ms Ce , rage bola DAILY SEBWS oe BRINGING UP FATHER By G | oe | corge McM WELL + ~ A > — Neen 1 HOPE OME PLACE WELL-1 CALLEO ONMR ————_ J —. i CALL TO me HE'S GOT COIN TODAY - HE : 1S HE RICH? A. — SEE ME SOME GLAD You HERE CERTAINLY HAS | : 19 HE REALIOY HE'S coY Mane, © WE MR COIN! CALLEO- 2° AGP Ma sere ane LY HAS SOME AD RICH ASG ALL Oo ut a 3) Us 2 oe THEY SAN HE . YER HIS pm : ‘ | a cS pa IS? a 4 aoe - Sa a 5 ¢ a ua | gsi ¥ ) “ \ a } mre ath 2 | Ff C at \ | NS is 1. % 70 Wott 7 t ’ : r 7 | ’ yy ! , *\ a av Y Pu a O J ad j » a c ; ia wi / j mf mee Sa eee | Yay 3 ‘ — ’ ; i. roves “4 4 A bY ttt fo- ' ae _9o OSS OF Her, Pens *t Steves, ing FARL V( ve Ree wee i a at pee eee eee ee Ot tts ' es j stab ogeyns — . reenact | pcrrpcceees / ; eee ear excellent Dry | PY] AW S i} aes These are Good Places to M t 4 Service, se ¢ ‘ ake Your Purchases when } 3 ! . x“ ( 7 . oy Stores Close 6 O'clock After |Robert Townley and A. H. Morton j 5Un. Gp cee Day Electric & Me : ovember 15—Spocial Late Both End Own Lives | BC ae eects meses tee esrmeeemgerte rssicon asomnsemasetsetnsttasttecemnstntnertne ts : ) 1 Ca n adian Hours Fair Week. coapramene: <9 ee rents |F Sy VANCOUVER, Oct, 25 Robert AERATED WATER ippty Steam Laundry At last night's meeting of the|Townley, married, declared | . eames pe “mens Cow Bay, Prir ; city council " ; ee ee BEAV | MERCHANDISE ELE: wn Phone & Webs, uncil a new bylaw regulat- | intention of suiciding on Saturday : ' ER POTTLING WEP CANADIAN STEAM LAUN LEOTRIC AND Ga 1 ng the closing of city stores was | night. He drank earbolie acid : ‘ et Phone 139 warniD GRATTON Cor, Third and 7th.) Mhene #, for Cleaning and | DRY : ENQINE SUPPL) ; = oo thrangt the various stages|and was found dead. He left a BARBER SHOP An een 399, for second hand furni ' MAARINE HARDW Deeeeenen =|"! Passel Phe bylaw follows ulnote asking that his mother be!- —— PAINTERS AND DEC : petition submitted 1 9 | ae ee ee ee ve : itted by 69 out of|cabled. He had been drinking YOKAHAMA BARBER SHOP FURNITURE . \ a nee its and its passing jheavily and was out of work, iady Server — vas Sra Avy sia na oene Sneeee Mar ne C 0 Cc ude E W h pres compulsory to the council as} A. H. Morton, 7084 Silia Court, iii FF sans BA XCHU h and Fraser itt Orees ’ telionary Engines e ave now on lia petition represented more | as found dead in a hotel her cj ss AER eee .s moue Green 66s ANS “a 0 ne Drag Saws h d ee the necessary 75 per cent. of|with a stick af cyanide in his FEED STORE — PAINTS AND OILS Vircuiar Saw Frames an . a merehants [teeth. Ha Wwitet& well khown city a Pen CASBE enna - 8 hitch: ana Gaia san Pumps, ete i Wer t ‘ } ‘ rolir ¥ ; . . . as one ’ 7 . : te lee 1000 Tons nent - n t iling stores |broker. Mrs. Morton notified thr PRINCE RUPERT FEED oo Paints, Gils ese and W . E Light Plants psa, after ovember 15, etose|police that her | ee (4h New loration, oo a 9 _—— ’ ; } a Mer iushband lef h CHINA. CRO fr Qu Ave and Tih St - —— int 6 o'clock on the . ly , CKER Wellington (0al } lock : the ordinary week |apartment, taking a suitcase and|-—— ERY & NOTIONS PAINTERS AND DECORATERS jevenings, onday, luesday, |sayinge he wes going to Victor t T , j i oing to Vietoria to HE DENNY A FISH ME |Thursday and Friday. This, andjend his life, . rhird As — ar RCKANTS, RETAIL BELL & CROSSETT Phone 477 } 1 provision for the reme eo tee «| eatiaiaiaaanias tantierncocagritmeairarianmrencmmeaiiaiiimmmian ARTHUR'S MARKET :. -_— wd 1000 Tons ab gee ray oy = apg of) - hird Ave. Phopes 480 &@ 641. FO. bos 483 PLUM ; re res open till 10 oko i the FINE SMOKER CLEANING AND PRESSING umsina oe gehts « ir week ‘ach year, GENE eT mean son (ld | rk the only changes from TOKYO DYE WORKS \ sing and ary RAL MEROHAGDISE ee ev onbncoua wens -S. bylaw which is, at the eRe - e 476 wine cHMm YUE ies aman ‘; % As we anticinate not only a ( ay aver = at aa = Ra . ent LAS SS ee ee 701 Sevens Avenue Prone Sieck 78 RENTALS PRIN( E RUPE scarcity and increase in price of naih- open Hill. a ee or , 5 ( lr Labo ann [ eal Wistahin a Mipteater texas: | < a S . a k on = J mee CAFES GROCERIES Fr. Ww. HART ' Bleck « BNI q UU . aa ime he nights before holi. , wee 7 ing your demands fo 3a sits ; THE BOSTON GRRL UINZEY'S PRINOE i €C delivery this fall r —~ nr pt ila is before and for the ten Three-Round Boxing Bouts, Sing- rhird ave | ‘ ‘a ciel ilies ns RUPERT GRQoERy SIGN PAINTING * ae ). B. v recor m r 1 th t ot ea ays bef Christmas can stay| 9g and Other Features at Sons — ware co ecommend that you make sure Ne Bana ae ara SELL 4 CROSSETT Phone 477 of your winter’s supply now by te = ki ' dag ; . ae of Canada Concert. THE ELITE CAFE HAROWARE eh MEETINGS J } J mole Was made in 1¢ bvlaw that Secoml Ave Dis ai f the money : phoning this shall ‘not interfere with: thal sien wae @ iaeee turnddl and HOWE & MONULTY fad Ave. Stoves SHEET METAL WORKS Building Trades | 116, 564, Blue 69 rovinefal Halt Holiday as iz send : hr ’ ‘ 4 ¢ : ry, pelote and Pishermenus sup inci I oliday Act, bed program at the Sons of} CIGARS AND TOBACCO piles Everything in Sheet Metels Ce ntral Lab re Ca Albert & McCaff Canada smoker last evening in the} . Rowe's ery ALDERMAN M’LENNAN yea soe Theatre. The variety VORKAMAMA..755 Third Ave. West IMPORTED GROCERIES Waneet. AveNeE Phone 369 wemens Auxilia Limited entertainment included three 3 = y ; ne b ree 3- ALGERTA MEAT MARKET Pron : COMMENDS THE PRESS round boxing bouts between local DRUGGISTS Fifth Street Phone 208 PTaee © LeNpwLs o 6 ius s Met a — Sade boys, all of which were well con-j “ 7 Fishermen BD ce ae ee aie os i Lee Glew SernOstAt OF W. 4. mecuTOHEON LAUNCHES FOR HIRE TAILORS—LADIES AND GENTS The best way to have ee as ake ae. esterday 8 NewS |tttese was between Hed Davidson Becond Ayande and Siste Street Launen “ - Stotg Trades regarding the protest in regard to} . ; The larwest « house in Northern B. ( foh “NARBETROMG,” Phone Bleck 400. = T ce Opposite Post om F e j . ae S inn Roy of the dry dork The ’ The $100,000 Huat Also Cieante swe ? , t he apparent ignoring of Prince | ther bouts ¥ fl t es OPEN PORE ‘oN other bouts were. Nyweights ed , i tupert ina C, NLR. t ty | . : ; OPEN FORUM our Ul . he ahishs ; “7 iat aoe able w as| Billy Barton wave an « chibitsont On abe ee: sak nats ee eee last gchi’s couneil sates qe na oe eee Bets a Wolter Cleaned and | Pressed Fe ke ae Days |we ight of some ability and if is j ing sand brought up by Ald. Kerr. | py, hl { ‘I have : possible that a match may be ar- Coepeosesaseerene is by our ave not seen the timetable in zed 4 ie § P j ° question,” said Ald, MeLennan eee lene: Deee him and s f ‘ : ’ Aid, MCLENNAN, some local boy. He comes on team ne Machine but I commend the press in keep- | Kdmonton 0) e comes from 2 CENTS PER > IN ADVANCE. No Advertisement Taken for Less than 50c SMITH & MA ethod. ng hammering at the ¢ 7 ‘ . s~—~ et tt on ‘ e question.| A ¢] , —— : a It only takes 15 minutes 1 time the ©, N. 1 A club swinging exhibition by a a oe a. ili imme rn . KR. officis Pr j 7 Bee eee ere 7 ee elas wilt red Stephens and Alex. Rix was WANTED Take Shaughnessy Heights Car) PURCHASER WILL SAVE 85 PLUMBING AND Reasonable portance of the sl ai aa M-imuch appreciated and’ Rert Mi {KN WANTED it PostoMes on » 2 futy ENGINEERS Delivery is Prompt { Prin : hewn f oktiter” aad Kvoy gave. a nice exhibition of LEARN AUTO AND ‘I LAY ron VICTORIA 8GHOOL o. ONG . , I Fat f Give us atrial. Phone Black 502 ia ' e . whether they istep dancing A punching bag RUSINESS ‘ ner Blanchard and Fisgard ‘ e of thin ¢ ! i 0 or ot | ’ ‘ i b ‘ L exhibition rg a and songs rhe Sidi eomin ie Streets, anc : oid whi 4 address Aver | were give J. ¥. Fenner Adie ee transfers to our oe f i} me 8 ' ING TAILOR || scncisciganauy none, [errs tvanbys.¥.frater ite] nao inthe auto instr) frente eagsind vse] fat ¢a'g"s Sane foe 821, 823 2nd Ave., Princ ——$———_—- ——— rages, George Waddell, Hl. Pat lye Cee eit Ba ‘i ranches in Canada and U.S.A n hand 4 hip, N. & &. os , e., Prince Rupert St lee a PROBATE tinson and ©, B. Formby. " a, ‘ ‘ i n 3 ts Board and room at lowest rates pr for m { Phone 176 as SUPREME COUR , ro op ; = Sameera noon : Se a etal : — - E ive COURT OF BRITISH W. E. Thompson made an able OUR SCHOOLS SUCCESSFULLY BRANCH OFPICOR 23 Hastings Prines Rupert Cigas Store, smnmeccencererrer IN THE MATTER OF THE ADMINISTRA- chairman and Rey Barnes ref reac y practical experience Street Kast. Opposite BB, © Phone Blue 91 if TION ACT 2 eree . “ m ~ on , Hous : ; A : ; - ib reed the boxing bouts, every phase of the Automobile Me Oe fe ce ae FOR BALI , , ‘ ( New la f THE MATTER OF THE ESTA‘ , pigs ; ss ; . —mee FOR 8 dison Din i a t ewives | ttention > FI M. A Zane BIWISKE; DEt EASED, a MORE APPLICANTS lracto tutionary and Marine| WANTED Competent stenog- berola with forty records. Price en ra Helg You can save money on TAK : TO oe W veyagar ; and; rapber for nancial institution $50.00, Ducks for « ut 8 Bi an save money 0 your | TAKE NOTICE that in order of At tepairing elding and Braz- in eit Applice o be ms ‘ t fuel bill by buying CEDAR Biise br jacuck: Yoype, Made tbe isn JOIN ASSOCIATION ing, every branch of Battery} ee ae oo ae er seen een sat BLOCKS in stove tength |day et ise r, the 20, es was appointed ' a y in own hagdwriting lo box 126 Avenue Kast 0 £ Taxi 3 $4.50 per load Pre jeceased, and. sit ported and Eledtrie wok Daily News office if on om pe oa ° i minst ihe said estate are/elst of Those Desirous of Joining); ONLY FEW WEEKS REQUIRED yy.) eee (POR SALE—Cabinet gramoph jive us your order now. = a oe Rigs saree, PP ass Athletic Body is Growing OUR GRADUATES GIVEN Will give room and board to with records Snap at #100. Phone Your f I have the sole agency. Fhe oer gen J A D. R #20 and ali parties PREFERENCI Chool girl fou ending baby Apply P.O. box 77 Oity ) ae t 0 ” estate are re 5 , , sien BROWN’S jthe indebte dness | to me eee © PAY) The following new names have everywheres after sehool. . O. box 603, a hun. Be merce ay verywhere; OR BALE—Safe. Price #125 H econ ae DATED (Meinl Administrator. been added to the list of applica- UNLIMITED OPPORTUNITIES at " New ri ice rn + git tf unl , D this 21st, da 0 ctobe ‘ ' o ve ac |i 30 ay of October, A.D.itions that will be submitted to LEADING AUTOMOBILE ASSO. | Woman wants work by the day, ~~ pene eS ‘ >» Prinee , ‘ : n , } sia pe IN PROBATE tho Prinee Rupert Amatour Ath CIATIONS endorse our sehool cooking or dleaning. Apply bor|#QUSES FOR SALI P. W. Bart eoenent —— IN THE SUPREME COUNT OF BRITISH letic Association for membership Phe thoroughne of our meth 127 Daily News office ee Peer COLUMBIA, gat 9 igang . : 2 6. 46 VEGETABLES : P Night Phones - J. G; Steen, 371 Bin inn sttlinee Tae : a reanization i ow ods and the completeness of our Sask . - ° - Variety W. Longwili, Hie 270" [tow Ker 2 ADMINISTRA ee A. 7 _ donald, T. J.) equipment, \ : Vkp wk at Inlanderiguy ASHCROFT POTATORS f in bloom arti | a senberg, “ M. Shakespeare ; S ‘ 688, 3 & Day Phone 5 lin rue arrea {0 Tie, pevkee oF “rng eo Shakespeare,| ‘THY. BIGGEST AUTOMOBILE ee vou winter supply from Na-|} CHICKENS & ars 1 SEDs SEPPLA), DECEASED, IN-| ythe, R. Stone, W. G. CONCERNS FoR BALE | tional Grocery, Fulton Street MARK STEEN & LONGWILL i PAK ' NOTICE inat in order of dl erage om Ww. ee Len! Rend their mechanics to our) ow A can tnt , g I T aoe nour ie oung, made jHobida . Beott, L stori an schoo ‘ enac . : ” eeceeernrrt Sheet Meta! Works et cra ns oe boil wae taste Me aca 2 , .Astori and . hool yo pe i - trical POR SALE—Or will trade for ap- carrer reteennee, ee ee er ro ¥ i » “ . eo Sepla (or anne se AUlOMMObLe Con roved ‘lor p ' of “Agent for MeCiary F ser ms ag vd, and wil partion having cerns are co , . : d close-in Prince Rupert} OR RENT —toom and board ; = Fr emoeene, aie eA de Ce NR oe ee eee east a Smee + yelp eee aS G. of Sanitary and i [io me, 08 or bevogs the 2 bt day of No MARY DELAYED a5 , raduates, because they The fast run-about launch 160 ‘Third Avenue East ; Teacher o 7 ea aoe aie » 104 1 parties know the types « ‘ 0 wel oe ‘ cacand mee rere Hie. indonipanene ta ine required to pay | i . " 7 ee ee Keho” either with or without Black 3092 1} oa 5th Street and Fraser Street 3} JOHN He MeMULLAN, (©. P, ®. Steamer Awaited Arrival j)\.y \ny | =i: { PHONE Blue 424 Prince Rupert - - - - B.C, $) $ ometal Acininistrator. | f Da Y AND EVENING CLASSES Ona fret plaes marine en | CaN — uenished bed-ro ost | opnteP thts 21st, day of October, o weon Passengers at NOW RUNNING, | gine , 7 lwo ladies preferred, Phe soeet > ee 3 Ska wa : ( t ba : : / o ‘ . iv , arpponerneGet all -~ a IN PROPATE. | gGway | cae W Pf Siepee for ¥ “ee (ine first-class large row boat) . Red 433 } PH : ti CO, LEELA ai nhs cout pt oF BHITISH oe Palos catalogue, whieh with 2% h.p. Gaille Perfee F COLUMBIA The local C. P. Rf. office has re tells the complete story, EN- i pg gt We tille Perfeetion) pon WIEN Furnished ree CV. EVI IN THE MAT ren OF THE ADMINISTHA- jcelved advice that the Princess ROLL NOW and save money M.M Stephens, Phone 292 | ¢ sntral location Phone Gere a iad a and \Mary whieh is scheduled to arrive Join the lah me ca tl leet ——| ‘ eid, u 4 Hitor and Ace re MA‘ y 7 dnuiains ‘ ; , d ; a i . , . sa) ' MANUEL TIED, diva: ecaheane oy today from Alaska will not be in LARGEST AND BEST-EQUIP.|FOR SALE One set double! LosT ww _ LESTATE, mien juntil tomorrow afternoon, She PED motor training sehool in springs, one lady's desk ~_ ~ - ow We thawe TAKE NOTICE that in order of His awaited at Ski ; ul ial , (% ' : a. PR. ORO Tuition. oe tte secured the agency foi Honour fe meee Younes, made the weway w arrival of ingada Che sehool that has open grate stove and pipes, Loe Airedale dog, Anyone see yprN \ ber) a Coal en the interior iisleivesae tO. hen’ oe of apn ted the last of the outgoing Dawson been selected hy the Doninion Phone Hed SOR, u ing him please phone Waldn sJORTHAND all an supply any~quantity. ff Miranda, deceased, and all parties having | DanwEnBers who were delayed on) Government for the training of Pea ee | 98 Water Street, Green 440 sinall private OM r Frices on application to reer paninst te said eee Ae ted | ithe river steamers on account of @G:.R. men FOR SALE OR LEABIE Job print-| poward Lf ; ; re a) e, { 0 “ | , — — . hel Prince Rupert Feed Co veattae 5 na f the 9 194 dey of No- iow water, It is expected that she} HEMPHILL’S AUTO AND | ine ae a Lear er ; “Loar MEETINGS , d teaen' a , . canada! od ais obtate ‘kee ecient will arrive here : sine.) Z ood , ; particulars app vail New hon ensue earner 2nd Ave. and 7th St. the Inde tedinge ty ine requires to FT om i e here tomorrow after-| “ rk 4 mn oe HOOLS Tiina ply y Ne _ sf : roan ‘ . OWN MeMULAAN, i ' WKOUViER SS f . . ' one Green 548 tualey Omneial ee a snp Le A : oa t ale ‘ ponemy nici). Ree LODGE 1054 LOYAL ORDER or taps write bo j ) this 216, day of Ortober, A.D, OFNG ANN ITE ane iffecnth | MOK SALE} -Old newspapers, 250] M ’ Phorscday panko 1920 Adver ’ IMIPOPS, Ona} oose meeta every oflles tise in the Daily News. Avenue West, | a large bundle, News office.. tf] evening at the De Luxe Hall News of