In Our Prescription Department experts select the right Drugs, weigh and measure them accurately and mix them scientifically exact- ly as the Doctor orders. You will find every need in cur line filled to your entire satisfaction if you patronize our Modern Drug Store Free Delivery Service. Why not use it? Ormes Limited The Pioneer Druggists Phones 82,200 THE REXALL STORE po. pox 1680 ue Never forget to oh the classified list * WATER NOTICE. This ruaaon ie a ok through |. faritine Pisher- SOL Mri ks For Liver IIIs. NR Tonight — STI e Rae Cai ORMES LIMITED THE DABLY News VANCOUVER CONSERVATIVE | emit HAZELTON The telephone servi it Ha ton is to be ch weal Ha Ssaeecna Cros 2 New and the Sily Standard i be separate in future \ sWitehboard is be installed the government telegraph offl \ u Atl ! ‘ Mi wy tl ly nett i sit ae ‘ j tra conus w« Mr Gi f New lazelt aud M Sparks and Mr. Chandler of Te e ' I liverware wears & Fulton, Prince Ruf eg st un x J i Prinee Wt . ert, B. “ I for a licence storage cr 227.68 t feet f water ' ation vt ‘on ‘ siream, also kno , Ss O00 as Point § Nowit Creek whieh fh a incles ' el ~y ' ane 8 Ains t the Skeena coad Havel if Pris oan ab | horthwest corner of Lot 4448, , Coast District i pert he storasg lam will be locate i There ive ¢ i anu Der abot feet fram easter ' state | ht . ° . Va Fall and = strict . Miss Helen Randall, registras r to . i. Nurses Associati j t he At iS : and is : a acres of land The ed here last week and re 3 at a : it litional last spring. sa will be aly e led the tion of a lee ‘ md Ww ul be f I handle only reliable silver Used dustria pos the tan y i at Ure local | ’ escribed a8 sub-lot ct Lot Ne ‘ and personally know all the ‘4 a ha 1 th as | Sil st lard ex a lake it ul n fa ; own t i ut tories. jevol ‘a at ' i baw i ' ] V r Ag i id. cu re my be . /-. \ , r “with Aad gh ‘ ‘ Hights, Par John Bulger | ‘ccetat Sem Patte Hast H Md Sewdiller i ta irance of Mi and Mes, ia mited, M M hal Aj . — s . : ; ‘ ly EA a ie n of tméiand ' if at co Wetive 3rd, 1920, os 2 eee eennemntiee — Adverts u the Daily News FOR SALE HOUSES 5 Rooms, Modern... $3,600 - $4,700 £2,500 Te ew T en vee $1,850 McCaffery, Gibbons & Doyle, Ltd. Real Estate ®& Insurance Prince Rupert, B.C. Assorted Varieties 6 Tins for DENTISTRY dl. 00 Don’t neglect your Teeth oan One decayed or missing tooth lowers your efficiency A t T h| | upert Table Supply Co, DR. BAYNE PHONES 211, 212. Office Hours--Morning, 9 to 12; Afternoon, 1.30 to 5.30; Satur- dvy, 9 to 12 only Evenings, . Tuesday, Wednesday and Fri- Giday, from 7 to 9. OD ern mor eoes DENTAL NUKSE IN ATTENDANCE Ite tm cociibonenoma TAXIDERMY OUR COAL IS IN THE LEAD in all its branches, ’ Work life-like. Satisfaction When it comes to quality, Guaranteed, and you will always tind - ~ here the right kind for every hore die D. C. TAIT No matter what you need 1116 Broadway, Vancouver, B.C. coal for-—cooking, heating, power-——we have COAL THAT IS RELIABLE A GOOD TRADE WITH | GUARANTEED POSITION, Consumers CoalCo,, Ltd. fos: sone sm ata, nder our training Ex Me J. Lorne MacLaren, Manager pert iss i nd 5 rp racale al woe rk in} : We guara Mee ct Room 11, Smith Block Phone 7 ean sista" atiree, FS heod tae wastes on [S06 Main bl, Vancouver, B ' @ full detail Moler Barber College u. ats 5S as Bie wsale are ane any fir per ¢ for Tuesday | i ANTMEST OF MARINE AND Piste " wi mn “the wee » Re % By Ck ; TRE o's + ote dled $1,600 7 a: ie 6 ao ete-w 6/6 © £2,000 CAMPBELL’ S| 20 eran #9700 O28 e ‘Gwwe i Sas a eee O 6 hie $2,000 ve x imple i t ! i i t t ‘ ' HI “A thi tor rit rt N ACT : MATTER of the } aT! os LUWAKI DECERASEL ‘Tks nt \ t at t rt | =m. u f «tebe 4 2 tuntintstrat tot st ased sitest tte aid i “hh same, ff or ? ‘ ive lp ‘ j re it oo) lebte . m suns ai 4 ¢ " iN 1 BATH is ith VHEMI ! bi { i IN THE MATT oF THE ADMENI HWA Ths ac T nid iN THE MATTE! (Mt ritth baTAtt ‘r HICHAHD OLTEN PULL MOOK th PASSED TARE Vorvics that in rider of We He mw ur ! Me ! Yous, made th ith oa ot trat t the estate Of Hiehard Gut en Fi nth K leceaned and) salt parties hating clans againat the said estate are ter Phi quired to furnish sane j per verified, to ti no oor before the tet da of December 1090 and a parties Indebted o the estate are required) te pa th s‘oount of their tndebtediue lo Ine forth with JOUN Ho MeMULLIN OMectal Adtuitistrator ‘ri Hupert ' i | Dated this tat Gay of Novermber ivzo0 TAKE NOTICE that one month after the)” jfirat insertion of this notice Le Pine & \7j,, Wright, Limited, intend to apply to change jthe ame of the company to Le Pine Limited DATED a Prine Kupert, B. CG. this fee FT 27th day Of Sepiember een Le PINE a WHIG HT, LID nom MIXED BATHING IS TO BE REVIVED AT BATH IN ENGLAND | Westholme Theatre Na AND BeORROW SS. A MAURICE TOUKNEAU PROL UC1\: N “VICTORY” Paramount ea “Random Shon’ Sydney Drew Comedy - - ~ - Two Reck ‘‘Harold, the Las: of the Saxcns”’ Scasmuaiinanaam ote coon - em > tt mune — ~ee EMPRESS THEATRE - Tonight and Tomorto ALBERT RAY and ELINOR FAR “Married in Haste” Mutt a d Jeff Cartoon Eighth Episode of ‘Whirlwind 2ST “TS PT 8° ELECTRIC & M RIN WAR SUPPLY C0. wee COW BAY =" ELECTRICAL AND M NE SUPFLIES Canadian Fairbanks Co. Lid C. O. Crude Oil Marine Engines from 30 to 20h 8-10 H. P. Heavy Duty Di Engine All the Lat« Electric Lighting Plants PRINCE GEORGE G.H. ARNOLD Notary Public. I BALI vely with APARTMENT DWELLING HOUSE ! ! it Sixt \ and i low & Lhe lave na «# Sixt | bint well laid lik dinine wm. kitehen *, bath, hot ne lu tare baceller thbherhood and Will slow good re stinent, Let H. G. Helgerson, Ltd. Insurance - Rentals ~ Bonds Bulkley Valley Beef "Prices No. 1 Side or Carcass. 140 do. Hind Quarter .. 180 do. Front Quarter . 120 Whese prices are F.O.B, Valley, Weite or wire Broughton & McNeil ELKWA, B.C. Hotel Prince Rupert EUROPEAN PLAN $1.50 per day and up. FIRST-CLASS OarEe A La Oarte, ! N DRY KINDLING WOOD in Stove Lengths Phone your order in early, PACIFIC CARTAGE, LTD, Phone 98, 5S. E, Parker, Mgr, Peer eee | oe \ re \ Diilieiaberetey) ona. |r A «4 She Rests while Sunlight Work ee ’ t's for, How Why not ? That's what Sun! . ; 2 ea does this happen? Very simp! a gentle purity is alone sufficrent toe" , ru clothes without wearisor cour this is easy on the clot is it donet Just read the hes, t How Insist on getting (he ‘ SUNLIGHT SOA! TORONTO LEVER BROTHERS LIM Suiilight Wa ied Cu ABOB RIN AIC roy) am ‘Certain, Safe Prt a | rere Ta No, Catia TN amis? ee ey MN Ad as =