ra i . sett Hi if i ee an aes ‘ : Qe Re ge eer a “" THE DAILY NZWS a a ? ss - THE DAILY NEws “| THE WONDERFUL URGE CHANGE S23>5- 0 =m Se PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA LDER Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by The News |, FRUIT MEDICINE IN FO Printing and Publishing Co., Third Avenue. MACDONALD: $i H. F. evan’. 7 ay EDITOR. eee Board of Trade to Write Canadian anastll sean ~ Every Home In Canada Needs Nationa Regarding Rail- SUBSCRIPTION RATES: HE OMIT A-TIVES” wey Buide. City Delivery, by carrier or mail, per month ..........., $4.00 ‘ , ee ed of Oo By mail to all parts of the British Empire and the United States, To those suffering with /adigestion, ly Poe eeting re BR on . in , ade held vesterdas thee omnes in advance, per year ........0e- 64 8 R68 46.0 445008 eeeees $6.00.) Zorpid Liver, Constipation, Sich or ra To all other countries, in advance, per year ............ $7.50.) Nervous ‘eadaches, Veuralg ia, Kid. jot as voms, the os i a dl CH EW i N S TELEPHONE 98. wey Trondic, Ricumatism, Pain in jsecretary were asket wi h Transient. Display Advertising $1.25 per inch each insertion the Back, Lecema and other shin Canadias National way aMicia TOBACCO Transient advertising on front page ........ +. $2.00 pér inch, | ¢#@tions, ‘‘Truit-a-tiyes™ gives respons! ne. son the gencras Local Readers, per insertion zie. per line prompt relief and assures & speedy able drawing attentior the Oca , ee Pea ae Sa, ‘ , : et dian Rilert tn ‘no Classified advertising, per insertion, .......6.... 8e. per word,| Tesevery wae eye trequeent © “ ’ ae ‘he ety Legal Notices, each insertion, ...... . ihe. per agate line. seltruny showed. dish cestinies + . ant erat a Contract Rates on Application, EE cate te ‘he Beaten nf ' . —C aL . transeontine ti j id as All advertising should be in the Daily News Office on day pre ee P selaien of sain ane n ful a ‘ . . aie ™ ao i sie « ri ’ } , hat on future ti lew ft ceding publication, All advertising received subject to approval. oranges, figs and prunes, combined pe inodied. = = with valuable tonics and antiseptics. There was considerable discus " . x, 6for $2.50, trial sive, 2be. | .j,,; retard ) neitae. tn’ ; N. aie Wednesday, Oct, 27, 1920. 600 @ box, 6 nin regard to the ma Dae POITH waa At all dealers or sent postpaid by which if was show hat the ; Fruita tives Limited, Ottawa, Ont, table for westers és war 1 ; Local Shipyard ae a aca —- ifairer to this city than the othe Work Satisfactory. } Mr, Beaumont explained that It is inferesting to know that the work at the local shipyard SUITCASES apparently there had a Head is satisfactory and that, given a fair field, we can do work as jtime to complete a ow pine Worl for a map showing the line coming economically and well as it can be done at any other place, Ahore, Other important places were is proces ling 1 ipidly ‘on the two vessels, and if the backers of HANDBAGS bret shown on the line Perante the concern do their part there will be ne difficulty in carrying agente ifor instance, Was missed. He fell a WHOLESALE AND RETAIL § Line this would be remediod in on. It is to be hoped that whatever is done, nothing will stop d tt the pitab) crop is hea Ifuture timetables the continued operation of the yards. tl | in Dirttish «lolumbia and oh ; prairves Great Activity : J. F. MAGUIRE } er | In Politics. ‘8 722 Second Ave., Prince Rupert The Man in the Moon Sete ee eee cee eens R . There is great activity in the politiéal field. “Gandidates ares wes eons SAYS:~ SAIL SCHEDULE . being nominated or nominating themselves and very soon it Will eee aeeseseseauees' ad eee eeeeeeeeeeeeees be the fashion when you meet a man to ask him whatcOnstifuency 1 PRINCE RUPERT TIDES + rat sent chitinase elih Por the Rast. an ee Ol. he fs trying to represent. eee eeaereeears wee ili pa a+ twiore M Monday oinesdays ang Bat It iserather confusing to the publie to have a number of Wednesday, October 27. | n they would ha i i _——e : om QUALITY candidates te choose from. It must be remembered that there High, 0:59 m., 20.4 feet, school, rem the Mask a are but two leaders, Oliver and Bowser, and that any policies 12:57 p. m., : ' oes THAT thdre , ek undays. Tuesdays edd Thurs. | . " Low, 6:55 a.m 5.7 feet evolved will be in charge of one of these two men. When it ” 49-39 Sid Pale nany ‘ nt days at 7 p.n 9:32 p.an., 2.4 fee ' : comes to ¢hoosing il will be well to ask the question, which side ' Thursday, October 28. Ath is ere a i t r. ayne does this man represent, the progressives or the reactionaries. High, 1:30 a.m. 20.7 feet. ase ernsety¢ ’ ; ’ For Vancouver and South. ' rt luesdays ? ' URS The Liberals have always been the party of progress, The 3:33 p.m., 22.8 feet. Rupert, ve “” : ? ta p.m Horn! 4 12 att ce Tie ey, a in we — ; | o* 48 rh Guys . teen », mM. { rosen 'o 5.20, Sateré Conserval re the people whe cling to the past and hold back Low, 7:33 a.m., 5.7 feet, VHAT the less i - . ‘ wom, 54 ’ we ” aes, ” : n ‘ feat i ’ ' , £ ing ire 774 q the wheels of progress. A candidate may be neither, but in the 20:31 p.m., 1.9 : m the deatl King Alex ler Sy ; ip Every Evening Irom 7.30 to 3 ————— 4, “Nev lay with ney . t t last analysis he will have to support one or the other. If he is for The time usea 1s Pactfe Stan- ; eee ‘ i; Gectober 4, Dental Nurse in attendance the Government he is.a progressive. If he is against the Oliver dard, for the 120th Meridian west rHAt dging by i i tie ; RY “wr we Phone 109 for appointment Government he is a reactionary. it is counted from 0 to 24 hours dig nt 4 th F v , ‘ frdm midnight to midnight. eountry tha peor t Moiah rom Vancouver and South. Rooms 4, 5, 6, Helgerson Bik., Cor. 3rd and 6th How Many Readers | The table given is for Port}},, support the D a Sundays eabosdasdeun 10 p.m. B Rauipped Office i: ie Has the Daily News? Simpson but the time for Prince \ s Inesdays 10:30 a.m est Equippec We Yesterday we sent ont over sixteen hundred papers. If five |Rupert varies only a few minutes CHAT four provinces of Canada ~” oe re+ 10.00 a people read each paper there were over 8,000 readers. An adver-|08_ some days and on others isjhave gone bonesdry, and British ‘4 39° % Aree = ft : ‘> i tisement in the paper yesterday stood a good’ chance of being} te same. The range of the tide |Colugibia But why rake wy ‘4 Gine . Boe ¢ \uber may be computed as 5 per centi# sad past? wWer,t, . BPP ° , read by a large proportion of that 8,000 people. It is a business : greater at Prince Rupert than at) eee p proposition. ; the 1 hibitio ; ' People are now beginning to think about the Christmas| Port Simpson both at springs and om ™ te i me ar ily aa out off 8 aa oe ent ey rit buying. They are planning how to spend the money for presents, |"eaps. Therefore the rise in the behets, ia yd ot a ' \ dnc Ret i na oll 9 ae Ts Those whose friends are at a distanee are already buying. They Prince Rupert harbor is slightly ‘ th® peeple — yh ar ‘Sar ee ab RCE are anxious to know how to spend money, greater than Port Simpson. , peesple, ee diet in ol oe Ati a yea S. S. PRINCE GEO if Many people want to know what they can get for five dollars. The height is in feet and tenths) pyar judging by the political Puedavs er 7 Cae SAILING Why not publish w list Of five dollar articles for the benefit of |Of feet above the average level Of) 5 orivity at Stewart, ther buredaee a. usae'n: oe anal Midnight Thursday for Swar the prospective customers. It is a question whether the money |lower dow water, ihe ne su place as Anyen wae ee te fe) ree eae SOO shall go to the jeweller, the gramophone record dealer, the Best Alice Arm. 4 ANYOX Wednesday 10 p. m. stationer or bookseller, the drygoods sain the ladywear shop, the; “ye oars a areas ties dad 8S PRINCE JOHN OR panos ALBERT tobacconist, the candy shop, or the men's furnishings store, The x yA PHAT thers e & tC of rakes « + et gp! ee ’ ' ; p Ganeey © pf one that makes a bid for it is likely to get it. i & me sround this Le rs ot ELE, cae as s ne Of the eight thousand readers of the News, some are outside TIMBER SALE X 2324. as oul the ¢ er might « ting | ee vial ta = , . the city. There are only 8,000 people living here, and many of] ,,5¢aled tenders will De received by the danger, From Pt. Simpson, Arrandale, Mill ! , them are too young to read the newspapers. There are over a/ the 9th day of December, 1926 for tn er ty Bay, Wales Isiand and Naas River. TRAIN SERVICE 644-15 am thousand children who take little interest in the papers and a few pa renees of preanes See ee Oe cus 8 Mc PHA wh th Govern to" in in Passe as Monday, Wednesday and Saturday at iliterates who cannot read much. All the others read the News. Cel puree ae ae er renee Pais: : ve Sal ? . * +> Dw yur Smithers, Prince ti At out of town points there are many readers, especially at! Two (2) years wit be atiowea for re-|'*Wer People straining under tl ' a Alice Arm, Stewart, Terrace, Usk, Hazelton, Smithers, Telkwal’’s rah of particulars of the cated Poreater,|“C'#! Of ermgedas munomn Queen Chariotte Istands: ' All Ocean Steamship Lines and many other places. Any aévertiser who would like to see oie , Or District Forester, Prince SOINK fO and fro The PPine®) bor Magsett, Port Clements and for information end reservations 7 a tupert Railway Station, City Ticket Office, BRE Third Arenve the Daily News subscription list is welcome to look it over. That Upper island poifts is the only way to tell where the paper goes. The News jinyites TIMBER SALE X 2616, rHAT it 5 ny es wublicity. We do business Cin hake ark ak alii. viii 41s rumored certa ee 5 a ae meer ae pene in the open beeause we are delive PINK) Semied tenders will be receivea Dy the yexideni« who have ima z 1@ goods and are not afraid for it to be known. Minister Of Lands not fater than noon op ‘rosa Manset, Port Clements and the @5th day of Uctober, 1920, for we Prelits from the illicit sa ft poy ’ 7 ——o__-_ ~ _ jpurchase of Licence X 2615, to ent 796,000 all ‘ : ‘9 Upper Island points hy J feet of Sproce and Hemioek and 290,000 vil migrate rather ha sacs . | y I PA nn feet BM. of felled and bucked Spruce on) income tax collector next January ' ame Be She J. Nesbit op aes wituaten Ge Bildelis Hiver, Range . . . 2 i ne By ‘ 3 D Oo , Coast Land Distrie . ‘a ‘ " . 2WwICes me ch W? {2 Years Will De allowed for re- rHAT between basket ball and “Or Skidegate, Queen- Glrarlotte ee ELE CANADIAN PACIFIO OCEAN SEF moval o timber vy ¢ ° CLEANING AND Further particulars of the Cmef roreater, the hospital ball and the basebal City and Lower Island petnts ela te S shi Services . j P ESSI | Spcteeiae fe or District Forester, Pri dance, the people should be get Sapte wr 5, 18; October 2, 16 parweaat B.C. Coast teams p RESSING PARLORS Fe re ing coo all to tanta ny oye 3 = TIMBER SALE X 2587. two : S CESS MARY 133 Eig ath Street Prince R BC | ‘ s ieee From Skidegate, Queen Charlotte ms ee a ' Prince Rupert - ” = Sealed tenders will ne reenty , Blasts, from Prine e Mupert, BA, Distriel Forester. Rat. eter then node on} THA'T every day finds some new City and Lower Island pointe err Dei as} . ‘ the 25th di ver i ' ; ' tombe } ctobe ‘ pon , r Repair Work and Alterations a Specialty purcheee, of f canen st Geet, So ont Pater hing for advertising to do ’ ‘} 8; October $2 ' For Vancouver Victoria end Seattle f Prince Rupert Tae 7 ‘ eee 000 feet of Hemlock, Spr nm j A ° ¢ ie oe N Our Motto: ‘‘To Give Customers Satisfaction”’ on Lot ¢s, situated on Rice arm, Cassia PHAT adver tis ing is an x 7 Phone Calls given Prompt Attention tend District. , . _—— 6. 6. PRINCESS BEATRICE alert Oe7 2 me (1) year Will D& aiiowed for rée-jpression of confidence in the For Skauway and the Yukon n Fails, Mardy OY: 3e0.-Cl Managef, bette “s r9 Ph 563 moval of titer. . rom Prince Rupert for Bwanson Bay, Ovve Gon. Clark, Managef, better known a0 “Hobby one | Further particulars of tne Cmiet rorester,|O'storner September 6, 17, 27; October : Braver Gove, Powell River, Vancouver and Victor jwictaris gf Gr OF District Forester, vrineé deh 14. 88 ana: Novambes 4 Evéry Saturdey, @ Pm 40 : o , . ’ ° * f h — VHAT the indidate who does From Skagway and Yukon. Por reies, rerervations and seilings, 80s “ — ———— el : Hol advertise is beaten before he September 10. 24: Octo w. o. ORCHAND General Agen : — —_—- ne ee | 21; ctober 1, t, B.C SS - = es lis nominated 1% Se ae s .- Prince Ruper | . p », 26, and Novem@er 5. Cor 3rd Avenue and 4th Street PHAT the business run on ¢ ox , aOR ' " stewart, Maple Bay and Swamp r community basia must be ad Pol 6 e Ivertised : . oink, ! a aks For-—-Saturdays ...... 9 p.m. Dentist. Laut A a met RPA mmnmmemnmees ie ~~ _ Kiln Dried c indling Wood Rooms 7 and 8 Smith Block Oe cee TERRACE | THAT the kind of thrift that and Town Lots KILN DRIED PL ANER ENDS, ° ‘gl ’ ao a ve ae FRUI q LAI YDS D N IS R aaa : | ; do with your suc- 4 saves a cent at the cost of a dollar rown tote in Terrace $100 to $600 Com- cess--your person- or Lofa dolar Fer ior am easy terme ’ from the Prince Rupert L umber . is & “punk proposition,” Acre Lote ¢lode té Town ° ality---your appearance and your good health depend | Cae #300 per lot vn wey erinnt tn | pany's Mill, upon your teeth. You cannot afford to neglect such a THAT the advertiser takes the Tep-acre lots iq miles ‘from town, better public into his eonfidence, tells poe, COring. On GA Gl Per Sere: Bi We are now able, owing to eary "te rine valuable asset, iwhat he has and the price at One 90-sere tot % miles aut, a crease the size of the load, and to rec woot ane abou ur arres Oo ” LOW PRICES---Best material money can buy. pret one oe See ns butidings, ood. road. vy ‘promiees ad PERSONAL ATTENTION AND PROMPT SERVICE will eames the BEST RESULTS. | THAT advertising is the bicz in B Prige..O0@,,ge° ere MAI case By $7.00 wv per lo jthe first part of the word busi- Remember my address, Rooms 7 and 8 Smith Block Inone. Kenney Bros. & Co. Order from Office Hours Lady Assistant Open Evenings J) oyjj.y oo res Real Estate Brokers, *¢° 9-195 1-6; 7-0 Phone 575 Sunday by Appointment [flor sisiec and pelitival fuits ana ‘Terrace =" B.C. Pacific Cartage, Ltd. 4 facilities, '° : juce the price balanee yoar Phone 933 at at iil apaaina aetna ence i Seed jliquor referendums, it is nice to}