ion and found Women bre real opportunities to-day. had better . never They - and to nes Now is the foundation e money. to lay the {atu prosperity © cul nit of thrift ting, the ne Miss Mary Izard, the cha ve Det rtrment ' winter Bil ha just ret : ft bank tended visit to her t thers ts ~~ "88 VAICY eewe ~~ se — ey: p=" | SOVIET STORY aj Reserves $32,000,000 Financial Post Telis Interesting Yarn in Connection with Russian Trade SAYS CANADIANS ARE BEING EASILY FOOLED ASSEROLES Are Popular The Fu ? a i ti irad Vancouver, B.C. ORK’ LOVE ' ‘ Gigantic Scheme } (ware BORD avENT me Black 114 Wir mice Rupert MROPLAN Phan aos tay and up. seves —. , TNS One t Bi La Care el aations = ze inom | FROMTORONTO wr German Finn ntreal Headquarters Had No Money ily Wor lestorer Stomach bb s rded pe t relief; taint 6 " Kidney north 46 deg 37 min. west 29.9 feet: I i - EES | Troubles and d diseases are ate ae uth 33 dex Feoadh Tes. sect 18s GL rr Of J Fords and in | heace souta 2 { fence east the tipassaces. lung i bronchia the jst hal the immediate § tra sion of lions of gold to tinnada Nided hy his powerful Car friends, th fictitious pa is muggied on board p | Quebe i slant ed Inteliligenes TT f their and in Hately he ° bane: england i rreated a ni elaim i i bone hh enhbies Finnish Method nd a 3 My G don't e there tl | ah t fe the i r ‘ e hort world MHionist y if ind that ould! ippened ] I ww Ca that f he rt Fir ey uld ! ; i. a* ind « men the - it. wv nds WW ind i if i* be N ‘ hee ered ! n the ; } y nm ent ' : fr suther ad r Ener j o } aft tn ! he id bast iys iy zanda " Mi “4 To Ma = WILL HERBS KEEP US 5 HEALTHY-TESTS PROVE IT = HE new Fall styles in 20th Century Brand clothes 2 are the best proof of the makers’ determination with IE to maintain the quality standard and keep prices down ti = e a ; naturals iB to a basis where they mean 100% value. b t good HE ments HE aie ot Sold Exclusively by ar t : = ret F The Clothes P o n B C i ood ex- 3 ; z > et 3 ‘ 5 Bryant Com any Ltd. Shop for Men rmce aupert e he od through 3 lig of the = h nach = asful t} of Serra TIMMS LS TO na perfectly —— — ; 7 ———— arinic ay 7 _ See f sl Nilet in which th alih properties ~ i 7 af , we ae ois : a With our modern equipment and sanitary methods, atsi tainedi described. we produce a wholesome ul aie Wond oe, °® 2 | oy-cnss-|otdatnae fn ttritious Rread ne yc atin in rib Nutritious Brea ay in aw am — Our Goods are all made from,High-class Material seonets: loca hie ae nae TRY THEM e form of|Co, Lid, 1045 Dominion. J The La Casse Bal ‘ rectt-| aise | e La Casse Bakery distril we eae a eee ; 717 Srd Ave. Auto Delivery Phone 190 iy s id ; { i 3 Notice of Intention to Apply to Lease Land. semty. : ited diseases, ne muah, cnantotie, Isidnds Land Dusinct,| chateunneampebicnppe one ‘ hong the Wwesterty t nda ae 5 a n District Lot 74 Masset let a digestive a rake, mats aH tant tthe ORARAD Ist - ae Mail Orders Recei\ e F ae Box 183 reaches Clements, occupation umber mercnants Prompt Attention Phone 558 through | iowse autune ian Rheumatism, Lommencing at 4 post planted at tne rihwest cer ft bioee 2 [ a ast s8 tO @ POst piafted at Alr southwest e f Said Dioesk }; Ube } nerth-easteriy f wing the nhigt wa the mark stomge the westers undary of ft x 474 Exclusive Ladies’ Ready-to-Wear he ss the point r cotmipe ent, cor : . He- | toning 7.5 ‘scres more OF icss. Third Avenue Prince Rupert, B.C, URAHAM ISLAND SPRUCE & CEDAR UU iMiibnD ~A~ Dated August “26th, 1920 ’ CPP ELOP LID oO * =a ~~... ‘ \ : / . J BEFORE is (DEA OF war Ne “TIES OF -marzimony* > MEANT BEFORE HE MARRIED —— FRONT Sear |Brronr. OF “THEM AFTER — andAFTER ©2 AND HIS NOTION