In Our Prescription Department experts select the ‘right Drugs, weigh and measure them accurately and mix them scientifically exact- ly as the Doctor orders. You will find every need in cur line filled to your entire satisfaction if you patronize our Modern Drug Store ORMES LIMITED THE DAILY NEWS J.D. MCAULEY to Mercantile Marine Staff TELLS OF DROP IN FISH TRAPS FOR John Bulger with ; ; we Sie forth Jeweller Pe 3 muinistrat ns beer nbe —— Extra Special! While they last Burglary Insurance is worth a lot nind alone; ARE YOU PROTECTED? We can Rlore and glary. SEE US FOR RATES McCaffery, Gibbons & Doyle, Ltd. Real Estate & Insurance Prince Rupert, B.C. - in peace of 200 Ibs. WAGSTAFFS CUT MIXED PEEL in 1-lb. packages, per lb. protect you for residential bur- 40c. Rupert Table Supaly CO. PHONES 211, 212. DENTISTRY Don’t neglect your Teeth One decayed or missing tooth lowers your efficiency DR. BAYNE Office Hours--Morning, 9 to 12 Afternoon, 1.30 to 5,30; Satur day, 9 to 12 only. Evenings, Tuesday, Wednesday and Fri- @day, from 7 to 9. DENTAL NURSE IN ATTENDANCE PHONE 109 FOR APPOINTMENT gy LOLOL LOLOL ELL LLL LL LO TAXIDERMY in all ite branches, life-like. Guaranteed LOerenTo 5g Work Satisfaction Don't abuse -your” stove. tts a Don't choke it with all kinds D. e: TAIT of rubbish, shale and mine 1116 Broadway, Vancouver, B.C. dirt, Giwe,it CONSL MENS , a COAL the coalthat's clean- re hous } Learn a Good Trade in Eight Weeks ean learn tne ed and selected for liold use. It is best for yout furnace, ws a “ barber trade i * weeks by our practica methods Eaperienced leachers and practical work in shop Consumers Coal C0. Ltd. while learning, Position guaranteed ’ on completing ¢ ~ Send for our J. Lorne MacLaren, Manager catalogue giving Tuli details ER ez Room 11, Smith Block Phone 7 ff} 908 disin Sen Veneonte, Re. "While fo ace all important = fact submitted in writing ence will be heard B. C. Undertakers. Phone 41. Free Delivery Service. " Han N i Why not use it? ree , ALASKA DISCUSSED 3. ~.. Merchant M M MeA e e rim lm Meeting to be held in Seattle d Ww Novembor 20 to Consider - Question ‘ The Pioneer Druggists Mr, M THE REXAI ( 1 ‘ JUNKAU, Nov. 10.—'1 Phones 82,200 THE REXALL STORE 6. nox 1680 |) , traps tn Alaska wil @ take . in a hearing to be hel n Seat . acca PUBLIC NOTICE. Waren Sone rs du Having purchased the “World” Saturday, Nawember 20 I Car - Cafe from Lew Shonge Way and/® eontinuation r extens I his Dang Heo, all accounts owing by bearing held | ist Sey ’ these former owners will require |?Y Vol. Edward i. Schulz, ¢ watt ts i } i . 0 be presented for payment be- BB UCC ey AQree : vl l verware ore December 1, after whieh date ater of whether or ne thy } i will not be responsible for any traps Were @ menace to naviga a Is ood recounts except Moss authorized |?" Was, Vons}deren, : “hr g {; by myself, Col. Schulz has mailed ut “i Me \ a ha ENG BING. notives to all interested parties as a E Mt rhere are quite a number | Prince Rupert, B. ¢ [foRews: i Ny j . Q | “A public hearing will be held . : ¢ a, 1920. j i tt of new designs this Fall and} 2 lin? the Assembiy’ R ‘ : . | ib! oom oO tae " : ¥ e about the’ si , as IN PRE ‘ . sols tli dint ' prices at about tl Aine a d ctr supnEu cavare 1 BRETES| laarirbys of Coney Aret ; ‘ ; ' last sfirintg. i 2 nt M ETS joilding Seal tte ashing N THE MATTER tt j mm s1 ! 11 ; liabl TION ACT paaEe AD iNEe TRA iNovember, 20, 1920, at 2 1 andie only reliable silver ind tl seein ? \ THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE of! !@five to proposed cha and personally. know all the AY HKD OUTEN . FULLBROOK, DE-|gulations governing fish CEASED makers and Wave seen them AKE NOTICE that tr rder of His Alaska All interested i “ ! Vet Young, mad t ia ' . re ' make it in their own fac- tuber, 1920, | was spphunied re invited to be presen ' trat u t Rienard Wut A! this hearing h tories. , h ‘ ! mod) 6all) «part i t¢ estion of reg ath . Call and look around, . ay traps in Alaska, both ‘ and a parties indebted |yile driven, will be taker KING & WINGE IS SOLD TO GOVERNMENT Will be Operated After Synopsis of Land Act Amendments re rs, sree Pre-emption new confined te sur- | veyed lands only. | _ Records will be granted covering only land suitable for agricultural purposes ané which is non-timber lané Partnership pre-emptions abolished. but parties of sot more than four may arran for adjacent pre-emptions with Tam residence, but each making necessary improvements on respective claime s Pre-emptors mus covupy claims for five years and make improvements te value of $10 per acre, including clear ing and cultivation of at jeast & acres ore receiving Crown Orant Where pre-amptor in occupation not lees than 1 years, and has made pro portionate improvements, he may, be- cause of ill-health, or other cause, be granted onan certificate of im provement ané transfer his claim Recotds without permanent rae! dence may be tasued, provided appli Cant makes \rnprovernents to exten: of $800 per annum and records same each year. Fallure to make improvements Or record same wil) operate as for- feiture. Title cannot obtained in lesa than 6 years, and linprovements of $16.00 per acre including & acres ed and cultivated, and residence of at least 2 years are required Pre-emptor holding Crown grant may record gnother pre-emption, if he requires jana in conjunction with his farm, without actual occupation, pro- vided Statutory tmprovements made and residence maintained en Crown granted land Unsurveyed areas, sot erceeding 20 acres, may be leased as homesites; title to be obtained after fulfilling rest- éential and improvement conditions. Vor grazing and industria! purposes areas ing 640 acres may be leased by one person or company Mill, factory or industrial sites on limber land not exceedin, * scree may be purchased; condittons include payment of stumpage atural hay meadows inaccessible by existing roads may be purchased conditional upon construction of a road to them. Rebate of one-half of cost of » BOL exceeding half of purcha™ price, is made ” . PRE-EMPTORS FREE GRANTS ACT. The scope of this Act include reons fointry “Tart ing with His Majesty's Foreese The time within which the heirs or devisees of @ deceased pre-emptor may apply for title under this Act ts extondes from for one year from the death of euch person, as formeriy, until one year after the conclusion of the present war This privilege is also made re- troactive No fees seloting te bre-ermptions are due or payable by soldiers on re emptions recorded after June 26, {pis Taxes are remitted for five years Provision for return of moneys ac- crued, dye and been paid since August 4, 1914, on account of payments, ‘lees Or taxes on soldiers’ pre-emptions. interest on agreements to purchase town ey city lots held by members of Allied Forces, or dependents, acquired direct or indirect, remitted from en- Metment to March 21. 1926. SUB-PURCHASERS OF CA LANDS, ow Provision made for tasuance of Crown ants to sub-purchasera of Crown Lands, acquiring rights from purchasers who failed to complete urchase, involving forfeiture, on ful- iment Of conditions of purchase, in- terest taxes, Where sub-pur . ao Claim whole of original par- 4 hase price due and taxes may buted proportionately over eres Applications t wade by May 1. 1420 a: GRAZING Qresing Act, 191%, for systematic development of livestock industry pro- vides for grating districts and range sdminisiration under Commissioner Apnual grazing permits tesued 60 Dunibers ranged, priority for eetab- Neh owners, Block-ownere may forta Associations for range manage- ment. Vree, of partially free, rr) | fer campers a = os e e | lll i NT. ait tt Trip in Service Of United States. PADEREWSKI NOT NOW PLAYING PIANO It is just as cheap tw get you wrinting Jone wel 4 to send it away. Tr aud “ite as it The News Print Shoo | et Prines (en tered : ily vitte toay Voce ! eharee se6 epee eoewmeaeerpeene * * | Liberal Comnouttes s i the Pattullo bli ¥ “ - 1 d Avenue are Dow \* cope ry afternoon and ‘ nis feor the ¢ wen * ener 4 the electorate * ants ation regarding . politi affair Wil be * cheerfully given, © * “@aveeeeeeeoeeeee **e een eae eaeeeee % TOO LATE 10 CLASSIFY eee ee ee WANTED Wiaonarmwoants hbo " { plain needlowor Moderat eharnus 7% Green 540 ov P.O. Box 797, 26 TO MONTREAL) AJ Commercial Agent for G.T.P. Goes GOODS AND WAGES Present r doue at 7 este eeeene eae 8 ** estholme Theatre TONIGHT orothy Dalton ——_ = “His Wife’s Friend” HAROLD LLOYp Comedy, “His Royal Slyness” His Latest ALSO GAZETTE 4 EMPRESS THEATRE (live Thomas in “Qut Yonder” PARAMOUNT TRUEX COMEDY, two reels, “TCO GOOD TO BE TRUE” —— - Tonight and Tomorrow NINTH EPISODE OF *“*‘WHIRLWIND"” STRIKING STORY OF VANCOUVER LADY Weakauber ge y which Dry Kiln Capacity: 100,000 feet per day ‘ ad wh teal with i lion «of Mier nuftering” tor, year she SITKA SPRUCE ty and for the benelit of fel WESTERN HEMLOCK FLOORING, SIDING followa: CEILING FINISH OF ALL KINDS remedies | votever. Oo | Charlotte Islazds Spruce Produc’s Ltd. w Health Ri Mills: Prince Rupert, B. i i hac " Is ) Local Agente: ALBERT & Met AFFERY ' ! Prince Rupert, B.C. Telephones, 564, 116, Blue 6? sieseel Ww ; ~ | DeBhCk Red Cedar Shingles Westholme Lunch M rx rs Under New Management ——SSaeee ALL WHITE HELP ie Westholme Special . | Three Course Meal - from 45c up Notary Public. Will show mae an now you, G.H. ARNOLD | ( ! ALI | el with Y APARTMENT ar DWELLING HOUSE and ivi a il Sixt \ nue and : oda erty alt These cold snappy mornin ‘ ol ations su that & nic fut oper miath, Scarf latlow Plates Coat, Sweater or ) nally well laid , easiol of living is a very handy pos enn mt kitchen, For what you require , our ov a bedrooms, bath, hot ' dnor prices rig! sak turagods 3 tee plete, and our prices "* bkxcell | neighborhood and “wend re as an investment, H. G. Helgerson, Ltd. | insurance - Rentals - Bonds , Economy A Study in . , city whe We are the only firm !? this cll) ; yan for poys @ Phone 93. 8. E. Parker, * cater $0 eeiapeyey DRY KINDLING WOOD } ieee Ph Mani rey oy i Bring the Little (Ones: PACIFIC CARTAGE, LTD. eens Mer. Dyeing - Dry Cleaning For good work, prompt service and reasonable prices send goods CLEANERS & to CITIZENS DYERS, 2087 4th Ave., couver, Inquiries solicited, ver JABOUR BROTHERS, [1D and Seventh Corner Third Van core -”