. . } Mining News sce Hn bs, eee nur | SS 0 Or ; Sa HT [Russian Actress Takes Part or| 8 ean an fr 0 Cockne air i w Spee ens «o * ” ore cin storsC Uy. y n “The Heart iSiewart mines are on exhibit in ©, of a Child." yy e jH. Bowes’ drug store in Victoria, 0 Neus j ‘ , ‘Four samples are from the Pre uvitova, The sereen’s greatest : thier mine and three Other very actress, comes to the W Sean t “chme are fr tt Theatre tonight in a pieturization rich specimens are rom vn i a i : [Spider claims, The one of great it of Frank Danby's mo&t eele Hrated | patie revel rhe Heart of a Child,’ est interest to Victoria, however, St In this, her newest production, jis from the Shiver Tip Group ays ihe Russian star appeara in al which is owned by a syndicate of oO whiarrets entirely difforent trom | corte men, It Was recentiy NAVY K U ; 9 ' an bonded to a group of Vancouver res iny she has essayed in the past, : } wiles s : that of Sally Snape, a cockney fe . i e wages br: rant aah - Bs oe : Sik fromthe Sdmebodan dintriet |". ° rort time ago © 7,500, mak ic A young rancher from North et : jing a total of 845,000 already paid > ~ Phompsen River ‘*savs he oa ondon who is for ed to face | ity them p w Hacey is m i : sites Sain didn “ai: omeriaie €> ithe world with no other means of! . ai . always keeps a case of Pacite hig na thi “pat jcharge of the Silver Tip which is : : Milk in a dugout under his|PTOheton Than her innate keod lclosed for the winter | , house, jess, her inborn sense of what is ¢ . ° eh Last year he left his aba veht her ehitd oi heart, : i Nome is Done SS” a? in June and did not wo baek , ? is 71a Phe Heart of tly The steamship Vietoria landed °o es e Wl PAYA: i till April of this yeat He iid’ a goretousness of pictorial g59 persons from Nome an het ft / t oe at! a . } ets found the Milk had kept }?C8" rhe early tenement street last trip’ to Seattle from the North e ig es ua t y 1g 9 os perfectly through extremes off scenes are done with amazing }Former residents of Nome in : at heat and cold lidelily to detail, yet created with |), attle predict that) this marks > ~ . {* eve to the pieturesque thatiine passing of the ence famous ver aine tin a Pacific Milk Co s their shabbiness to border peach mining town rhe most of Q Limited ; * jon the quaint, Sueh later bits of} ppose whe returned to the States © e e ° e ithe story as the Rehemian revel} oe 4 ae tt S332 Drake St., Vancouver, B.C e theatrical ae e nai on to the Sk toria will remain there ur Inia igare eC .* 4 FACTORY AT LADNER, 8. ©. saa tit ' ‘ anid" passsengers who declared 4 glimpses of Lord Ki id-Jthat there were less than 200 . (eenemee |e initing lode, with! psons left in Nome. In. tn > a i | aoa | lanorial dignity, and later!sammer of 1898. following the , "9? is the: supe beaihe dt Nis MMMM Seine Hae, peace atin, No wonder Player’s are the most popular SALA t ie j tate all go te make up a seene ‘ a he ‘ ‘ a $ © ’ 7h j ee We have now on akon wiht Sia Tee 98:8 6.000 Soule, ° cigarette in the Old Country—as_ they a Ale 0 eee riking Va gz scenes, Si j Fal h | yf Engineer Litigati here ! Qo fis ab and | ngineer gation are here * ie Mo CHEAPER TO BUY . A big laweuit which threatens don ‘ / ‘a 1000 Tons ' jto eelipse the Dolly Varden one in! iy | ‘pe at Wellington Coal THAN TO PACK : ey ee ee Among discriminating smokers it is ba | suver over th neineer ithe é ' : ’ sig Acs’ incieat Macrae Thiel Aun. W. L. Gondwin, of universally agreed that Player’s are t | Season will R j ome, ane eleven others are s ‘ 1000 Tons be Rebuilt fic¢hting the Alexander é state oO unequalled for their smoothness and 0 el : at ’ ataked thi . Asked whether the Nakat Inlet eee rt ete ne delightful aron ner 1 . ' S ‘ a ay mn : merry would be rebuilt far next vea 1. S. Hume, ofe the ¢ \ Alexander “jumped” the sta As we anticipate not only a 4 aino sy seid WW tm Another case is also pending scarcity and increase in price of ala werk sca dit Va dihica nanan against the Alexander estat n coal but also a difficulty in meet- sited 6 ' Ag than is ol which W. Pollard Grant claims a 18c. per package paras ing your demands for ‘prompt Ax things look ie ak an fifth interest in the mine. A sale ri se delivery this fall, we strongly ; el omer ieee ae at is proposed of the Engineer Mine ! i recommend that you make sure ae sal na thiedioam sivas a lin which a price of #4,000,000 js H of your winter's supply now by tyes ancl da thee ca in eledl . |effered by Cobalt interests phoning MP Pe ng Se eel $e $ ? a 116, 564, Blue 69 ca Samer, ’ Usk Mine " = he Nakat Intet plant will be A ten foot vein is bein de. es Albert & McCaff ebuilt later, as the company still) etoped at the head of Chimness oO 3 e ery > me considerable property on the \4 ‘reek, near Usk. rhe body con a Limited |Site Pacific Fisherman. tains many stringers of gray RA CA AT Se opper ore which is rich in silver j of lassays having run from 15 to 20 The best way to have a [per erent copper and 200 to Sao e > ounces of silver per ton. TIMBER SALE X 2324. | ee ae QU SUEE | ose sicirs Sire vewtrns ny tne), Madey Closing Down Vinister of Lands net later tan geca on) The plant of the Hedley Gold d Pr pur co SP aaniees aan, aoe ror ie | Mining Co. at Hedley, B.C., near Cleaned an ess fee Ba gdh seine bat 1636, Date mae | PT inesian, has been closed dewn is by our ie 1, District fand if is likely will remain closed “ years will be allowed for re- : ° noval of timber ifor a year. Phe reduction-of gold Steam Pressing Machine rther particulars of the Chief Forester,;at the mill there has not been jvictorta, B.C. or Distriet Porester, Prince! Method. Rupert, B.C found profitable enough of late to It only takes 15 minutes. IN PROBATE a —"Iwarrant further operation until Our Price is THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISHit{he gold market changes, so the Reasonable eee idecision of closing tas been ° Delivery is Prompt rN THe eee OF THE ADMINISTHA-lreached by the company on the Give us atrial. Phone Black 32 (ee el and a ee jadvice of the president, I. L FUN PATRICK GINGRAS, DECRAS-|Mercill. The mine, mill and plant LING TAILOR 8 restau Iwill be in good condition to re 821, 823 2nd Ave., Prince Rupert j rags ae voaae mate tne cae open when decided. The Heal ia r, A.D. 1920, | wes appointed) iMine, commonly Anown as tive aren eeenncnsertce ease eonctind amniie arnan hat. |Nickel Plate, is a picfuresque ony wainst tne said estate eteifor the-ore comes down a long ¢ equired to furnish same, p » ' aa. Oe Oe et 1\\ neq "'e me, on or ‘before “the foun day steep inclined rathway from the vie San ) ‘ Néve mber AD 1926, and all parties § | indented the eatate are required to pay | top of a mountain into the con- e ene j Slrocthonine! of Welr indebtedness % Melcentraling mili near the town, For e : | Kins eal | sap tke. opment al ews Llilassife Se PLUMBING AND HEATING ‘| Official Administrator sha paat ‘faw years the operation e j ENGINEE «| DATED this 30th day of Vetober, 1920 jor the Nickel Plate Mine has been : { ' RS +: a |the sole source of support of the 2 CENTS PER WORD IN ADVANCE. No Advertisement Taken tac face than 5Oc j ; N a Estimates furnished. i 1s sale deiealieede aaIeR oul pment then af in of Hedley. —~ eee ~~. cetnsrmitnaeriainaee Ml sabe nelitine | COLUMBIA itn _ SIT ATIONS \ WANTED : ‘ cres aeven & j REN Be Address, 3rd Avente, head ts THE MATTER OF ‘THE ADMINISTRA- | 5 ™ , — j se tt en i - > te \\ TION ACT ‘ eu vation with ive ‘ ‘ of Second Street. sale i Lady requires in office or ; iar . eel ie \ THe MATTER J THE ‘TATE ur | Ten Years Ag oO as hounsniil pate ‘box 183 sindeed { A hlings Mee shred T — P.O. VILLIAM STHATPORD, DEnRASEO. IN eee ee ' ind of years old Dy TESTATE {maily Ne office } ae p|, TARE NOTICE that in onder | of mis! 3 since 1 plumes Wall te wpastastes sellindetiveenibiiglie Soba u ". Young, made the 246th day/| [ October, A.D 6a8 = . FOR SALE om crop next yeur Hemaitt~ | pa \s Rormd raTrol ‘ atte ator to AL PR ad ; November 8, 1910 a a - slashed burned sad i ‘ & Night Phones - J. G; Steen, 371 , tratford, deceased, and ail parties having Yesterday aflernoon Charlie FOR SALI ( will ¢ le f : ; , : ? W. Longwill, Blue 270 amas “akainst “he Ane “cremate Ca Cyr was killed by an accidental } ‘ yr wi ‘i rade ~ need sy cre eeded in tional G y, } Day Phone 5 Wwe. on or before the s0th day of No-Ishot from his own rifle while et oe nay oT : and aes a reg LODGE MEETINGS On SALE AT STEEN & LONGWILL tn estat re requ tred to pay ine amount honting ducks up Tuck's Inlet, om : - si la qua row f stion . ols wir i ebledness oO me ‘orthwit ‘ $ ° ” is run-avou aunt i al wee, 8 re ane bate (ij on I y Al ORDER OF ” i JON stticlal Ageaimsteetor. T. D. Pattullo, J. Horne and Feho" either with or without} Owner in very poor health and Wee y ‘Thured Fre tor Sheet Metal Works DATED this 20th day of October, 1920. Baas Le] as engin ts tor 61,700, W Moose meets ¢ ees OUBCrS bave returned from a visit samaree ne taableasbe allan Coa ’ ) evening at the De Luxe Ha Ha rdware ~ Agent for McClary Furneaes i to their brick plant at Kayex, on first-ela marine en wive clear deed, For further in VENUE Sanitar | which is closed for the winter, gone. formation apply to P.O, bax 106 music. = pg k 114 heating _ Engineers es ee | One first-class large row boat Terrace he ‘ ‘haries O'Ne slam meen . th 2% ‘aille Perfectio 5th Street ‘and Fi Fraser Street . capita a Hoi, —s barge of the} fs : ° i . aye Perteotion FOR SALE OR LEABSI Job print Piano Orgat mh Prince Rupert - - - - B.C. Sunrise Group at Hazelton, is in board engine, land ud ; town. We speaks highly of the M M Stophens, Phone 222 ng business and plant, For Mi Ity j i . . | Company. property and reports that forty), ea me = wat led el eur gain he pam ulars apply Daily nee i ! 15 ith | ———- - a ate & -" $ s a - a re ' . Phone 565 827 2nd Avenue $| See ae ‘ge ed caged ati One 20 h, p. heavy duty N. & prechrsns —- ACCOUNTANTS i New loca C. V. EVI } SPECIALS ain 8. engine price $2,200.00, The FOR SALE by owner, furniture eX PERIENCED RECOUNT r entra Helger . oo TT Barney Mulvaney — left this| Price of this engine has gone up pra tieally pew. Apply 49 lays nie baled ttinbird ; f ; Bers Auctioneer | ONE WEEK ONLY morning in a eanee for Port| %590.00 sincé we bought this Cove Sire. pence ws books, whole pa ; AX] ‘ * oer vet | ; ; a Auditor and Accountant ont yf Essington with the mails. Mul-| from the factory. W @ have also POR BALA One washsatand and \V I Williseroft rl ; Pa : any Jonatians or: vaney and Beirnes ave the, 0" hand 4h. p. N, & 8, engines, wicker centre table, Phone Mlavk 259 S —— | il | SPADE) - coe bie: oe per box, ly Sheena mail delivery contract.) price for same complete, #290, Rh wk 244. if ai "Touring ST i Annies ...per box, $3.00 Transportation facilities used are| Pfinee Rupert fligar Store.) ~ energie | SHORTHAND — TYPEWRITING ; Phone Your Ee \sherofl Potatoe®.per sack, $3,08)canoes and dog teams. Phone Blue 94, tr POR . a A aane eee et POPNe, |. ning Classes Monday, Wedn aie ith fi lee Te Dei cael scslcsaesiaelanidiaialaaias i » shone i : Dry Keeping Onions....per sack, + = @ wh Malan aeiehe” cicke> kas See eee etal : day, Melday, 7190.0.9:80, No. 10/8 ae | 93.50; A Young Men's Hebrew As-| BALE ——BlOre, Stook ’ O00) oon SALR—Bate. Price 8485 Smith Block, phone Blu ; Cabbage (100 Ibs, -per sack,|sociation has been formed here, 4) fixtures, A good opening for ade aaa ” uf hire etteestignen a . The ottleers are: President, J anyone wishing to continue the, O° : Spcichaceh - MISCELLANEOUS We have secured th ° ta 5 $3.60 " | : . i won esd ; the best Cos! found i» ane B.C. Fresh Bees...per doz, $41,40\Levy; Vice-president, K. Brin; business, F . M. ‘ rowby. oe Hf FOR RENT ISAFE EXPERT IN TOWN. 1 and can supply any quantity. H.C, Fresh Kegs, yates pe doz, |secrelary, 8, Soskin. The exe-| IFOR SALE——Faat runabout launch|.7 Sean ate. = tintin teen gree anything wrong with 5 ° of Pla : Prices on application to +e ees eee ee tee : eee £0.90 Culive council econsisis of TL, Dir-| with good en@ine; all in firat| 'O RENT. Conifer abby furnish. | Have you forgotten the Variety arrived Rupert Feed Co Brookfield Butter 2 Ibs, for $1.36 eotor, N, Behienman and M. Wein. | class condition, Price %290,08. | ed room, suitable for two} nation? Do you requir in bloom RO! a le i. & D, Butter....2 Ibs, for $1.88] stein. House Committee, M, h,| Phone Kile $48 bt gentlemen, board df preferred,| combination changed Lea cHIck KENS & KE rner 2nd Ave. and 7th St. Gohen, N. Scheinman and H, Rud-|———__________.- -—— _ ——]) Close to Drydock 14 vth| » with the Saf ‘ AR : 4 F . ; a" , } HORE 0 rydock, 44 7il your name with i ; M Phone 58 Green 48 J) ulton Street. Phone Sms niek, Bylaw Committee, I. Dir-|FOR SALE Old newspapers, 25e Ave. Kast Call between 2 and pert, box 133, Daily N : cITY | anes ector, 1, Simon and H, Rudnick, a large bundle, News offve, tf} 3 and 7 and #® p.m 262) flee. ’ —-