4 oT] A "ge 3 +e , cemmeteinceiieindiiia nd ee ee are THE DAILY NEWS i" THE D F eeaee Ped : 3 i ; ey AILY NEWS PROH ee ene Ge , PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMB S ae 7 ae a : - BRITISH COLUMBIA MAIL SCHEOU e (f ; , Saha - . Le _— ae _—e Afternoon, except Sunday, by The N HOLD FINAL MEETING Sete wwe wen eeeee -- p rintin Publishi . 4 ee i g and Publishing Co., Third Avenue Pay Alt For the East ae § H. F. PULLEN, 2. y Bills and Pass Wotes of Mondays. Wednesdays ana 8 , i! MANAGING EDITOR. Thanks to Returning Officer u sat 10:30 a on, wath oe —---—— dlessbatnadia ae IS ae ae E and Others. a te —'| Eye | — . Bee | SUBSCRIPTION RATES: ly Home In Canada Needs hides t Ka . From the East. slattii a 5 By mail to all Pg arts of the Br hich Sat month 5 ak 9 hho ou, © kote FAUIT-A-TIVES the probibitier nitter ee Tuesdays and Thurs- e@ of ae 4 j in advance, per year 1 Empire and the United Sti ates. To those suff P ‘i held in the hutd “a . ys at 7 p.m, QUALIT ‘ , ee ea Ss aes SNS is ering Wi rind i 1On, the h . - ‘ 1 UAL ia A. To all other countries, in advance, per year .... tees $6, OS, Torpid Liver, Constipation, Sich OF | don vty were a rde joa For Vancouver and South Y ZL : hd TELEPHONE 98. eeeveeee $7.50, Nerwus Headaches, Newraigia, Nid- ! : ition of &6 “ Cuesdays oe a Transient Display Adv nev Trowdl j een conn j ‘pom | ee Tr play Advertising $1.25 per inch eac ouble, Rheumatism, Pain in . he) Tha i if 4 Hi ransient advertising on front page Be. h insertion | #4¢ Back, Hesema and other shin , sat ' . au i Ha t Local Readers, bis tabWbtiOW,: . dats dects tes » 250 per inch. affections, rit-a-tives”? gives tha . bs ¥ p - - , Hr : Classified advertisin ee” sh Rkee fee rh. ey Be, per line.) Prompt relief and assures a speedy . Is ! . 7 ° oral a g, per insertion, .... peedy (Mort 1; Oetol Bs egal Notices, each insertion, ..... a ‘the bi ‘per word. eth om the treatment ls |, OES res Fe d N ' . a OFFICE Hour ht ™ Sa ‘ } Se. per agate . ithfully followed ning the a } 1m 2g , % All advertising ont Rates on Applic&tion. ross « Rerwilea-tives” is the ondy medicine hai ! ; F mnring, 9 Ue 12) Merenen, 1.98 to £.38, Sate Y f sing shou aile NW ‘ ’ io ! ! : Vv.eU; saturday 0 1? ; ee ceding publication All ‘oe -. Daily News Oflice on day pre- made from Fruit—coutaining the arried « md Sun na. vencanrer ive Tre Every Evening from 7.30 se ay eo; vertising reccived subject to approval. mcdittnal<:piasiples “ef? applen: (COUCICstee in - ~— STE Sha cies 10 p.m. om 7.30 t0 9 ee = ! oranges, fiys and prunes, bombined ived « fee re iys 10:30 acm , Denial Nurse in attend: 4 rt a DAILY EDITION. aongtepec Tuesd with valuable tonies aod antiseplics. Hed Cross Society for f the Frid Ca Phone 109 for et “ ‘ eaday, October 26, 192 {00 a boa, 6for $2.4 ». feu “ ' : : om ; pf ™ appointmer , ; i . : At all mares ~ i aeohauae Ter ina ; =. tha! a. He Ue f la 17 7; Oe ad Rooms 4, 5, 6, Hele . ot , Register Now Fruite-tives Limited, Ottawa, on. IF, Se add ar ee re ands " : i, acm ‘ B elgerson Bik., Cor. 3rd ; and ies For City Vote. —_ j their arti Ne donated in ' est Equipped Office in Norther ne ith * é eutlat nes f - - e * I ‘ Those who wis and to T. 1 ¥e or Anyox and Ailce A _ ¥ a! : wn vish to vole in the municipal electi SUIT fi aalen ' a. . he 0 sa oe: must register now. or the } on in January CASES Ge Spier reat SCR iti cs ek eee 0 p.m ik local elect } r they will find themselves disqualified. The jhe had wi y ee" ) pia att iE ut elections have nothing to d ‘ , ? it] CBP PIO Pe ce. ea! etka ) do with provincial affairs. The lithe interests of thi a . Te lists are quite separate, the qualifications +.’ sie 7 | Tieesurer. Lanecas From Anyox and Allce Arm. 7 different l ns for each heing on | or ’ I ‘ 5 ‘Patent basik. Xx as HANDBAGS lthal there wax ) tive Meeting Last igi Walt. p.m M Piet ¢ ' thi a politic , " We may be divided on matters of vo ee soe on Athletic Association ‘ ’ fe th Hing ceik it by “chia Sobral | Tuesday. Getober 26 : Queen Crarlotte Islands: ‘ k standing by ¢ i ’ : — when it comes to ligh, O:48 ¢ 17 feat Gent : Ma , oT ’ Po 1 ’ 7 y and her viehts there ig no reason { . | v48 a.m. i‘ t ; ' ite and Bai TRAIN SERVICE a sension there 7 ee 7 . Oo Is- - - mn, 2 » feet ‘ n wit o d 8 : F mee j ba os : a teade ny i ' - ay, Wednesday and Saturday at 11:15 ~ M ee aan ational Railways apparently have two time wl o4 b foal y ‘ i ae les. é ab prectiodliv {eniiree-Prinee “Ri eee ednesday, October 27. rem M Port Clament , : - her on branch hne The other giv } r ee pert, Pp {ling lligh, 0:59 I ; . per i : nite ee naaney All Ocean Steamship Lines re of these has the ae a ; gives her prominence, Whict 12:5 p , i ‘ o nformetion ahd reservations apply + id : saa ty l ge circulation and which the small. w i ; Low, ¢ = , Bp iy t. \ ‘ i City Tichet OMeq B26 Trire Avenue laste 200 i) ’ folder # empein, powsver, that those. wh tate os i9 2 \ ’ ae ee older will find it défi { Qo ge 1 vello | 2.4 feet ! oe ; Chariotte ore easel ind 3 lifficult to realize that Prinee ieners ney ‘ike i ; ty and I ae In dt t I 2. 0 ‘ ! < 2 . i \\ ' t ite a of a transcontinental railway. a rhe time used ts Pacific Stan-| !* « M } i » 46 Bt Elections Bring ge for a {20th Meridian west,| “a! Leafs 1 ™M a i is counted from 0 to 2 hours j . 4 uch Billingsgate. from midnig eee , From Skidewat ! rE The i} Tt night to midnight, in kidewate. Queen Charintt he election will bring ou » table e! ; City Oe at thing very ce} te ring out a flood of Billingsgate or some-/Sit . table given is for Port) Whiz Bar : wer Island pointe oan 4 , losely approaching il. ak tauhi dt | ne-} nj Tr but the time for Prine | : , : j 12 ADIANR FACIFIO OCEAN SERVICED Lh 1y irresponsible per less charges will be flung|"upert varies only a fe : i i i persons whose forr Kg ig 7 © ew : Mis to be withoutzfou eee rmer charges have been show: m some days and on others ‘2. Coast Steams Co 4 he attacking si igo There are people who must alway the same. The range of a s = SPECIFICATIONS FOR vor Skagway and the Yukon. hip Servi is ’ eone, 198ec who- have ’ “’"imay be " . 5 apes ae sii : : ave live re ’ Pp computed 8 < er ce ’ ‘ 7 id : ars are used-te it-and do not mind eas . — a good manyiereater at Di fas 5 per ot GOVERNMENT BUILD: NG if \ " be Colper for Retcniten, Fat 2g a tee MARY iti. Nex a fie ’ *y find it a subject for| Ports f at! ’ » a (rom Prince Ruperts : mers may wonder what it all " Simpson both at springs and} ARE B | From § aa , efi : i -ans ° . T ‘ ° . _ efit we m mention that it is the fruit ng ms. For their een Therefore the rise in the! E NG PREPARED s nb rye fae — po in ocr aegemeendlignellttaghamant NO maw in his Seuses would. ever t ie fruit of a disordered mind. Prince Rupert harbor is slightly] ViCcTOn! - roe 10 21: October 4, 0 i . 4 idiiihicek cin ‘in’ 108 ald a ver be guilty of such lingual lapses greater than Port Simpson. ; Whitta . Pi Bren ‘ wee ea from Prince Rupert ft . er Gates pene r cou " ic 3 . f " ' aer | “ ‘ ; itulisicieii ra " Y ie ga . niry fish wives. Da indbianiad rhe height is in feet and tenths| Prin : \ j "| stew Beaver Cove, Powel! a Palle, Hardy Bay, # rurt anybody ¢ it. dtlof feet : i t a | art, Maple B ' and Victorio— ybedy and only reacts on the one who u i eet above the average level of d bus ’ eo ay and Swamp Every Seturday, © pm i < ses it, ower ath 5 pperd 4 nt. ged —_ i lower low water. ' ‘ F & day . ; for rates, rererretrons and railings, epply & n Scotland ee openers Pa 9 p.m W. ©. ORCHARD, Gener . which ‘ . ©. : al Agent. In view of th wi & ; , : dima c p.m Cc : v the fig wan't 3 ‘ P or > Country, the follow Bong Pha gang sas at of liquor in the Old o: 13 “i i li 3rd Avenue and dth Street = Prince Rupert, “The people a : ! ¢@ London Times is interest ; Za News wh. te of Scotland are to vote or resting. nd have tt i : Phe ampaign foreshadows the . vote on the liquor question. TIMBER binds X 2324. th VAVIGABI WAT S proves in Eng id, sharper bee sharper struggle that mav follo. on 2 = will be eived by the ' LTOON Af s be taken in Seot] cause the law under which the 1OW tine Sin day of t js than 0 ice n Seotland is nine years old, Ti ; 1@ poll 1s tO | purchase of 192 #1 4 J. Nesbit Qe temperance,’ hat it. off tt . ; 1@ act was designed to + fert of Spruce. Ce K a no chenge. of reduc iM it offers the choice to voters of } 5 a gree sdjojning Lot 1994 on ~ t N od hehe ing : : existing licences bv 25 ae —e et at at. i a ; Iniet It ae tc cde tee | ae CLEANING AND ] \Cex. sah na ‘ OF a wi ra owe or re “ ‘ e . area. the licensing c 4 weal Fy no licence’ is Peer ga wesSiiend aeenad ag { ‘ e " de ware a M6 " 8 SQN is still to have the power ot aes by an vie ran nn 4 + 0 im. Caef vorester, e Man in the Moon ) 7 . PRESSING PARLO a nr ates.for an inn or hotel: anting one | upert, B.¢ wrester, Prince SAYS:~ ' fi ee tia inst the private cons imption “4 ; and there is no provision 7 —— t a aT 1360 Eighth Street 2 Prince Ruj iquor, the sale of liquor for liquor, the possesssion of TIMBER SALE X 2615 oe and manufacture of lic . mt such consumption, or the transport as a ° PHA’ h ~ ® Repair Work and Alte hn sttincent hnquor. Meanwhile opinion he : POPU) sinister of Land Will be recetvea py tne fev a “ ding ' 2 i ee pp gent conditions regulating the sal . 1as hardened. |the 25th™ aa an is not jowr ahs ‘one aie Lamar i tener’ i ‘445, Range & hur Me G { g . I sale dr : ure 4 Oetober, 1920, fo s peue we oe eon that w ‘ : , . ig the war, were accompanied |} le of drink, introduced |Pu haye of Vaconen X 9624, 4050, for ine oe i he Ab a a Phone Calla given Prompt Attent . drunkenness. But many other fact 'y a great reduction in |feet BM. of felled and buck and 290.000 bined the potatoes oh, Fh Geo, Clark, Manager, better known # Phone the absence of a large ean actors were involved, such as - area sit a at eae gees re surants 1 ' te v at time Since 1918, although the = - ion of the adult male populatic rwo (t years strict = HAT tl : ‘ " t . " ty of slight, there has ce I i perenentee of the regulations has | ee sires a rere ee vor f se “i «jue : a ' = increase in convi 1a disquieting and apparently hag ED | victoria, a acs ae Di = the Chief Forester, nan told was when’ she | n oad ; : American ex} viclious for drunkenness. Fir iy eae Rupert, B.C." strict Forester, Prince|'8ed to obey ber husband PATEL . ee . an experiment has infls > > x ay, ie drastic ee , ’ . : r Be a E posed to the consumptior tm ie ¥ preneas of those op- TIMBER SALE X 2587. PHA’ ss (ant HsHerues Larret TH O COLLART, Notary ul anxiety of all other 0 n of aleohol and has heighter Twas ar — a & Fuiton, soviet LE thers. aa i dt Sealed tenders |"!'was a nut who once fooled wit! - = Fo " advocated; on the other ee et wee prohibition is be ing ii e followed 7% 6, situated on Alice Ara sain, 1008 ¢ of ékeens, ;ftapene’ fe , ry Peete wp al comp i for eee in the absolute sense aa Land District, ated on Alice Arm, Cassiar His aiwaed quae dante ‘ teriy boundary and sve Most Liberal MARINE INSURANC E on the Cos popular vote, the drink problem = subr : meget dd enZear Will be Giuawed fo a We ? ta Lot 746, om Masset Inmet, Insurance Company of North America Pepe , the issue presented will ibmitted to a f aoe ae a0 W he's lining a cofin sput thas t UHAHAM ISLAND B " Z ill be more definite.” vier rete F Particulars of ine cet ee tr th . en cant EDA att of Port| Oi. P. 0. Box 66 Westholme Theatre Block Phoe . oo Rupert, B.C,” prester, Prince the ¥ ’ : ) 5 r pert Page ne rere — O0KE wing ote eston jease toe — sat . ‘ . trent ¢ at & post plant cali eaaiataiei dahis| - CHAT -tha-dach dhe vouane a ee - = = _ — i nothi @ aledast , ‘ Ww 4 Bb tain weet 24.9 feet it a subject «i dit pe ah ) deg. 05 min, west 510 r JOS not keep you from explaining it . 6.8 feet: venee east 47 LAR tt! . ; tm er * e Mi At [ RE rHAT is the way of (he emt the a e | politician, : ’ Sy mark siong th we y . ‘ ‘ iw ft poimt of mmencemer ; Denti rHAT at the . Ona ‘ acres more or ieee ay Coe 4 e present rate of " AM. ISLAN mi i ff a entist. progress there will he Y Dp “LIMITED. & CEDAR CU ¢ J, R o motor car owner nd el , r, 7 ated August 26th, 1990