Dresed Bae Ship 10, 25, 185 n Market eperns er ererererere hoy! Market ~~ The Daily PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Central British Columbia’s Newspaper Le Ni) verwhelming Republican Victory Weis En, BG. WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 3, 1920 Yesterday's Circulation 1,960. TAXI TAXI Phone 75 WE NEVER SLEEP Prince Rupert Auto 707 Second Ave. - Prince Rupert Stree . PRICK FIVE OENTS WERNMENT WILL COMPLETE SHIPS IF GUARANTEE CO. FAILS TO DO SO ” i yg Se ! KK nom ‘ | ’ ' =? ti j t ge af l Hier be STRIKE OFF AFTER TAXING OF VOTE OF BRITISH MINERS LONDON, Wov. 3.—After a poll of the miners, the British coal stetke was declared off. mars The ballot showed 8,000 ma- Pi jority against anceptance of . MEE OS . Covernment’s terms but malority was not considered big enough to warrant coninu- ation of the strike TRIED TO SELL STOLEN BOAT TO . | WARDEN BAILEY " Jack Thorsen NorvOus Pctice Court This Morning wes lied ' o \ imd 6 va i Vip i ri ii i i tha - A ; ‘ i . \ ti Prrilily , uy NOTICE TO LIBERALS and Supporters of the Provincial Liberal Government thutlo c be held in the Committee Rocms, Ock, Second Avenue, at 8 p.m. on ren, Vednesday, November 3 oe ‘tes to attend a convention to be held , ‘r 9 for the purpose of nominating a andidate for the B. C, Legislature. Pp "ince Rupert Liberal Association, F, G. Dawson, Secretary. Ameetiny w in Republican Majority on Record 4s 329 votes with 127 for Cox and 75 doub‘ful; prays God to make him capable of playing part; Coolidge says real job arding Elected with Largest RUPERT COMING vw uocerd Pres PRESIDERT ELECT OF U. 8. Sefdater Warren (:. Harding (bliin president She was yesterday elected of the United Stat: ident Wi ; NOMINATIONS IN SEVERAL DISTRICTS VANCOLVER ‘ N ja i j \a \ nM ' = \\ i I Not \ Inde; Nels \\ ) i it M ROUGH WEATHER AND HUNTING PARTIES Parties on Nelsara and Starlight Had Experiences Over the Week-end ie sy i i . ' - ' - \ rien Ww bal is i\s ! \\ ! = I } t | Ii vw re and | sid f tl , ' i i ches I vd h ng ; \ sf 1 / 1 } pairing their boat rd Thaaily ul wi this trorning with a bie zine ich on the bull They also had ! w trouble and i me oof tie roughes t ecord They brougt i few kz . mn ye H. ©) Crew " \ Cewpet Young were mone + party the Startinht t Spalle hive rhey ran out of supplies When tt was too rough to return home and ifter having kone hunery f i ay or so ot ba his ne The provincial poliee boat My fawny Was have pon to th ue f they md n t red houuy Cdthe ! als t hv ™ the ere HERE TO DOCK «CONSIDERING Big Three - Stacker Aground at Swanson Bay Should Arrive End of Month. COL. PECK SECURES FAVORABLE ACTION Underwriters Were the Stumbling Biock and They Had to Give Decision Will frriva at Decision This Afternoon Regarding What to Do. The dry dock situation re- mains practically unchanged this morn.ng alt’ ough many wires are going bactward and forward between here and Ottawe & telegram roceived by J. H. Pillsiury, superintendent, from Nirman Guthrie, the sidicivor represont na the Erb intercets at Cttawa, stated that ths stuaton was now vued-r cons'deraton and it : was hoped to reach some I definite decision this after- " thal th noon. aled tf The special committee of \ “dt ' the Trades and Labor Coun- ! > cil is having frequent meet- BRITISH ELECTION sas hanes wet MAY BE IN SPRING of eny in distress. Time check scsiping wes empheaticaliy i denounced at a meeting last LOND Phere is a night. The Board of Trade ibility of a general abewrxt sprmeg se x i “4 ved i reply and the Trades and Labor Council commitice have a confercncs at 5 o'clock this afternoon to deal more fully st with the matter. Conservatives Elected Delegates Last Night Bitter Division over Newton Candidature is Admitted; Like'y No Candidate will be Chosen untill General Convention i x ‘ £ ( \ g \ viuody s i \ made a tated , ( < liv, divided S. M. Newton's candida l we i} f.-5 = ‘ i HVE Mf vi a | | x umed for i@ convent i hig iw Ost i Lu I J t..1 \ | \ss ! M j I M.M Dbcs ’ i { \ 14 Mel i M Mos \\ I ta 2 h i W. kad J \ . l = M. J. MeNe 1 fol Me, 4 ' ind ¢ = i Railway Company has Made Application to Fill Cow Bay Again and rr Application has again been made by the ti nk Paecitie ‘tto fill Gow B nd tay track hereon, according to advice re ceived by Gity Clerk Woods trom the east this morning The information w wccompanied by a plan of the cove dated July }, A017, and is the same plan as has been Seen here often before with the same proposed “ rrehouse sites, trac AS, roadw ivs, freight sheds and roundhowuses There is nothing shown as to wsing Which has proved such a bone of contention, The application will no doubt again open the vexed Gow Bay question but Frank Garvell, the chairman of the Railway Com ssion. on his visit here a month » wave the 3s ane thal per ot been made hy the eompany. tmiiss { f Kay Ww nat len years o the railway com be granted or t ied down untilipany were granted pertiission i ~ lias had another; Af they had tilled it the order session at Pru Rupert At the was ecountermanded and the mh mie this 1 f ba | - il i peu bitt \ h th ‘ vd i ‘ * * NEWMANERB' Guarantee Company SITUATION May Complete Ships If they do not, the Dominion Govern- ment will dp so, says Hon. C. C. Ballantyne in telegram to Col. P-ck and Board of Trade esident of the Prince Rupert Board of Trade os | p I ight lettergram from How. C, C. Ballan lows: “Have sent following telegram to { ‘ p M eceived word this morning from the de- Tha tative that work on the vessels at Prince R The guarantee company was immediately y thal the department regarded this as a de- ract. The conditions of the boud are that the g ‘ has the uption of proceeding to complete the ntee company does not signify its intention of Kg e contract within a reasonable period, the necessary will be taken by the department. Officers of bien: che rirment believe that sufficient funds are available inelud- ing the gua tee to take care of wages and accounts for all ppiies that have entered into construction of vessels.” GOVERNOR COX "_-MASSACREOF ARMENIANS AT HADJIN Ten Thousand Killed by Turkish Nationalists According to Report ~ONDON:. Nov. 2. Another horrible massacre has taken place at Hadjin. Turkish Nationalists captured = the and ten thousand Armenians. are told of the have Killed Ghoulish horrible event, ANDREW LEAVES ANYOX THURSDAY Personal Matters would Not Per- mit Him Making the Race place tales & eS »NYOX, Nov . rhe With- drawal of H. Andrew ay a candid lat it the tte in the interests of the Liberals ves day here came as a complete surprise ii eee : oy many fri ee told G Pi " cola the News represen e tbat per- : eit VISITED ur RIVER sonal matters wou net pervert ae him making the raee and he tn dit Mr. Pattullo Back from Short Trip ene ee Vangouger mn j ursdi = Donat. to Essington and Other Points ae ny Ross - Charles Cullin are busy mt ie Lonservae- ! Patt has Ve-jjjive for for the convention f visit to Port leatled for Saturday rT t and other up be He reports every- MARTIN IN FIELD. a favorable to his her 4 lidature VANCOUVER, Now, 3.—Joseph ¥ his M Pattullo Martin has announeed bimaself as tal ! { the Liberal beine in the fleld for Vaneouver, 58 a , \s- Vanecouvel on nahing abgut thirty candidates so ’ M erebetat ron the she did fer ticket th bad brought out, one : hieh is > wh 8. C. Undertakers. Phone 41, J ceettiidihinetinlaid ccteiunai i Catholic Bazaar | ~ Grand Opening Tonight or For Everybody Time 8.30, Place St. Andrews Hall, Date Nov. 3rd