— ) PROTEST AT MARINE WORK Board of Trads Takes up Matter of Repairs to Maridh and will THE DAILY NOTED IRI WRITER DIES GOING SOUTH o-. niser magcire was « ersine of J. F. Maguire v uire of of This City ener Y O08 Page 5 The Satisfying Wire W. A. Found his city of the death or Milly I ' : : . hd FULL bar vad will, unless it is ter for the Morning moke attended to, mean a severe Irish ‘Vises attack of throat trouble or gn ag aE ese : ‘ é iin laily / pronchitis this coming winter. r Therefore, get a bex of Peps and r re really he take a few of these wonderful little Ml a it ou a } tlier breatheable tablets atonce. They will inera ila free you of that cough and make your hirty Years he ‘ : : , throat strong enough to withstand the est \ = “THERE'S a world of satisfaction ma i us he extreme winter weather. ; wWenby a h pipeful of OLD CHUM Tobacco. & is i ine . he chest and are 4: , Peps give strength to t ' Rising ties i : invaluable for coughs, colds, sore throat, Mi \ lefatipa Irish It has that mellow richness that appeals : . ied st " ue a on ryngitis, bron hitis and asthma "abe aan to every smoker. . ALL DEALERS, 50c. BOX. I ms 7 ra FREE TRIAL Sb Bumer, utd You are sure of a long smoke—an 4 yee y ; —— “+ enjoyable smoke—and a_ thoroughly Send this advertisement and Ic stamp ter M whe - - for pestaga) to Pege Go, ‘Toronte, sad . Sehotivnd, the satisfying smoke—when you fill up receive free trial package. ; wer and of the 7 ; men in Ireland, your pipe with : Mr. Bailantyne’s word. Phe Glasge Herald says ' ' 1) M Maguire= death h int Itishman who ne autt ty im In Army . : gt ded ' es - 1 Allenby, onan a s smith a izhity MARGUERITE CLARK Lien in “ ” : ‘ e of IN “LUCK IN PAWN Dr. Maguire's ” f the few Famaus Movie Star wil! be Seen \ n wh Canada's Favorite in Picture Here Tonight th ¢ : © une realized Pipe Tobacco. act i af re rims ry . v * da is a itt alist . Wiring Dangerous. we i with - - - a = = | ii ‘ t od Queen’ ge ee oe Tee a Ere we ‘ Dr. Maw was '!NAVIGABLE WATERS PROTEC- t-=f Hugh TION ACT. w 1821 Boot i ' a) a aad R S.C. CHAP. 145. é 3 ee 1™ ISHERIES LIMITED or} wc nto Ns wma mae as es| 1 TQ) Property Owners and Tenants } si bey satile Vaneouver, British Colombia, herépy wifes = aid Act arpasited wite the Miieiee Oe] war sa ha [aaed. Wors at ottawa, ann, tae ace | At this season of the year the prudent man sees to j the istrict eristrar @ f . : . ' RAUE ' huh SOO See eee e sees l eisiry District of Prince Rupert ab Proce | it that his heating plant (hot water, hot air or he ’ Mining n|® @\pisns of wharf, salon cannery and coia|# stoves) is put in condition for the colder weather. |, Notice to Advertigere §— @ S:"a4e plant pruposed. to, be, Pmut tm we] ! muver, B.C : . @)in front of Diseriet. tai A443. Range 5, If you want the work done promptly and right see si ’ . topat neatric is Columb 4 “ Casual advertisements @9°"A\p TARE vor = after ee Ge oT 3 ff mul “ei Ham, . fg insortion same; day *1 ee oe ie hen tine | ; ; A ni i the =; conten’ Sais wisi ae secu 7 . r] | fe A od 4 should in the Daily he said Act, apply to the Minister | | SOPPOSS POSEN, . News office before 10 a.m. @ ublie Works at his office in the Sty of ij iH : New location ; Changes in advertisements * naan bua’ tot leave 3 wl ruct the said i R I Helgerson : ~ a as should be on hand before ® aoe saimon cannery and cold storage ; SHEET i | : ; : F ; ; eribed 5 p. mm® on previous day. @ DATED at Prince Rupert, B. C., thts 24tn > 34 ' tay of September, o8 : one 340 : Block ‘ : ; ' a . , WMT risHenirs LIMITED, f 220 and Ave Ph SSS] i , ed ' , , e®esepeaesetae#eee eee eee Hy Messrs. Patmore & Fulton, Solicitors | ' : ine , M — —— a . \ rf - ual c se | sate sii cine sdgsinciannpesy Pe at when your wants will be attended to by practical | ' nee ot te SF CORSE SS OCS ARS OS © |. ck ceeeitnn te deste eee i men, i poe . « In ueen Onhariotte Istands Land pistrict, { > “ y 3s . ’ ae ie necor z \# Tu SUBSCRIBERS One coe, aes ee ae NO BOYS SENT TO DO MEN’S WORK, 4 ; Sine . Be. with a a i Se of lake notice tal tee UnAGAM TOLAND a 7 a Huy Tate F ; y Subscribers to The News ® spaece & CEDAR CO. t rD.. of Fort —— f ” Clements orcup oO merchants, ; e . are asked to pay the de- : intend ta apply for permission to lease tne Soemtant iia al ary . fott ) describe angs :— a j 5 livery bays each month Cauaoe ne ine at a post pisnted at the : ; when they call,” except ®/nortuwest corner of Back 8a) tae orth 44 deg 7 min. We s eet; . , ; ' " it where payment haa heen ®iinence norin 70 deg. 05 min west 810 ace Rupert | : rn A ALARS Qt) made tor the year in ad- «et orats dieith ee wae wares, | ~THEO COLLART, Notary Public ; vane. The boys when & ireet more oF less to & Dost Slanted st the FOR SALE.—CORNER LOTS on lith Street and Second Avenue, " =e - :. = sou est corner of sal : ce cor wag on all A PLAN i i \ : pers h collecting carry oficial re- & north easteriy. Touowing the _nign- Sumer Section Two, $1 100.00 cash. A : : , . * ceipts which should al. &|Mark along the westerty boundary of Dive EDSON COAL FOR SALE ~Loose $12.50, Sucked Lump $14.00 “ ! iz ‘ j ° h d . 83 WwW th pons. of OF pencement, con per ton delivered " ine ‘ ; s . é Ss Ud reserved. t 7.5 y 10 e a mint a “ ’ iPr Clae - Way pr rve . GHAG La ISLAND SPRL ix & CEDAR GL, Most Liberal MARINE INSURANCE on the aa : ap remain ty SSS SESS EH HEE HE Oe Haled AveUs om, 1H20, Insurance Company of North America. Pays Claims promptly K agent Never forget luok = throtgh | ————___---—— — - ee a P. 0. Box 66 Westholme Theatre Block Phone Blue 69 ao depiamber 88.) 1980. 8 the classified list Advertise in the Daily News. Advertise in the Daily News ‘ane coe ®! 2% t , mea Sastry 1 FOr 6TH AT Yuu! Fer You, WHo Ever OF SUCH A JE ig bee ha , MoLLY IM SuRPRfeD Aw' AS MA - HEARD THING ® s* HAVE | ——-—_—a- “To “THe Come TLIFE | EVERY BUOYS Dain’ (T OVER o’M iS -mHar So? WELL NO OAUGHTER ALLOWED T'DANCE Skcv Qances ' Sée ¢ WHERE |S THis WE'LL BE S SouTRaGeous: = HAD Al0PA LAKE Pa le AF FS “Te IN Mom et em SS] BE’ AS iM y HID HATE OREADFUL ETCHED SUCH AS ILLAR Grr RIBLY