THB DAILY NEWS I : — ~~ Dp). Gh, Me Kay returned to Ocear il | d P lx Saturday PRINCE RUPERT DRY DOCK | = ersonal Delegnies an omens nser il ‘ con ND i # " - Ask for Atkins’ Sausage. tt : ae * % % a Pat Co., Limited. ills Devitt ta Dancing Cl ght at 8 o' elon rating-—-G.T.P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry{Dock jing from Usk te Tae # Ope j * % & : , nial 1 ; } Mrs. W. Tooth arrived y Gur Plant is Equipped to Handle All-Kinds of lai dwart on & os . I, Cullins, edit a. i Canal News,» MARINE AND tts ee Barrie's ft nit s{ f e COMMERCIAL WORK Riad lyill ocrives ta n saboda . we fre Pit tat } sine | thas bee Small Vessels dry docked ah, boats may ‘ ‘ - A Jocked at one time in one section of the Dry Dock ! Fairweatl ina : j be a ‘ nm Swanson b ® ie , Engineers, Machinists, Boiler Makers, . * * ew fel : Biacksemiths, F ounders, Pattern Makers, etc. A. Eby 2.8 { i int, reached t 3 We Solicit Your Enquiries 6 j de p, 0. Box 1713 Phones 43 and 385 oh fk s PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. pivisred et ‘the Hotel ae ! ve ' - il . 7. lr, W. Sha ton le \ p 7 n the Princess Royal on - lay night s 0° 4 ber Pr. Us Swans Bay and ss . riy ft . sin the ¢ iving i ed i ght - i » : ; i y é HO IS THIS DR. CHASE?” we know him was to love him. He inspired ; bry . ; . are sometimes asked by persons confidence and respect, and made lasting a! ee 1u.4 mt Ts ‘ who know his medicines, but are friends wherever he went. Ie er gl 4 gt s ‘ i s not familiar with his interesting life And thus it happened that when Dr. Chase ; ' ; MI mand story. placed his most successful prescriptions on the ‘ i i i ils of ; marke@, so that the people might obtain them t nigt reluded Mr kk. Rebir S " ine boyhood days of Dr. A. W. Chase more readily, they met with a reception in Canada e : M Bi and J ; were spent in the vicinity of Buffalo, N.Y., ** We! 48 i the United States . dt and as he had early decided to be a medi- This letter from Mr. Parish will give you some O a e Vi e \ ¢ MY ar gy ae ‘ idea of how Dr. Chase's Medicines became known Cc core s8 ‘as cal or, he ae fries a ge f throughout Canada. . . Mr. and Mrs. D. Za i ed ’ oi attendance at the University o ichl- rompt Servic Jay anc ss ° , Prompt ns e i fs iy and Night Victoria yesterday and ; y gan, located at Ann Arbor. Went to Dr. Chase in 1867 - t Vlas “ee a few da \ ‘ After graduation he began the practice “In the year 1867 I was very bad with my ERNIE LARGE - - Proprietor \ 7 ‘ medicine in Ann Arbor, Mich., and, at kidneys. I could not work on account of my back - * . i ‘ ; : : : being lame, sore and painful all the time. Though ‘a j ypresented in the illustration, | earefully followed the directio of our family i ’ ! c. Ss. 1 his putation as a physician of excep- doctor he was unable to do me h good. At fw - ; acai . this time Dr. A. W. Chase was becoming known acento M : ; { na spread far bey ond the cOn- 4s an especially successful physician, and on the a ? A. e th State, and people came to him advice of my uncle, Charles Wil iams, I went to 7 . j } Snes fror nenieray? : Dr. A. W. Chase at Ann Arbor, ichi and he : ELECTRIC & MARINE * . . * . ee ent irom many miles around. gave me a box of his pills ‘te nv kidney disease SUPPLY CO eg ee { Cedarva M As h s accustomed to travel across “You can scarcely imagine how much good they ? ; ia weste nte t , did me. They helped me so much that I COW BAY , t a. eh — ; Oni ario to his native — went back to the doctor aid beth? n gixtered a t > “01 he frequently stoppe dozen boxes. In my mind there is not a ELECTRICAL AND MARINE SUPPLIES : o% Canadian towns and cities medicine half so good as DR. A. W r : bie! # = §6for'st consultation, and in this = Sas Ml ig Se oe Fn 1 . . > nine ae . ey >} ance eada e ? Canadian Fairbanks Co. Ltd M L. with (ss 4 \\ way! le many friends in Canada. always keep them in the house as a 2 a j , i "he character 3 ee family medicine, a tf id t C.0. Crude Oil Marine Engines from 30 to 250 h.p. ' The ¢' r and personality Chink 6¢ sine ane othet*- Me Oe tes und for th \ : f Dr. Chase was such that to Parish, Sturgeon Bay, Ont. 8-10 H. P. Heavy Duty Distillate Engines, g ; ar a ” ea ae : Dr. A. W. Chase’s medicines Note that the portrait and : : : and let ve vO Vis i ’ i pies ° . - Electric Lightigg Plants fae linen 3 hte Sete Bes rer le nn ah are for sale by all dealers signature of A. W. Chase, he Sela eels: 6 so sani asic bh or sent on receipt of price M.D., the famous Receipt hureh and musical 5 S i by Edmanson, Bates & Book author, are on every ee . , * Co., Ltd., Toronto. box of his medicines. ’ seland wh as | ia j ‘ i 1 W t } i Rupes with Ma . Jee —e- - estholme Lunch fit re, i een — i e party at Winnip . ‘ aT r is given nothing, although she of the act enabled the court to = Under New Management suddenly ' Hits Gu : BREAKS WILL ot in any way at fault, in ik will. Mr. Gurd ad- ALL WHITE HELP ema TO ASSIST WIDOW mtaiteckad. to tik: Aosiiststal ‘nism oaniic male auc ' ‘ ‘ Ibuted to the rcquisition a i el where natura Justice e ' . ais j i ty which i d i nd Westholme Special ergs Upag d Sok, A—A R86 Ceased had” left. "His londabip| An order as nado allowiae 4 pa 1 co neg s W. F. Gurd, by whot nthly s to the widow, which | : was . - s the estate Three Course Meal - from 45c up {vo aiideiie ant Tareas ee ee | + ee i ind W Sha <3 . ns : ; ; I I ns Lake i : “|| Fif : Fif sUar i Va He D D . gua = < ; ! irip. 10; Nasrouees::- Get , ays ays WALLPAPERS, GLASS, PAINTS, 2 ie r the new wharf rid Winsor & Newton Art Supplies, ‘ f This ts I . ‘ r Gur fi . a € s ac d rs S2l $2 Poiana dated wrnrrinG AND : . 3 only, urface Oak Dressers... .$ ) 00 for $26. a CARD WORK, . i 10. he is P : 6 only, 3 ft, 6 Felt Mattress $20.00 for $16 PICTURES, PICTURE FRAMING \\ ' naa 4 only, 4 ft. 6 Mattress.........$18.00 for ee Phone 2? > treet P.O Box 120 bios s shall | det 6 only, 3 ft. 6 Mattress......... $16.00 for $13.00 one eee . R upert Ve Ox : ¥ : ‘ ” : whe go >m GT. 1 it Tila ; 3 only, 4 ft. 6 Felt Mattress ... .$30.00 for $25.00 en at va ERE -ATCH WINDOW-FOR SPE . id ‘white, FERTILIZER BUSINESS , WATCH WINDOW FOR SPECIALS! \ ; i is sth } ~ rar _ o> . nan G. Clark living denabines’ betwee HAD VERY GOUD YEAR a f AN > CLEANING AND vd Alaa by het, iS5 Pahl BARRIE FURNITURE STORE E \n i auth belie, \\ TIMGER SALE X 2736 . ul s s Ai ' ~& IN. PRESSING PARLORS |\:"":' = 10 Riohih =a ‘ LAND ACT. eer “ighth Street - - Prince Rupert, 5.C. MI ea iy Ha ie we A 2786, , ae i : end i ot nae Notice of Intention to Apply to Lease 5 H t | Pri R Yvork 1 Alterations a Specialty % aa Ara We a | y 4 In Queen Chartotte tstanos Land istrict, ; 0 e rice upert . hey wi ake chare he A ; t allows r iting District of Skeena, and situate |} be Give Customers Satisfactior \ Hotel whieh M Yareili re : t ng the westerly boundary of Block 53, } ‘ peed keke ro ' ~ d District Lot 746, on Masset iniet. || 8 EUROPEAN PLAN De ! tter , urchased from Ole Eving ! r ' ake notice , e URAL SLAND y i be ' ae ** Phone 563 ’ aa : os , ' st Rut b o¥ CEDAR che — b port)’ $1.60 per day and up. er known as : ) They intend t . ———---=——= |Clements, occupation tumber mercnants,;§ 8 9 ; : 4 i niend to »piy for permission to lease ine st class business cod ill WILL CO-OPERATE IN TIMBER SALE X 2740. ok dese eee veo a restat mt in ¢ hect . the Commencing at & post planted at tne : . ’ orthwest corner of bloc 3; tence! } A La Carte. ; ! very a ’ rodatie fou TURKISH MATTERS , . ater no te on 37 ain wear 30 ¥ te t: Mail Orde ; Sivisitors They are staying at the I i thence north 70 deg OS min. west 510 — omp Te me P. O, Box 183 +} Prinee Rupert Hotel until Wed PARIS, N I ar oe th ice sani Se0-8 fects thence cast ata } nen ’ , are fee nore or less to ost planted at tne Pt Attention Phone 558 tiie sday night {64 and Italy has shed a ast District athwest cornae a sat biokh BS; thence ; Careful Piano Tuning Be one , Will be allowed for re- | > rth-easterly following | the bigh-w ; Repairs to all makes of. Pianos, \ pleasant party Was given on ' of Forester ee aun “at "iiasncient, cor } Phonographs, Came ras = 5 are Mi i jay evening by Mi Marjori . ree: ees 7.6 acres more oF less ’ parts in stock. Freneh Polishing ’ owe . os BrgOorie : st as chee » we oul ND SPRUCE & CEDAM GU, ? Iss GLEESON R s to a number of her high A te Just a mn BY Bar. FOX er ree HWAHAM ae LIMITED. J. Slade Stevens Ex we i onl dkibndy AE he hina eee rinting done wel and done at TIMBER SALE X 2753. Dated August 26in, 1920 428 5th Avenue W. Clusive bane t ri > mea es 4 Oo Ses rome it is to send it away. Try phe > 2 4 ve Ladies Ready-to Wear land Mie . \\W nods, “finan ate f . aa - AWA) ved BY tRA] ~ ue onpte eee op wirruat Cae Phone Red 291 P.O. Box 762 Th Sireet, which was lent for the oe.) pt eal — a OLU MBIA a Ind Ave a ‘k : Neate Kitna EN THE QATTER OP THE ADMINISTRA: | nue Prince Rupert, B.C. suru ie evening WAS QUICK @¢ CHS Geese eeeeesaes édar, Hemlock THON ACT ty passed with games and dancing), TOO LATE 10 CLASSIFY i O Lineal feet. aur MATTER OF THE ESTATE ©} - G GRAY oe ee ee ind about sixteen couples were in : ¥ be allowed for re JOHN ELWOUD, DECEASED, INTES e ° *“*ep eee ei eee eeneene sa : Teacher of Piano attendauce, Before dispersing at the Chief Forester NOTICE that in order of His 5 Ce THEO tot POOPOL OLE COPEL OL OOP EOE LOLOL EOD midnight dainty refreshments | PO REN T-—Rooms on a i i Prince Kupert, |" ee tal were sppontah Stadio 187 Secand Avenus were served bord in | use. A anene | Aduneairator to the estate of John, biwaod PHONE Blue 421 or 444 eased and al wrties having claims Uk SA COLLART, Notary Public —_ eaihliDteagi Mis ¢ Cra wd Tr ee TIMBER SALE X 2732. Hecones ts wad ie ule were regu - . Avi kus { nish same eritiec Oo me "we a & « (6 rooms and bath), near Borden Street School | aivouten ay with RAT a ' ators ti fl FOL December lon hed, 84700, part cash and easy terms ptehing, 1 LORT.-Sur ‘ not tater | 1 sled ky Dey te ainOuAt Of toatl AL FOR SALE . Loose $12.50, Sacked Lump $14.00 ing’ ri are “ay = w N a ndebtedness to me forthwith errace Mont \ibere l per ton delivered ser el eal Guat ’ engraved &, UG Pind iS Jack ee, - Oe “ 9 e e Maras . ‘ARINE INSURANCE on the Coast Dr, Chase's Ointment will relieve you ab ones uM New A obeereee) Teen) i meva Dated this 4st day Of Naveniter "1680." of North America Westholme Theatre Block Pays Claims promptly ib “ w Phone Blue 69 To and afford lasting bennett dealers, or Edimanson, @o, a box; all Bates & Co., Limited, route, Sample Hox free if you mention this paper and enclose 2c. stamp to pay postage SLEEPING HO ) Fraser St, upstais 63 Advertise in the Daily News, | Real Estate and Insurance KENNEY BROS, & CO, i os 6 BS eS ea nape