS | | YY Haseverything to | _Pame we fe ae do with your suc- |f|, The Princets Beatrice called | ANG 2 OWN -OC8 Our Motto: **To G your suc Hituday southbound from Bkasway Town | ferrece--B100 te 9800 ee es | ; | Dentist. — If] “The announcement is mate bt|-iaieennttenetnmasnesditeeetemenatana ( & N CLEA cess--your person- wey term vith a number of outeoming clowe to Town 6180 to Geo. Clark, Manager, better! ° ality---your appearance and your good health depend J /Kiondykers. Among them wer #300 ver "et Se ees onl a n0ee i upon your teeth. You cannot afford to neglect sucha Wiiiiy sume y. De Mactacinne, Ls easy lost, 0! Ant #08 Ber Rex LART, Ne tary rl nee ig $ i 7 GROG, eerariant ‘ “al valuable asset. [William Scouse, Harry Herset r a lan : Ss 2 . ne ont THEO COLLART, 0 } | _ ‘\ | LOW PRICES--- Best materia] money can buy. iberg, John Black and George th ruts tem . good well and aprine —-ER LOTS 0 hs | PERSONAL ATTENTION AND ProMP?r SERVICE will insure the BEST RESULTS. [f| Bleck al! of Lawson City Ts — BALE 0 $1100.00 © ao. Sache! yap — = I Remember my address, Rooms 7 and 8 Smith Block | Pshoa't hediove tina tery odie Kenney Bros. & Co. EDSON COAL FOR ce on 2 OM Lad Assi tan 1Mg ; . “oo : a) " ’ ery ’ e { Oe Office Hours y - fs Open Evenings e cate oe = i Real Eetate Brokers. Most Liberal une North Amerie® hd . : There's | dity and Tradition neurance Company 0 d at 9—12; 1—6; 7—9 Phone 575 Sunday by Appointment land coe re ‘eaato and Terrace - - B.C. P 6 =f r Westholme Theatre Block sci eee a ee - jFemate at the Westholme, |! | ame soe . : *