heve their work done here—particular per- omnes teo—and let them tell yeu why we do their werk. And then—try eer excellent Dry Cleaning and Proveing Service, ‘ cussed in the east. They certainly} ¢ ; ne : ; 7 | Stephen Wintonick, age i Canadian ane in Prince Rupert. liad who ha on me ; : n . AER “Est: saa — as already spent some ATED WATERS FURRNIT Steam Laundry THAT il txbele ooclider facta ee industrial school, was canatbisnete GENERAL LAUNDRIES Phone & ould operate suecessfully nee morning commitred for trial BEAVER BOTTLING WORKS notes . | : ae hk ce : . at : CANADIAN STEAM Prince Rupert because there are by Magistrate MeMordie charged : 133 WILFRID GRATTON.. Cor. Third aud Tin Phone #, for Cleaning a i Pilcine * no auturon leaves here with breaking into the store of een 399. for second hand furnt cae a e s > : S. G. Moore at the dry dock on/|.w os BARBER SHOP _ PAINTERS AN sates tae ti eae es THAT Luke says the: married| /Uesday nicht, With him was ee e — CS YOKAHAMA BARBER SHOP FURNITURE man who claims he is boss in his |BROthor lad of very tender years) Lady Berber Ratt ; ord Ave . rReo eonooen jhome wilt Hie about other things whose case Was heard in camera. FRANK BR ONY sat end Praser . vy We have now on too # he gets the chance. Phe story goes that on the night BAKERS dncatdndlb Phew Green 449 oe ¢ * in question the two. boys wer PAINTS AND OILS hand rHAT the man who knocks his |PAssing the store and Winton LA CASSE BAKERY FEED STORES a jown town is usually the man that |suswested gobs, in, rhe younger third Av Phone 19° HE A. W. EDGE CO 1 Ave 1000 Tons lecent people would like to knock} lad went through a window and New ae ” ne as _ eee v jin the head. lemerged with some $27. This the CHINA, CROCKERY & NOTIONS ee ee ee . Nn Hit (ld a foe ltwo boys divided at Cow Bay ~ - will - PAINTERS AND DECORATERS | : i : : F ™ : Ir, + { is dificult to keep|Neither have been at home rhir fiona was = on 2 ee eee SELL 4 CROsSETT Phone 477 1000 Tors laughing at the manner inicently, having been encamped oucuentpesen 4 ARTHUR'S MARKET chosome people squirm. the o amb ia 5 : Third Ave Phemes (80 & ¢ PO . . e ° “A ¥ a 7 ulan a Market CLEANING AND PRESSING a! bos 483 PLUMBING PHA eleefioneer . ace, 1eir dwelling having be Son (ld hi. but h id be d .t all discovered this morning by War-|TOKYO BYE worns end ar GENERAL MERCHANDISE STEEN 2 LOMGWKLL Phone 5. Hl. should we done on- : , # n ary atte, 6 ROR jden Bailey. Both boys admit thy . a 7 WING COKIN YUEN CO os oe As we anticipate not only a || : err robbery. FOr Sesead ‘Avenue Pree” teen 7s P| RENTALS Searcity and increase in price of rHAT the man with the Bawser ——$— — a asi i g 8 s < F rw Penis coal but also a difficulty in meet- seck is said to be in town. Now M et tee 7 _— ae GROCERIES, See td iten ing your demands for prompt for th successful businessman” arke ° THE BOSTON GRILL LINERS rrr nurant semen eas sinessing i anoceny delivery this Jail, we strongly Ito mpty it. t Prices j 7 d ’ ’ ‘ A s 1 are t at at ’ : Phone $06 ie SIGN PAINTING recommend that you make sure §/ . * % SELL 4 CROSSETT Phen of your wmter’s supply now by THAT one of the things that Meats. THE ELITE CAFE HAROWARE euemamases pene Se Bar ~ iwon't get you ¢ re ihe Sirloin steak, per I gal Bigs meal for the money phoning you anywhere is believ- ax, p De ceececss oc HOWE 4 ®@ . 116, S564, Blue 69 ling ill that some of the politicians Beef pot roast, lb., 25c to 28¢ vai face tela <7 San. Ave Diovan SHEET METAL WORKS ite i you. Beef, chuck roast, Ib., ...... 30¢ CIGARS AND TOBACCO omen ; Everything in Sheet Metate Albert & McCaff foo \Beef, rib roast, Ib, 35¢ and 38¢| ~~ Rowe's .- ery {\ i for many sii e it is now Beef, boiling, out. {8c lo 22 VYOKAHAMA rt Ay Weat IMPORTED GROCERIES Seronmd Avenue Phome 346 Limited f: oo res to get their names on the} Hamburger, per Ib., oF, a |e se seess 25c : ALeaRTa MEAT MARKET CIEEN 4 LOWOWNLL Prone 6. ” . - | i ewing beef, per Ib., 20c and 25c ‘ DRUGGISTS Fifth Street Phone 208 THAT they will a smeoed-as iGerned beef, per Ib., ...... BI Bs icine 7 sis i Ww. 4m TAILORS._LADIES AND G The best way to have themselves when they find they mee leg, per 'tb., ....-+.. 50e siti as Penang rang ae LAUNCHES FOR HIRE ENTS ° have no vote at the civic elec tion amb, SOE, sc ctecechovcces G0c| rhe lareeat. érug house in Northere B.c.\°°™ “™ “ Phone Sick 400, ™@ T. LEE site Post Offee Fanuary. |Mutton, stewing .......... 2 eae Cree 8 | wan Also Cleaning and Preaving our ult | * « | Mutton, shoulder, Ib., 26c¢ to 28e PHAT the taawers will, get you|Leg of mutton, Ib, ........ se » Cle d P d if you don't watch out, ees OF GORTLOM «ccc cc eksee eT { . * * Pgs e an 4° aned an resse THAT betweek the woes et ial een houlder roast, per Ib, . 32e ape er srr ieo dation Te. een iLeg of veal ........390¢ and 40 ( ally ews assl ie ' Steam Pressi M hi jn in the w of the busine [Plain sausages, per Ib., 26 i Ss. : e woes oO 8 &S- ™ z 2 CENTS NCE M ing ac ne i on, the woes of the fishermen, os Perret rn ee oad ae as oe a Oe aren: fer ia ewe ethod. Oh nk eo Ae ck he. Ree ieee eee) ho 08 9.69.09: 0 0 © Fp Sie ithe woes f J ) at« ’ _—— It only takes 15 minutes. ae woen a os ong i Pork chops, per Ib., ...... 60K WANTED _ eer E nn Eeenee Ii tyes w f the | iia ily “Me Pork, shoulder, .......... 4 FOR SALE. Three teams logging HOOM TO WENT ‘ aeadien eshte } . OOS ¢ ie periennially 4ry,| Bacon. sliced . horee 1 harness fourt ‘ ‘ z oe is me the ‘ ‘ ’ ed, per Ib........ The | th Le BOY ted f ue , ; wentieme . Delivery is Prompt oe 1 ne that I should be alive Ham, TN ee 6h . a Fe te dred Kitson 4 ly 4 Kin \ Give us atriai. Phone Biack 502 i cHR oe RT Se earn aera Bike ' Annis ache not tA Ken H. 4 Kaat _H. Rogers, formerly agent for ‘Balt back 7 i ri LING T ILOR lihe Pacifie Steamship Co. here, le civeh, eras sobetegetooee 45e : x to Box 129,;F0OH SALI One set double FOUND A ania as - or eee DOE Hey weer erecces 6Se y Cont tf rings, one lady's des . #21, 822 2nd Ave., Prince Rupert a ish Loup hnane Semeeees Shor 'Fowl, DOR TM.j cs ccccccccee 500 ‘ a ok — ae 7 poten im , , PRRTIRNOED AOCOUNTANT You can save money on your = ¢| BOPOUCTH ois csc nc scccncccas 60¢| 127 Daily News office 48/FOR 8S : al eee on fuel bill by buying CEDAR i Osives liver, IbD., ........% 6001 } 8 a On LEASI Job print. | hooks whole or part t BLOCKS in stove lengths at Cooked beef tongue, Ib., .... Bhe | WANTED Cook at Inlander ing business and plant. For) ' W , vl $4.50 per !cad. Dairy Produce Mes ie] Particulars apply Daily News Black 259 if Give us your order now, {| PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA. lpiite : , . - Mee tf . bn eel DEPARTMENT OF LANDS, stler, Per ID. ..-crcceeces 75e eames — TUITION I have the sole ageney. | POREST BRANCH. Hutter (cooking per ib 65 FOR SALE iron & ALF Cabinet ! ” - a \COORINE per ih, ..+. ae wWinel gramo One le JOE BPROWN’'S $| XAMINATIONS FOR THE POSITION UF ESE S| She POR SALE-—Or will trade f with records Knap at ssaes 00 SHORTHAND ~ TYPEWRITING PASSENGER & TRANSFER Hi TANT FOREST HANGER. Limberger cheese, per Ib. ... 60« eid " » he ‘ Zz eri Apply PA, box 777, © ity. "63 Small private evening class be Phone Black 334 ‘ Object. ges (case heh napa lait 58 PINCE RUPCPG | amet FL, bos 7) purpees te otf et POOR BOSD ad ; ee eda ere : iy OR SALE Old newspapers, 25« enced teneher Individua scocccoorocooores |eandidates 1 quality for future YeCMelS Margarine ............+.. Bel gat, feat Tap amet, Jeenell - w tures Bunty Byes Geiss, tf), Siruetiin, searing promot \ Assistant Forest Ranger Comb honey 5Oe| mie |. 2 Fabia Pere | Pe suite, Hates nabl I ‘ ti ? | Assistant Forest P ge eerernens one engine FOR BAL hon renner . Night Phones - J. G; Steen, 371 i ting the five seasop (tay 3. samp r/Sugar, per Ib., ...... 21e aa bavi ciate. wade partieulara write box 123 Dally “Longwitl, Blue 270 \iiciusive) of each, year and tne a is! Bread ee aa iees oaes 2°. 2 ine fiest-class marine en-! vith harness Phone 45. Y News ollice if Day Phone & jextended where possible by Working on), , » POP LOAL, oe ee ee eee 4 be vine . cote od ee limprovements suen as trails, ete. Ke-|Flour (hard white) 50-Ib «k €4.00 WANTED Girl for } . k jap ointment is made each year as jong 4s . One first-class large row boat POISON DES LODGE MEETINGS lsfactory service ts given. Promotion| Milk, per case, .... $6.50 Lo $8.50 ‘its ake s Phone Green 294, ei < oo Ihe permanent siail is inmaGe DY Merit . . with hop. Cailie Perfeetion| —*— -_—- — ——— ui . | aa © eination és oecasica o8Grs. The Fish, * ie anit” dali } mae LODGE 1054 LOYAL ORDER OF Sheet agent Works [salary is 110.00 ber month the rst year) Jod, 2 Ibe She MoM , , Ph FOR SALI Bate. Price 64125——-| Moose meets every Thursd _ Mi 9 0 per sonth he Mex year.| ; ’ o Oo eebereesee a Stephens, ‘hone 222. Ne aftle , ‘ ‘ irada Agent for Me lary Purncaes vvanatanieniee are a8e pais sod fillets, smoked, ........ 26e ' me we _News office, tf evening at the De Loxe Hall Santtar a | Candidates must be British subjects Presh black cod per Ib, .... 15e PURCHASE WILL PAVE 85.00.00} BOARD AND ROOMS | ee oc. is side in British Columbia for at Jeast| Finnan haddie 25e One 20 hip. heavy duty N. &} —— te ' FARMS FOR SALE eating Engineers 3) ra". of ood character, good physical Se rseeeboves ot : ePr: ROOyy Lym ' i eee leondition and with woods experience. Halibut, pen ib. ..........% 25e 8. engine price $2,200.00, TI | jentleman can have board and) ’ , ips—* ‘ 5th Street and Fraser Street They should bave experience in fire ‘eae ¢ ae ; ns r } G. P, KR. FARM LANDS he re . Prisce Rupert - - - - B.C |fighting; possess\the ability to organize | Herring, kippered, per bb, 24e¢ price of this engine has gone up oom with private family. Ap-| prairies of Alberta, Saskatche vy handle me n; and bave knowledge Salt Herring, each, ........ 100) $500.00 since we bought this ply box 130 Daily Ne we ollice. wan and Manitoba are especial Th minat F ohn om the #4 “a ‘ NS + 2 cee Cea a} f en loaty of igminetions Sn "L mrtga | Flounden Fillets, 7 ae : ae 20¢ : - sy tor y. m pt also VEGETABLES. suited for mixed farming candidates’ ability along the above. tines, 4 » boxes 65e mhand 4 hp. Ss. engines, ’ + —-) oe that will produce big AU Statements made by applicants as to rice ‘ ’ ° te "yT TAT ; y P leap rence, education ana Meas are ub ae POF Mr cecosee s 5 ¢ oo a we for same complete, 200, 1 om orate ! arn TORS for crops of grain and fodder, and to on by examinin, rd.) cose devoccedce @ for B54} rines tupert Cigar Store ou nier supply from Na. well 1 " , ry v _ Preference | ; ‘ adapted for dairying of ENSON COAL (0 with’ the nee * given to rererned oF |Balt oolachans, Ib., ...+.... 10¢e) ? hone Mlue M4. tf _tional Grocery, Fulton treet, Mvesxtock raising can still be , The examinations Mil Dek held at the Spring salmon, pep tb. ..... Ave FOR | SALT aes Be ad la FOR RENT Fei © had at prices averaging about | ninens and On the dates named below, Bach White selimom wwii. 'cecee 20) pouse aon Bummit 814,00 vw itt twenty a fintending candidate should apply to the Veg 188 Avenue, 6 rooms and bathroom —_——- ' an acre, with went) “ i “ « | : = ,, c j , | ' Ke pore seeweed the agency for Bion arose OF nis ahatriet fo t applicn, OO hae oer | near. Borden Street .Bebool. LOOM TO KENT-—With or with- years to pay if you wish, Only st Cov! foundin the interior fi/the hour of the examination and the bulid- 0 BF, POF es ees 86) Purnished or unfurnished, Ps wut board, Apply box 434 Daily; 1° per cent down. No further and can supply any quantity. lor in which it wilt be held. ineation Beets, per Ib., ..+-+ees Se hed. Part) News oMice sal payment on the principal until a ged orme should hiled © ones , 1s d ens rms The Ne me, 3 Frices on application to ite tha Dineen jiiled out and mailed. back oun Carrots, per ID, .....6.. 6c! y) oe ar y term ba rheo, —> renal the end of the-fourth year; then Prince Rupert Feed Co um peters the date of the saeeenee en Turnips, per ib., sane dasdie 6c | Ailock ° estholme rwreae iy RENT Furnished bed-room. sixteen annual payments, In ‘ . Hazelton Friday, N Gate Cabb che ee bas c o¢ Two ladie ‘Terre * , Corner 2nd Ave. and 7th St. Prince hupert Monday, i oreate se ; io CGlht tees 106 we a Red. ant s preferred, Phone! terest 6 per cent, H,. G. Lough Phone 58 Green 648 ney fo fn District Forester at Pripee co iflower ......... 2be to 606 Y “On SABRiDavendort asl: Mit< 1 1~E DETTE rt = ai 7 cme pS bets " é | you \ af SF yv iy = ; © 1920 OF HTL FeaTuRE Seevrce. ine The Man in the Moon a 7 Bors ROBBED STORE SAYS: ~s whether empdoyees being a AT the anadian question National servants 2 7 hended by Warden Bailey } and Tried Today. ihe civil dis- is a | AT THE SHIPYARD | Two Lads, 16 and 11, were Appre- | { ! % ee ee ee ee eee” Oe es ee ee ee ee et ee Oe See Te he ee Oe f } 7 eT BUSINESS DIRECTORY These are Good Piaces to Make Your Purchases when You go out to buy —~ ~~ ee me me ee ~ Lee ew _