a THE DaiLy NEWS "HELPLESS ITH PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoen, except Sunday, by The News RHFUMATISM Printing and Publishing Co., Third Avenue. H. F. FULLER. —o seme. ae Until He Took “Fruit-a-tives” “age 8 i SUBSCRIPTION RATES: The Fruit Medicine Gity Delivery, by carrier or mail, per month ...... eek G1.00) ; By mail to all parts of the British Empire and the United States, | R. R. No. 1. Loans, Ont, $6.00, “Por over three years, I was confined to bed with AAécamalism I treated with doctors, and tried nearly eversthing without beaelit Finally, I tried “Fruita-tives”’ Before 1 had used half a box / saw improvement; the pain was easier i GEVGRCE, DOP VORP ois cans Sect e ec heen eh eeetes To ali other countries, in advance, per year .....46....4.% $7.50. | TELEPHONE 98. Transient Display Advertising $1.25 per inch each insertion Transient advertising on front page .......... $2.00 per inch.| 144 the swelling started to go down Local Readers, per insertion, .......... .< ee 99 25c. per line I coutinued taking this fruit me Classified advertising, per insertion, .......4.. i Ae. per word.) dicine, improving all the time, and Legal Notices, each insertion, ..,.... .. 45c. per agate line.| pow Lean walk about two miles and Contract Rates on Ay lication. do light chores about the place’’. All advertising should be in the Daily News Office on day pre- ALEXANDER MUNRO. ceding publication. All advertising reecived subject to approval. 50c. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size 25e. At all dealers or sent postpaid by Amited, Otts DAILY EDITION, CGO Voursday, Nov. 4, 1920, | _Prethetives bis aid PREMIER MINE "7" *.tiiethwemme | op sucases S LOOKING GOOD fa ciscred «worn ialf cs MAMDBACS sae DAILY NEWS EXHIBIT OF $3s25— © > Ss SILVER FOXES fi DON ALYS Month ' nan Cut Brier _ firmriediats mere lie ————>—$__—__ Leal in Nb noid te . ntree — — [November 24, 25 and 20, 1 2) More Tobacco for the Money a ———__av eh OP een te vapieey| CS at” ae is ees é ) ca : : ' \ )) sat i ( un ‘ i He hh Thao” ‘ fant ind 0. Vy While iF i " ! { oO A P a chichy in - Canada's best buy- ! ee oe the ECONOMY Package S eal oe lest ia, cae ‘etb-85% aly “Gdeenclrewss hal has enadians OMMULADRERTATROUEES EE HNNEE tHE: ES aos ! g jbarkine stituency as had nm give! WHOLESALE AND RETAIL ink, bea andes wbeehae = i : ; ' ’ iyi ' eee @ * - dni H. A. Guess, Vice-President and ns, an HAmense s WOUsd other ers (¢ : Genera! wmanager, Got Back have tad to be found li was net F MAGUIRE Preset lic ule } Peril SCHEDULE . This Morning from Stewart nstomary to spend neney mM a 6 uliy 150 a wil be heonth: @@ @ 8 @ Se eee weeaeeeeer reanized municipalities, 722 Second Ave., Prince Rupert from P Hdward stand For the East. .? H. A. Guess, vice-president of City rs ag "% is i tly ‘ te ! Mondays. Wednesdays and Bat the American Smelting and Reet This city got. f $60,000 tof ~ ther ps . 9% send a t 10:4 fining G62 which company last -*80,000 for the government wharl, eg @eeeeeee @e8 ee @ @ Bi cuually - ml —— of i mT nod controll - nn £60 000 for the seh S7 500 fer ; : th, bi . year purchi ia ling 3 ; ae zs ; As ‘ . PRINCE RUPERT TIDES * From the East. : ° 79 ferest in the Premier Gold Minine i oa be Gath toe sats < ee eee ee eee ee eee farmers atte in , Sundars, Tuesdays and Thurse- Co returned this mornine fre Gay, (here Was a grant SOON CHO Th weed ' ‘ ' ' e ; : ursday, November 4 ; Stewart on ‘ ween and leaves for a road on the Isiands, $30,000) oe Z sf ¢ States 1 -'i . . Veg . ’ ; ; urain tenight for Seatth Mr,)sar a road ta Lakelse Lake, in all 20:30 p.am., 17.5 ft \ ; f For Vancouver and South. Guess is in chara f the Mining a L #5 ow - or Low 1:39 a.m.. 6.4 fi ’ ' ” Tuesdays .... pages i; p.m, oOpepatliobs “ f America tit a OX} ditures . oe mae 44-24 p.m. 8.7 ft . bhiue ve . ‘1 p.a r a ne Sifelting and Refining Co., and in by th ral ress 5 i : ils a tv a : ; a fy Friday, November 5 Ap , ° Ms oficial pacity has pene us wee ’ ” TESS BS fete: 6 . a Hhioat waking? on sntiiin it. chee p but w t be justified) 7) eek Serres - ; ' ' OFFICE HOURS ~ 7 ! sf %¢ fr Premie? mit He may return on @ basis of | latign ee Tie “te 6 ie Moreing, 9 te 12, Miernocn, 130 te 5.90, Saturdays, $ ts tt me duri ' s€ he Mr. | : t . j i : Ml i : on foam 7 08 punia dung & my eee ee 15:42 p.m. 7.6 ft Fite Every Eveniog Irom 7.38 to § BVAELOER Sf ee OR Gen ere: eRe a a aes ,, The time used ts Pactile Stan- ; Pr From Vancouver and South, New York City ; derstood s k= 84 dard, for the 120th Meridian west \ ' ‘ Dental Nurse in attendance ' | s this : “ ersalr Gs “ ’ ’ ine«d . ‘ ’ " . z Mt ; ae a : . a iit Fo iad a ee it is courted from 0 to 24 hours one Weds a. Phone 109 for appointment mo & fa ea et ee : ‘i from midnight to midnight. mi : } a at a ince of the te r ; . , hp ” The table given is for Port — a ee ae Sig Rooms 4, 5, 6, Helgerson Blk., Cor. 3rd and 6th ' perty ’ elopmesr pera 4 a sleet *s 0 - . ‘ ivanece the one ! i : " ws ‘ tions are bringing forth showings |the vat 5 times he had stood Simpson but the time for Prince aah oil Best Equipped Office in Northern BC re ck See ar : a ,, Rupert varies only a few minutes ; i a i el i fim. jithe iblie interes is i eee oe Ca all aitiniah dial wed ote whe were|0@ Some days and on others is ———~¥ , x ixtie expectations. Shipping, it lL vs ’ re te 7 ee h» the same. The range of the tide For Anyox and Alice Arm ‘a Bs é ape ted “ itl . ninen “1 “ ey ‘ ing -m _ ™ - may be computed as & per cent Ten Years Ago | ‘ 10; . ‘ nizl v en the ane has mle ' Lhe grejert & tO (hens ‘ ; fon fe — Sw" si : e, the. ng Sreater at Prince Rupert than at tts Wichinenies Sicaennc? , yo ‘ en = cien 0 allow h be ast nines i : ere being a - . falten suficiently to al or Oe “gy ; _, | Port Simpson both at springs and D N i al Rail aver it Already there has been used and he wanted his support neaps. Therefore the rise in the ree From Anyox and Aillce Arm ri a )00 s, aa . . ane pees. tobe tas with.ib« io naam : . ! ' stave m a pam oe “im Saini —_ tien is * i . - peti ‘Prince Rupert harbor is slightly November 4, 1910 i ) . oe ceccepa, O QUNK the roads but it became so muddy lio if — te essity tereater than Port Simpson. Spain ix « tw thi huredays cancers oeeneeese p.m, 5 C that no more is been brought ijaving an adequate water powers ' . ts lof ce 1 j : King S. S. PRINCE GEOR out that way Two ecaterpiller/ter this city and said he had The height is in feet and tenths or . For Pert Simpson, Arrandale, Mill ae BAILANG , eee En : ; of feet above the average level of | \)plvou- s ref eG anna A tractprs are now on the way tejaram and again taken this matter lower low, water ted aS Wales Island and: Naas Rivor Midnight Sneeneay ¢ r he Stewart and they will be used on/up with people who were inter- ; : ' ‘ . ‘ Wr ie 10 p.m the snow this winter in bringing /ested but s@ far wilhout success ' resident Cha aM ¥ i jaye 5 if po ANYVOX visdauudey 10 p.m ovt the ore for sh pment. Be itt wat a tila quest { 5.3 PRINCE JOHN sides these, sleds wili also be Not Personal Interest. »oAM ' ty yea From Pt. Simpson, Arrandate, Mil! Ocean Falls. Beaver Cove and Vancouver, Sur aed ro Mr. Pattullo said he defied any , ' Bay, Wales Isiand and Naas River 5.8. PRINCE ALBERT Water Power. nha n British Columbia to show TIMBER SALE X 2736. ' 9 ; ; a ' In about a‘month’s time the?that he tad ever put personal in Seal tenders will be received by the ar ; vanta * mat . cere pp. - ‘ water powe! plant at th: Pr¢ er terest befor : blie duty ip did uM oie , Lanes Pi gd > ° e “ i ditt het alin os larger |inot claim that all the good things | 1929. ! he purchase of Whe ‘ Queen Chariotte telande: TRAIN SERVICE aad , " -" pera , . oe . ° t t 1.41 feet of Cedar ° n ‘ Monda Wednesday and Saturday et ’ compressors will b thus on d e had jue to! Ba : ‘ “led of ve ' .-% For Massett, Por ane See : P 6 . , . . ; ’ ‘ x. "4 tc . na y He “6 * ug L ~ . + on w tte ; Upper iatand poicta velopment in th I ha er of the delega- | ese pepe niet : ; M Steamshi Lines anide mill. Mr. Guess save ill on that br zt siiobuilding ‘ < ih t Forrater prince & pert ‘ hoenew All Ocean . : soe t . 7 ‘te _ 4 Por or an 6 to . 2 be completed and running next here He had gone to Ottawa in - — t \ Ma Mi on M eet Port Clemente and lela oo ann GRE Third Avenue Prone 200 spring and then only the ghest regard to the fisheries. He ‘be- TIMBER SALE X 2740. ene { i Upper Island pointe grade valies will be shipped outiiieved the present Government Ee iaiede dane Me Bride Among ft e | ! ’ and no dross will have to be taken |was the best British Columbia torta net jater were Mead en W Ma \ vay from the mine. lever had and had passed more ore kn etee < kt MeB. ¥ ' } : » Pe tae : WEES agape Be ET ne ahat i m 5.132 sprune, as ‘ ~s r Mild Cor Skidewate eed Charlot Bert ¥. ith has been re-juscl et beth social and Hemiock om! Balsam. on an rea situated Mul A. Meinty : ans bse eee , ADIAN PACIFIC RAILW moved fgam.Hazelion to Stewart developme: than any former jon Namw Lake, Range 2. Coast District ee a i i. i. Pat ‘ City and Lower Island pointe - t ! i} { to Dal Inminist r H j L not like oe : a ee roe N I 7 f ! ! ht ; fs) envices where he Will be asst ant te ale (adminisiratwn. e au m eo wa f toler ad ‘y i ’ : - “ nn @ c © ‘ aie ae l ae steke : | Permer partcwters of the Chtel Forester ‘ eT tet E CANADIAN PACIFIC CORA 8. Pitt, the maneger at the Pre-}talking of these things but he did|, ("gr pistrict Forester. Prince Huperu;~ FE. \ ums, M. I sux, 4 reat : i nati want weraonel vrejddica tals. ¢ 3. War i j . § mier. “it want personal prejudfea toj8.C B. \ “ ! M m ia hei aa hele te ee of BR C Coast Steamship eryl jeopardize the Government at this TIMBER SALE X 2753. Au. ih Johnston 4 rom nidewate, Queen Charlotte “4 owe Advertise in the Daily News nie Parkir I. MeD inter j j City and Lower I«!iand pomt« seabed ten ders will be received Dy the pi) 0); ; ai : ‘ ) : fon elit " a. many -_ — District Forester, not than noon on . ’ 1. } Goh Ww. ! , Smo 8. PRINCESS from Prince Rupert the ded day of Nove for the Burritt, W. B. Clayton, J. P. Oade For Ketehiten, dunesu, Skagway, Aleete ” — purr has of Licence Kitimat . e ' o mut 22 ) feet of | . Hemtock,/P. 1. P 1. EF. GB f ‘ ch Seattle from Prince Rupert ' —_ and #prece and 15,000 lineal feet Weats M M ais ; . ( For BSragway and the Yukon. for Vancourer Victor and See mud a tma. eeee tr We iBawle, Mra, Cart, Misses, Dung , Ms ‘e nen eraTRict 6 se | Further particulars of the Chief Forester, | fay Mercer Sawle Roch .9 —? ean Falls, Mardy 84F a 8. ¢., or District Forester, Prince Kupert, from Prince Rupert for Sweneor Gey » ang Wictorie— B.¢ Pre 1 and Stewart. Seaver Cove, Powel! Fiver, Vancovurer * DENTIS | romain ore - From gunawey and Yukon. Every Seturdey, © »™ * TIMBER SALE X 2731. Premier McBride was ent ‘ . December 4 caer ys, apply : susan sedate ' 7 for res, rere on ; | Sealed tenders will be received by the tained at Kaien I+ aq Ghub 118 W. ©. ORCHARD, General Agent Rooms 7 and 8 Smith Block [saniater of Lande at Wichoria, nob Wher yesterday wad made a life member ’ h Street Prince Rupert than noon on the 18th day of November, ' , , ; tree , 1920. for the purchase of Licence X 2731 lof the organization. An artistic stewart, Maple Bay and Swamp Cor 3rd Avenue and 4 a 200 oo an yp 000 " oe Lady Assistant Open Evenings of Cedar’ Poles, on an area situated near Address in burnt leather was read Point. Sieiate Phone 575 Sunday by By Wstene Staten. Canter trict oe pe-(atid presented by President J. 18.) November 42 and fortnightly 9-12; 1.6; 7-9. Appointment moval of timber lloerig thereafter Purther particulars af the Ohief Forester, . t w District Forester, Prince Rupert, Cc IN PROBATE IN THE SUPREME COURT UF BHITINM COLUMBIA. IN THE MATTE OF THE ADMINISTA- TUN ACT i and — ’ iN THE MATTE OF THE ESTATE OF ERNEST PATHICK GINUHAS, DECEAS- ED; INTESTATE NUTICE 15 HEREBY GIVEN TU WHY iT MAY GUACENKN of an Urder made oy His Honour ft. Mew. Young in the ape jimatier On the Sead day of Deptempber, A .. 1920, ae follows T 18 GORDENMED that the said Jom |MCMulien shall be atiowed to swear Ww the jdeath of the said deceased as occurring! |on the thirteenth day of Apri, 1¥26, arter) ithe expiration of one month from the dete lof the first publication of potice of tite order, Ufiens in the meantime proof is furnished to the He vittrar of tis Court at Red Cedar Shingles Dry Kiln Capacity: 100,000 feet per day SITKA SPRUCE WESTERN HEMLOCK FLOORING, SIDING CEILING FINISH OF ALL KINDS Charlotte Islands Spruce Products Ltd. Mills: Prince Rupert, B.C. Local Agents: ALBERT & McCAFFERY Prince Rupert, B.C. Telephones, 564, 116, Blue 629 \Primce HKupert, &. U,, that the said ae-| leeaned, bLraeet Vatrick Gingras, Was ative | subsequently to the said thirteenth day of Apri, 1920 | AND IT Ls FURTHEN ORDERED that tne sid Jom MH. MeMelien Go Ppubiien notice) of this order ip the Prince Kupert Daly) News, @ sy Rarer published at Prince) Kupert, * dipert of one month. | tke at Prince aay of September, » 1920 JON i McMULLEN, (Canadian National Appoints W. F. Se Under New Managemen! TERRACE upert, B. C., this 4th ~ Ome Aamimefaror, jdeath of the League. AGENT AT FRISCO = women "| Wagtholme Lun Barry General Agent of Pass- ALL W HITE HELP enger Department FRUIT LANDS Fee Canadien: Maltonel » Bolt I ic Waal ks Westholme Specia ways have appointed as thet: general passenger agent in San Foun sot te Serrese--Glew. 00 Sere: ae Three Course Meal - from 45¢ Put iFrauciseo, W. FPF. Barry, for Ashe Acre Lat close to Town @486@ te purpose of placing the Canadian $500 per iot ol cary — ' acm tots 2°46 mit ram town, ae ened route prominently before the dasy chraibe, BOO afd #56 per acre , prerrereres” ea terme resem pag ‘ oo “ ec a 7 0 ne 20-80 lot miles out alt THEO COLLART, Notary _ ing fruit teees good well and spring, hath), nee : no buildings, goed read to premites House (6 rooms ar re “oe and e On ‘ 60 Wer ecre. Half cash, FOR SALE..-!iim 4700 part Lut FOR NATIONALION etre ° yea furnished or unfurnishee $ 0, Sackee e $l OAL FOR SALE i ret NEW YORK, Nov. 3 Senator Kenne Bres. & Co. EDSON C per tr delivered on the © Borah, the foe of the League of y Most Liberal MARINE INSEI Pays (44 més Nations, regards the election as a Real Estete Brokers. Insurance Company of Nort) Block Phone Terrace - - B.C. PO. Box 66 Westholme Theatre ) triumph for nationalism and the