27 1920 ) aa SE PELL LALLA ALAA, bal Dressed Beef Slaughtering Ship wk now arrivir XX. Uc E i re VT t g t from the “I a TAXI; ian | Che Daily Ww Lv Phone 75 i of WE NEVER SLEEP ae HORE J. FRIZZELL siecle + pic tame sa “ti phones 10, 26, ye ; 107 Second Ave. - Prince Kupert hoya! Mar} ei Northern and Central British Columbia’s Newspaper ainnimvestmtonivitsbed ee a = ee Ea Pee i Soe es —S— PRINGI MONTIAY OVEMBER 22, Saturdey’s Circulation 1,772 Street Gales 304, 1920, RUPERT FOURTEEN OFFICERS ARE MURDERED: IN IRELAND (ORPOR ATION BACKED BY BRITISH GOVERNMENT OPTIONS STEWART RAILWAY fourteen British Officers HOW 2 ee Option by Big Corporation are Foully Done to Death AT EA on Stewart Short Railway Part culars of Absenies Voting Pian—-Evoryone Should B. G Expected C.P.R. will operate line to Cremndliag Coai Fields > some Are Dragged from Bed and Others Killed while Vote. Dressing Themselves, while yet Others Were through Bear River and Naas . at Breakfast When Slain “1 ) ide’ ‘provision thes! i : “ota : | -« oe Company is Backed by BLIN, Novemper 22... Fourteen British officers were mur- crs. 3 " = i h B “tt h G a cansathy by Sinn Feiners in cald blood. Some of them CHECK FORCER t, sas ‘ . i : t e ritis overnment were dragged from their beds by a band of assassins and others favit i sa petting : -_----_ were killed while dressing themselves, while yet others were at WAS PICKED UP : ae - ; : . ; i C Propo al to ‘ak up charter and kuild the line right breakfast. Captain Newbury was killed in the presence of his ‘ me throu h to join Dunvegan and B.C. ite, ionnianialeia F The crimes are the worst and most cold-blooded recorded in 20° Potk Charged With Forging i i VANCOUVER, November 22.—1n an important signed article the long history of Irish disorders. They were committed simul- Name of J. A. Walton and ' publiched here yesterday, Ronald C. Campbell-Johnson says: “A sessounly at nine o'clock In the morning and were reprisals for as Same. : 2 . powerful corporation, backed financially by the British Govern- he stern measures of the Government against the Sinn Feiners. : 7 id edt 7 ment, has firmly secured by option Sir Donald Mann’s Canadian DUBLIN, Novémber 22... (Later Twenty-five dead and over , \ ' - Northwestern Railway charter. ttundred injured is the resuit of the Dublin raid on Sunday. ‘ - ! lis “This charter was granted in 1892 by the Dominion Govern- fany fires were started and street shooting followed the assas- - ‘ a ra a ment to build a railway from Stewart, B. C., traversing the 56th dastions. ‘ = rad i i : paraliel up the Bear River, tunnelling the glacier at the divide Scene in Parliament. ie J y t into the Naas River valley and traversing Cassiar and Smineca and LONDON, Novernber 22....Violent scenes wers witnessed in " o th ) M the Peace River to the Hudson’s Bay, Fort St. Jol». thence to fk House of Commons today when Joseph Deviin, Nationalist, .\, A: Wa ‘ re dis unvegan and down McArthur’s Road connecting with the C. P. R. mone of the Union members came to blows during the dis- Wis shed at the Tradl balityoet anytirr ° CONFIRMATION and briefly linkirg the transcontinental lines with far northern guion on the affairs of Ireland. The sitting was suspended ‘'"" she “ee ae eal Utes as se hee fh te British Columbia.” md scenes of the wildest confusion. sell ip Rn. tin tietetn od head . an Aa ‘t After detailing at length the vast coal, mineral, cattle, and . rl ss y andidates OF JAPANESE grain resources and the silent yet active investigations made by I Q ‘| ERT aver the British Government engineers for coal and oi! and naval needs, ATTULLO IS i NE CONC ’ = . " Special Services at the eee the writer says: “Their own civil engineers are now in the field 1 et Church—Rev. Edwin Moss Or- completing the permanent location for this particular railway. STRONG AT at EVENING : dained to Priesthood. The C. P. R. is reliably mentioned as the future operators of the : ' line about to be energetically commenced and finished, although KITW ANGAR « aes Oat atin i). this latter may be premature information.” sed. tapi Eamunds ° z The writer of the article says significantly: “The Federal t Their Audience , . Government having nationalized the railways now refuses to bevion Speaks There for Three ~ issue any more charters. Sir Donald Mann’s charter has five Hours and Half to Fourteen “ years yet to live if construction starts soon.” Whits People , “The British Government’s mining engineers,” adds the Kavanagh Refuses : writer, “during the past year satisfied themselves that over one- . . sixth of the world’s available latent coal supply lies in Northern e e e ° ' j \nslican British Columbia and Alberta. The war and the death of Lord to Join In Singing : hare Rhondda and the difficulties over money exchange laid dormant te , . "all matters relating to the Ground Hog smokeless coal field until as y ar tii _,. now the British Government is moving in conjunction with the National Anthem |." = = Ronald Campbell-Johnston, a British Columbia pioneer, was —e : rd the engineer responsible for the late Lord Rhondda’s personal ' 1 " ' visit to the country and the investigations into the Ground Hog Rather Rectinie ts Incident «t Terrace ° oper id al-| choy, felhewad ti bie hase Haw eae tance iat when Audience at Labcr M eting . stds D Van. terests including large tracts of anthracite coal. ‘orine vie Sin 7 . Sings as Reds Leave Hall vain ies! HEAVY LISTS OF FISH BRICK FOR RUPERT PERRACK, B.C. Kavanagh, the Re ys a STILL COMING HERE WAS SIDETRACKED e Te Prog { H t a | : " id oa Nine Refrigerator Cars Arriving Operations at Hays Cove Schoo! r. J. Kirky nae ‘ Over Week-end Cover Fish Suffer as Result—Warren Although g Wis pp te s ta y Mrs. A y vies Eale this Morning. is Notified. M | M Iza pport of th | Lu. B 2 i ! was a api 0 et to th i i ‘ M y th eresa \ sera irs arrived On account of t fai of the : ‘ 8 Pe) a were on hat a ” ed \ ita ’ monies T Mrs, view during the whole evening DAWSON FUNERAL Se ne “the” Wick te ee een a ee id rm } iD him ‘ i Ke wi y ; : being delays we \ fortnight ago a ue) at MI niaruation motities. 2 idress x more Body of Mining Engineer being i arrivals and egrlnad of 20.000 ugh brieks 5 a I ae ale hidi-tuia dele ot se Shipped over Winter Trail « shipped from Edmonton, ae- 4 0.000 pounds, te e . wav bill reeeived } WINE LIVES LOST \ rather exciting incr lent oecur iat the { the meeting DAWSON. N The fun Ks becbahtnertss we “ adhe re ee . Sines Be , : i NEN K, N Nine} when the chairman announeed the é 1 witho me al of Chester A, Thonnis, a 1 Be ° time the supply of rough brick ; blaze} formality of singing “God Save the King L. i. Kenney im ining engineer, Was held here Spen 14,000 pounds; Heela,/pon out and after all loeal sup Fin ld Nearly a hundred) medi slely arose and asked the chairman if it was their intention yesterday 4 —— me : - 1.000; Rose Spit, 6,500, ne to sll ia’ thei bine io etecsncit Colonel bbs ‘ shipped over the winter tral 0 | anadiat sh and Gold Stor- ardi« , energet iv : iN - a n " aul aie BE te Oe me a Pre Mr. Kan wage wn - wh ‘ shied he an ; o Whitehorse and Skagway ’ saa Pe . mh er he eo daa oe moa J i . likely thal he was going to pray God to save the King when he und thenes Berkeley (oalitor at y 12.000 pounds and that the carload of briek from sal cn, oe . did not recognize any kings ner any Mag bul the red tlag f ter vn Mars, 13,000, sold to the Pacifl€ Pameontoun was sideteneked at En j= Mr. Kenney: “lt is customary to close any | meetings in Fisbe > at 13e and be tran siding, 200 @niies west of * ad Ee. eee rerrace with the National Anthem, and if Mr, Kavanagh doe- { ei — IS Nealsag 18,000 poutieds and Rdmonton, and the ONPLANALLOR bs # A MEN LOOKING FOR WORK J iss (ucivy cote ere se secret tyes oe NOW AT SQUARGIN Cir" oe PRRs Oi scthnk she ee hele a dee ie west that he move to some other country that he does like, I & Norland 00 pounds, syld tO| seam to General Manager A, 1} 4 } doesn't make any difference to us whether M Kavanagh wants SOUAMISH. BA Nav. 20 Phe Royal Fish Co. at 12.5¢ and be Warren placing the state of af ‘e are advi ised to sing “The King’ or not, we are going to sing wvway,.” Rey Heber and Mrs. Green have Johanna, £2,000 pounds; ANS faies pefore him oy wy rhil ’ ug i ive ived here rom Btewart { i. 2<£000 pounds, and Ringleader, —-— -- — ——— ir Not to t Ba A returned soldier You might as we sing it, it wil ae pete. a ‘ 2 : = os : ere : eh Atlin Pleherted hae af (2a ane 9 ae 33 i 90 0) wanson y trouble and you will have to sing it anyway pee = pr viper S Tl rhe Molly M inbred Stl * , wee led Mr, Kavanagh: “Like Hell t will eae with 4) foreés overanas Seta 4.000 pounds: H. & Ry morning too late he sale with oy Wh | as all positions are hiled. ; Mr. Keuney led off with the tune id The Ki g”* was UB Gréen as padre and. Mrs,|6,000; Ea Point ar ibs.: 16.000 pounds and not sell, L “halen Pulp and Paper Mills, Ltd. aT a or ent NINE Girepeag, Lascher. i Ue ee a ed ae tee diaik tae a ae