See Ses pe ee ee eae beg eo es 5 = 3 ey it "i fy ao ' j rn Ee ie rs a) Page 8 THE DAPLY NEWS Phones 82,200 THE REXALL STORE In Our Prescription Department experts select the right Drugs, weigh and measure them accurately and mix them scientifically exact- ly as the Doctor orders. You will find every need in cur line filled to your entire satisfaction if you patronize our Modern Drug Store Free Delivery Service. Why not use it? Ormes Limited The Pioneer Druggists P.O, Box 1680 ~|LeMON EXTRACT WAS TEMPTATION TO JOHN BROWN AND HE FELL Better Than Pills ae Ado ee | Westholme Theatre TONIGHT AND TOMORROW es This Silverware Is Good There are quite a number of pew designs this Fall and prices are about the last spring. I handlk and personally only reliable silver know all the seen them fac- tiakers and have make it in their own tories. Call and look around, John Bulger Jeweller Burglary Insurance is worth a lat nind alone; ARE YCU PROTECTED? We cai proter yo for fore and in peace of residential bur- glary. SEE US FOR RATES McCaffery, Gibbons & Doyle, Ltd. Real Estate & Insurance Prince Rupert, E.C. DENTISTRY Don’t neglect your Teeth One decayed or missing tooth lowers your efficiency DR. BAYNE Office Hours--Morning, 9 to 12; Afternoon, 1.30 to 5.30; Satur- day, 9 to 12 only Evenings Tuesday, Wednesday and Fri- @day, from 7 to 9. DENTAL NURSE IN ATTENDANCE PHONE 109 FOR APPOINTMENT gg Dang Ho,-all aces satine as} SE EIR OOF OI I OE OS —<—- o> 2 = y " Gam — Ss > 2 ovr atc - OUR COAL IS IN THE LEAD When it comes to quality, and you will always find here the right kind for every purpose, No matter what you need coal for—cooking, heating, power——we have COAL THAT iS RELIABLE Consumers Coal Co.,Ltd, J. Lorne MacLaren, Manager Room 11, Smith Block Phone 7 mAppio lg giving full PUBLIC NOTICE. purchased the “World” if from Lew Shone Way and sunts owing by these forme owners will require Oo be presented for Payment be- Decentber 1, after which date 1 wit ot be responsible for any counts exeept those authorized by myself. ul ENG BING, ' of + a M Seas ! fi yf Pe ty VTL i i my 7 y i . Pa ' ' aZIMNG Limova . I ORMES LIMITED “Th i at € rear 9 NOT THE MAN. oe a . i ! a Ch a tl ine and ‘ Hivesel I wish t GA ri 7 state that | am not the Mackay «of db ' (EDI thew 1lis who att ded al I i i , eral wim here last “9 stip ‘ Pej porting Mr. Patt There are ctrn ——— several members of the Clan Ma vif “at rea I ' = ‘ : rN oni isckes, (tu EMPRESS THEATRE Tonight and To; norrew I'wo-culor window cards tab: ad ; tlhe eve qutekiy mee then at News Job Department Lewis 5; Stone — Here is a special for a few days. 50 BOXES Unwrapped Apples, Heavy Pack Jonathans & Winesaps per box, $2.29 Rupert Table Supply Co, PUCwES 211, 212. in all ite branches, life-like. Guaranteed D. C. TAIT 1116 Broadway, Vancouver, B.C. Work Satisfaction A GOOD TRADE WITH GUARANTEED POSITION man or woman of ordinary intelli wee can thorvugily learn the barber i ede 1 * Weeks under our training, Ex rt inefructors and)Ssopractical work in sition on catalogue hop We Kiaraniee students @ po Courant hems for details ED | 3)0 ui 61, Vancouver, B. ©, Diy ‘ ' Never fo t to look through , , “fh i . ” m abe esate sah vo TUSICAL SERVICE AT ‘/ Man’s Dest 2 1\ PROBATE leeeeneee enee ee seeee METHODIST CHURCH “ sire \ ith HE ME ; cant ; ! r BHITISH . « vO 4 aad aaa oi $ oe camierlaenal tt Tv SUBSCRIBERS * Pector Speaks of Desirability of Lys ae _ ¥ ACT ° ® Doing Justly in All b ' \ ; ’ HE ESTATE oF Mobscribers to The Niws ® Things niet ‘f EN FULLBHOUK, DI are asked to pay the bk . Price ® livery boys each month &®& Meh . on oS % . : os when they call, except °. , Pee ee eee ” : ; , = _ where payment has been ® ; Coming, Fr + ' d. and all ‘ made for the year in ad- . NAZIMOVA sa"THE HEART OFAC D* Db W orittith am ri vane. The boys when *® duction, “Broken Blossom ype ae collecting carry official re- ® eaned MAARTEN iY a tore @ c#ipta which sheuld al ° $$$ — ® ways be preserved. ° : " i — “ ee “dans cleeeeececooeseses +i STRIKING STORY OF ae at er al Ma i ‘ sees . r if | exe 8s Be ce VANCOUVER LADY Support Home Industr' Synopsis ef & M ! biel : omens APPLES! Land Aet Rusetments | al ai ~ RUPERT BRAND - ; | Moler Barber College i STE ie wu LON WIL estan tit a SMOKED BLACK COD veyed lands only. Records wil! be granted covering only land suitable for agricultural purpoeer and which is non-timber land , Partnership pre-emptions abolished but parties of not more than four may Dempssy will Get $300,000 and ‘ iat i arrange for adjacent pre-emptions . ; A ; with joint residence, but each making Carpentier $200,000 Out of ' necessary einents on respective ‘ “ae claims s Big Battie : I ; tun yy rrin Pre-emptors musi vocupy claims for . ; ; . 2 five years and make improvements te moked by Pri bern b that tI Smokel 1 BE SHARED IN FIGHT six! sni'sisnseh trouhlt yt | ee in boiling water a! value of $19 per acre, including clear t and cultivation of at least 6 acres ore recetving Crown Grant Where pre-emptor in occupation sot ar less than 8 years, and has made pro : : portionate improvements, he may, be See rareec aac sweoses 1 Canadian Fish & Col Storage bs, Ll Records without permanent resi Gence may be issued, provided appli cant maker improvements to extent of $300 per anuam and records same each year Vatlure to make improvements or record same will operate as fer felture. Title cannot be obtained tn less than 6 years, and improvements j ‘ of $1000 per acre inciuding 4 acres \ ‘ ~— -— cleared and cultivated, and residence , : of at least 2 years are required ‘ . “sy Pre-emptor holding Crown grant ‘ ! may record another pre-emption, ff he i ' requires lana in conjunction with his - : : we : farm, without uctua!l occupation, pro : : ws : . ee vided statutory improvements made ! : ' and residence maintained on Crown j granted land e ’ ; Unsurveyed areas, wot exceeding 26 acres, may be leased as homesites title to be obtained after fulfilling reet- Gential and ‘mprovement conditions. For grazing sn4@ industrial purposes areas exo ing €40 acres ray be leased by one person or company Mill, factory of indust sites on timber land not exceeding 40 acres may be purchased; conditions include | PREACHER IN JAIL 7) § ai Tena ees | ‘ At this season of the year the " z ] | it that his heating plant (bot water, o} t WCaus a i ARK stoves) is pul In condition for ‘ i If you want the wor k done pt SAYS: / i APARTMENT m construction of a road DWELLING HOUSE arid i R O y ¥ E S to them. Rebate of one-half of cost of } Saari [ESI VE | gape METAL WORK PRE-EMPTORS: ach tHE QRANTS , j : ne 0 j 99) ) ve an scope of thie Act is enlarged to an I) ay : ‘ i ‘ el ‘ Jj 220 2nd A reons joining and serv- i ' = Shes Hie Majesty's Forces The j ‘ i : ' time within which the heirs or devisees . « ‘ Va “ ils & deceased pre-emptor may ap : i ; for title under this Act is oe or l ‘1 i their ; i j from for one year from the death of ; cee ; ‘ i ‘ i j j such ereon, as formerly, until one | s i | NO BOYS SENT rO prorat ~~ No ary Public. The Man in the Moon | _ it. payment of sturmpage stural bay meadows inaccessible by existing roads may be purchased conditional u: ee ee eee er when your wants will be attended | men ' pw MEN'S WORK year after the conclusion of the present | d DO ! wer This privilege \s also made re- troactive ‘ put abhi ’ . ' No fees reteting to pre-emptions are ft ! hia ’ : due or payable by soldiers on j i i a emptions recorded after June 26, fis . : Taxes are remitted for five years PHA’ ters wn { \\ Provision for return of moneys ac : crued, due and been paid aincs August tau iol adve 4, 1914, on account of payments, fees (M } or taxes on soldiers’ pre-emptions we MACROREIS BEAD. / Interest on agreements to purchase |): | " e the d Giod Baye town city lots held by members of Allied Forces, or dependents, acquired lie K direct or indirect. remitted from en- listment to March é1, 1926, Provieten SUB-PURCHASERS OF ; LANDS. oy ze i : Crown pase for lawuance of eonple herit a lot of ; ay Ow | a ants to sub-purchasers of { } Crown Lands, acquirt 1 OUaL Ys whl vere = 8} fe purchasers who failed . to oe ae dots and . seg hatE ons DRY KINDLING WOOD BAKIN ‘ i Biimwent of conditians of purchane, - scriptio a ee ee era ce Pad oa * Contain No zi ? terest and taxes. Where wub- “purchas- ‘ PACIFIC CARTAGE, LTD, |. eee (ares and \ won ve stinent. Let WJ ' mr rive nel al if you, H. G. Helgerson, Ltd. insurance - Rentais - Bonds cel, purchase price due and (axes ma be ‘etributed proportionately owe whole area Applic cations must be made by May i have heard, no one las fallen ; . OnAzina iy iheacoy i peices here. Dyeing = Dry Cleaning ore = not claim whole of original par- Phone 94 8. E. Parker, Mgr. fis a i hospital authorities Q@rasing Act, 191%, for syetematic by the d in prices here. development of livestock industry pro i (aa ides resi district vides for grasing disiriots and range For good work, prompt service Cot us toe M Annve! gresing permite \esued based Iry a classiffed advertisement and reasonable prices send goods / ell or if to CITIZENS’ CLEANERS & Bumbers rOngee) priory for estab- if you want to buy or i | let of bu DY ERS, hed owners tock-owners EN fora Assvolations for ponge manage. you want et a f re. . Van t. ork y oe, | couyver, arejuirics rt . for campers a wo juss is dove that way. i- én e Ft ° yA ae FOR? W anything, A