tell you why we de their werk. And then—try eur excellent Dry Clisaning and Pressing Service, Canadian Steam Laundry _Phone & We have now on hand 1000 Tons Wellington Coal 1000 Tons Edson (al As we anticipate not only searcity and increase in price i " oo coal but also a difficulty in meet- ing -your demands for prompt delivery this fall, we strongly recommend that you make sure of your winter s * phoning 116, 564, Blue 69 Albert & McCaffery Limited supply now by YourSuit | Cleaned and Pressed Steam Pfessing Machine The best way to have it by our Method. It only takes 15 minutes. Our Price is Reasonable Delivery is Prompt Give us atrial, Phone Black 502 LING TAILOR 21, 822 2nd Ave., Prince Rupert Housewives! Attention! You ¢a your fuel bill by buyir CEDAR BLOCKS in stove lengths at $4.50 per oad. Ss yu mn save inoney on Give u wder T have the agency. JOE BROWN'S PASSENGER & TRANSFER Phone Biack 334 now, Night Phones - J. G; Steen, 271 W. Longwill, Blue 270 Day Phone 5 STEEN & LONGWILL Sheet Metal Works Agent for McClary Furnew aes, Sanitar — Engineers 6th Street and Fraser Street Prince Rupert - - - -. B.C. EDSON COAL C0. We have secured the agency for the best Cos! foundin the interior any quantity. and can supply Frices on application to eed Co. Corner 2nd Ave. and 7th St. Prince Phone 58 Green 645 SAYS: | Te a ew | MSGEE GOT HIS BEER LICENSE no te we tt Tt Os es BE BUSINESS DIRECTORY } j These are Good Places to Make Your Purchases when You go out to buy } } x We Heard y THAT a woman is glad to be) W )20, ashamed to be 40, sorry to be! 4 0 GO and proud to he 80, Got Counci! Last Night When t ~~~ ——-— ~ ai i ae “s ee Opposing Voice was Absent . 4 Py | CHAT it is all right to meet and Acting Mayor AERATED WATERS FURNITURE AND GENERAL LAUNDRIES Objections A ; Phone Blue Of if ACCOUNTANTS \ aid Nie ‘) | ssf pu - - hesitation in recommending Won- ‘and the husband secured a diy ores . : : pe . 29 ee UN ' jer Health Restorer Lo any PfrsONniwhpen her ex-husband married a CIATIONS horse school, bf “ALJ House . " XI i ; Ai . k “ ering om similar ai nis. ' ' - : \ ‘ 1? t? “ / uifering from cinilar ailments. | fascinating foreign lady | 7 . gyn Fred Stor ered ? . AUN. ai ; ~ ! nt let ms we = th 420 Scotia St. Vancouver. virtue and was given the custody : ‘ ‘ : . ‘ . H d October 20, 1920. of their child, Margaret feli that ee oa o araware en oe o wore ree) fate had dealt. unkindly with bh rue BI EST AUTOMOBILI oe wWestt abana a ad : ; Sr a did s 1 Wi u WOT ” CON } . ‘ liart 1 The ‘ ‘ ‘ DeBeck bas done similar work in} The “friend” however discs INCERN a ".» SHORTHAND — TYPEWRITING Phone Black 114 hofsands of Cases, It can be se-led he had a conscience and ts hia as to our; © . ired in Pri e Rupert ron ane very origine!|l and draw i ‘ ¢ Ar “Vien Sais ze af \ nd } ‘ Vl W ; ~ ia : Prince Rupe Drug Co. and no ' . - vis the j ‘ j b 4 lay day “a oN i autferer. from atomach ‘trouble |mecthed of removing th addy aide xt s A good x for should overlook this remedy which }¢@sy virtue from John's sph ‘ ' y car a ‘ ching t nt e the een M, ’ wow Shs aT ‘ tT ae they e - . er the private prescription of alalthough it was fatal both fe hi ura OCR SE ssiness. F. M. Crosby tf NCE Rl PE ereat Seotch herbalist, given by lself and the second wife, but j of n we turn ree FARMS FOR SALE PRI : ' pried ooo eaeaiie. f the good Miresulted in a sensational climax| FOR SALE—<(ood going transterl., » a. FARM LANDS—The rich Central | Labor Cou 4 — a ite @ complicated situation DAY AND EVENING CLASSES t ites. Good reasons for eairies of Alberta. Saskatche rt ‘ KIberts sk OW RUNNING g. Apply Joe Brown, phone| PF . O.f B, U. wan and Manitoba are especial- — Ca e TODAY for FREE! # i if —) N . oe ly suited for mixed far x | j ted al wie whiect . P ; rod » hie STATES GOVERNMENT ti , ; tory. EN. |POH SALE OR LEABE—Job print Land that will produce bis MEETINGS - ie? ng siness ane : or crops 0 ! nd fodder, and F ROLI OW end - auniaa gt ity and plant I r j f grain and fodd r :' Building Trades | nit WILL PUT IN LIGHT ' : ‘ particulars apply Daily News well adapted for dairying : “ XD BEST-EOQUIP oliee if livestock raising can still be Central La »or Counch, PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA | eee : mete, ? ee , ‘ had at prices averaging about wy, ¥ DEPART RED OF ANOS. | Buoy Now Going on Perilous Van- Vib r training school imtPoR BALI Old newspapers, 25e $48.00 an acre, with twenty Women's Auxiliary, . Mm an Ca ri echool that has a larve bundle. News office, tf a , : nl M EXAMINATIONS FOR THE POSITION OF derbilt Reef and Beacon Wil! be at tow 2d ets ' ) | ' 7 years to pay if you wish o ly 3a ORES oF o ” , ' . ow o rther - ISTANT FOREST RANCGE. Be Piaced Next Year. Governméat far the training of FOR SALE-—tlood genefal-hores,| . 1° per cent down. No further a Object. i {h harness. Phone 45 tf payment on the principal unti Political Econom These examinations are for the purpose ; . : 5. en diaitiiegl . » fn er a | a meee.