I . . a TH DAILY NEWSs Page a 3 ~ ———_— - ———- mare rt | ors Tiiiit SESE SUT oo LOTTIE GLa [ Local and Personal } et ee aa = Sioa baittistes es $ teh} i 4 SLU SL 4 ae ~ Ask for Atkins’ Sausage. tf | na i a * we } oe } lr. Kenny arrived last even. 5 sit freee 3s sitte + og from Terrace : - — subs SEETE ES : | * o 2 e | s | FF, & Wooley, of Anyvo ’ ed / ; 5 in town last tight . 6 + ¥ Chartes Cuttin, the | 4 = f 6 be a reanizer, is back from Anyux ” ” ’ , | Coughs are \ ved from Burns Lake last nigh { Nature’s danger iy 9 — : : D. A, MeKingon, the tsun : Y signal— Nature's halum ifeeay cam ' oe Sl V y of telling you that in throat or breathin night's train te Nae OY e er O q I tubes there is something wrong—something need- eit a i ing attention. Eeeoees the oa > pean J. L, Bethuren, the Ux : “4 »n chilled and are inflamed and sore, cee, ee dikntier tlie iad ng : : ; HH, bare Seem slay lath lakend tae and aang be r eet ee panes the arrivals on N the cottage and the mansion; on the farm and a A ee up irritation, which if not checked will | Ag fue in the town—everywhere—the language of Music Hs i pring ‘on acute bronchitis, accueaia, or even worse J. W. Anthony, of Amsbury, was is inwardly understood by all. BY yer ignore a cough, ong the « . t i evils! So never igno mong the arrivals in town on| z ; : Peps kill coughs because they remove the lest evening's train. Not the written notes of music; some people under- ’ causes. As soon as a Pep is dissolved in the mouth, 5° ' 9 | stand them and otners don’t. : i werful, but pleasant, medicinal vapors are Huckleberry Finn” at the , } m The ig ee s = a vs | Leas of the throat and breathing tubes, kill night. Matinee tomorrow. | Firrtessisse Sut every normal human being understands those a — germs, allay irritation and soothe’ the SS le ESSyae Ay pleasant harmonies that fall upon the ear, penetrate y | inflamed parts. aie W woe accompanied | ges the soul and interpret ail the emotions of sorrow | v e eon omas, arrived las . ; y | Peps enable you to end coughs and colds in I, edits od leiblidces eee ree SE: nn Choose oe OF oar oe , Nature’s Way, by breathing in the medicine the Sie Nie tae tP Ti as ‘ , | same way as the disease germs Causing the trouble | Don't miss the best thing out, Musical Then, why stint yourself in music? f were breathed in! Isn't this wiser treatment than | ‘Huckleberry Finn” at the West- Gifts the swallowing OF ‘yee ae into your stomach-— } = bolme tonight and tomorrow this Winter’s coming! Long, cold evenings will soon be Te which i 4 6 ~ here. Snow and sleet and Jack Frost’ icy breath eer For coughs, colds, bronchitis, asthma, sore |} WD. Jennings arrived fron Christmas will keep you in the house i: : throat, night cough and all troubles of throat jSmithers last night and is regis- ? nr ie hest, try Peps. Best for children because ered at the Hotel Prince Rupert. | may . 4 ve and < ; } J é j ' 4 tieasuat to take and free from opiates, etc. All e % But—with plenty of Music you'll want to stay in- ot 4 dealers, 50c. a box. * eatiol furnishings for saie doors—and every hour will be enjoyable. faa 7 i s Gultstein s, Sixth Ave : 3 Monday, November 8, fror 1:30 Prepare now! ote G ! 6 p.m 5Y * * * * bho eed th seis eur Bae i ak 5 Go to your nearest Music Dealer and let him show + 4 iperécléle the pleture..1f 1 you what modern science has done to make Music Bish wil Huckleberry Finn” a easy to have in plenty. ‘ ha he estholoe ae 7 - » ; ro f Port Simpeon arrivals in McCutcheon’s Drug Store McRae Brothers, Ltd a y yesterday included oe Beynon, De. J. 8; Spencer and Ormes Drug Store W. W. Wrathall te | W. LE. &. Dudoward . . ’ . “ Bereta 3 Wy ean Prince Rupert Music Store Walker's Music Store 7 ay j iliths rene eis t rt. . " fed ind Canal News, returned om th Chas. W. Teetzel, Singer Shop org o nyox where a Fa i has been lovking over Lhe poli | eal situation 204 > > . ; ts. H. Burrough has appointed STIETENT TY Soot i jt V Ellis as his official agent ree eet oe fy ] ifor the forthcoming election. He Soft fe jas also taken out papers te fil in ® ; ifer the nomination No others oyalAutoService |) hss Prompt Service Day and Night > ree ees? wiedg : few i First Class Cars | . morning She Was detained Ea ERNIE LARGE - = - Proprietor us ahd tele icninok Cote ena : ee —_————$— the aded fish from this port ‘ | A letter soviied 1 » Mrs. D.} oie WARD) ELECTRIC & MARINE |. weet ‘ SUPPLY CO. Samaria Mospital ts that i ig aenem — COW BAY —— pet ns , or District Forester, Prince Phone 174 — P.O. Box 274 at es was finally decided to communi. alae ‘ae tn: elaheee te’ mine ’ fe ws ‘ ' * —e e wing i : : Pa ti : ‘ IN PROBATE - toad F ecate With the police urging that HAT i dad th nu mi and faithfulness offi, que supnEME COURT OF BRITISH . ef this be more closely watehed and | (.444,) tail even the earlier Mark Twain COLUMBIA, i : athbstic has arl ’ org! Mail Order kk iat the parents (0 One, OF Wolo oti 4 dl itions IN THE MATTER OF THE ADMINISTRA a p = SCCeive P, O. Box 183 vexed cases be brought into court aa 2 : v ia mbit? 05 TION ACT a . A MA ; ' ewer for their neglect before | ay ° ne ‘yt o/IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF oh mention Phone 598 Seale ath Ther ae & td the Weatharine Thesir ) SEPLA. (SEPPLA), DECEASED, IN- 840 Second Avenue, West, Mi. the police magistrate Phere is VHAT si eare b ‘ vehi. was directed by William TESTATE se nue ; PALE NOTICE that in orde is oer one furmily on Ambro ‘ Avenue, it tue the shot not ia 1) pais the in who handled eral } McB sees eee ee siin VEGETABLES rand | day of October 1929, 1 was appointed Mi was stated in which there are a /jpation bills as neniat sing Z nd “Hunk ; ; Ms i \cimiinis ane 0 « hatete se (or ”¥) Iss GLEESON number of children of school age!) worrying ov, e lack « | somata} Ranosond hina ah: wana eine Wholesale and Retail ne saline against the Seis Gslale Ove Receae General Contractors and \ . . ‘ing sent to school Xclusiy : , who are not being sen change, required to furnish same, properly verified . e Ladies’ Read to-Wear it i f res) to me 1 or before the 21st day of No- ‘ " = ° \ . li ve gu = ; °, oO 0 eto e 218 ) ) c ro ee 7 : | . 1 rei H j } t ‘ ewe ve mer "\ 1090 and all Datiies ny Lab a Exchange. q Thirg A Children's beds, chairs, buggies | \ oC 8 ' hed a ira fas month tebted ¢ ihe @sialte are ofomies wo pay "hue Prince Rupert, B.C and sloishs fix. wale. Bree A. times minony ti Y vere G55 cmd enrolled |e NdeDedne YM MeMULLIN, Prince Rupert, B, 6, rince uj ’ " Gutistein, Sixth Avenue, Monday, that a nunile I ye a al attendance sal ometal ndmpialsivetur , Phone 547 — P.O, Box 728 AATED th tet, day f Vetober : o we bonne iNovember 8 OV ten [hay i ! Le | ih. i920 , , ua “e v '