THE DAILY NEWS 7 Page ‘ * HIGH SCHOOL HAD A Considerate Service | Local and Personal A MERRY EVENING “OR 55 years, our aim has been | , Juniors Stage Excellent Concert | Ask for Atkins’ Saus ay F the development of a@ service ‘ "a oe " and Matriculation Students of individuality—a service not L. Player arrived from Claxto Entertain at Party i only efficient but interested lventerday : : ‘ hi > * « Dhie h | We take pride in acquiring lasting | Ed. Brown is leaving tonight |at hor wren se business relations, and this is ' ad for Seattle on a short visit to h ec ef reflected in the courtesy, and and fainils i nby : ia} et i} i =? ' ) os rmiptiness with whic h our cus- : 4 * ‘ j nate i “ ip me a ners requirements are met. j Mel h the fishdag BANK OF CANADA | secived his Eeoenlag epee soem iicouve! ed { ‘ » the NION ser rt Che new Shimimi pump in black dint j ; Rupert Branc h A. yi Broderick, Manager d, patent leather, and tar MM pee n Hoyal Shoe Store tf IEE op ’ x . j i W.. J. O'Ne und J. J Neigh : we 1a s bs Ketchikan ar i t n ' es he Mary aterda i I 2 . . = ’ \. BE. Wakefield, 1 s “ naul, adds i the | ‘ asf evening on “Personal Rh : 6 . jack Cargill returned m tl i Le | y P Princess Mary yesterday aft« = Sig ! eer ; nm fron y ‘A Mit Siikine where he ha« e spent the « gael iee ~ i i i be | ee . Seomley Hutchins and N G ‘ Greeting Call at | M : ennan Ww = var ; fined ye . Den ; r drunkenness by Magistral Our Store Me Murdie this otal | sol ha . . % j i K and Mr. and Mrs, Jack Judge re- ; ret uli {rot their oney- ar S 1 today 1 | honey ere . oWi nspect won, arriving here on the Prin- |. ' Ar ess Rogal at noon today. sang Samples o 4 8 . We have samples of an English OY K browue and tan oxfords. Come!’ and order a pair from the sample Hoya] Shoe Store. if Xmas y a . as onan - loday ts tl ast day to gel ouaniiaieiaasaiia it py sand Sh ‘ TEE aiccsuehien tamanae aaa a5 KIRK CANDIDATE. OU hear a lot about the price of clothes. We McRae at Ltd. Hotrow; o mekodions dramatic; : say just this, that price for quality and quality for ‘ ? god ee a K price, 20th Century Brand Clothes are the best buy on llers Stationers nt gs menpmbers glans fee the market to-day. Put this statement to the test. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. tute Of the “eternal » | e Sold Exclusively by morrow 54 BIRTH. Bryant Company Ltd. shes fermen Prince Rupert B.C. ICE RUPERT DRY DOCK |S Engineering Co., Limited. vith om Moma ie ne Operating — «“#*#*eeeeeveenveeeneee pene & n period the eee pro- ~ MARINE AND De aoa teeeeee: 1c fs es pieireetdbie bey ty COMMERCIAL WORK me rang ay en wy esis Sind tion? ON reatoenite FRENCH’S to each six Several boats may Rae Elks s 1 he te birds will do this hee you by shortening the moulting period, e In one sect m of the Dry Dock tupert, ©. BE. Starry) poy e used for which means that the birds i commences laying much ’ ez the : und the Dolly earlier than other Lagincers, Machinists, Boiler Makers Sin Founder, Pater Mare ee Es ORDERS MEN VOTERS: Lisr tom ose") THE BRACKMAN-KER aa CO.,LTD. f GTP. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry|Dock th dict a ! juest ints as e : E Trade Mark ae « death W. HH. Sta SHO Was Cpork ; age ‘s © ORESE to Handle All Kinds of . ‘ y in the woods near . erent = Neale B& K Mm d : e 0 We Solicit Your Enquiries TAKE FOOD AT CORK ae P.O. Box 745 Pricce Rupert, B.C Phone 350 a Box 1713 Phones 43 and 385 ' . " “ Rp iz PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. sais inks ita aelinds ketal a er wie jaa ‘je af ork visited th : ' ta aramce of a ie : rhe ee vo ho : wepaper Mail Orders Receive P. O, Box 183 ‘ ia : ‘ , ‘ | rdere i : . ower W be ’ a § = SE re ae hunger strik ; y dulles radius Prompt Attention Phone 558 : ae. “ean efused lle pave had no -" The petitior for ~ ? « king W di Hl ot cents er cubes Miss GLEESON a ; wners m Elall | Advertine tn thre ' sews i “ oe s ISS : B this season of ¢ Se - any person Exclusive Ladies’ Ready-to-Wear Ee nol the ves . - | EEE 1 beat ea te Prudent man sees | | STRIKING STORY OF stad a ae i § es) is 69 — 705 Branches — 1920 aS “iran Third Avenue Prince Rupert, B.C. \ *Put in condition for the colder weather, | VANCOUVER LADY | 1s . te ena Pere ‘ 4a Re Want the B. North, agent. eo abil eo “it the work done promptly and see ° | Mrs, B, DeBeck of 2120 Scotia The Royal Bank ; wh CS > el ad St. Vancouver tells a story which “ Jt ne should interest every reader who : . »* marranetl) . . ‘ eee te 'R 9 s afflicted with indigestion of z ras Careful Piano Tuning ( ; E ; pone ' stomach trouble in any = fourm ADMANIST INA Repairs to all makes of Pianos { , ° ; eer After suffering for years she alld q Phonographs, Cameras — Spare } ; ; ; ' found relief in a imple lis Md : & ESTATE OF)) parts in stock. French Polishing $ =6B40 Second Avenue, West. : i MET remedy and for the benetit of fel : JRANDA EASED, IN-|3 ¢ Ue : | iow sufferers tells the story of het —— i al J. Slade Stevens (; ; £20 ‘nd A reatment as follows ~ . , 5 the (3th 428 5th Avenue W. C5 VEGETABLES snd Ave, Phone 340 L nm I have suffered from indiges GIVE YOUR B°Y A CHANCE! + _appoinied } Phone Red 291 P.O, Box 762 ¢ } Wholesale and Metall MD Your tioy and stomach trouble for years R : having $ > ~=6 General Contractors and "7 { oa} : ‘ several rem ‘Ss ‘ j : / are hereby ws seneré sontrac wants Will be attended to by practical wit “ Nit fe, a ce ae whi ile vars Ha You will nol miss the Small ’ een NOTICE ; Labor Exchange. : men. | the advice of a friend ; Bo ispt I th | “ i vist day of as bi ouls give Wo t Health C- ‘ t to pay rt ss i i » DiSTHIt e : : BOYs SE NT T eA ; Sone a tr ral roe in a position mon amoun 5. . \ ran CORDING DISTNICT OF Shee vA, AND Prince Rupert, B,C, ; 1 : rO DO MEN'S WORK, to state that | have had Oe - On the first day of every 7 ci ‘i ator ARE. Npeane nat * ‘ite MINING Phone 547 — P.O, Box 725 eee =. » ‘ aking this medi- ‘ ‘ ctober ». COMP of 607 Cree oncier - : js — Ms eM Cie TO Log P* a i. af, | n On month draw a cheqne for ‘ t Al f MPANY LIMITED. ( ‘ 7 Cregit Yon ~~ ; ; ra il satistied am T that T have ng BF $10 for the credit of your ' ornare | TOInC, O8 eee URIS. 18. COUGARS | smeteerseee rr a he sil ation in recommending Won- S ws A nt Do . , ar Ul or prtTisH sad province. intends to apply for per- ts Nh der Health Restorer to any persona son’s Saving s count, ‘ ‘ mission to iease the following deseribed ; Bice s Modern equi novel h od suffering from similar ailments, this regular re for, say, ten \ ATTRE HE ADMINISTRA. | fan is, situate im, tee sricmty Loe Phon® Green 607 1017 Grd Avenue we pr j ; ate ny cmasan Prewee MAS... DeBEUR. years 7 any i the. Cassiar District on Alice Arm in the oc uce aw olesome 120 Scotia SI Vancouver. Z ars. \ . : 7 We ESTATE OF Seena District commencing af & post Dalg & W. tts : =i . ; ro MECEASED. I plantec e No est corner Of Lot Nat ” jog ih heats which Your boy will then have A - ane , Trevi + ‘ ae oiatel t ihen. e run- arno a Wonder eaith estore! ‘ : ae : “ 3 \ i lis ww South 5 deg. 20 min, West @ Gistance ritious Brea did Aethhh wonderful work for Mrs, 2,083.48. He can own a 5 al 51 see 7 feet, inom @ Nore $4 des st BU: LDERS AND CONTRACTORS : DeBeck las done lupins ore aa business when other boys ‘ Was, appointed Southerly boundary of Lot 643A, saeper sie ' Light and Heavy Con- , S00ds are thousands of cases cal De se- etl 3 : wy Neniiall ooe ‘ ‘ s paving following the Southerly boundary of Lot siruc tion, Kepairs and Alterations, 2 “J made from High- class Mi terial : ul ed in Prince Rupert from the are still working tory _ 7 oper rise er Lp Z at e Saber ciouats ene First Class Staircase Work end " Prince Rupert Drug Go, and ue y ba , an a comme eee " . ne Finishing. : fh L T RY THEM sulferer from his nee hi a tan ' Arties fa wut at ca : OD the tweittn Gay oF August. Estimates Cheerfully Given : should o look thi See ono en i , ' ed to pay!) 1920 ‘ ~ . ~ a Casse Bakery . eS coh abe pi piion of a Capital and Reserves $33,000,000 oO 8 mith neens fee tae: Taries Minuae Cembene BRICK ANG CONCRETE BUILDING : A great Seoteh be rbatist ven by Tolal Resources - $629,122.31) cneeeela ite Limited CONTRACTORS 3 “to Delivery ery. 190 him te the world for the good al \ DATED at Alice Arm, B. C., tole iweitte Gay of August, 1920, dun for Sune ils i A