THE DAILY NEWS Page ” ; — 3 ———_—--——_ —- a a eee Ses a. “Hil Abe ths Sedndi 4b6 EEC ie rE " _ ee Pf q | Local ‘and Personal | ee Ask for Atkins’ Sausag: tr eS ey. CS ‘©. = >i = Si cc | 4 —— — = a, Brier Plug ~ SMOKING TOBACCO — eae fi ‘se ie, A = PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH \ SERVICES 5 Ti OMOR! RW Royal AutoService exe Ae aka Ipt Service First Class sae LARGE and Night oreo ve ERNII Proprietor me j — here ia n scl Ove he , eney from the Lnion Transfer WHAT'S] SILVERSIDES BROS J “sss GLASS, Siveel and Thitd Avenue aI ; : OO POLECOCCOLEC OL OL OOCEEEOCOD > WALLPAPERS, PAINTS, a RUPERT, 8.C. met A Mother’s Tribute HIS letter from Mrs. Roberts gives such a fine idea of the value of Dr. Chase’s medicines for use in the home that we shall publish it without further comment. Mrs. Everett Roberts, 44 Endicott Ave., Halifax, N.S., “I fee! it a pleasure as well as my duty to recommend Dr. Chase’s Nerve Food and Ointment. After the shock of the Halifax e xplosion my system was all run down, and I was so weak that I could not walk. Night after night [ lay awake unable to sleep. Nothing did me any good until one of my neigh- bors recommended Dr. Chase’s Nerve Food. After a treatment of this medi- cine I can positively say that my health and strength have been restored, and I can now sleep well and do my work as well as ever. “T used Dr. C hase’s Ointment for my baby, who had ringworms all over his'face. I tried almost everything I knew of without success until I used Dr. Chase’s Ointment. This cured him in a short time. I would not be with- out either of these mecicines in the house, and trust this may induce others to give tnem a trial and be convinced of their merits.” writes : Y ou ean scarcely ask for a stronger gurantee of the value of a medicine than the D ait and signature of A. W. Chase, M.D., on the box. This is for your protection wa nst in iitations and substitutes. Edmanson, Bates & Co., Ltd., Toronto. Anvox to ~ mree. of the Angelic { : " at h mining xs will have count at | Keep the Body Healthy and the Brain Clear Eat “S< 1) [RUPERT BRAND = vowitincomom | | SMOKED BLACK COD ts Land bb EASILY COOKED.:--- iMANAM. IS AND . “as + . “2 . of Port Place in boiling water and cook for fifteen minutes to lease the $y eating Smoked Black Cod you support . ae Local Fishermen and a Loca! Industry : u “ 1 leg weat 4 feet ne , me +s fost, ine San as Caailian oa & Cold Storage Bas Ltd. ter ee F 2 Prince Rupert, F OR 2 Bw tT Westholme Lunch Under New Management ALL WHITE HELP Westholme Special Three Course Meal - from 45c up Furnished Rooms Dominion Hotel Just Remodelied and Refurnished Corner First Ave. and Eighth Street, Prince Rupert x10ne Red 468 P.O, Box 358 Winsor & Newton Art Supplies, Wimiiin Peawén $0 a detter 4 b> ; EXPERT SIGN WRITING AND Sir Chacios Hays describos Chair. | Novem , CARD WORK, ah Arthu Sinithers ol thee j Sitti \ PICTURES, PICTURE FRAMING lisse runk Pacifie. asa Mbore Sh Phone 22 See ees P.0. Box 120 Your Xinas present of a chai NOTICE, ; ocker at Tite's Nias discount lo wl may oe ; G. Clark CLEANING AND * PRESSING PARLORS J. Nesbit C.&N. Variety of Plants in bloom arrived CHICKENS & BROILERS CITY MARKET Prince Rupert, B.C. 130 130 Bighth Str Street - - PPO LOLA LODE LOLA OOO LOLOL ; ~ You are ot Bt havi sed oo RMS ROR & SMALL stares Asan & rOZEM hi RESBEG lca e tne ‘see hn j ‘ j . t for Kezema and skin lrette ; iimati ing that they have opened a Branch of we iT a. 1p peltaved at once and frat sptimil fe ; Blow d Avenue, Pri Rupert, where they ally heals the skin Sample box Dr a j i 4 Keg a Gen icy Busine Phone a4. Chase's Ointment free if you mention thi Me6., Partney. ¢ oe weraae Acer Untas Busines ( paper and send 20. siamp for postage, Gea | ‘ No RGR RORIB, Chartered Acoountent (Edinturah end Canada Rat all dealers or Edmansot, Bates & ¢ a WOOO nee, op om | Limited, Toront | LVINDS! Repair Work and Alterations a Speciality errace, Our Motto. ‘““To Give Customers Satisfaction Phone Calis given Prompt Attention Phone 563 Real Estate oe Insurance . Geo. Clark, Manager, better known as ‘*Nobb KENNEY BROS. & CO. 7 , 2 e a