BRINGS PERFECT HEALING j* brings you the means of deal ing with the host of skin diseases and injuries that menace every member of the family -Buk isalwayssafeand reliable always ready for instant use Kesema, ulcers, poisoned wounds Fing@worm, scalp sores and otiver whick defy other methods yield to the distressing skin diseases Zam-Buk treat: nent Herbal oils and esser tifically blended and and powerful skin baim. Zam-Buk contains no animal nor mineral drug. 100% pure medicinal effi- ciency, Zam-Buk Lads Patna lrrifation bantshes Skin Lisease like nothing else can. Doctors and nurses highly commend Zam-Buk; first-aid specialists say there is nothing like it for curs, bruises, burns, scalds and spraims Whilst Zam-Buk is soothing and purifying-a wound or sore, it also stimulates the repair of the damaged flesh tissues and ensures perfect healing. Zam-Buk's herbal juices are of such purity and refinement that they penetrate where ordinary cintments cannot. Zam-Buk roots Out discase trom the underlying tissues. That is why it cures per- marently, Get a box to-day and prove for yourself that Zam-Buk is UNEQUALLED FOR ALL WOUNDS & SORES ($0c. Box. OF al! Dealers.) GOOD MORNING - DADDY DEAR= YOU Look Fine TODAY: HOW DO You FEEL? YOU OLD DARLIN’? ile JOST WAIT A MINOTE -OAUSH TER ILL. GE RIGHT © 1e8O Gr fer. PRATURe Seavice. inc on VE aor ) TO miDe HIS! J ees scren- elined, com- bine to make Zam-Buk a unique We have now on hand 1000 Tons Wellington Coal 1000 Tons Edson Coa! As we anticipate not only a searcity and increase in price of coal but also a difficulty jn meet- ing your demands for prompt delivery this fall, we strongly recommend that you make sure of your winter's supply now by phoning 116, 564, Blue 69 Albert & McCaffery Limited ve dispatch, and | showed him ‘thirtieth that he the Grand » print on this question? Does read M es in Vanteuver should rush ithing be more definils - ' ' ' : a. The ae 4 . ' re s , ; : ‘tegran - Da , aicen.{f SMITH & MALLETT PLUMBING AND HEATING ENGINEERS Estimates furnished. Address, 3rd Avenue, head of Second Street. Phone 174 — P.O. Box 274 ould he that he : Night Phones - J. G; Steen, 871 W. Longwil!l, Blue 270 Day Phone 5S STEEN & LONGWILL Sheet Metal Works _ Agent for Me lary Furnei aes Sanita =. Engineers 5th Street and Fraser Street Prince Rupert - - - - B.C, this reply: W ailing jSuggest you apply Variety of Plants in bloom arrived CHICKENS &e ‘BROILERS CITY MARKET -inthuence im the its receipt I wired Mr. Hanna thave they hed thee boats follows: ‘Since | saw you Captain Logan, jrepaired Colonel Peck on Docking of Rupert Makes some caustic remarks regarding treatment of this place by Grand Trunk Pacific Coast Steam- | ) the editor of the Daily Rupert to Prince Rupe pon me with the message from him Trunk Pacific it was reassuring Hanna's i ’ w wi heart of itS|\compare it with rT licials is patch from the Gl i the telecrams, somebedy With both Mr. Hanna ar Kither the head officials 1. P. the wi«h is fat docked in Victoria. T at onee@ |peen the greatest offender ommunicated with the Prineé |not too much te say Board of Trade on the/policy has been and then wired in theirithe town and some of the secretary of Lioyds laficials have openly se » | personally know ifact that there would report re-linstitution as thy Prince Lovan's dockime some auth-bofiees? matter. their supplies? overhaul in our doek? The Telegram EDSON COAL CD. We have secured the agency for the best Cov! found in the interior and can supply any quantity. Frices on application to Prince Rupert Feed Co. Corner 2nd Ave. and 7th St, Phone 58 Green 648 Biliousness / Means too much bile ‘left ©. in the blood by a deranged © _— prapose to doek their winter for the annual many more questions Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver \ line, | Pills set the liver ¢i and *. \ biliousness and headaches dis- » \ appear. action rd bey ee | sitwation, oe s sin some mberesting believe me, feresting, What we more than wnylhing rt and ha dated October expected shiy a and ré-|And all this netwithstanding the G.T. PCBS Kupert.:Company if it was not owners,” por old town of Prince “This lelegraca certainly infers | Where have they kept s owners have Where have they bought How many times yy, eng Hooms«, or roem and times have they had their here? Whe Stand Together ; “T would like to ask a great j very up the people of this town to tion, in to entigiten them on the patient I could and may tell riotic and mtensely shories, and, the interests they would be in-|the spirit that Wall eel you some- stand together attitude; a apirit of loyally and devotion, - wee eo ( / cE AERATED WATERS BEAVEF ee works hom 132 . FURNITURE AND GENERAL MERCHANDISE WILFRID GRATTON Cor Third and Tih home trees 309. for secand tend furni CIGARS AND TOBACCO HOWE @ MoHMULTY ved Ave hi: O ffi . ] BARBER SHOP oot s ip cialis YOKAHAMA BARBER SHOP FURNITURE Lady Herb Hat irda Awe leaving for the KEast|/Lenden Salvage Assaciation, has co PRANK SROONU ‘ hird Ave Pile —_ lay morning, Gol. Peck left) stated that Prince Rupert w be BAKERS ; —_ deatews: ” “6s following letter for publiea- docked in Victoria, This _v FEED sToO vier the eaptior Give the niall towing her over fou 1 LA CASSE BAKERY o RES vn a Square Deal”: dred miles and across Milba sot eae PRINCE RUPERT FEED 00 riday evening the Daily}and Queen Charlotte 8 New location tnd Ave. and 7th st ublishe he following, re-'siad of over a hi CHINA, CROCKERY & NOTIONS I suppose n the ordinary | here Should = thre ship er ee . ; Pi : _“ . . THE DENNY ALLEN co. FISH MERCHANTS, RETAIL wspaper- dispatches, j|company succeed getting C! Third A site Post GMece ARTHUR'S MARKET Nov. 6 The G.T.P. contract after st y d ' =— ae | nes 480 & 464. 3 bos 485 v the stor th ctoria if | wan b i one a Y sie pheniaagte h CLEAWING AND PRESSING Hupert w be dry- back here Lieyds sure ' GENERAL MERCHANDISE the north It was ex- yeu owners will be alle nf TOKYO DYE woRKs ‘ « end @ hal the: faba j-willbe'caoe gan af dotking and Js : ae by Capt. W W. Logan, cerely truat you will see ha } -~ - tative of the Londoniis docked here CAFES GROCERIES Association, who is én “To this Mr. Hanna 1: ia THE BOSTON GRILL LINZEY'S PRINCE RUPERT GrocErr the salvage work, when follows: oe ; Sieces tm nee and Futton Phone $86 is floated.’ ‘Your message Serond Whe \s 1 had stated thal the Prince Yast m Vancouver I arranged wit! us auiee care HARDWARE « was to be docked here for Nicholson te send steamer Prince second ave | Bigs meai for the money Stoves fandier), paints amd Fishermen s sup IMPORTED GROCERIES ALBERTA MEAT MARKET Pifth Street hhome ge Launch “SARBETRONG,” > LAUNCHES FOR HIRE Phone Bieck 400. The 8100. 000 Boat et ee ee, BUSINESS DIRECTORY These are Good Places to Make Your Purchases when You go out to buy LAUNDRIES CANADIAN STEAM LAUNDRY hone #, for Cleaning a Srath and Praser } eee E Nation al Groe PAINTERS AND DECORATORS os“ PAINTS AND OILS THE A. W. EDGE 00 Paints uw PAINTERS AND DECORATERS SCL. & CROBSETT Phone 477 PLUMBING STEEN 4 LOWOWHKL 8 Fhone t RENTALS ro WwW. MART 1 Prone ark SIGN PAINTING SEL. & crossrTr SHEET METAL WORKS Prone 477 Everything in Sheet Metals nowe's Serond Avenue rr ° 34 STEEN 4 LONOWILL Prone 6 TAILORS—-LADIES AND GENTS = Tv. tee Cppemni te . . Aim Cheating « Preesiug grams IT had received on would be floated about end VORAHAMA 755 Third A Weat As I did not think fit November and will then he taker publish them I think it worth to Prince Ropert. Cannot under DRUGGISTS » quote them here, so that stand any reason for change (his ~~~ ~~ — publie may knéw exactly what arrangement. ave Wired Nich w. J. McOUTOHEON lix happening and how our tewn is jolsen again.’ Recon’ Avenue snd Stath Street tiing the Jlarpoon at every turn Very Definite Ein Sanuent Cine paves. hormes 8.'¢ Rush into Print ‘The News said T had received a rather ‘enlightening reassuring” reply Well, 1 ty “ ily News Classified Ads. 2 CENTS PER WORD IN ADVANCE. No Advertisement Taken for Less than S0c Grand Trunk Pacife at thoukht SITUATIONS WANTED er, or Mr, Hanna, pre- Now all this may seem a ge ; eG f the National Railwa@ys.i;ado about something that has - : moa = . think anyone will believe happened very often before, but I . ao “a Ey) 2%. s Hanna. iftiink the time hes come when we Daily News ofee. ictacclicihanbidin “ when Mr. Hanna was here l«stonid come out m the open It FOR SALE time ago T interviewed him thas always been an astound fF | oe ae _ rivate car upon this veryithing to me that this town has/FOR SALI Ie acres seven Speaking of the wreck |received so litth support from the ‘ ‘ tivation ! five Prince Kupert I said WiG.Tp. Vhis is the terminus of hon d fruit Trees me three a big thing for this pert|that railway-—its seaport his nid * years old apples lds be repaired at our |company lings sold millions of hy oe na pi Wi ie ~ydork, He immediately jdellars’ worth of property to us wWnext year. Remain anxious that this jand to the public of Ganada Onur i hed burned and be dene, and that he hadlinterests have been bound up te rhe me uf « seeded ted Captain Nicholson A@)¢ether in every way; but | canno ‘ Fine be ' « Prince Kupert here. remember a Case that the com f bien ! ‘Gratis Surprised pany has spent any money it { " Lert nd bank ok this as final, but. was) Prince Rupert if it could divert it (ows n health and surprised a few days later |anywhere else. \ chen for 81.700, W good authority that Greatest Offender r devd. | further im tain Logan had said she was to} “The steamship company has formation apply to P.O, box 105 1 ae. BB. 262 j that jee) PURCHASER WILL SAVE 85.00.00 = One 20 bh.p. heavy duty N.& 200.00, The antagonist their high 5. engine price 82 offed at uk ! price of this engine has gone up £500.00 sinee we bought this from th® factory. We have also for our on hand 4 hop. N. & 8. engines be no such price for same complete, 8200, Prince Rupert Cigar Btore. Phone Blue #4 tf Rupert. their head annual board in private bouse, Apply How many My C Grawferd, 4160 Third wrecks Avenus Enat 68 re do they|-- ships this FOR SALI overhaul? | Old newspapers, 25e a large bundle, News office if badly utore of the spirit of along this tthe laboring men of this town as What 1 want ‘todo is to stir exemplified m the drydock situa. which the men have been forbearing, orderly, pat devoted to of the town, ‘That's want here; where, and if 1 Nad animated the} lad is a}. T.P.0.8.8, officials our old town tven ing Classen ionéey, Gites. \. would bave been much betler off We need | GC, W. PECK, On BALI Or wil FORK SALE OR LEASI BUY ABHOROF'T trade for ap Kupert ed close-in Prince real estate launch without Dhe fast sun-about Liohe either with of eneine ‘ine first-class marine en rie (one firet-class large row boat with 2% hp. OCaille Perfection Inboard engine M. M. Stephens, Phone 222 FoK BALI Store, stock and fixtures A good opening for anvone wishing | continue the business, FF. M. Orosty tf Job print me business and plant. For particulars apply Daily News oflice uf VEGETABLES. POTATORS for from Na Fulton Street. your Winter supply tional Grocery, ren aner — oe ro RENT estastahia furnish ed room, suitable for iwo gentlemen, board if preferred, Close to Drydock. 11444 7th Ave. Kast Call between 2 and EXPERIF NCED ~~ and 7 and 8 pan 262 SITE TO RENT ST, LOUIS Rooms, Mra, Wolters Phone Red Of 62) SLERPING KOOMS TO RENT 726 ‘Fraser Bt Upstairs, 63 ACCOUNTANTS EE a ACCOUNTANT would tuke charge of set of books, whole or part titne, | WwW, W illiseroft. Phone | __ Bine k 250. ur SHORTHAND — TYPEWRITING | re day, Friday, 7:30 to 0:96, No 10h) Smith Block, phone Blue 296 tf od LODGE MEETINGS LOI 1004 DOYAL ORDER Moose meets ¢ - evening at the Ibe I xe Ha music BALES i i ? j M | i i Thtuck ! ! ih A LOST Lor Suomday t ' ‘ ' j ‘ arn CO FOURD (Ht Nb at (‘art } slicker cape. Apy I) R ames MISCELLANEQUS SAFE EXPERT IN TOWN! anything wron th ¥ llave you fore pation’ I> i combinatiotr changed i your tani ! pert hox 183 Daily N flee i FARMS FOR SALE P. R. FARM LANDS—The rich prairies of Alberta, Saskatche wan and Manitoba are esp ly suited for mixed farming Land that will produce bit crops of erain and fodder, and a or well adapted for dairying efill be ecial livestock raising can had at prices averaging about £18.00 an acre, with twenty years to pay if you wish Only 10 per cent down No ae payment on the prince ipal ra the-end of the fourth year, me In sixtéen annual payments, terest 6 per cent Write to H. G Loughran — al Slatin Agent, ©. PR eouver. — | emer eee Centra 2 TAM «= in ont in 139 rae 1 do furn t Remod tied and B p em and Ave rt Cornet F ae Prinee Rupe Stree 168 p,| wees Company, oo SPECIAL! ( INE WEEK ONL TORK’ SELL UT OVE 8 commence ng 8 es in 4k bt the sane e ov LO) Hundreds if Prince Rupert —— ON Salé af Fred Sto Hardware sit ND AVENTE Phone Black \\4 PRINCE RUPER Central Labor Ccu O.B.U. _ de si ance brates MEETINGS Bultding Trades Unit, v 5 b Central Labor t aay Womens + po Auxiliary, Wo ' ¥ ‘ al oF Economy Cc Politi nal Poret and Metal Trades, Unit, > Shipbuilding , k at Fishpacker®, OPEN FORUM ) N cor 5S Furnished Re _ Domini Hot Phone Rei