ee : " a a Bet ata Mak toe ee ——s Ea 8, SS - I PROSPEC Sie te Het g, ERUSE EL oa The Man in the M | es ni \y ‘nie a e Man in oon Heid | ~H PHAT the differ: between Nimber of Public Works will git'« Liberal tal d the Help Ease Situation Says mt eeerer ee - previous Office wn just the diff ence fe. << ane ; * * * ' i \!l Patt j it i id a oli four for i th é { ( nip , ‘ Lepisla Ss lidaiih ; , Yu know it! It begins with ie gt by : . ; : : a tickling, irritating sensation PHUAT Liberalixim is a thing. | : lew i d in your throat. You cough to | u il op-| : ; bevy clear the throat. In a moment ; } there it is again! int fo | , ‘ bine A minute's peace, then again PHAT if N for ted he 2 ; you cough, and so on until you ial ‘\ “ ough your throat sore, and by e , BOE : cha the time the cough is suffici- - eee S The i i pre ale ently allayed to permit you to f Bowser will be leader of £ a m emule hasnt aa : sleep, you are thoroughly wora “ mE in the next T.cele ‘ aves : play tt out. This kind of experience ie ; i? Your woolleas must be madeto } tart vain is particularly trying to oid , je - * last as long a¢ possible, they're dof the vem will # people, , : eo dear now Sunlight Soap wee Peps make this sort of thing . i seh ah ‘ is the purest and best of all ’ \\ : Quite unnecessary. ibd 1 Ishmaetite aving a 7 laundry soaps £0 it's the safest ‘= . oan . c ‘4 ne ‘ cleanser--eoad it's the most econ- ‘ 1 h ties Put a Peps pastille on your ' “ y tne emical because, being pure, it t “ ed n ‘ ‘ tongue and allow it to slowly ; er M i ’ takes less to do the wash. : : ita te dissolve Healing fumes are ae ® wen * mo fC tae ps then liberated, which mingle ‘ ‘ ay ve y { Insist on getting the Soap you ast ure ‘ i mould hel with the breath and are carried i De ‘ for-SUNLIGHT SOAP nthe matter of employ x to the remotest parts of the air ; p ° ; . 4 i im te rat S HERS LIMITED oly } yet wre panhivad | passages and lung allay!ng ae mee tl the irritgtion and soothing the , on whi ppert : Toronto we : CaKent inflamed’ membranes, thus end- Y POU Ln Vas’ wi ing the cough and making siecp ead the Gove ent j : ———— OLD FRENCH-CANADIAN — so | : aa wea ; Peps are sis best for bronchitis, I 1 the big bani as the] ‘ ; é : z tie “ . : me th and CHANSONS COLLECTED Bec’ fee an et finds it dif ane eer : thie advertisement nd Fi We have now on amr ates se ; Per Paste oe cive * «¢ 4 hand Quaint and Attractive Volume FREB TRIAL PACKAG All rHA’ ndeper Newton Revives Melodies af —To uti n 1000 Tons Colonist Times a ha j ' i te allin fan (oal : 7 ~ . U } (pur h » . * °*« 1000 Tons h 4 -t2% ie hepunl4 x f the coon ul t . | ‘ t. a h ’ ‘ j ner Leg re, ot only a , ’ BE TEV ee ' . . . ‘ crease price of F age » Mmeet- : , ; prompt ware : - . ; y J ‘ i ‘ * . very fa we strongly : ‘ Puyo 5 ‘amrel” = a — = ——————————————— eae 3 ’ ” 7. . 4 Falis fo ‘ving tried -~ ‘ sul ow by , a boss MeKay them. Cr t x . my rr . ; ine | (ien ka “é lle 16, 808, Bue 09 atop ed Cedar Shing les & H f | ¥ 1 sna hi. Festa ; TIMBER SALE X 2736. 4 sls os ‘ ; . j i thine ; 4 F : wling | Sealed tenders will be € t be cCaffery } °: , sof 0 ae ahem gine ot trea eee BY ie Dry Kiln Capacity: 100,000 feet per day Limited ‘ tum Bee * ' ey . tun moon on the 2nd day of December, | \ . g ad t ear Alex, 1 $00e, for the purchase of Licence X 2734, ' ° st 1,110,000 feet of Cedar, spruce and : “ mh in Omineca, Balsam on an area situated on Sheep Pas- i . 4 é P e . sage Range 3, Coast District eee ncwees ne : ; ‘ a P wis a. (ne t year wil! be allowed for re-| THAT Kerg is sweeping the |meval ef tenber. or District Forester, vrince HKupert, cs iis mS eth sone CEILING FINISH OF ALL KINDS M0 Second Avenue, Weat. $00 TIMBER SALE X 2326. OM LEE CO. aickeds ite sesh aha rhe nake a real repre-|p.c. or Qustrict Forestat, Prince Nupert | WESTERN HEMLOCK FLOORING, SIDING NF PHA’ rv out in Prince i veenvame An} ‘ E ERTAINED AT to delive hel) Sealed tenders wat be. recetvad Dy tne Ch | tt | ] rd S Pp d : Ltd a ims 6 ands not later oon oO . nereas CHARMING BRIDGE °° uu seetion of the |the 95b day of December’ t980, Tor ue ariotte istacds opruce frrecuc § . Wholesale and Metall riod the ieee . ’ OGs tev at tee an ee ae Mills: Prince Rupert, B.C “0 feet of Sprece, Cedar a emiock oF . wae General Contractors and a ° an area Sdjeinimng Lot 1936, Selwyn. ‘intet, . MI rHAT P Manson Kerzin|@-£.1 Distriet ' Local Agents: ALBERT & McCAFFERY Labor Exchange i bisa ‘ res ientianten nintlinal Two (2) years will be atlowed for re- : . . + ie vis whe Reval of tumber Prince Rupert, B.C. Telephones, 564, 116, Blue 69 - . - ee Further particulars of the Chtef Forester, Prince Rupert, B.C 2 ee ~ inupert. "8 t” qe Dismrics Porester, Prince — = bone $47 v ‘) Hox 725 ; saline — 3 re ae eee ee ee a Se ulies’ coats & Seayed tenders will he receiv ae al al a ik 744) Mint r of Lands ai \ etoria not later ' ’ oe 7 on a ant f December Oo ' . nee purchase o Licence )} WATER NOTICE, to cut 2.322.008 feet of Ueda : 7 USIC for DANCES | IN BUSINESS HERE Mane NOTE se eles a, Geli 3 ? ms 31—F-E. 10897-p James Island, Range 3, | 20 per cent. discount on all Skirts . AKE NOTICE that PL W. Racey, agent |‘O3st District. : ~ : Firm of Chartered . Accountants Mrs. Das r the Moose Group Mining Syndwate, | TWO (2) years will be allowed for re- Starting THURSDAY Morning. ; ARTHUR’S Opens Branch in This Cily ! I) Mrs. ‘I eS iicmane te dae . at — wit riher particulars Of the Ghief Forester Mi ' \ \ j f a cubic f per second of water! | Cee aes or Distriet Forester, Prince |) . eM, ir orld a eaaulure cnt tens. & ar. [ea Ree aE ee eek ae ok Miss GLEESON . » , aa af : 4 ne : “ sn t f kits nuit Rives E Sa 4 IN PRE DBATs “ z 4 : Four Piece Orchestra co, | ;' can eae from the ‘streamiiN THE SUPREME COURT OF Omtisl, Fhird Avene Prince Rupert, B.C. . : dare : ‘ 1 point on the Moose |IN THE MATTER OF THE ADMINISTHA- |! 4] luding Saxaphone sy vl ; { \V ! ‘ and Will be used for TION AUT ‘ — Gieerge Wor vl i . Vo M the ‘Meose O cat eee Tath THE MATTER ‘UF THE ESTATE OF 7 ] hone 48] . ate . . ¢ . $ the oOuRe oO OH’ ELWoOD DECEASEL NTES- 81 Phone 481 ' : nd M |. Mins rigs line tain day nf september ee6. . apy Part oe ss oh LP u SRE ERE ME Eat weetttsah wit THEO COLLART, Notary Public te ! ¥ ot ' a ' ; f f the Water hecoruee of tctober, &. D, 1920, TI was apps t “a are nN oddindieaal' > the Kdint ; . ! _| Administrator to ihe estate of Jonn Elwood FOR SALE.-—5 choice eve! Lots, together or singly, om 7th Ave., ‘ ee hcations. may | be aemennee, a, Sh gatees anne remand near new High School, Hays Cove Circle. Any reasonable offer. erra a : tt Wate 4 ghis, Paria = 1 fu rast sale, property: vyritied to me. EDSON COAL ; Bulk, $13.00 per ton delivered eal s i o ting \ >»: ae Within on o ore w ist day © ecember Sz C ‘ ‘ ‘ ; ' ay* after first ap pS arance of 1020, and alt parties indebted to the estate FOR SALE ) Sacked, $14.50 ,, 9 . e . | 5 sing \ \ DeWSDApEF. ue required Ww pay ine amount of their Most Liberal MARINE. INSURANCE on the ‘Coast ee and Insurance In Van h ! ‘| @) ome _ . we 3 reste us Gey doa H hive Insurance Company of North America, Pays Claims promptly _ NNE 5 . ! » ! W. Race Agent oMeial Ad strato EY BROS. & CO. sf : we eile et Cl thes tae an i) Adeiairévor, it. BO ben 66 Westholme Theatre Block Phone Biue 69 ; aay not s November 15, 1920, Dated this 18t day of November, 1920. A a SS Larges Ot Bete <0 Brronr. « 2 - ~ MARRIAGE eee eg)