7 eee eee 7" TNE DAILY NEWS THE DAILY NEWS PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by The News Printing and Publishing Co., Third Avenue. * -H. F. PULLEN, MANAGING Eprror. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: City Delivery, by carrier or mail, per month ........4... $4.00 By mail to all parts of the British Hmpire and the Unatted States, | in QGdVANCE, POT YOAT ... 1. cr recvecenessecse io b00 06 6 OOUUe To all other countries, in advance, per year ............ $7.50. TELEPHONE 98. Transient Display Advertising $1.25 per inch each insertion Transient advertising On front page ......... + $2.00 per inch. Local Readers, per insertion, ....... cceesvecs BOG, per fine. Classified advertising, per insertion, .......... . 2e. per word. Legal Notices, each insertion, .......-5-. ide. per agate line. Gontract Rates on Ay plication. All advertising should be in the Daily News Oflice on day pre- ceding publication. All advertising received subject to approval. DAILY EDITION, What Will Young People Do in Life? What will young people do in life? What do you expect axis Saturday, October 23, 1920, Bn ‘FREE OF TERRIBLE KIDNEY TROUBLE After Three Years of Suffering, | “FRUIT-A-TIVES” Brought Relief r MADAME HORMIDAS FOISY 624 Champlain St., Montreal. “Por three years, I was ill and exhausted and I suffered constantly from Kidney Trouble and Liver Disease. My health was miserable and SE rete, 1 GRANBY GETS "MUCH COPPER Not Quite as Much in September tA as Previous Months, says Report , s |\CONCENTRATOR MAY BE ERECTED AT ANYOX MACDONALD'S Cut Brier More Tobacco for the Money Canada’s best buy- Che Granbw Consolidated Min ing, Sinelline & Pow Company produced 280.174 pounds if coppe n Se; ' i 1 report received y Walt INicholls & Gompany, says Spokane Spokesman-Keview lhis conmparab h iii ) jpounds in August and 2,400.0 CoO t in July A tal ssued in New He : c 1 ,bae iYork shows that the j wiuetion in The « every month but one of the ¢ CF irent year Was in Ss rT 2,00 1000, while six onth f 1019 were below the lalthough one 1 tl “a L000 000 Half Year's Profit the ECONOMY Package ‘21-85% PELESTOUECORUUDDEEUUR ELLER Ocs=es= a your boys and girls to be? Are they being educated for the work | nothing in the way of medicine did |. The report they expect to take up? These are questions for all parents to) me any good. Then I started to use (siates that a net proill answer. Most girls nowadays learn some business or profession) ‘Fruit-a-tives’ and the effect was (Was obtained after tl - we on ‘ Sr 5oSssS=> by which they can earn money for themselves. A girl should remarkable. [ay Snares, but not of t Sy 2 eV mee ANEUEUL SEMEN ND tee yO gp be none the worse fe or mother for having been a good stenog- I began to improve immediately [six months ended on June 30 rapher, teacher, sales girl or telephone operator, She may take and this wonderful fruit medicine entirely (1m the six thonths ended I) ea ——— up a musical career or go in for.one of the learned professions. restored me to health, Atithe old pains, [ember 31, 1919, the gross fila;* * ee ae ee oe ee ee But after all the life work of the average girl will be housekeeping headaches, indigestion and con- [were 8599,487 and the MAIL SCHEDULE . and raising a family. Most girls marry and most of those who| Stipationwererelievedandoncemore ($59,900, according to a rep convener seeedes marry have children. The normal girl likes children and looks I was well. , i Concentrator Proposed For the East. 4 forward to having some of her own. To what extent are the) To all who suffer from Indigestion, From an unofiicial sourt Mondays, Wednesdays ana Sat. girls being educated in the art and science of caring for children? | Constipation, Rheumatic Pains of [learged that < th mpany has ordaye at 10:30 a.m. The man who employs a stenographer must be assured that she - sa Fatigue, 4 advise the use of [eonsidered the installation at ili is.able to do the work, that she is accurate and can write so many} Ftit-s-tives’. é jAnyex, B.C., of a concentrating From the Eact »- Of... words a minute and transcribe neatly and correctly. There are Madame HORMIDAS FOISY. plant having a capatity { ys Thurs- other things iso to be learned if a good job is to be obtained. | 50e.a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size 25c. i ne datly Its et is at “ dave at 7 p. QT IAI : Y Phe gr test vocation in the world is that-of raising one’s; At all dealers or sent postpaid by #1,000,0 own children. The average girl goes into the profession with) Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa, Ont. i ’ 2a ha . For Vancouver and South. ame very little training and with no guarantec that she cah do the |Q) i i al eal fi ] Bic a oe tes eas os i p.n work successfully or even that she understands the rudiments of iy yt Dorn it ph . {1 p.t the work. The resull is easily seen, SUITCASES ! AN 6 ; { p.m. r. ayne wt tes TRUNKS |i ccmsnne: forse in a = Educating the Boy? § ‘ ‘ { OFFICE HO IRS The boy is going to be an engineer. He is apprenticed to HANDBAGS und N i Worsing, 9 to 12; Mlernoon, 1.30 to 5.30, Saturdays, $ tn! the work after having completed, perhaps, a mathematical school Ae nt pa snd make a \ ' ge Every Evening from 7.30 to § education. He is taught everything necessary and he in time WHOLESALE AND RETAIL inal t nf e tl te oe Vancouver ane Sawn. bachaead a ieditey ta bts geotension. incidantalty tie takes ep tae mee . Sundays . .+--++-++++. 10 p.m. Dental Nurse in attendance greatest duty of life. He gets married. In these days there are veapecenys +09 SO Pt 1 : none 109 for appointment few servants. People must do their own housework. There are J F MAGUIRE Ore in Sight . a | ~ times in married life when the man has to do the work of the ae a ere eyt Rooms 4, 5, 6, Helgerson Bik., Cor. ord ar house. What does he know about it? Can he cook? Is he able 722 Second Ave., Prince Rupert 2 ; . - re “4 . : october |f B + : ped Off ashi te N thern B.C to carry on while his wife is laid up. If not, what is going ON cain aid i Be A iat a: A 8 i se aie ; h, - { an n 8 4 ee “ag ee happen? These are questions to seriously consider. It seems : alt AS ‘ . - et PO oe eee eeeaveen d ‘a re as if there should be an examination in household science for|< ° @|copp i ’ eve. Hinges Aue Anen Ree rs every person contemplating matrimony. PRINCE RUPERT TIDES i ‘ oes 10 Dm ; (eee eee ee ee meee ee Seni & Ne ore, ei Wednesdays ....... .o. 9 DEM Every Man and Saturday, October 23. bout 1.25 pe ut coy nl . : ‘ Woman Shouw'd Marry. | High, 10:30 a,m., 18.2 feet. | reported meee eae | From Anyox and Alice Arm. ely Canadian National Rail The mari ed life is the natural life. Every young man and| 22:48 p.m., 17.7 feet. jhave been lynited rem ' PUORGRRA. nn 4k ones 6o00 450 a.m, woman should marry. Those who do not are apt to become} Low, 4:8 a.m., 7.3 feet |No. 1 ore, bubthe No, 2 would eo ere ee er ee p.m, TRUNK different. We sometimes hear it said that old maids are cross, | 16:53 p.am., 7.6 feet. jcome available after 11.9 S S PRINCE GEO aa it oe true. Bachelors have not carried out the natural} Sunday, Uctober 24. ition. The tio of mm : For Port Simpson, Arrandate, Mill * PAL oo. RAILAN( siiteel ife work. All should marry, but all should be educated for| High, 11:9 a,m.,,19.2 feet ould be about 10 to 1 ~ Ba in ren vy, s ated fo gh, 9 a,m.,,19.2 feet. y, Wales isiand and Naas River. or Swanson Bay ean Fails marriage. It is no wonder that marriage is often a failure, eon- 23:35 p.m., 18.7 feet, | estimat Phis al - WEieidet ik aon Midnight Thureday for Swanson | sid the haphazard manner in which the duties are under-| Low, 4:56 a.m., 6.8 feet. save much smelting hieh iq ys , ; {1 pan. ANYON Wednesday 10 p. ™. siten Pe 17:37 p.m., 6.4 feet. lentails a b i aap se “ a SS. PRINCE JOHN OR PRINCE ALBERT Sunday Sermon on | The time used is Pactic Stan- » SIMPSON, rrandale, | mM \ nd Victoria Sunday 9 p.m Duty Toward the Race. jdard, for the 120th Meridian west. | es * ee Wales Isiand and Naas River. M t 4 tw on We know of no better subject for a Sunday sermon than thie | is counted from 0 to 24 hours yi __ aye jot oss otee BH “2 ; yea of the duty of young men and women to the race and to each Cae gm gp vd are a t| The Man = the Moon | weer — ov other. Professor Alexander when. he was-here two years a xe table given is for Port} TRAIN SERVICE ! : € t r ars agOl\. SAYS: t ‘ gave a lecture on “Love, Courtship and Marriage,” which was the apyOe,. Has SNe Sime for Princ : i — ee ee e - Monday, Wednesday and Saturday 0 z best attended lecture he gave. Young and old were there. So Rupert varies only a few minutes} For Massett, Port Clements and for 8 Pr e George, I today people are interested in these problems of life Thev | on some days and on others is PHA e triy ‘ Upper island poiote: ; ‘ it aoas 4 . ‘ ‘ Tv - o reported as t' men, one . ‘ y ‘ “ | " ; anxious for education but the teachers are few and often without he same. The range of the tide/rel eo. , All Ocean Steamship Line experience in the subjects they essay to teach. Most of our eal may be. compuled as 5 per cent)’a : > sai te rmation and reervations apply ! are married men and have expenence in these matters. Whvy not greater at Prince Rupert than at aie g _ oe ; a n Mavect, Port Glemente and Oty Theket Office, G26 Third Arenve Phone 260 look to them for help? This little preachment is for the purpesé4! O* Simpson both at springs and|0f a deer in the distance, ong peer Island points: of drawing attention to the subject rather than of discussing it|2°*?* Therefore the rise in the|}one trip home. Fridays a.m, + seriously. It is a good Sunday subject dnd wort . . poee Prinee Rupert harbor is slightly ; ; : ss [ err. thought of the best minds. } rje ind worthy of the be A lle a than Port Simpson. THAT even a bre on elephant is “or Skidegate, Queen Chariotte — . = - —-——- ——___—_—_——_ The height is in feet and tenths | 2°! S38 See inlinarseny iar Mer -orertieae py CANADIAN PACIFIC RA lof feet. above the average level of |* me use for him, : September 5, 18; October 2, 16 ——s W ] a rHAT all should forestall their : awe ae ere te CANADIAN PAOITIO COEAN SERVICE Iwerries by doiuw their Christmas, . . Mi alty ° ho m ] h i From Skidegate, Queen Charlotte pags e unc — eee, shopping ene : City and Lower Island points— ae B.C. Coast Steamship Se ————— = Inder New Management = | FHAT in Alaska they are hav- ’ i te mber 14, 28; October 42 e MARY TIMBER SALE X 2324. ling an election and to outsiders |°%4 26. yas. 8. PRINCESS MA. WHITE 5X WHITE 3LP w vemed Sondera “wih me received Sy Meithé newspapers , are extremely : For Ketchikan, ‘gabe. Suaqway, Alasta, from Prince Rupert ° se Bye ce” 88 ES leunny, Of course there's nothing | FOF Skagway dnd the Yubon. Gelober 11 and erin Po Westholme S ecial Bon tet 7 anrtes’ Solar tnd Haaiete de funny about us during an election September 6, 17, 27; October rae apr Eple ae cre p an atee edguining Lot 1936, Selwyn Inlet, | earn paign 11, 22 and Nov ber 1. October 16 and 24; % , Q. | vistric ie 7 a 6. &. PRINCESS BEATRIC Three Course Me es cat of ti Rear® Wil De allowed for re- ’ From Skagway and Yukon. From Prince R tor Swanson Bay, Ocean Fails, Hardy BA: al from 45c up mPurthes oe ticulars of the Chief Forester PHAT the only peopl : September 10. 214: October 4 "Beaver Gove, Powell River, Vancouver end Victori® npeeat o C,, or District Forester, Prince|alford to spend a lot of time ru: am : 1) 1 ee et Every Geturday, © p.™ ——_ | Kupert, Cc ant sovember 5 ' SET ining other people down is ; o rvasions ead sailiues, aPDIy © eT ene eee ae ee ppt a =——ielevator man a the owner f winner ; "‘".0. ORCHARD, Genera! Agent. —— — _ ie at be Shieh if flewart, Mapie Bey and Swamp ae Rup a et | powered car. Point. i Cor 3rd Avenue and 4th Street Prince Ul | THAT many a woman in Prine: For-——Saturdays ...... 9 p.m iRupert itkea’ to wear jewels: but From-—Bundays ..«cccce p.m.) « e e Inot the consisteney kind. 2 . C4 There may be something you} J. Nesbit AND a i hala ; | THAT the Seattle lady named Want. See the classified column | Dentist. Ima Cooty should marry a man|™ - CLEANING OR Fae ge / Billy ‘Prench. _- e e PRESSING . | . . . ct’ + ; Rooms 7 and 8 Smith Block | THAT, judging by the American TERRACE i yeeros prince Rup = ———— jpapers, the politicians must be a ight treet r : : jrotten lot FRUIT LANDS —_— Has everything to ae ie ; Repair Work and Altera do with your suc- THAT judging by the Canadian and Town Lots \ Our Motto: ‘‘To Give Customer cess—your person. |[{22e"t all, the politicians ave | fmt spitz 00 98° HH Phone Calle given Prompt Attention F jangels, don't you think. Acre Lots close to Town $960 te Geo. Clark, Manager, better known 8 ® ality---your appearance and your good health depend J) aij cy jiu iyice eer eee ee en | r 1¢ latest sweepstake is Ten-acre lots 2% miles from town, j ee we upon your teeth. You cannot afford to neglect such a [P)suessing how many candidates J Ue ellie #8 Per mere TE a 0 valuable asset. will run in Prisee Ripert. “The i’ Ome, p0-c0m, it sur eens ot hear, THEO COLLART Notary rod : next will be ak to which of the six fr it trod geod Well and Aprine ? Mh he. siete pa pe Saaarsel money, ean buy. sg) MAGE too. (ott atten boat 1 ulidings born road us premzes Seat GORNER LOTS on 14th Street ond 8 ; le . Halt cash, -" ree ee ERS ON A ROMPT SERVICE will insure the BEST RESULTS. | ms iia ection Two, @1100,00 cash ciel ie THAT ; simwints tok | . ~Loose $12.0V, »* Remember my address, Rooms 7 and 8 Smith Block scans cniaeeesy naetameal Kenney Bros. & Co EDSON COAL FOR Siti, delivers une ° ; ‘ { | = CE o semitone Phone 575 Open-Evenings, |I\tor sitter hetore, he becomes aif "ead ence erase,” ||] - Most Litbaral MARINE INSURANCE, Tain 263 I-05 J— lwicke sig a Insurance Company of North Ams ih ; 1—6; 7-9 one Sunday by Appointment |“ '°" Vem Terrace - «B.C. 1 PO. Box 66 ee Westholie Theatre Block alates re eer GL ha dala sanenene eee ears Be Advertise in the Daily News Newecccoe: eo