Pa ro 8 en ee ore THE DAILY KEWS SS EEE BRINGING UP FATHER By George Mey , MeMe WE HO LIKE VO BAKERS ee erento PAINTS AND OILS Circular Saw F ——— : vl a fam We have now on derstudy te the stat In the last Sons of Ganaila 1 ee FE Pump aa h s ; Pra ; LA CASSE @AKERY ED STORES et ae and eek of the run; a series of acci-| Kehts, of Columbus 0 {6 Phird Ave ; » TS A ee SS tole Elsctric Ligtht Plahty 1000 T des pieeed Miss Cotten in the! Sens of Nneland 6 2 0 PRINCE RUPERT FEED Co . on ; 1 Wath t ons ' ' ' . “or ‘ “ gud AY ' » s " 2S — ‘ eading part and she seored a ang 7m mM . — o~ Fred Sto lherb juices; and re sults obtained |byterian © ‘lub was held last ever fap = oe | jirom the formula of a great |tF- H. F. Me Rae was in "5 ' Hardwa Cleaned and Pressed Scoteh herbalist are today ¢ caus- |Chair and ©, ¥. Bennett, Res ( wry AVEMS ‘< by jing intense public interest. jv. Kerr, Miss Oraig and Mm, ally ews ass ie Ss. { Phone Black ! a ie * | This pure composition of juices |*@ewart contributed to the pro 2 CENTS PER yi IN { fies Steam Pressing Machine lextracted from herbs is now being jerasn, ADVANCE. No Advertisement Taken for Less than Oc } Pie Metbod. i wor, S engis ‘ a 2 i ; mm Delivery is Prompt | deliv: Ss0ns peaple mho.eme.s0 thiektee ns ee Somer at thelr wine) LEARN AUTO ABD TRACTOR Corner Blanchard and Fisgard eof this engine has gone f) al Labe th Give us atrial. Phone Black 502 Bimarvellous remedy relief from| month ald son, Leo Phe party BUSINESS. Streets : a AT 00 eg ; a t tt sEIItf aver na deat widely variatad disease! | ine luded Mra. H. Cameron, Mee. D rhe eo » vear will be the 3 : ww oe we en Fe B. t LIN TAI MN j H h Re torer 3 “t Cohen, Mrs. Hurdie, Mrs I higgest in the aut industry, ee transfers to our Fifteen from the fa We ha it 2 oe R A, nder ealth ' ; wae acts inaki os, Mids. i, Weinstein. Mrs hchuseniennd dae ail tae sb a Branches in Canada and U.S.A n tand 4 bh. p. N. & B. ene —— 821, 828 2nd Ave., Prince R ‘ ion the blood through the digestive : : , ; es eae ' ; ' Board and room at lowest rates priv f ” t ‘ at ont eer ee rE iction of the stomach and reaches Bp. Onan, Mrs. EK. A. Woods and mand for trained men BRANCH OFFICE 23 Hastings Prince HNupert Gipar maxTiN . he organ of complaint through Minn Lottie Chancel! OUK SCHOOLS SUCCESSFULLY Street bast Op; ite ‘ Phy ne Bine v1 ‘ff Building Trades U $$ | . | ‘ posite a wm i \ ag . lithe blood. Thus Rheumatism, os tees : ; Teach by practical experience! gy epic arenes . IStoms ch Disorders Kidney}, ph ey Cee tae ee me every phase of the Automobile] — er aint ttt FOR SALE net gra ! Central Labor Cow ° * r ° ye en Peceive rom vo . 2 & Seery Tues *t I'Trouhles ¢ ' sal inane area , lraector, Stationary and Marime HESPONSIE ay > \ rece rin + #4 Housewives ! Attention ! i‘! _ . and inant i _ drow of $0i4 claims on Surf in = , ee - va ; - os want ; for “p ths . [ women's Ausiliar Mordead permanent rene ; and in Inlet rinems j imine ime ee ' i ‘ Sloe ave een «or sixteen pply ‘as 7 >. 7 (ity You ¢an save money on your the cause of diseases Of the air pee es Si Br seanriag Hepair mis area S00 Saws cegubndliy Poaterie eer gy ~ Shay Kr | LI f j #120 yt ' he t neh of Batter * . on SAL Safe rice $12 : Meeting at fuel Pi by buyine CEDAR | pas —- g, gee end Drege hae ot6e806 5668 58 54 be | oy = ‘ ry brat . f ittery = ee to Hox os a hr alia . ‘ di if wicasmnit 2 ic in stove lengths at iwork done by onder eaith e- ane ‘ rie wer iily News ice . ‘s 7 ne . $4.50 per load. torer is miraculous. Your ° LOCAL NEWS NOTES ° ONLY FEW WEEKS REQUIRED Ty ee ee VEGETABLES. Meta! Trades,‘ Give us your order now. jdruggist has a descriptive book- lie Maas ae By bndupclie alee OUR GHADUTATES GIVEN Will give room and hoard to I have the sole agency. jlet in which the bealth properties Mrs. H. Pattinson has arrived PREPERENCI eehool @irl for tending baby HUY ASHCROFT POTATORS J Fishpac mom JOE BROWN’S lof natural herb juices contained ae after a holiday wisit to Vic averewiiors: after sehool P.O. box 603, 5 r wint py ly f " : OPEN roe . PASSENGER & TRANSFER jin Wonder Health Restorer are ; eee chee UNLIMITED OPPORTUNITIES, Ung if tional Cirocery, Fulton Stree Fourth > Phone Black 334 j)deseribed. iH. E. Ross of the Empress Ho-| LEADING AUTOMOBILE ASSO-\ Woman wants work by the day, FOR RENT ss Wonder Health Restorer may be!lte} aprived from the south this CIATIONS endorse our sehool cooking or Cleaning. Apply box xine w Hae eT eee om aflerneon. The thoroughness of our meth 127 Daily News office, 48) POR RENT. Roem and a le rince Rope i o da wo i: I ods and the completeness of our . tiene Iwo men, ¢ to de \| peers Night Phones - J. G; Steen, 371 limost drug stores throughout the Mroand Mrs. George Bryant and equipments WANTED Cook at Inlander {60 Third Avenue Fast. PI W. Longwill, Blue 270 |Provinee; or send direet to the family Caine in from the south rik BIGGEST AUTOMOBILI Mess. . uf iach 302 SMITH & & M Day Phone & \distributors, W. Y. MeCarter-Burr this afternoon on the Princes CONCERNS — $$$ ——- --——— | STEEN 8 LONGWILL 1Go., L id., 1045 Dominion Bldg., George. . senna their mechanics 4o our von ears m) RENT : emeped bees = —— 00 H fancouver C ’ EEE eg a a o Indies eferred, P PLUM | Mencouvers BS General Blacklook of the Kit school for special electrical) pon saLe-—Or will trade for ap- R 1 4 ri NGINEERS Sheet Metal Works IN PROBATE sumkdlem Taunber Go. arrived! taining. These automobile con proved close-in Prince Hupert ae " tes furl --—-- MN THE SUPKEME COURT OF BRITISH ; Hanns ave afhaiaativ calling : pe Katimate Agent for r McClary Furne aes COLUMBIA, this morning and proceeded eas! Tite ae dan os 7 Camas Of! J real estat ACCOUNTANTS — j the i kefor wre ales, becanse ” nti Sanitary an and }IN THE MATTER OP THE ADMINISTRA. to thee anil, ie ne aft ae P ' zs aa ri Nhe fast run-about lawned | py a eugencien ACGOOUNTAN' address, 3rd Aven | PION ACT ° 1w re types o e e tur “Baby : Ws . 4 qating | Engineers j ; ‘ond ; maid O, B. Bush of Stewart came in, out Feho" either with or withoutr” vouid take chara f aot ¢ of Becond SM . IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF engine, i { po 5th Street and Fraser Street | M A. ZADOBIWISKE; DECKASED, IN- from the seuth this affernoon, DAY AND EVENING CLASSES ¥ A A | books, Whole or part Phone 174 Y Prince Rupert - - - - B.C, ss OTe TE noe inka tans aad “ae” tale He recently announced his inten. | NOW RUNNING. One first-class marine en-| I Williseroft Ph | He , OYE . ' . ine, or if eonncoereniee’ rae Netapor, 1090.4 ~~ wee inted nor be 4 candidate in Allin) ~ Call or write TODAY for FREE) © On first-class large row boat| ac lll ’ a Adi . w ‘ te C constituency, | divat ar intala@ue : ’ . ees aleetiea. ee ee an peruse o he | - phe J — wae ' van with 2% hip. Gaille Perfection TUITION. Le ff Iiereby required to Turmah ‘same, property| Harty Rows, fisherman, was) poy yy, 1 col tate tooney, |, eRe eee ee See oar AITING Variety ° | verted to nie = abet ne tie Ets dey fined $300 with the option of #ix OLA, NOW and save money, M. M, Ste phens, Phone 222, SHORTHAND - TYPI , j in wy arf lo ovember, ) v0 varies 0 a i Ces c ba © eve ,y clase tv ltndebied 10 the enéate are required Oper pay{Months al Okalla, by Magisirale ron tt : : iit hand 7 | eStyaly private evening Wr ' pNS & BF ‘ the Indeoiedness® to me forthwith, Mor ‘ . : LARGEST AND BRST-BOUIP. VOR SALE tine wel double ing formed Practical exp CHICK JOWN MMe MULLIN MeMordie this morning, having | in MARK | the Ome Administrator, |been found guilty of supplying PED motor training sthool in springs, ome lady's desk, one) enced teacher Individual in C ITY We have secured the agency for lwo ae. 0Oh See OE a Sy liquor to Indians. Canada. The #ehool that has! open grate stove and pipes, struction, ensuring prompt re , pocneneetennTe re the best Cov! foundin the interlor } oe © @ | been selected by the Dominion) Vhrone Red 508, tf! sults, Rates reasonable, Fo and can supply any quantity, | Mah Lei and Lee Kah, Chinese, Government for the training of von GALE On L ah A a, Seep | particulars write box 128 ee oe GR Prices on application to Phone 655 827 2nd Avenue were found guilly of opium smok-| B.C. it, men, i ag eg ana. aoa. we News office, ' A. G. = } j : é | ie hoa : | susiness ) or | ————--—— - of F d Cc. V. EVITT ing in fie pobioe court this morn. | HEMPHILIS AUTO AND | ao a , 5 Teacher Prince Rupert Feed Co. hae od ing and were each fined £50, Loe TRACTOR SCHOOLS | renee “7 Dally Hones __.___-ORae MEETING geydio 187 See0nd # Jorner 2nd Ave, and 7th St | one Foe; charged with a similar of-| VANCOUVER SCHOOT oat mR OF wre : : . ’ -| NC th SO ' pa ee LODGE 1054 LOYAL OND » plue 42! Phone 5% Green 546 | Auditor and Accountant fence, forfeited bis #75 bail on!) Corner Granville and Fifteenth ‘VOR SALE—Old new spapers, 7 Moose meots every Thursday PHONE B his Mon-appearance, Avenue Weat, } a large bundle, News office, tf evening at the De Luxe Hall.