= ne eee ~«ge 8 THE DAILY NEWS PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by The News Printing and Publishing Co., Third Avenue. * F. oF CEES ! MANAGING EDITOR. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: City Delivery, by carrier or mail, per month .... By mail to all parts of the British Empire and the United States, ) in Advance, Per VEAL ... 6. eee eee eee eee eee eee eee $6.00. To ali other countries, in advance, per year .........+-+.- $7.50, TELEPHONE 98. Transient Display Advertising $1.25 per inch each insertion Transient advertising on front page .......... $2.00 per inch. Local Readers, per insertion, ...... Fie bGs Mu ew BOO, POF/1ING Classified advertising, per insertion, .,.e.++..5. Ye. per word. Legal Notices, each insertion, ...... iSec. per agate line. DAILY EDITION. ate Wednesdat, Noy. 10, 1920. What Has Government Done for Labor? One of the questions that arise naturally at election time is what has the Government of the province done for labor? Has it made good? Is it worthy of continued support from the wage tions must be satisfactorily expect to be These ques n cannot earners ol answered o1 power. The Ohv tary conditions ment qu working cond the province ? the administrat« returned to Government has taken steps lo improve the sani- anneries and mines, by the Inspec tor. Complaints investigated in camps, apport regarding a resuit sanitary immediately of a ililied itions are and as the lot of the workingmen in the camps has been immensely im- proved. The men know this. The Oliver Government established a System of free em- ployment bureaus, ridding the cities of the private agencies w hich often preyed pon the men. There are now seventeen of the bureaux in different parts of the province and through these workmen are able to secure employment and also can secure information-in regard to working conditions in the vamous dis triets. The Oliver Government passed a measure = prov ding that wages should be paid semi-monthly and no holdback of more tha eight days is vwlowed hy law. This applies to all the, prinecipa industries of the prowinece The Compensation Board has been supported and its work supplemented with the result that very few ace idents now ovce¢ and all troublesome litigation has been done away with in con- nection with accident claims. The Oliver Government extended the eight-hour day to clude men working around mines as well as those working under ground. Also there is a daily hmit for those emp oved around a coke oven, smelter, concentrator 6r mineral séparation plant. Frem 5.000 to 6.000 workers kave beén iffected by the eight- hour day legislation The Oliver Government has. amended. the Factory Act to make the regulations more stringent in regard to adequate venti- lation and the competition of Chinese tm laundries, The weekly half-holiday has been extended to include trades and occupations not formerly coming under law. The Oliver Government passed the-Better Honsing Act whic h helped to provide honres. fort re turned soldier’ workuigmeéu A provincial technical school has been established mentement in the direction of & the as acom- cal education for the province. A correspondence “school for miners is im operation. The minimum wage board for women and girls has dene stich good work that it is being commented on in all parts of the civilized world and this is one of the measures passed by the paesent government. It ts the employment of girls at less than a living wage. Night schools have prev en been established at a great many centres under regulations made by the present Ru vernment and boards of school trusteés are encouraged i ne esti tblishme: nt of such schools. 4arants for such pose are ide to local boards. Pensions to mothers whese husbr ceili are dead or ine apac tated are being paid under a law passed recently by the Oliver Government and as a resnit much needless suffering has been obviated and the. dread of starvation or reliance on cold charity is done away with. This legislation was more or less experi- mental but it is working ont well and is looked upon as one of the real forward steps in social legislation looking to the improve- meht of conditions among those who are not in a position to make provision for themselves The Oliver Government has been in power less than four Years, yet in that time they have done @ great deal, in spite of the fact that during hart of that time the war was on and all the energies of the nation were set on the one big jioh. Now there will be opportunity to take up new problems aul wrestle with them. With such notable women as Mrs, Ralph Smith in clase touch with the administration, the electors may be sure that social legislation will reeeive udeq tate ttention. It Is Not Enough to have the bowels move. It is more important to persuade liver, kidneys, skin, and bowels to act in harmony and against self-poison- ing. BEECHAM’S PILLS act favorably upon all organs concerned in food-digestion and waste-elimination; they®. remove causes as wellas relieve symptoms. — BEECHAM’S PILLS | lie, I Dr. JOS. MAGUIRE DENTIST. Rooms 7 and 8 Smith Block Lady Assistant Open Evenin, P Phone 575 Office Hours: Sunday 9-12; 1.6; 7-9. Aaaaaiaian | ssveevee S100 more general adoption of teehni-) B.S. District Forester, yt ree -RHEUMATISA FOR OVER 16 YEARS Ho Return Of The Trouble i See DAT pay NEws KING SCORES RAILWAY BOARD Does NO Think Manna should Prevent Employees Taking MAIL SCHEDULE * @@eeeneeeeeneneaeeear For the Fast. eeeeye, Wedn:. lays ano Sat w:ts a ) i! From the East, Since Taking “Fruit a-tives” at Part in Politics Bundays, Tuesdays and Thurs DAUPHIN Now 0 Da h 108 Cuvrcn St., Mowrrua. “T was a great itr from Khew- being an important railway ex For Vancouver and South, ‘ re, t bt ‘ | ae a ee matison for over 16 years. | consulted he . Pistia a ‘1 " orgs \\ mired Beeseeeeeeeeee ’ specialists; took medicine; used here by Hen. \ I. Maeke ed lotions; but nothing did me good. King, was co d ef workers : ony P o ’ Theal began to use ‘'Fruit-a-tives”, ('9 fhe round | and shops J and in 15 days the pain was easier [hie Canadian \ | railway ‘ sd i . and the Rheumatism much better. Mr. King dealt extaustiveiy is; J ary 1 Gradually, ‘‘rwil-a-dives” overcame he railway | e with whict my Rheumatism; and now, for five the eountry ix faced. Ue aroused From Vancouver and South, years, I have had no return of-the = the entliusias: f his audi Sunda 8 Pp trouble. I cordially recommend this (when he cond ed in n. Wednesdays .....5- 10:30 a, im. fruit medicine to all sufferers.” neasured fones. thre ee order Saturdays 8a. m P. H. Me HUGH issued p tide iployes ¢ Frida \ 50e a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size 250. (thie gevernment es frou taking N yD er i At all dealers or sent postpaid by (active part ' ties i Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. nember of the pe ncatpiaietemntnenctenymesaesa lpeuphin, George Palme ° For Anyox and Alice Arm . lexpate \ » Sultdays sae i} p.m SUITCASES ai inticipated a un Wed MAYS cee eeenrees 9 pin jis seat of ix bh le M I R U N K iHanna’« ruline From Anyox and Alice Arm. » ; 7 : | From the Highest Motives Tuesday orn HANDBAGS DuPeGars «6. .ss He cecedes mm, Mr. King als« | i daa ll leneth wpen the positier f tt WHOLESALE AND RETAIL etiiidd Pitdinin ot the ide For Port Simpson, Arrandate, Mill : Aten: Be’ wate y nee io Bay, Weles isiand and Naas River. J F MAGUIRE tH too clear th . far ax Mhe Undays 10 p.m : ‘ lgreat bady of tore Ww rh jays it p.m 722 Second Ave., Prince Rupert @icerned, it was . nvict that Vinee who had suppl , From ®t. Simpson, Arrandale, Mill Inionist adn wtr Yow j Say, Wales Isiand and Naas River Oe OORT O EEE E HEHE horns or Conservatives yj tuesa a.m * PRINCE RUPERT TIDES * fine so from fhe hiehes Saturdays ...++esees p.m e@eeeee ee ee eee eee tort patrol tives It Wednesday, November 10. natural that a campair eee : oe — For Maseett, Port Clements and High, 1:9 a.m. 19.5 feet. nia om “| {2:58 p.m. 24.8 feet. ne reedlune ‘0 { poer island polots Low, 7 a.m., 7.3 feet the devices f th ‘ ‘ 19:37 p.m. 3.2 feet n et and Thursday, November 14 ghis of a ‘rum Masset, Port Clameuts and High, 1:49 a.m., 19.6 ft torate bh Upper Island points 13 ; py 94.7 i be bs “2 ‘ ! Low, 7:36 aan. 7.6 ft tne i 20713 p.m., 3.3 ft ards thes or Skide te nee “harlott: The time used is Pacilic Stan- the pin expecia r kid wal Queen Charitott dara, for the 120th Meridian west t seemed fgity and Lewer Istand pointe it is counted from 0 to 24 hours old traditi h from midnight to midnight. re In Cypestier The table givem is for Port la gine ‘ d, | Froo Skidecote, Queen Chartott Simpson but the time for Prince) he sa wherever T have * City and Lower Island porte Rupert varies only a few minute# wes Canada asx we \ ; as tit on some days and on others is th gl A Cana the sama, The range of tie tidejihe genuimenes fthe m jmay be oOmputed as 5 per cent (howe who had fered f ' For Skagway and the Yukon. greater at Prince Rupert than at Ww Liberats in the last est en, 65. December 13 \Part Simpsen both at springs and) wa- x proven d iar = ‘neapss Therefore the rise in the/by (he a0 in whiet i Prince Rupert harbor is slightly|ail were re-oniting in opy ' From Skagway and Yukon. greater than Port Simpson. te the present reaction y ad Novernl 6. 20: PD mber 4 The height is in feet and tenths imatratio row that tt «me 118 lof feet above the average level_of|question which had f lower low water. paevieted the was tf lomee Stewart, Mapie Bay and Swamp iia ‘a «