(nee ne ea THE DaiLy NEws PRINCE RUPERT BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by The News Printing and Publishing Co., Third Avenue. H. ms 2 ULLEN, | MANAGING ants TITE DAILY NEWS -RHEUMATISM FOR VANCOUVER IS SURF OF DOCK ocr AUPE ES PST MACDONALDS SUBSCRIPTION RATES: : ince “ " City Delivery, by carrier or mail, per month ...... $1. oft § Taking Frult-a-tives Graditere there do Not issue ) . Hy mail to all parts of the B ; ee sis St Writs, but Think Governme; pe i es ee a oe, a ie British Empire and the United States, 168 Cruson Sr., Monraman. will See Claims Paid ‘ QO 0 To all ee ntrie s. ‘in advan °, pe i es te Se “T was a great sufferer from Ahew- \ of cou 23, C05 DOT YOOP. « o-v.010 000s eo oe ST80 matism for over years. leonsulted | d VANCOUY N i a specialists; took medicine; used DP. Din " f a} a 4P CH EW i N G TELEPHONE 98. totiotie; bat nothing did ine good. Sens. of the eaten) | TOBACCO - Then I began to use ‘Fruit-a-tives” re. ; ; : 21 OF . 4 Work on Sa Transient Display Advertising $1.25 per inch each insertion and in 15 days the pain was easier we a ; fly \ ofeul al Transient advertising on front page ........4. $2.00 per inch. and the Rieumatism much better. "> a c eats — ” Local Readers, per insertion, ..-....-.5 o tu ues 25e, per line. Gradnally, ""ysid-e-tives" overcame || cone” 7. Classified advertising, per insertion, ........... Ze. per word. my Rheumatism; and now, for five ngin ; ing f ih ¥) ‘ a oat Legal Notices, each insertion, ‘ ; ibe. per agate line. | years, I have had no return of the ree “— co IN Contract Rates on AL “lication. r trouble, I cordially recommend this |, eer, Pear N bi { “ Fbac All advertising should be in the Daily News Office on day pre- fruit me:ficine to all sufferers.” ee : ; ceding publication. All advertising received subject to approvat P. H. Mc HUGH ae — were o - ’ S0e a box, 6 for $2.5, trial size 25c. ' is hoped ' ' ROY ms At all dealers or sent postpaid by 4 npe ! \ f » DAILY EDITION. aig ogm Monday, November 8, 1920, | Prtita-tives Limited, Ottawa. satisfy the , Wy ’ . pe -_—_——-— - a fits hat | i ‘ ' . os Port Si wae. Tia ne F ort Simpson as SUITCASES ern ; ( ; Summer Resort. ' uid bes fi \) Cc s } (sie. of aan v.. hardly realize that close by is a ] R U N K S . $ bee he ” aft anada’s standard since 1858 4 quiet village, beantiful in the extreme, where'the people go about 5 ; " SSS ‘yf tas in ; 3 HANDBAG lieving that > au their work without worrying themselves much as to what the s —, | ee, OO aaa TU UU NU TOTO NU ULTN t= aa 3 ‘eS of the orld is doing , + Si; j | se re “3 he world ik iz. At Port Si npson there is a large native WHOLESALE AND RETAIL met. ° i Vi ae and a Methodist mission and hespital where splendid ance cee 8 OMe ee Oee « aa work is being done by fe devote : ‘ : The a vork is being done by few levoled men and women. The } J & MAGUIRE LOCAL CONSUL IN MAIL SCHEDULE . Nie}: Crosby Girls Home where the young Indian girls board and are 9: > ,eeeceeseeseeeees oe F taught all the amenities of life as well as the duties, is situated 722 Second Ave., Prince Rupert 9) PACIFIC FISHERMAN For the East. e. ay there and native children are cared for from a number of the|——— a saad Monda Wednesdays and Sat. R so coast. The pl en (SRee & ' 1On5 | villages on the coast. The place is one of themost picturesque|e ee #@#@@ COSHH Oe ewe! . Sal mans coe | ¥ in the province and should become a resort for those who are | # PRINCE RUPERT TIDES a en ° : : ri * rom the & ’ g for fis ‘ unting , Season aat. ‘Py . ane: 3 wv fi nang er hunting. There is a fine sandy beach, vet|@## ##@8 #e¢ @@eeeeas _ Sundava, Tusadays and Thurs. oes j H the harbor is wel re ted trom the ocean storms, and nearby Saturday. November 6 I 1. Wa orn at ” is the famor Wark Canal with its wonderful scenery. High, 10 16 acm., 19.5 ft Rupe . ' ALTT } bt f At one time Port Simpson was considered as a likely place i8 pom. 18.4 ff ‘ : For Vancouver and South. if gas ; : , , Low, 3:58 a.m., 6.8 ft in i edo for the establishment of a Pacifie port, but with the adoption of f ‘4p. ; . P " din ane Sar tee : ! 6 .m., 6.3 f alirte MA “ if 4 Prince Rup hat purpose the hopes of th eresidents have Sunday, November 7 seit ‘Vania i, not been realized, aud it would be a pity to spoil so beautiful ligh, $3 Of a.m., 20 Fish Yr. ayne plaee for so lilarian a purpose It should, however, be a sum mother with ¥ * , : nection there aT ‘ ‘ . vee none 260 the father, maintenance of deserted wives, changes in the adoy * heh ct: h ‘i Prince Hupert Electorat pis. Wilh Mie Paeifie i) ‘ N ! ’ ae oe oe Renee ; Ona” ’ a $ op- ans and Specifications, Contrac canning industry and tion Act, change the ee lvormes Of Tender us, Contract, and i in the matt spe = _ pits i Sina IPS wife Sane} Fights et "a day ‘ot No tetnber "ORO. at tne cn tite face of Ht, is rather difl & . my: matter of consent to a child's marriage. These are a few). 4 go APN Pi a iG to explair Vhe casual stat or Skidegate, Queen Charlotte bove en ent, Cor i . of the good measures which the present Government has passed roe weenie : Tt which has been made ity and Lower Isiand points and they have other things in view ret Oliver fini ' lcourt House rriake Masse be a tue to a difference in tra " ! os t hily a 4 4 r finish his work Dep artment of vublic Works, Vieteria, B.C. tuand does ts wars is a good motto just now, The lowest or any lender not necessarily o - a aecepler oe ect Yiaecount for thie eudden ute From Skidegate, Queen Charlotte ee - } te) NM + a EET | bie W pubite Dorn tneincer, [Precedented | trade in tore) OY and Lower Island pointa— CANADIAN CANADIAN PACIFIC OOEAN SERVICES \ pm Viet Te approximately 200 peoruiritiss ' ’ ind ' tiy lita) § D J I Gemer Wi see, fresh nal lea troushs ow iB. C. Coast Steamship ervi r OS MA x\ TIMBER SALE X 2733 epee es cg bh TP vay 9 © - eae e e RE . American boats and ab t (2.1 or Suagwey and the Yukon. | sealed tenderi with be receivea by tne |POUNdS in 1919, So far t ‘ { dD ‘ (AS. S. PRINCESS maRY bs DE Povtetesy ae a Prince Kupert, not ister) 425.000 7 i d : Por Ketchikan, dunesu, Sregwey, Alerr* » ae T 1? lee oon on the, 17th day of November,!** wounds, selling f a54 o {1 , N IS {1920,_ or the purchase of Lavence "ara 000, have an landed. Accordi: From Skagway and Yukon. ie esathien os ters ont Becttie prince Rupert aes pine and Spruce Ties ve eee " lo the vessel or ' ‘} N I 4 I) : | Two years will be allowed for ren el owners the i ‘ i oO if timber 1 fo emovalinearly all obtained fr i i 18 nice ! inther partic : ’ pee EES om troiing » PRINCESS BEATRIC el Rooms 7 and 8 Smith Block t wietaria : prin "Dieteiet “7 yeipeee boats operating off th \liaskan from Prince Rupert fer ro ns Gay, Ocean Fells Herdy Bey alert Lady Assistant . Open Evenings appar Wet. Fe" | cogat ftewart, Maple Bay and Swamp Foren ca powell River, Vancouver end Victor Office Hours: i pongo eerie < Every Gaturdsy, © O™ 9-12; 1.6; 7.9 Phone 575 ‘ Sunday by TIMBER Si SALE X 2734. le : ees gap et es err ceitings, epely ? es " ane ortniahtty ent. ppointment ny islet , nde = wie be, resstved by the! MAN’S DESIRE AT me eafter ; w., ©. ORCHARD, ‘General Ag me — esle rince NWupert, not tater ; Prince KU , eae " — than noon on the 17th day of November ember 13 and fortnightly Cor 3rd Avenue and 4th Street = —— — je ‘urna Lake. * Licence % 9794 EMPRESS THEATRE pre ifter } ; = pine and Spruce Ties,” ras | a oe x Two years will be ‘allowed for removal This verdiet of a backwood —— sentials [yietoria, Oe 'the Distr she Ciset Forester, eountry sheriff in “Man's Desire supert f is a Sample of the “border Jus Tc es } r 4u 14. econ tice eted « Alfalfa Meal, Beefscraps, Oysterand [| T!#SER SALE X 2731. ben th primierea sh itieesions, Shi gl a. é enti i } ; primitive eivilizations, in s ae a Grit, Charcoal, Coarse M eee tenders will be received by the fom Denton beat Bull Lar e e ar roun ae a , ands at Vi¢toria, not tater kin on the draw. ¢ i hud os ), DEVAN OF MANIN Bone fed in the proper pro- ligeo "tor the purchase Of y of Novemmer, lumbe 2 a 4 ne me roast | ON A legaes ee e Dry Kiln Cs acity en = feet per day portions along with the necessary it cut 3, #00 ties and £49,000 linea! West rermen knew Bull had it ated proposals meee ip y n ip if ¢ Tole i. co u“ rtitie cheque ’ , eeceeentenTT grains and chicken chop are essential feeds the chick- |Wondrark Giet o8 ay area situated near |(NK TO Nit, certihed weoane Far. 6 a L fons ot tne ens must h A Two (2) years will be allowed for re- Border justice is demonatrated “iMiersiened at Me office of the t seenae | T “> order to produce the best results, |moyal of particul t jin a graphic way in “Man's D t Nove Prange Hupert. uutit 30th ‘day SI KA S ~articulars of the Gnief ¥ { m9 ae s ” Sovember, t20, for the Complete } THE BRACKMAN.1 in any quantity B., or District Forester, Mrince ihapert, | ire: a drama in whieh atavisti¢c drains Mink Trap hay tne Siren waten L OORING, SIDI (8.6 da ahd ene veeri li Grains Mig ip Hay Lake, near Kitkotla JOCK k i ae eir hearts cam hey vitae itt istand All tatertal WESTERN HE MI ; P.O. Box 7 AN KER MILLING (0., LTD. TIMBER SALE X 2670, jand blood in thele veins sottle|iow, water ts to. be cntirely tem an be CEILING F INISH OF ALL KIN . * - - ’ the oe , : f ; a ane ; x 745 Pricce Rupert, B.C. Phone 350 J); Sealed tenders will be received by the personal misunderstandings in a shove hiek ia aie oe ie ee cea Fistriet Forester, Prince Rupert, ‘not tater primitive-—though tragie-——way at the head of the Jatt sh work to be | tg L p= 19080, for the purchear oy, of November, | | Bowls & Strom: wives. a. re ple ed on or before O1a4 ‘aay of March, | Ch | I | d S ruce Produc w oeer a pugs poe Lo cut 4,000 poard markably strong characterization Intending bidders must examine the jam ar otte $ ah $s Pp ‘ner Tuee, Cedar and Hem ; late the method they intend tw adoprt B.C a We of a straights opter in this |; mature of the machinery they oo sg; Prince Rupert, , al ew. Two years will be allowed for removal : imi tve , i FE ms The Leadi Dail f N s of jiuber virile drama, written by himeelf ! pe tender hot beta ; ALBERT & MeC AFF 6, Blue } n o ort wien sr Bot thes alate of the Chief Forester, ‘and produced under tl 4 “ tot twid 1 be returned iminedi cn gente: ni * 11 nad £ y hern British Columbia Inacuae © the Listriet Forester, Pritce Att tnd tanks gti 1 direetion ateiy th cone “it ‘" awarded: wed Prince Rupert, B.C. Telephone A , : vot Chief inapector of Fishertes | re ey Se be