CHEWING TOBACCO MACDONALD'S PRINCE of WALES pide das PRINCE RUPERT DRY DOCK AND Engineering Co., Limited. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Operating-—G.T.P. Our Plant is } pped to H 4 ; j f MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK - ed at one t ain of f the ] Dock Engineers, Machinists, Boiler Makers, Blackamithes, Founders, Pattern Makers, etc. We Solicit Your Enquiries P.O. Box 1713 Phones 43 and 385 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Red Cedar Shingles Dry Kiln C pacity: 100,000 feet per day _SITKA SPRUCE TERN HE JOCK ORING, SIDING EILING FINI 3H OF kia: KINDS -——-- — Charlotte Islacds Spruce Produc s Ltd. Mills: Prince Rupert, B.C ALBERT & MeCAFPFERY 564, 116, Blue 69 Local Agente«a Prince Rupert, B.C. Telephones, Royal/utto Service iN: ght mpt Service ) b irst Ciass ars LARGE ERNIE SS emt ene WHATS, IN A NAME? Proprietor | SILVERSIDES BROS WALLPAPERS, GLASS, PAINTS, Winsor & Newton Art Supplies, EXPERT SIGN WRITING AND CARD WORK, PICTURE FRAMING | P.O. Box 120 PICTURES, Phone 22 ri nd Street e Rupe eee te Xmas Cakes. |: Place Your Order in Good Time with [ny A CASSE BAKERY Phone 190 Auto Delivery Dr. Chase's Olntm and afford lasting loronto, Sample } paper and enclose » PILES = dealers, or Edmanson THE LATEST HOSIERY Itchis ent will relieve yo one benett De a "he ”~;y oll Kates & OX tox ‘tree if you mention tht Stamp lO pay postage Do not suffer | another sa hised. with , 4 Hie hig, ae ore i ing Pile s. No ALO, quire ad, Surgical oper Clhusitiz THE DAILY NEWS es meee / i Local and Personal { esonss ecainnaniitali a liteermcr metal vad Ask for Atkins W tf j 1% ‘, pe i Fil ] i Furt t I I | “1 Am So Sh f Breath” oO Short of Bbreat ‘“ I’ MUST be your heart, Grand Dad.” _ “Tam sure it is. I often read letters “Yes, t is. sttins in the newspapers from old people telling old oo dens it is, Jam getting about what a great benefit it has been to be ' them by enriching the blood and increas- “Oh, you are not so old. You have got ing their vitality.” run down after the cold you had and will kat p f t De. thet be all right when you get your blood built _ As an example of what Dr. Chase's up again.” Nerve Food does for people of advanced P ~ years, here is a letter from Mr. James “Well, I hope so, dear.” Richards, 73 Dundas St., Belleville, Ont., i rho is 89 years ; yrites: “You remember how weak my heart . a 2 oa . cl ae was, Grand Dad, when I used to be pale and duortncmn of breath cad Sieumex Gile e anaemic. It was no joke for me to climb which used to force me to go and lie down for a these stairs then.” time I sec ured Dr. Chase’s Nerve Food and re- ‘ z ceived su h splendid results that I continued its “You are all right now, aren’t you?” ee nt See ee eee ee ee “I never felt better in my life, Grand ae a ae eae Per na , . : . .. a ° se’s Nerve od, § Dad, and if you will use Dr. Chase’s Nerve for oe oe 2 So ee ah Food for a while you will get strong and & Co Ltd Narowhin. On overs how of the \ t vel 7 ; , ” * *s ron le 3 ‘ . i well, too. That is what cured me. genuine you will find the portrait and : _ “But do you think that the Nerve Food signature of A. W. Chase, M.D., the fam- . Jan is any good for old men like me?” ous Receipt Book author, aut » I> - — = eee —— — —_—_— i kh 2 i i g i i nuts \ i \ Z I I wns \ > I 741 Fifth ~ iK West rtained Mrs. ' yu : Ma and Miss = T..} ‘ ss i j siM ! brated violin- sr = , a ar D y as h Of... : QUALITY ‘AMD. AUT Ae tenon es queues otice of Intention to Apply to Lease Land. . e tsiangs Lana District f Skeena, and situate airs oh miory 83, Dr. Bayne UHAHAM ISLAND ao Soe OFFICE HOURS— remiasiog tw lessen $04 Morning, 9 to 12; Afternoon, 1.30 to 6.30; Saturdays, 9 to 12 only, —. oe ae tS Every Evening from 7.30 to 9 st 20.9 feet tex. west Toe. feet; Dental Nurse in attendance r tess to a post § anted at ‘the Phone 109 for appoiniment westeris pounder yt re: Rooms 4, 5, 6, Helgerson Blk., Cor. 3rd and 6th mt r tmmniner saheat, con- a a . wees oS tess it) Best Equipped Office in Northern B.C. 1 Ateust \ in “\o90 iS J ; FOR RENT Furnished Rooms Westholme Lunch pe Under New Management , Dominion Hotel ALL WHITE HELP I Just Remodelled and Refurnished . Corner Fleet 6 oe and Eighth Westholme Special i Street, Prince Rupert Pie is f Rhone Ban 208 ea en ee Three Course Meal - from 45c up ,' FLOWERS IN BLOOM rit \ , Chrysanthemums, Cyclamens and J. Nesbit G, Clark Bulbs von ; SpecialTable Apples, No. 1 C. C.& N. CLEANING AND $3.50, full weight CITY MARKET * PRESSING PARLORS oon 130 130 Eighth Str Street - - Prince Rupert, B.C, \ T B ( Repair Work and Alterations a Specialty errace, e e Our Motto: ‘To Give Customers Satisfaction"’ \ Real Estat d ins e Phone Calls given Prompt Attention 563 i eceeer Sa rigger + Geo, Clark, Manager, better known as ‘‘Nobby'’ Phone