————— T71E: DAILY NEWS


Suagests that British News is
After Years of : eetiaentad with Dye Exaggerated Passing Through

“"ge 8



Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by The News iT} ue -TIVES”
Printing and Publishing Co., Third Avenue,




















eh . A. ay pep»ia, this Fruit Medicine Gave Relief + States
Gity Delivery, by carrier or mail, per monte ois c's es eeees 91,00 Vis i
By mail to all parts of the British Empire and the United ‘States, th” Tae
in AdVANCE, PET VEAT 66... cece eee e eee eee n ewer ennees $6.00. :
To all other countries, in advance, BOT VOOR 66cm snc sd $7.50. I d Stat
. and At \
DAILY EDITION. asain Monday, Nov. 22, 1920. i ~
b oe 7 = . + x - ny
Keep Tuesdays ; xis ms
and Fridays. ‘ , '
‘ Phos terested in encouraging games and sports should
keep Tuesdays and Fridays for the basketball league games at the " ie
WAS Athletic hall on Acropolis Hill There is a fine series and patrons wine i
ib can see three games each evening for the admission price of one. MLLE ANTOINETTE BOUCHER \inerital '
Two nights have been given to the games so far and the nz for Great | '
result has justified the use of the big hall. More might go, how- 917 Dorion St., Montreal. iz
ever... There is plenty of seating accommodation und = = somr “T am writing to tell you that J owe I a
rattling good games should be played. Probably some people my life to ‘Fruit-a-tives’ for this remedy rudd u ¢
have not vet theught of attending this series, Tomorrow is « rajieved me when I had eensAcael i
good night to commence. The girls play first and they are very all hope of ever recovering my health, ‘
keen and good sporis. Take a look in and try the fun for Wne I suffered terribly with Dyspepsia I
evening al anyrate. had it for years and all the medicipes Nn Appeal i t
I took did not do me aay good rt :
Kavanagh Incident I read something at ‘Fruits.
Was Enlightening. ‘ tives’ being good for all Stomach ’ i
Jack Kay igh, the Socialist spellbinder, who is campaiguing) qrounles and Disorders of Digestion |‘! sands
in the interest of J. A. Burrough, created a scene, at Terrace,| go 1 tried them. Afler finishing a othe 1 \\
which is a clear indication of the position of the followers of the few boxes, I was entirely relieved of the 3h Vanni
. red flag, including Mr. Burrough, Dyspepsia and my, ge neral bealth a ‘ ' i
Perrace is hardly the place foreKavanagh to blurt out his was restored. hed -
theories a! language which is not used in polite society, I thank the great fruit medicine, fu ;
especially when ladies are present, as they were on the occasion ‘Fruit-a-tives’, for this wonderful
mentioned. Che wonder was that the Terrace people jet hin pelief.”’ rc oe
get away without feeling the force of public opinion there in a Mille ANTOINETTE BOUCHER. [Very few
more tangible way. y -
Perhaps it is a good thing the incident happened because SOc. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size 25c. ; -
it shows exa y the <ition of Mr. Burrough, although the can At all dealers or sent postpaid by
didate has ol, we believe, puilicly stated it as crudely as did Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa, Oat,
Kavanagh. Either Mr. B ough must disown Kavanagh A DATS T  ccexcissessciepehilbsigeiiocinsiolae . rin.
‘A doctrine must | hat he says as his own positio rhe oe Too Pessimistic
position is not B lt is { It is Bolshevism | ; :
y Sibi otanigal } SUITCASES
The British National Anthem is not one we-like or that we f T R U N K S
consider to be an ideal national anthem. It does not quile express |} =
uae F the fee gs of a Canadian dieu e, ty 5 he symbo the } HANDBAGS
nation within the empire to which Kavanag! 1 his ik are ; z :
apposed. As long as it remains this symbol, it is right and proper } WHOLESALE AND RETAIL
we should sing it on all public oceasions and the Terrace people
it are io be congratulated on having bronght this question to an ce oe
; issue and shown the so-called labor group up in their true colors J F MAGUIRE
. *
Labor Not All 722 Second Ave.. Prince Rupert
With Burrough. ae
At tlee last Liberal rally it was a surprise to see how many! ———— —$—— —
labor men attended. At the forthcoming election there will be a eee CR See eee
large labor vote given for Hon. T. D. Pattullo, who has steod for
oe ve legislation such as has ree heen know oe this prove , PRINCE RUPERT TIDES ©
; -SPeacacae ren eeaeenereen
ince before. The social reforms of the past few years have par
ticularly appealed to them.’ They are big enough to see beyond) Saturday ,November 20
parochial polities and grasp the big things. There will also be; Hien, 8:44 a.m., 18 i ft
: , ; : @ 24:10 p.m., 16.5 ft
a few labor men who possibly will vole with the other two candi-
dates, but neither of the candidates has ever done nvthing for Low, regio a.m., 8.0 ft
i i Isbor, neither will they be in a posstion to do it if they are elec ted. 15:03 p.m., 8.9 ft.
They will be in the cold shades of opposition and their influence , Sunday, November 21
will be nothing like so great as if they were supporters of the BIER, 7 LOS Baas 200
“g Government Mr. Pattullo, on the other hand, is a member of ‘sp a7 et VISCOUNT OA
7. the Government and his voice is heard m the secret councils of Low - — ma 4 is
reg >» Dro Py he the hroad and ir ortant policies of .o Gov- ' I s.f I
al ras ; ’ ¢ rn ' ted Tite att Oe ha fo anita! rs ” a rhe time used Is Pactfe Stan-'s
ee mist it he torectien that Mr. Pattullo ts one of tl ah wadtrds wh ts po Se the 120th Meridian west. ~/
3 ‘a of the eabinet nd his opinit « are alwavs onsidered with re - is ae from 0 te 24 hours
a spect and usually acted on. from midnight to midnight.
fl: The table given is for Port
4-H. Governmental System Simpson but the time for Prince
hye Not Undertood. Rupert varies only a few minutes wh
The Canadian system of government is not alwavs clearly|on some days and on others 1s ‘ s aul
undersiood. The geiueral policy of the Government is formulated |the same. The range of the tide i Stat
in cabinet counueil, which is always held in private. lisually the| may be computed as 5 per cent
policy « uy particular sjjeet is then ibmitted to the caucus |greater at Prince Rupert than at «wy, : a
of the party and d nssed at length and poss . modified. A bili|Port Simpson both at springs and (od
is then | and introduced into the Legislature and there fally|neaps. Therefore the rise in the D y s tour 1 :
aiscussed and perkay foerther modified. A< a rule. however, | Prince Rupert harbor is siightls
most of the changes are made before the bill is submitted to/gneater than Port Simpson. ‘ >
ihe Legislature The height is in feet and tenths® States a sal on tl hi
In view of this method, it is very clear that a man who does of feet above the average level of | cases aad Lega
nothing but make speeches in the Legislature does not get very lower low water. n Canada.
far. The independent candidate never has much influence. The we te ne
man who is position o do things is the one who goes into MINERAL ACT i
ithe party caucus or better still into the cabinet council. Certificate of Improvements. i . t} !
— — NOTICE ‘ ]
Copper oun pper Cum no, a "tlonger in A '


pper oun N ? and Copper Cum h ex | 1}

‘ 1 Mineral Claims situate nm the Naas, : ‘
River Mining Division of Oassiar District
e e Where located:—kKitsault Hiver, Atee arm, |(Halene ine rs
NOTICE 4 ' reater extent tha





lant that |, George Young, | 2
ing for myself and as agent for Joseph
se Wells, Free Miner's Certificate No. 40654 Arne ’ re. comes d,
C, ‘aad Arne Davedson, Free Miner's Cer Hardly say that 1 ,
tiflvale “Ne 40628-C, imtend sixty days stom ine ne ie ily
Rooms 7 and 8 Smith Block from the ate Dereat, 10 APD 1 WH grip
Ae Mining Recorder tor a Certificate of im i -
me Lady Assictant Open Evenings provements, for the purpos of obteining The Judicial Committee

: 4 Office Hour:: Sunday by ja Crown Grant of the above claims Spes ng of the place hi
aa 9-12; 1.6; 7-9. Phone 575° Rgpctatment User cacsicn 60, mots be cenmineied peters | ee oat wyate
; Council « in the lewa!l «ysten

Di . ees j the issuance of such Certificate of Improve
1 : = jinents the Jon ons. Lord Cave d






ere | Dated tis 6th aay of November, 1990. that in Canada the feeling |
i : WATER NOTICE eee ne Se
a , i TAKE NOTICE that P. W. Racey, agent p ery diating@ionnd lawyer
i ? arte CANADIAN PACIFIO OCEAN SERVICES Py Sadar is Alice 7 ee Sul es h ae wi as ‘ 7

PACIFIC jappiy for a licence to take and use one
Lt ak

iquarter of a cubie foot per second of water [ions of appe als io the Pri

B.C. Coast Steamship Services (015 %.cteos, cree, otiee poms somteere council, but generally opinion

Junction with the hitzault Kiver PME i 6 {| 4 le ‘ r
lwater will be diverted from the stream ‘0! le oppose Yi uf

. ™ alt 4 point about 2,000 feet north of the ( mirmittes a pews eal “4 i}
m. 8. PRINCESS mary [rout Creek falls at a point om the Moone ier : gard , . :
for Ketchikan, dunes, Skagway, Alaska, from Prince Rupert: / No. 6 Minera! Claim, and will bé used for, will = thie Dominton are = the



se November 15 and 29; December 13 and 27, \aameatie purpuses upon the mine described) ile of Canada are impressed
* for Vancouver Wioteria and Begttie from Prince Rupert a | This notice was sled on the ground OD by fle fact thal it is the right of

i 2 aah i j } ithe 14th day of pplember, 1920. A copy
" November 20; December 4 and 18; January 1. lef this notice and an application pursuant any British subjeel in any part of

a) itherete and to the “Water Act, 1014," will
P 6. 5. PRINCESS BEATRICE [be tied in the oMce of the Water Kecorder the Winpire who has a grievanes
a from Prince Rupert for Swanson Bey, Ocean Falls, Mardy Bay, Alert Bey, lat Prigee Hupert, B, ¢ to carry that grievance to the foot
i Beaver Cove, Powell River, Vancouver and Victorie— | Objections to the application may be . OLE , ' ’ tn
aes Every Saturday, 6 p.m. ified with the said Water Reeorder or with of the ‘Throne
i " jthe Comptroiier of Water lights, Paria
‘- For rates, rerervations and sellings, apply to iment Buildings, Vietoria, B. C., within na last word on Canada Lord
q tiurty days after the fret appearance of ‘ ve exp! sad the 7 that
4 W. ©. ORCHARD, Genera! Agont. |this notice In @ local newspaper {soe CPreseet «2 opinion Wa
i }THE MOOSE GROUP MINING SYNDICATE, the Dominion was setiling down

Cee aod Svenele and i pares Hyinge Gupent, B<. | The date of eh A well after the. war. rhe Sram

jnolice is November 15, 1920 jerop this year had heen very good




Improved by the OLIVER GOVERNMENT.

Substantial progress has been made in educational matters in British Columb
during the past four years. The system has been developed along sane ang
progressive lines. Some of the improvements that have been accomplished
under the Liberal Administration are:~-



Ensure the continuance of sensible
Educational administration by voting

For Liberal Candidates Dec. 1.








Benied tenders will be
Mit r of Lands at
han noo m the S0th day
19270, for te pure hase of Licence X
eut is 0 feet of
Hemiock and Balsam
on Namu Lak Kangee 2
rivet j
moval of thrnber
riter parti
or District Forester,


Midnight wneredey | Sw ne }
Advertise in the Dathy Newa ’ vox Wednesday 10 pm og Jou a
Ocean Falls. Beaver Cove and Vancouver, Sunday



va ee Mning Lot 1996







particoters of the Colef Yorester,
w Distret Forester,



will be

not later

f Lands
uy of

f cence

on an area


years will be

xX 25




reeeived by the


cut ft
cedar and Hemiock on’
Selwyn tniet,





hot tater

‘Snasm senvic at 17 sam
i be received by th Passenger Monday, Wednesday and Surat Nn
ond do pe ceneieie for Smithers prias : Georse. | ra P ,
ha of Licence X% 275 ing direct connections fers
et f Coder pruce na Lines
tusied on Sheep vas Agency All Ocean Steamship
oust Distriet ervations apply
will be allowed for re for information erd re Phone 260
City Tieket OMce, e2@ Third Avenue
of the Cilef Forester,
rester, Vrinee Rupert,

received by the
noon on

ailowed for re-

yun yreeeen Cee prom gre ‘ore sel) B&K product® LTD
NG 0.,

ulare of the Chief r¢


fte Island |




for tm

ve iw nothing tour

ff B&K hones

as palate” ¢


These cold morning® the
nice hot dish ©


spot like @
- something

Ba k Wheatflakes and B& K Rolled Outs

jons, This makes a”

different equally

P.O. Box 745 =~ Prince Rupert, B
