\ ty ’ , ~Y L5~ bith san p = J jie ily WN die Che Daily News ms r ; week dt Bulkley Valley. of the » im st ie ; FRIZZELL WE NEVER SLEEP cant J. ae sae PRINCE RUPERT Prince Rupert Auto Yulton Market North ° ein : 707 Second Ave. - Prince Rupert ern arid Central British Columbia’s Newspaper eimniees te ieile aad ; PRINCE RUPERT. B. G.. MONDAY OVEMBER &, 1920, Saturday's Circulation 1737 Street Sales 418. PRICE FIVE CENTS (. CREDIT IS BETTER THAN OTHER PROVIN 0 LOCAL DELEGATES GO TO OTTAWA TO DISCUSS SHIPYARD AFFAIRS ayor McClymont has Offer | from States for City Bonds ‘I lay proposal before City Council tonight for morey to He NM oe cover School and Section Two Bridge; Rate is low Veo “5 - ‘ust might after visitog the CHARLES BARNES | WA ee : , | shat WAS FOUND DEAD Se, | | h all sorts of 1 IN BED AT HOTEL §|7. yal Market —rererere ——oow wore — Financia! Credit Better Than Any Oliver returning to coast and may ke chosen as candidate in Victoria; Capital anxious to have him. VANCOUVER, November 8.—Premier Oliver will be back from the Kootenay trip tonight «nm time for the convention. Pe At Nelson, replying to statements made by W. J. Bowser, Mr. ‘ * (Weel Fm Oliver said that possibly four thousand orders in council had been Was an Oid Timer of the North \ | yusT TOO Bante mer goverament, not fifty thousand as reported. f Having Been in the Skeena LH The financial credit of this province was now the -t of any of fr Valley in 1870. <7 \ ‘ the provinces of Canada. | ' it is lerstood that Mr. Oliver's name will come before the . Lily couveution at Vietoria and he may possibly be a candidate there as we - in Delta. The Victoria people are very keen to FIGHTING IN ) a oe | ’ “eal a _ -—- . Bm ao have him stand for that constituency as his presence would be a 4 N =f oO World He i <0 e of strength on the ticket. LONDONDERRY "3°". Col, Peek and Pillsbury "saczysccaa.”” SMITH OUT FOR 187 * JUMP AT FISH SALE * Five Poli von Shot in Fighting; Valley RTE } \ W E t Thi M . ; * Shops Burned and Streets he was employed by Cur ‘ ent as 1S orning - YESTERDAY MORNING z ‘ } Hi i yu wD a candi eeate le - are Dark ee . 4 7 Sot ee i ~ rh fish supply was # ce ® ps ian se os seeder dave ot 1008 Will take up with Gove nment at Ot3ewa matter of 6 cjie) yesterday atthe Fish Industrial Commissioner to be . on. : oe. The abe Atlin where he was resumption of werk at local shipyards * Exchange and ra —— . Candidate — Other poh emits ‘ T4 : < . : * was great, so lively bidding Lhig 4 mn by Ghief Vickers, . Fro before disorganization ; : eee me eee Nominations. ; thy ‘ down Dawse ” * brovetit the prices both for * > ; ' : 7 oe un ft and second class hali- .#* Se Se se ' i nd back az thi » a iJ. H. Pillsbury perintendent of |. meee ag + ae « YANCOUVER, Nov. 8.—John A, eae \ wo years ago | bl eae ss tide item h “Sine ale Sse ace es Uihicnitiee oe TRIBES Te + d y Fraser of Quesnel, a former wem- RY ROSS IS } i t it the 0 Men's i it Ka ' mee oem 7 o y ver of the I®gislature under the ' G rhe he esti : mit gthe const? » hie oa naranet. do00nn . na tf th ‘ spent t ps : ; : oe a ' ' aa . * Bowser Government, has been 1 c sts ‘ ‘ i Alice A : ‘ s © won org zation is on the ground ” wane : eee Wa * nominated by the Conservatives | ere » ’ — Aue \ ’ 5 mae P u 1+ lof 7 se LOOK Pp ej" , cE SRR OTe wT at Quesnel. . { i raid ic an ic s ” ‘ } DONE WITH SENATOR SHATFORD (a ma Gs ge Brogey ‘= ee 9 4 i rooms. whe Presid S E. Parke ae - aIG = é _ e co vs PORT COQUITL . Nov. 8. 1e dueks mats ere e . ; rN ! ‘ : He also s Ra eae osed. { el Peck had strongly |~ , Sane ek s Major Db. B. Martyn, Liberal, has Charge is to be Laid DIED THIS MORNING " j . Aes » aie ‘ « hhusiniin die ertth ihe le ; : , : ; sce been nominated here and Max- Man who Escaped faxazit " , - ne ae ' os al ieee “bund ~ Well Smith, independent Liveral, dail Last Week Was Formerty Member of the ‘7 \ ‘ ist zht E i : ; . Kit poo ®& Has withdrawn in favor. Mar- 6. C. Legistaturs as a ea he , e befdre the s ‘ 1 in ‘ ‘ : ~@ (yn is on he istrial com- Conservative ng s a i . » @ ihissioners. Oe eee Ue eed a SOUTe YANG ae e , ' . nee . Frank Russell, Liberal, Was nom- inated here after J. W. Weart had RETURNED MAN WAS wh sh the nance commit ths aiteruoon and tought t would SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA 'ssfused renomination, other na DROWNED UP-COUNTRY eguates é his ! Z ELECTS NE 4 OFFICERS Bai hg oh ee << , ~. Thompson, Returned Soldier of CE RCE BRODERIUS ee ee ee = ae nes it. A. Payne, soldier farm- | Pre tenity in Seotions G.W. V. A. WILL CHARGED ASSAULT) "tires somes, fcr, aw mn independent to oppnne the Premier, ‘HINGE GHORGEH, N 8.——-J ‘J Charles Lang, Victim of Affray, is , hes ae cs ! i the season at " ; ‘ hfe in the General Hospital as a ; cal te the tBordeh Sikes LITTLE BOY KILLED , : ale a F ‘ oe Rid for Veterans to the Extent of ‘Result Rahhobl i aie etd nae FUNERAL OF DAVID WHEN RIDING SPEEDER °*'’. ‘ ad ben $1,250—Port Simpson er ) ving were’ ehosen to HANLEY YESTERDAY bild n Seotla : e ti Native's Pension. ee See . ste eo f iffairs of the organ- 4 se ; mage leis +4 ~ ile on vol a : . ee i? ont Quite a Gathering of ro in JOHN OLIVER THINKS et bedily harn ' L.. Lee: Viee President, ; ae i avic ‘ ey, POLITICAL STRATEGY ‘ty ! be sf S ' ™ > 5 | s etary Treas i. i wh pr Beep Seago yey RS _ Serre vesteyy ve RE nn ON \. Woods; Conductor, H. A.) yards whe fell dead on Third Ave. " oy abt ty f . i Oa , Oe sn ( wes om ” ! arta “ N Hoss, on Thursday night, was beld from lobo Ol . ; . sh eo tiot “A payment of s sustamed os \ rs . ‘ \ i aon R. the B. €. Undertakers parlors Pe yeres w. See ee . ; IO ROU Asse ot ‘ iavens xecutive se “oMicers | skeaay aftsrnacie. seve} a ooo Perernrn -SRh. 907G SF ES The | G, WV. A. has alse > day nig L the shack of nd Mrs. tL. Director, Mrs. Wm." _ en ey rr ee ae te ae oe ; . i eat oor Reet. + 2 90n . Vas rea. ty 2K M }. Gawthorne, H, ©, Peyton clergyman and there was a large . ‘ er ’ 7 oe att : “ ' A nun ne y wean! ae iJ. Bre : ° attendance { friends of the de , ; ‘ i I vpit ‘ j ans ‘ wa . pital ' r » 4 it Logan, wh ased. The body was taken south RNY LADY FLEW Eetiah Mywetght |e former ea of the Boker that of Mrs, Forresk @ native w Sperg raged ot “°" THE PRESIDENT AND for interment (n. Raeeesrnes eat “KAMLOOPS TOWN x wer verseas. Col. of blood outside Broderius door.) DIRECTORS OF WHALEN | ~ 3 LATES Bothomen were battered up. pretty Y PHOTO OF ALBERTA’S PARLIAMENT BUILDINGS. j,i! ta A Nae, HR Ae ete BRA dl iu"believed thud wai PULP AT SWANSON BAY BIG TURNOVER OF Belaunin was Pilot department and s expeeted sh ae a rie will receive tora ald, AC rN of me | VANCOUVER ISLAND — i paying her #25 a month frou wdred dollars bl jriurstiay last Hon, T. W. Me COAL | AND AREAS ior ’ oe aes GERMAN GUN CAME Whalen Pull) and Paper Mills! yICTORIA, Now Slt le. née Be GIVE REASONS FOR IN ‘LAST EVENING) ipsny wit the ‘new board of) developed coal aseas in Ue Pr Me} SATISFACTION WITH lors aboard the yacht Aquilo.ecdap district have been trans Le INSPpeC~ | rorred for a quarter of a uullion j i j tiavihe tad Coniple OLIVER GOVERNMENT ne goog x ‘hoeaee “er tia ‘ the plant the party left) gotlars, Developments will eom aboard the yaeht te Port Alice Of) pence in sixty days. The owners: ty ™ ) VANCOUVER, Nov. 8 Phe tive rhe German hoewiteer 332, the uatsinoe sound, beens is another) jnelude Serator A, E, Planta, of Mad, ocal Liberal eandidates spoke to- war souven for Prince Rupert jel the company's plants Nanaimo, and the purchasers are le, ; sether in the opening campaimnifrom the War Department at Ot CRESTON TO COAST syndicate of Vaneouver and Ut meeting al Grands iew Dhe ey tawa iwvhed town last night on Victoria men. bat if the address@s was ithe teain, Em the eantime it will CHESTON Nov s Premier re vy a mp ni j la i of the OGity Hall John Oliver left here for the Delegates are reminded of the der the Oliver admin-land a permanent toeation fo i . » atiend a meeting of the |Gonservative convention tonieht rr : . mri eut ‘ ; ent un Mage ; i most recent photo of Alberta new pariiamen pin i hors, Phone 41 Ch the 7 | ' ‘ . he d lod iter is : abe a eile at @ oatnek it Fdmantot w ik i i }