PRINCE RUPERT Central Labor Gouncil, Oo. B. U. ng SS Affiliated Units and Dates of MEETINGS Building Trades Unit, First and Third Mondays, % p.m. Central Labor Council, Every Tuesday, & p.m. Women’s Auxiliary, First Wednesdays, Dance & Social at 9 p.m Second Monday, Business Meeting at & p.m Political Ec -nomy Club, Every Thursday at 8 p.m, Metal Trades, First and Third Fridays. Shipbuilding Unit, Second and Fourth Fridays at 8 p.m. Fishpackers, first Saturday OPEN FORUM (eommencing Sept.) Second and Fourth sundays, 8.30 p.m BRINGING UP FATHER le nnd, ! MR JIGGS HERE 15 A DOG! GOT FOR YOUR WIFE SHE i% THAT AL WANS WANTED ONE LIKE THIS WILL YOU PRESENT HIM TO HER WITH MY . COMPLIMENTS - ize HERE IF WOU Witt rns OO, Am’ LoO* HLL GIVE YOU) T COLLARS nite On! IVE HAD Tree LUCK TODAY: | WALEING OOWM THE MAIN ae Ca aN REST WAS HELLO - MAGGIE! / mou ee * Your | RAW SKINS Made up into RUGS, LADIES’ SCARVES, ETC. D. C. TAIT 1116 Broadway, Vancouver, B.C. The Man in the Moon } * | “ooat NEWS Nore! SAYS:- 1H. Burrough wills the Interior very heard Inde- committee etur might's tt + on té a ate at night ris of nomes were the Aida Candidat on POP DADO OE Sunday arrived Andrews Anvox ¢ Harry morning from ” south suing from “People’s . * stopped to) di Boers. OY of h king of Mrs, rraw, Sals nh cen they scovered People’s I “if hin soon lhome hoberson ndependent his Lore learns practising + * forget! Xmas Cheer December 7 * @ @ Elks Minstrels the Proceeds The er Lest we Minstre! Westhol EN spear readiness fot owded meetings he is to get “iarvale and Shames, me, . Let tain ecember 7. Fund, the you PHAT there should be giowing mits precy ced to moof the crowd at Conserva Xmas and nollie that in re- of the other if the |" nt candidate. Among the ean I will hear at Ox They ’ iif alls he ore ndidate Pat legisiat « ° o. B. Bush and didates the Atlin eonstiluency, are on, the night . those i the Cbe Ray. Daly for up the line : ithusiasin and idature ¢ north Prince Geo darvale arrow cand > pend . Anyox will be cled on morning were Rh. L. B The best way to have YourSuit Cleaned and Pressed is by our Steam Pressing Machine Method. It only Pata minutes. Our Price is Reasonable Delivery is Prompt Give us a trial. Phone Black 502 LING TAILOR 821, 823 2nd Ave., Prince Rupert Moersch Wear » defeated. ¢, lidate.-the defeated didate and the lthis m Independent | ta mentioned be- Shenton, ® a . = will be th M. Rolie ane pleaded guilty orning t Cs wfully in “ rast ch fined $100, o * iThey were f ” Charlie Cull the the touring the |constitueney with W. C. candidate * * in, man people were fooliah Newton to would take to Victoria Mr. to knock there andinorth and has just gone to the laughing stock Of|/Apm in the interests of the e capital. | e. 8..¢ OO { Mr. and Mrs, Ole Evindse of the Peopl+’s | daughter Alma are in te from Alice candidate “For Mr. Pvindsen if the eleet he IAI the Kh i+ ‘ Slates, is his | Gonservative | and | representing rHAT the motto wr Independent heaven’ Is to en roule : ; s sake elect me uver,. SOMCH |e, f the to thing. howner o Vancouver Night Phones - J. G; Steen, . Longwill, Blue 270 Day Phone 5 STEEN & LONGWILL Sheet Metal Works Agent for McClary Furncaes 371 Sanitary and Heating Engineers 5th Street and Fraser Street Prinve Rupert pies. a ae going establish his home to return oo wi ends { MRS. BAIRD MAKES A GOOD IMPRESSION IN VANCOUVER CONCERT |: irecent north vded the Horning this employees at int This week-end out many to curtail its product market price of copper cor und its productio profitable All boats now is companys ANCOUVER, Nie Singing | Pl ert here ib. il the to visit Prince - ek, Was unusually} ef the local press no- |" Mrs. Baird's rendering | wn pout employees an whe ron is Makes have Gounod num. | of Anyox will y Divi Redeemer’ was (Of men who have heen SMITH & MALLETT PLUMBING AND HEATING ENGIKEERS Estimates furnished. Address, 3rd Avenue, of Second Strvet. Phone 174 — P.O. Box 274 head |for this reason, her fine rich used with great | fie" pteasios FISH ARRIVALS ARE this prayer sel to music. Heart Desireth” by! beautifally sung, of the enhanced tistic manner interpreted. ed by sineerity, ralto belng Venless in pressi Like as a ser was also sacred charm two- in} rie the a ey and we fold by which th DEMOCRACY TRIUMPHS Here Today. were The following hig for the fleh today this sale hour Careful Piano Tuning Repairs to all makes ef Pianos, Phonographs, Cameras — Spare parts in stock. French Polishing J. Slade Stevens 428 5th Avenue W. Phone Red 291 P.O. Box 162 hoon: | Kodiak, 174 06 oe up to a late Venizelos Election Victory Dashes H°pes of Constantine to Return to Throne 60,000 pounds; Fisher, 23,000 nm pounds ei ounds; Albatross, os jSentinel, Nov. 15.—The hopes | N., 9,000 pounds. Constant " ustantine dad return! Bidding nad king have there dashec . 8 r oO tached the victory flay att the demand. ATHENS, of ex-hing is very ito Greece to become by heen os ‘Premier | Venizelos tor wilh VOatperog , SF She DONS. The Aon gleaned opposed morning is unalterably jyesterday A. G. GRAY Teacher of Piano Studie 187 Second Avenue PHONE Blue 421 or 444 9 EDOON COAL GO. We have secured the dgency for the best Coa! found in the interior and can supply any quantity. Frices on application to Prince Rupert Feed Co. Corner 2nd Ave. and 7th St. Phone 58 Green B45 ilo the return of the old monarchy! pounds, in Greece, | a ‘inbiaiades } D. Zarelli arrived from Alice lArm ou the Chelohsin this morn- jing. Te Seeases . * like rheumatism cau ry poisons left ts tho hood ty detect ive kidney action. Correct this condition by using Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills. pill a dose. 250. a box, all dealers. . Chase Dr. K's" French Admiral Warns Sebastopol. CONSTANTINOPLE, Nov, The Fr®eh Admiral has wireless, ta the Boleheviki Wrangell’s reprisals if the troops, town was owinting done wel! Che News Print Shop. RST eR ee eee rH LOCAL NEWS NOTES an Daily News Classified Ads. 2 CENTS PER y IN ADVANCE. No Advertisoment Taken for Less than 60c ain this al othe ith mcert, enter Westholme mes, the erns a cor He ‘ Bowser it I Arm {to was tl ‘ Alice Arm Hat at He himee The Chelohsin arrived fron STILL VERY LARGE" schooners in had nol preved Polaris 25,000 28,000 pounds, and Clara brisk is plenty of fish offering Seattle \— 7O000 THREATEN BOLSHEVIKI Treops Against Looting seul the evacuation of Behastopol threatening} or the population molested, Tt is just as hens w get your FOr SALE OR LEASE and done at rome as it is to send it away. Ate i ~~ WARTED. “—~ way M WANTED, Ave LEARN ier ANTE TRACTOR ! SINESS blKs ear vil! be the mute industry, vill be the eco inigwest kveryw! " a de afned OLS SUCORSSPFULLY faperi« Aut and mand f ir nana ' coi ht se nee obile Marine izing and Mraz Lattery WEEKS REQUIRED tADLATES GIVEN (hkFERENCI ‘ ‘ ’ 5 .T UNLIMI RTUNITIES LEADING Al LORILE ABSO CIATIONS endorse our school Ihe { meth s of our peeieego ‘EST AUTOMORBRILI CONCERNS mechanics to our clrical econ rl Phe obil eallir sulle gon they en we tu stantiy sduates, be of on cause he tyt \ party. EVENING CLASSES RUNNING, PODAY for AND Now n and write today i! ted t Van atte ; , mprete ROL! DAY which EN ney ogue ate ry ‘a ind save m d Now BEST.BROUTP. x achool in ol that h Dominion f training of Nib i” is MPHILI PRACTOR VANCOUVER firanville ne West Shave hree os Al AND HivwoLs Mm SCiuOOL and Fifleenth sy Heights Car fotilve ' ICPORTA SCHOOL Hiannehard stireet and lo our ufa and I ' i S.A d room owest rates OrPRTOT Hastings Opposite BKB, ¢ music |Supply Is Big so Bidders are not Very Keen—Big Schooners FOR SALE Or will tr ade for ap Prince Kupert FOR SALI close iu real estate: ihe fast run. eho’ either with after about or ene unde; 8) first-class marine en. ite One first-class large row boat! Beet with 2% bp. Gaille Perfeetion Inboard engine. } M.M Sue ephens, as to P hone 222. One 20 h.p. engine price price S500 00 § #2,200.00, since we bought from the factory. Soviet on hand 4 lh. p. N. @ 8, price for same complete, Prince Rupert Cigar i Phone Blue 04, engines, 200, Store. 16 al after by FOR SALE 4 choice heifers, Holstein s Cartage, Apply to grade ldoted| Lindsas | oe ee -e- and apply ing business particulars ollice, plant, Try rm) FREE} Fisgard) Fifteen! ~~. i launch | without! | ; —~~= | Curned beef, Pu KCHASER WILL SAVE $5,00.00| Lamb, heavy duty N. & Lamb, The| Mutton, of this engine has gone up| Mutton thin | j Lew of mutton, We have also| | Loin of mutton tf! ~ | Pork, |Pork, |Harn, Job print. Fowl, For Daily News! if | Spare ribs, ~~. ~~ et te Koa Holktgna, per Jejlied tongue Hroilers FOR SALE " No. 10 bow 745 Remington typewrit wel condition, P Red 187 70 im we et hain > phone PURNISHED Mra, \W Phone oltere lied Yt KEN'I the He st ns 67 ; VEGETABLES. ASHCROFT winter rhe beet lonrue ve Produce. BLY your POTATORS for poly from Na Fulton Street, Limberges ! it ... frest Margarine Comb | Mil frrocery, yon ar hinoM FOR RENT tena? Phs me (tires leor entraily n ia if Eee SHORTHAND —~ TYPEWRITING Mv oday 1) te Hioek pho muUstO. BAILEY liane W edne« 1, No Blue 206 Fvening day. } ith Classes uv 0 if iday ne H. 4 Teacher of Music (pean Theory of M Hy appointment, phone | j Hiack 215 215 4th Ave. EB. Salt Herring —_—-— Flounder I AQCOURTARTS Acadia Cod per lb. . eact lleta Sait ACCOUNTANT charge of set whele or part time E Williseroft., Phone k 259. tf LODGE MEETINGS LODGE 1054 LOYAL ORDER OF Moose ineets every Thursday evening at the De Luxe Hail. EXP! en NCED ould take oks kale, of Britie Salt oolachan Spring salmon, pe W hite salmon Vogetabion (onions, d ner Heels, per ib Carrots, per Turnips, per Cabbage Blac ¥ ib., ib FouRD ‘ts Head be AeT ttouce at ¢ ehild’s ape. Apply Daily News tf arnival, FA rms ‘FOR SA Le Cc. P. R FARM LANDS.—-The rich prairies of Alberta, Saskatche- wan and Manitoba are eapecial- ly suited for mixed farming. Land that will produce big crops of grain and fodder, and well adapted for dairying or livestock raising can still be had at prices averaging about $18.00 an acre, with twenty years to pay if you wish. Only 10 per cent down. No further) payment on the principal until the end of the fourth year; then sixteen annual- payments, In- terest 6 per cent Write to H. G, Loughran, Agent, C. P., Station, ecouver. per ity Evaporated Fruits. Hiack figs White figs Apricots Peaches Apples Seedless Huisins Prunes Fruit. Bananas Grapefruit mons Dates Vale neia orat Lard drom Van we i ib ib illaisina, per per ib., ; per lb per pee., Currants, Peel, per Mixed nuts, Table Figs, Mince Meat Pomatoes ; Cantaloupes, each Watermeton, per Ib. Honey Dew Melons Grapes (Malaga Wealthy apples No. 1 Wealthy apples No Apples (Jonath Apples Melntosh Keds Market Prices Mexts. Sirloin steak, per tb. Beef pot roast, Ib., Beef, chuck roast, Ib., rib roast, ib, 35c and Beef, boiling, tb., 18e to 22e Hamburger, per tb, ....... 2he iStewing beef, per Ib., 20c and 2he per Ib., 22e leg, per tb., 500 wea aod Try d classiffed adve “_ me shoulder, ib.. Zhe if you want to buy F, f hus ib. 450 |¥0U want anything. A let of hu 7 Abo [Nes ix done that way S2e 40e 25e 4he 50e Ole Abe | Tbe) 6he 60e 45e B5e | 50e 45e a5e * , He eneaeeeee one 25e to 28e) 30c¢ ase each Ib ins 26e to ladeeceepouesee \* * Ty SUBSCRIBERS lVeat sholiider roast, oe Leg Of VOal .erese Plain sausages, oer Tomato sausage leg Pork chops, per shoulder, ..... Bacon, sliced, per bb., sliced, Ham, smoked, ....- Balt baoks ....... Chicken, per tb., ataetees DOR Thee dee cages Pickled pork, por |b. Cooked ham, sliced, per |b. per Ib, per ib, . 306 and Ib., Subscribers to The News are asked to pay the livery boys each im uth when they call, ‘ except where payment has been made for the year io ad vanes. The boys when collecting carry official re- ceipta which should 4l- ways be preserved. ee ee ee ee ne Se eS Vancouver, B C, Gabi SR ran TOVE yurneys ing Sloves in the same 192). Hur Prince Rupert { bosi # une ndreds in —_—— On Sale at Fred Stork Hardware SHOOND AVENUE Phone Black 114 New locati Centr Helgerso TAX]: —————w —— Phone 139 ereceeesrrrrer FOR Furnished Roo Dominion Hol Sobeted Huntley T [ Serre ore creer rerre> REN oe oe wororrrrroecrreccces a Hotel Prince Rup eyRoPean PLAR $1.00 per" oy rinst-o1ass © oart A La "8 s nor ond AY c. v. EVITT Auctionee! Auditor and Accout ; Variet y of : ws & { “ory MARKEE