Iya Dressed Beef Ship htering eee wk now arriving the stock » Bulkley Valley _ FRIZZELL 10, ae, 185 ones Fulton Market ysl war Northern and gf0s es ePIC OI OI CIPS wen PRINCE RUPERT Central British Columbia’s Newspaper TAXI TAXI Phone 75 WE NEVER SLEEP Prince Rupert Auto 707 Second Ave. - Prince Rupert een — PRINGI HUPERT, BL, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1920. Yesterday's Circulation 1,625. Street Sales 368. PRIC E FIVE. CENTS Ni) mi.. \! \rydock Company is in 1 Liquidation BEHOLD THE MAN. against loss OTTAWA, November 5...The Prince Rupert Drydock and Engineering Co. has gone into liquidation, acoording to informa- tion received by the Government. Two ships, each of eight thou- sard tons, were under construction by the company for the Cana- dian Government and were about three quarters finished. The Government is protected against loss by a stipulation in its contract entitling it to take over the vessels and also by a guarantee company for $332,000. it is probable that the department ef marine will endeavor to make an arrangement with the liquidator for the completion of the ships as it did with the liquidator of the Dominion Shipbuiid- ing Co. of Toronto. ; Officials say the delay in completion of the ships will be small compared to the situation of possible unemployment. The Gov- ernment cannot make any immediate move to relieve the situation because such action might prejudice the Government claim under the guarantor’s bond by the London Guarantee & Accident Co. In view of the distress due to non-payment of overdue wages, ° * the Government has asked the consent of the guarantee company aa pay off the workmen by the Government. The guarantee com- pany will be pressed for an agreement along these lines. : The guarantee company has the option of completing the ships but failing this the Government will probably do so. Grouse Supper Spoiled By Arrival of Officers | Harry Ross, Escaped P, thine from City Jail, Found in Digby Island Shack Yesterday; Committed EDGETT AGAINST ae oe MR. MEIGHEN yo Wh land yeterday af i | g ! me {Te w He Will Move or Vote - : fer Want of Conf dence ve ' wits ‘ ed he b Af ~ Motion \ i i | g ’ d z a t He £ Magis MeN he who ordered him tos A i i te! g R i“ \ ‘ sent he cabin at Mile | where he w ad with 4 sus deserted ' i W Ih ‘ S i Adda Fugitive Not Far Off. : ° = : hi nit i , ul eo § i j tl nm Was dis P 2 | y Ward Bailey I i ih puts " “ nelay , U MURDERED exe Sol mcetehely Miagl. make oa - ' “ . und Ross Missiles DIFFF " . luas WW appea bef luda de erday ' ! ! a party RENT POINTS afternoon | _ Rem sill appear iaetore ud ALIN \\ Ada and 1, This roing he questa ; ; Wa by \ vhetl daring UY tine Dp j i. wk Was b n before his A py al dd ; Motlakalfa Th ape. He as Sergeant Adam , i i earches sna tf ie had jurisdiction to arrest ot rae Ail a hg Sn ; slan is, howe was Marens fina Higby : one foo Uleby Island th We Ok, No. 2310. i. lassured by the presence of Do ' i"nasey ‘ - . j thy Ue \ , minten Canstal Watkins with ay : i ’ r : a the arresting party yout Was nolioes : sneer COvered With Guns. lames MeDonald, charged with N ‘ ing ashore tl lieve made drunkenness ippeared police OT) ‘kk a abe p oa hillsid and ap- court this morning qnad pleaded E proanchia » cab ‘ the rear not guilty but Mawistrate Mx i ’ covered the o pa with thee Merdie convicted lin imposing na Engineers fguns apd saw it sitting dow a tine of S10 Chief Viekers, in inside With him was Joe Ve viving evidence, said the accused and they bad down toa grouse bad attempted to pass things mg T : e there : hole in the jail window ON] ors pper before thes Asked if he through a Selo UGH at Pad a Russ itted it and before he was arrested, He had a Carpenters’ is a | 4 id “ht icky been warned bul was later in the Pull attendan for you thal you came from the day pieked up by Constable Me Teques; es hat and cavered as Q kiv Glinehy in a drunken state, Alex ed as you did Both hi sand V MeMitlin was alse fined 810 for ; : pe n ' ITORIAL |Shipbuilding Company Assigns for Benefit of its Crecitors Vessels may be completed by Liquidator as was done in.) vise in victoria ana Gets U 140i nous Support of Conventicn Toronto in similar case; Government protected . NOMINATIONS THROUGHOUT THE PROVINCE Prince George ChOose men to Contest Seais. MAN DIED ON es z = ate M. MANSON GETS VERY STRONG SUPPORT IN OMINECA CONSTITUENC Manson is Chosen To Run in Omineca H-Id Last Night; Liberals and Con- servatives give him Support SMITHERS, November 5.—The Liberal convention last night was well represented and A. M. Manson was the unanimous M N ' ce ee aed ~ choices His n ination was enthusiastically received by a num- Al STRE! rT vs __Sam Cocked ot if former Conservatives who were in the convention. . at defea'- \ Z ited by there being four candidates in the David Hanley, Ship Fitter, Col- Yale ' . re a ve fie ; 7 a - election is considered almost assu;2d, all fair- lapsed end. Pentaiety to cU rt oe aia and’ stadia . led mie greeing he is the best representative Oniineca ever Drug Store old Liberal, defeating Joseph ~ Wailers. and. R.. J. Stewart I ‘ois Lgke went stypng for Manson and contrary ft) the " Rivets Dr. W Suth cpects e of former Gonservatives returning to their old camp, y i, Liberal. those who voted for him in 1016 and others ere nov oming for- “7 : ws am ! sOns ward his support and volunteering to go on his nomination txid Dea =I y and Isiands—4 1 e fs \s M has deserted the soldiers and gone straight Con- I e las ghit’s _ servative, the returned men feel under no obligation to him and ~ th new if and hes giy support Manson, { ij seats in the I = a . rr scet ~ | ind th biz parties have yet Seu oSscssetsattn:” TQ EXPEDITE HARDING MAKES i-ilte m ~- uns 34 SEAL COVE COUPLE ; WEDDED LAST NIGHT Wiss Clara Parsons Becomes Bride of Duncan Kennedy at the Manse. hatin 3 was As FAVORS ABOLITION sn and. sifverware _ and OF NEAR BEER BARS) ii; ine ine wedding Mr. and ‘ LN Mob \ : tk > ‘ Va vearing a ist ne su u“ ‘ ii ha ateh ) ‘ my W at h “ ~“ s ‘ i Depa ex } , M Zeresky, charged witl z : i iti S105 in cash and Mell ha ery fron Himmel las Stuart rede \ ' itted f trial and ora . I Ma I Judge Young this aft Mant! ind \\ Aggressive Campaign to Assist Those who Come To Settle in Country November - i? paoric ies and con CRANBROOK ims of the itlining the structive prog Provineial Government with respect to ndustrial expansion, immigration, colonization and irrigation projects, Premier Oliver last night strengthened his already Jor- midable position in the district The Premier made no extravagant promises but recited the objects which | viministration was striving to allain in a man ner thal suggested their realization in the near future. “Condi tions in the old land are such that many people are preparing lo scome to Ganada to settle,’ he said. “The time has eome for an aggressive campaign to assist these people to become established. We have thousands of acres aw ting the building of roads, which will assure . ettlers wating the PAYMENT OF LOCAL WAGES scsresses nome Town Folks and Says League of Nations “Now Deceased.” Reply Reocived by Shipyard Employees from Minister MARION, Olio, Nev, 5.—-Mak- of Marine. ing his first speech as president elect, Warren G. Harding; at the The following telegram was lection celebration of the “home received this morning from the ae zht declared that the minister of marine by EE. WwW. Versailles League of Nations was Ellis, acting on behalf of the new deceased” although the new sh pyard employses: viministration “&m endeavoring to obtain by telegram the approval of a4 new intern guarantee company to forward [founded on pears ofall wages due the Prince WEDDING WAS HELD LAST EVENING AT ANGLICAN RECTORY ing Co. “Regret exceedingly the sit- Last evening in the Anglican Church rectory Mrs. A, White was vation that has arisen, but in- terested parties | am sure will appreciate the necessity for married to David MeCullough, Rey. anon G. AL KR iting. The uuple left on the Pemee Georg intended to see that the nation played tts part in ational association and justice. the Governinent retaining the protection afforded by the guarantee bond. “Wi! do everything possible to expedite payment of wages. ‘Cc. C. BALLANTYNE.” A meeting of drydock em- ployees will be held in the O. B. U. hall at 10 a. m. Saturday. sai Ve selling liquer to des CONSERVATIVE LADIES : FOR THE CONVENTION oe eee enn ona been capluret for Vietoria where the haneytioon will be spent visiting at the bride serous lome. rine, alleged partner of was convicted of ast week Harry Ross, whe fans i, was eharged in the police eourt this morning with adies of the Conservative \ : t last night in the supplying liquor to am Lodian and, ithe ns select six pleading guilly, Was fined #100, zutes fo i ominatiig con- n Monday and the fo Jack Thorsen, committed for were named Mrs. J. €. trial on a charge of haying stolen Mel Miss Mills. Mrs. John/an overeoat at the Koox Hotel, Manson Mrs M. M. Stephens,!was this morning sent to the Mrs. Tool Pringle and Miss E.| General Hospital, He is ina state M. harle of nervous collapse dive to oyet is seeretary of the drinking. of the Conservative Advertiae in the Dariy Newa, ————— Conservatives vill be Notice to A meeting of Conservatives ° iield on Friday, November 5, at 8 o'clock in the Conservative Rooms, Frizzell Block, for the purpose of organization and general business. J. R. BEATTY, Secretary.