Legletive TAbrery i bel Bel dlaughts ring Ship ur Own ive ek now arriving wen oe et from the stock every © the 8 ilkley Valley. ‘gore. J. FRIZZELL 25, 185 nes 10, Pho Fulton Market joyal Marke aserer rere The Daily Net Northern and Central British Columbia’s Newspaper TAXI TAXI Phone 75 WE NEVER SLEEP PRINCE RUPERT Prince Rupert Auto 707 Second Ave. - Prince Kupert ~~ we a ’ r . PRINCES RUPE no S\TURI ) OVEMBER 20, 1020. Vesterday’s Circulation 2.876 Street Sales 366. PRICK FIVE CEE TS STEEL WORKS FOR PROV (0URT QF APPEAL CASTIGATES CHIEF JUSTICE HUNTER OVER JUDGMENT (EDITORIAL Steel Company to Bui'd Mills; Spend Huge £um of Money ' Proposal to manufacture steel for shipbuilding i: this pro- STEEL ROLLING MILLS. ENGLAND WiLL App:al Court Ursets the BE WITH FRANCE Jud. ment of Chief Justice Hunter in a Recent Case Must Stand Shoulder to Shoulder With That Ccuntry Says Lioyd Ceorge. Judge McPhillips ssys it was ‘‘an enormity beyond ) , . e6 . ° ; . oe ee ; « vince and for other pu poses; Brit'sh capital interested — 7emens To meer paral shand's mlesarhines at je thee; ee IN LONDON SOON Judges unanimous VANCOUVER, November 20,--The Coast Range Steei Co, ** *** Fee EROeH eo , VANCOUVER, November 20.—The Giurt of Appeal yesterdas 6 lie the incorporation of which was mentioned in the B, C. Gazette * ss : g y ‘ lowed W iH. Chifféev’s eppesl fr tl z ie. Chie yesterday as being incorporated for $15,000,000 with head office 7° on REPAATEE : xt i «l ee id? - ; er * ret mie ‘ PAEMIER OLIVER * Justice i ve ommitting him for a year’s hard laber in default here, is controtied by British capital. Its ambitious plans include , AT WESTMINSTER * ‘7 Fi | g un payments on a judgment secured by Mrs blast furnaces and steel milis, and it is stated that 10,000 men + oe” ee Martha: Citt ler 6 ‘eae will be employed with an annual payroll of $2,500,000. , \ WESTMINSTER, #7) oo en oe ee ¥ . hat Chief Justice Hut itil peli wed “an: ehorenite he The directors of the new concern are John D. Kearns of Van- +h MI (ies il! ati ‘seine 1a miscarriage of fusites xa? ihddincin ai 9 Ome couver; L. J. Landhal, formerly of the Klondyke; Major Moore; | . ; és at Wntuues tase aitechall the dineiila PA A. T. Congdon, formerly a Yukon lawyer but now of this city, and + : Mr. Justice MePhillips of the appeal court on the Hunter ‘ 7 G. Steta, of New York 1 . 7 The plans of the company are to produce stee! from British ° * The court judges were unanimods in setting aside’ the Columbia ore for plates for shipyards, etc., displacing the steel - ; \ » i now brought from Pittsburg at heavy cost. " ; rhe ad eel The provincial government's offer of a bonus of $3 a ton on , os sian ‘eg ! . I CONS DER ABLE CH'NGE _ OFFICER GIVEN pig iron and the Dominion’s offer to provide a market for the tl * De es we a output to encourage promotion are the great incentives which * on ee er IN NORTHERN SERVICE have made the undertaking possible. a ° TERM IN JAIL Mr. Landhal claims that London capita! is assured for the “ : : Canadian Pacific Put Beatrice on project, subject to confirmation of the data submitted after an : * FINDS JAWBONE .iaska Rovte and Discontinue - F woted UL investigation by two London engineers who are now here. The pO Investigations will take’ 80 days. Hon, W. J. Farris and Hon. \We shall William Sloan are both lending their assistance and Vancouver 1 Did oe and Victoria are nibbling for the plant proposed. seer CITY GRANTS MORE MONEY Trades and Labor Committee Gets $5,000 More for Relief of Dock Workers Canadian Situation is One of the Best of Nations INN ARRESTED bam FOR ROBBERY ch Mc nn MUCH LIQUOR WAS the Finn DESTROYED TODAY j'0.!" fer a » Whole 586 Bottles Figuring in Duff Theft Was Emptied Canada « ; Today. a Cn See PROVINCE OWNS na fd cco’ SEIZED LIQUOR COLONE!, COLLISHAW “4 ‘a “ol i | Me, Docides Large Amount of $3,500,000 taken has been Recovered Justice Morrison Case Against Westminster CONE TO Ni re aa eth GONE TO MESOPOTAMIA {1 as WI \S'TER. Nov , nptied thé M ducted o| VANCOUVER Non In alg ind formerly terations and isted by Chiefitest ease, Mr. Jt Morrison Shing xt boats. left {Clerk G und unite Major|decided yesterday Ghat the pros E y and MeM nd th “spectators ince was the rightful owner of Nr forees In wor hand Whiskey seized by the New We minster police from local men, Se USK COUPLE WERE awn Pe ae Try the MARRIED AT THE sing hat th hguor, a City Market MANSE LAST NIGHT] tw ‘isis sie” Shout perupeanny tine yu property | M Mu ‘ Mebonald was If you want m Lt ght to Anderson COALING PLANTS. ‘ a h nanse. Nev, DD i Good Beef or Fresh Fish i Gre oplciating Mt and Mrs ? SERCOUYND, Bo ae Pick. hi ; N . 1 i ‘ \ ia ; rl ye teh atetes ann ae ai fi ke ; hei len }potnts the B, ¢ ime FOR SEDITION eas a Coil. Malone ‘Sentenced to Sorve Six Months for Advocating ONTHESTREET =“ RATE WAR PREDICTED “eorge Merton Picks un What is FOLLOWING CUTTING ——taentitea by Prysician an 0 10" Spa [he mint TRANS-PACIFIC ROUTES | Siouint Ween aal i > > . Weekly Stcamer to eee eer eoereereeeeen Vancouver. LOINDIOON, Nov. “0 Colonel Matone, M. P., was sentenced here ton, of Little's - : , s Brij 4s Mary mn the to serve six months prison- ' ie ‘ ; . - - we s : Novembe 27 ment for sedition. He advocated = des ‘ ’ vs i reig f rofat h i h me e i f bie ’ : vane wer Wi be type i ! o reverse a : , ‘ ' ' a ireat . itain. “ ; hes res ue 3, ct, wa wae soe yr trnanes ter oe! PRESERVATION i } 0 ved we af lina otws f ist run in the loea URGE ‘DMISSION OF Bec ‘ GERMANY TO LESGUE ins ” plessa Voce atone hescmnty, (CL EAWA GOVE SHMEMT iS STILL WAITING British Columbie Convention Go- ing to Vancouver to Attend Convention USK FOR PATTULLO Newton Got Good Hearing There But no Enthusiasm, Says One Who Was There. VANCOUVER Nov. "0 rhe ‘ting of the Associalton Fisheries is to be held ninual mee of Pacitie et Geneva al Seattle on Friday and Saturday - 7 next \ Vancouver delegation has GENEVA ! Erb May Assign His Interest to ‘Vr! F this MOPniNe yeen specially invited to discuss Canadian Government. 4 t ther place is solid Pacific fish conservation This he coming elee- ataial ios comprises \ \\ l ul \ ns Whe ged (“rTTAWA, N Phe Ciov- \t Ne ms meeting Chas Whitehead, president of the BA by ‘ ta » the reply DP esided aud he said he Packers: H. Dovie. president and iny Lo tele : Burrough here general manager of the Kine th . Newton's I , : ° Packing Ce. and the N rer BK. 4,000 SOLDIERS iy i a (ee mae te ha, [tontr barking nt DEMONSTRATE AT |: ness tra! aia ne an [cen Seen as Me iovern. § d for the Gover! ni BORNTO. Novice. —- White Tt Eee tae ee BARNES SPESKS FOR RETURN 70 GREECE M , » PRESENTATION TO INDUSTRIAL PE \CE Allied Nations will Intervene if stra : ta fa ( or ie R. L. Mw’ INTOSH BY mani Woe ear tee Necessary, says Jonnart pipe dae wvonon oe “CHURCH OF ENGLAND noe tn sit, Ione tate pray Snort Kngland waited on RK. L. Melntosh ; CHARGES CAPT. BLACK fii. esening on the eve of his de=|WATIAt NVA canis ti itt lance French High Gonnsiaaioner DRAWING TWO SALARIES athe cor Teer ang prenyn of its own eTlerts ih Grareece, ed him with a gold matel sate itably inseribed and inset with POINT GREY Noy 1) Fred), diambnd Phe presentation nedoen, formerly of the Yukon. which was on behalf of the eon at oa meeting here last HIE opeeation, Was accompanied by an ® charged Capt, Black, Conservative jgdpess beautifully executed by ampalgn ean didate for Vaneouve With) § Garde drawing a salary fF 83,000 8 veal Vhe Church of kneland in for the Yukan Prince Nupert suffers a Melntyre Hall at 8 p.m, vs CoOtlnibiASs Opel Oxs in while at the same tine drawink jhe departure of Mr. and Mrs, Mé captain's pay if Vietoria during ae vo have steadily con Saturday, November 20th. the Wal tributed is progress fram the J. WH. BURROUGH, the Candidate, Will Spoak. early days Mhey will be much Opposition candidates are invited to make Use of the W, Longwill returned from the} missed by (he congrematio platform to explain their position south on the Peinee Joht this B.C. Undertakers. Phone 41. + a f NM