ae gee PALE LLics | hat HTH MLA Economical Purity In your soap, plirity is not only desirable but its an absolute necessity if you want your clothes to last. Sunlight Soap is absolutely pare —no fillers or adulteraats of any kiod : $5000 guarantee of this, Sunlight Soap washes clothes beautifully clean —freshas new— without the wear end tear of the wash board. Insist om getting the Soap vow ast for—SUNLIGHT SOAP LEVBR BROTHERS LIMITED ~ TORONTO Ll Zr ili N/A ani Hi We have now on hand 1000 Tons Wellington Goal 1000 Tons Fison Gea As we anticipate not only a searcity and increase in price of coal but also,a difficulty in ing your demands for delivery this fall, we recommend that meet- prompt strongly you make sure of your winter's supply now by phoning 116, 564, Blue 69 | Albert & McCaffery | Limited The best way to have YourSuit | and baex Cleaned and Pressed | : is by our Steam Pressing Machine Method. It only takes 15 minutes, Qur Price is Reasonable Delivery is Prompt Give us atrial. Phone Black 502 LING TAILOR 821, #23 2nd Ave., Prince Rupert y Night Phones - J. G; Steen, 371° ; W. Longwill, Blue 270 Day Phone 5 | STEEN & LONGWILL Sheet Metal Works Agent for McC lary Furnca aes Sanitary and Ee Heating Engineers 6th Street and Fraser Street Prince Rupert - - - - B.C, SMITH & MALLETT } PLUMBING AND HEATING } ENGINEERS : Estimates furnished. Adiress, 3rd Avenue, head of Becond Street, ; Phone 174 — P.O. Box 274 | — > {Variety of Plants § in bloom arrived : CITY MARKET EGON COAL CO. OLIVE THOMAS IN | sure strokes, as perfect See the long faps that befell her turned to town on fi iextrfa Mshcroft Potatoes.per sack, $3,00 - Dry Keeping Onions....per sack, $3.50 iRabbage (100 Ibe. -per sack, CHICKENS & BROILERS 3 ;; iBrookfleid Butter DOROTHY DALTON IN “HIS WIFE'S FRIEND”), %'-!0 ° . Miss Gladwe Famous Popular Star Comes Once, More to the Westholme | Theatre. ‘ fhe Jatest Dorothy Dalton pie-|, . VV *s Friend,’ will be ultir? tar it the Westholme i nivl it was produced the i ilar ovel, Phe! \ on ind is a story in h vstery is said to beenter- rt ningled with a love and iver tt The plot cen- ter disappear. | death f Sir Robert! G who is married yn-} t pity a much youmger wo- nd spends most of his time! t and working out tcale | blems in his favorite can chess, flier a game-wilth i mar he he suspects of being | yin lave with Lady Marion, the! youthful wife of Sir Robert, the! haronet is found drowned in al lake on a neighboring estate. The} iclion thereafter leads to India prising of the natives! again to England, where} he inmystery of the nobleman’s leath is startlingly cleared up. juring the u | PICTURE AT EMPRESS; Never is the art of Olive | nas displayed to greater ad- tage than in “Out Yonder,” her Selznick picture, which is tol} seen al the Empress tonight: | the le af Flatsam whose) ther tended the lighthouse on Great Reef, she painted, with deft, a portrait) is followers of the silent drama ave eve tnessed Veritably, lie lived th carrying her udience, thrilled and enraptured, of mis- won series ere she love and happiness, J. B. Corley, of Victoria, last re. night's NationalGrocery Company. SPECIALS ONE WEEK ONLY Fancy Jonathans (Paeific) bias 4b aia per box, $3.96 Apples ...per box, $3.00 Brand Cooking $3.50 (. Fresh Eggs...per doz, $4.10 C, Fresh Hggs, pullets..per doz. + ae .. £0.90 .2 Ibs. for $1.36 Kk, & D. Ibs. for $1.36 Fulton Street. Phone 624 } Butter, ...2 We have secured the agency for the best Cov! found in the interior and’ can supply any quantity. Frices on application to Prince Rupert Feed Co. Corner 2nd Ave. and 7th St. Phone 58 Green 64% Careful Piano Tuning Repairs to alf makes of Manes. Phonographs, Cameras — 8 } parts in stock. French Polis ~ J. Slade Stevens 428 Sth Avenue W. Phone Ked 291 P.O. Box 762 = Poacher, ‘CLASS LEADERS | PUBLIC SCHOOLS | King Edward School. Entrance). st, Pas “nd, Leona Park I! Division ¢ FA, M, MeDonalds—t hson; Nelseow Division Miss KE, vn, Rell Sener 2 (Junior Mereer Kazi je, | Jacksean; Robert Dinision 3 er, Miss HRathwell iettx; 2nd, Mary Prank MeMullin, Division 4 er, Miss Mehinnon, fred Thomson; 2nd, lchuc 3rd, Kdward W Division S er, Miss Stone | Kinley; 2nd, trd, Douglas Division 6) Jr iMrs. Walker jlnid, Stanley Pierce ira, Junior Senos Muriel Stewart seco Dalliv: j | Division 7 Primer Peacher M list Reader tst Helen Watker Daisve MeOnuilocth christ, Division 8&8 Firs Miss Willett Yn, Skattubeol. Reeei Pra jGuyan; Arthur acher lGordon: Ynd, Ray Lillian Ytreberg, Seal Cove Sc Division 10 Gunter feacher, Mi ist, Mane 1 Header Jr. 3rd, iHugh Ferguson. J Billie Bacon; Sr. 2nd 2nd, Willia ist Seriver: Division 114 Primary Nickerson ward MeCreerys; Blante; 2nd Pritne Miller; 2nd, Ida Bod Class, ist, Leslie Mr Deris Dingwell. Borden Street® School. Starring at the Mmpress Theatre Tonight fat, ist Res Grades Ve ist Read W er; J bth i her tra ist Walters; Sra bint, Rerni alters. vnd Alet Rre fat, Viet trad t Jotin Robertson: ving Thomas; hool. jead as M srow is l Mi Nowak; and Melive: Primer nd Ann il {«t Karl facher il Joln rd, Alive Peach Henrys Peach Lhessie ind, Peaeh Winn fe Bro Peach la Me werton; beache th lkivelyva ————/ vett 2nd t~t 1 te Gail ¥ » Agnes | ira Slot ind 2nd | | Srd, i ” ny Mics MACDONALD'S “BRIER” has a Canadian institution. men who made history. trail, in mining camps, prospectors’ huts, factory yards, on trains, steamships, in the luxurious homes and downtown clubs of our Canadian cities —Macdonald's has always been recognized as the smoke. @ MACDONALD’'S CUT “BRIER” but in new form In the bush, She Sotacco with a heart become Smoked by the on the -—-the same tobacco ‘maintains every Macdonald tradition since 1858, and gives to smokers—more tobacco for the money. or ‘J POW BALK ‘Old newspapers, 2ho} a lame bundle, News office, Uf LODGE 1054 LOYAL ORDER OF Moose meets é@very Thursday evening at the De Luxe Hall. oouver, Advertise in the Daily Nows. ‘THE Dall Division 12 Entra Miss IMills, teacher.—1st, Heid MeLs jnan; 2nd, Teddy Vite; Jrd, Gladys Nicholson. Division 13 ‘Janior 1 th Miss Seweil, teacher.-tst, Ivan Cameron: 2nd, Netta Clarks Albert Wood. Division 14 (Senior 3rd Read ler ~ Miss Mercer, teacher fat, Yoshi Katsuyama; 2nd, Kay En- n¥u; 3rd, Richard Oliver. Division 15 (Junior 3rd Reader Miss Eason, teacher A ist iKatie Sutherland; 2nd, May Clarke B ist, Nozomu thigashi; 2nd Dorothy Patmore ceeetne er aelagrtn ens rr: IE Division 16 Second Reader tL ; Miss MrLeod, teacher ; fat / Brerineecbte ns Daily News Classified Ads. B fst, David a. s } SELL Pe as os rt 2 CENTS PER ys IN ADVANCE. No Advertisement Taken ford_ess than 50c Division 17 (4st Reader and 2ne ei er Tr a Primer). Miss McDonald, teacher, Renn nn nnn rrr ra au iat Reader, ist, Tony Katsuy SITUATIONS WANTED PURCHASER WILL SAVE $5.00.00 music. amast 2nd, Alberta Richmond; 2nd . - r One 20 top. heavy duty N.& iC. BAILE eet u Primer, ist, Jean MeDonald; 2nd, NIGHT WATCHMAN desires | $. engine price $2,200.00. The" *,, pi Yh Gurneys cot Sheila Stuart. ' ddle-aged price of this engine has gone up Mt ' ; heen 1a Te Division 18 (fst Primer and ‘ es BY Oy ' 8500.00 since we bought this ii 4 if ith A c same line of busia Receiving Classes). Teacher, Miss batel “ J. 4 Ler Prine from the factory. We have also e é bo Hall.—ist Primer, 1st, Harvey i ( on hand 4 bop. N. # 8, engines, LOST 920, Hundrec oe Leighton; 2nd, Gertrude Hunt;|) 04. pequires work in office, stor priee for same cornplete, $296, = Prince Ruy Reeeiving Cina A {st Vera : ehold Apply box 433 Prince Huppert Cigar Store. Lor! uriday - peed ta i\Youngman: 2nd, QOsear Fulton; Dail baie offic ot Phone Blue O4 i tf, nate ‘