Pers 8 cee ew ew re ; eee Fin pore A DEMONSTRATOR'S REPORT One of our demonstrators working at Banff sent this item tn he report: his morning one woman told me that when the milkinan came this morning she told him she had fi da really good milk and would not juire him any more, “This will give you an lea how Pacific Milk is taking here.” Pacific Milk Co. Limited 8332 Drake St., Venoouver, 8.0 FACTORY AT LADNER, & 0 ‘PRINCE RUPERT Central Labor Council, Affiliated Units and Dates of MEETINGS Building Trades Unit, First and Third Mondays, 8 p.m. Central Labor Council, Every Tuesday, ® p.m. Women’s Auxiliary, First Wednesdays, Dance & Social at 9 p.m.: Second Monday, Business Meeting at 8 p.m Political Economy Club, Every Thursday at & p.m Metal Trades, First and Third Fridays. 3 Shipbuilding Unit, Second and Fourth Fridays at & p.m. Fishpackers, !irst Saturday OPEN FORUM rs (commencing Sept.) Second and Fourth Sundays, 4.30 p.m tr von RAW SKINS Made up into RUGS, LADIES’ SCARVES, ETC. D. C. FAIT 1116 Broadway, Vancouver, B.C. The best way to have YourSuit Cleaned and Pressed is by our Steam Pressing Machine Methoc It only eee : minutes, Our Price is Reasonable Delivery is Prompt Give us atrial. Phone Black 502 LING TAILOR 821, 823 2nd Ave., Prince Rupert EDSON COAL C0. We have secured the agency for the best Coa) foundin the interior and can supply any quantity, Frices on application to Prince Rupert Feed Co. Corner 2nd Ave. and 7th St. Phone 58 Green 548 ee se | By George McManus SR ———— BRINGING UP FATHER ‘ndhidmaticnsimaiteaill 1 NEVER HAVE ANW LOCK>-! : he BY GOLLY -I CAN'T PROMISED OINTY 'O MEET HIM , GO OUT IN THIS BOT HOW AM 1 GONNA MAKE 'T IN THiS RAIN? RAIN AN' | HAVEN'T A CENT FER ATAXxI:| MAGGIE NEVER J LEFT ME A S vu CENT- f/f vaw ., j J y i Jf Sy A os oy ee ee y= / a le / 4 7 4 # a - ~ gt cee ~ aa AY HA | Trine 1 HAVE 1T SOLWEO: TO A PAWN ) 820 oF Ww. Paar FAST CAMPAIGN IN OMINECA ON CONTRACT Four Candidates Meet on Every Prince Rupert Lumber Co. Com- Platform Nightly and Manson's er Look Good MANSON IS REFUSED REPLY AT FRANCOIS BURNS LAKI Nov. ce The nupaizn waxes fast and furious elings ate held at which four candidates are present, } r =s Lake Friday even- geest meeting in the story of t place was held it Vv sor igainst the field vy reTos allow Manson to s eeting adjourned i ne j ’ meeting was isting imtil | . god for lans Prudhomme 's aim as I ependent and armer is ‘ the fact that the jest and es settlers signed hem names Manson's nomina- pay Ss M rar ' he anti- Rowse! gs trong and ihat in- in Prince Rupert ; Ten Years he 0 | November 22, 1810 Deflant to the last the great Polstoi passed away vester a; op ing * z 2 fhe Prinee Rupert branch of the Canadian Club was established last might i he large room Ovet Major Gibson's offtee. Phe fol- i ure the officers chosen side! Judge Young; Vice ‘resident Bishop D Vernet; |: ond Vics President, William Manson, M.P.P.; Secretary, W. B Fr. McRae; erary Correspondent i z Bennett Executive Dr. Ts Kergin, G. RB. Naden, G. C, na son, F.-S. Clements, V Smith, +, A. MeNicholl and Db, H ’ * é > William Manso: ( V. Bennett nd ¥. H. Mobley are spoken of as ‘andidate he January muni- ' { * w ” Miss Eliza Milligan, «of Van- hae been appointed to the aching staff here and she will Lal » her duties after the New I oe 's The city council has decided to take out a “blanket” imesuwrance toy oleet all its tlaborers from accident, a ~ w President Charles M,. Hays, of the G.T.)., has sent a telegram to the city ceyneil threatening that the company’s position on assess. | ment matters will be published unless an advertisement in Lon don papers is discontinued, Fane, china for your Xmas gift { Tite's. 15 per cent discount, tf) SALE OF SUITS, 20 per cent. discount on all Suits Starting THURSDAY Morning. Miss GLEESON Prince Rupert, B.C. Third Avenue RECORD TIME pletes COntract for Haif Million Feet NO FURTHER ORDERS ON HAND AT PRESENT The Prince Rupert Lumber has just completed at its plant Seal wove an order for half a million feet of spruce lumber for the United Kingdom that if i“ innounced had heen receis about a month ago and in deing has estallished an extetord cord am the time that it t do the work, a result that be only obftaimed with i 1 iAy uch as they exi«t ot th plant The order, in itsel ; out of the ordinary for ‘ or not bess than 60 per ¢ Krain stock cul widths ¢ from 5 te 46 inches lhe was completed in less than th days, which is a rererd in spe Cations Of this kind. HM is probable that oo other spruce mill on the coust have handled such an order withir his aus The people dotthat time. The ability of th ot want te return to @ Bowser/Prinee Rupert. Lumber Cs t ee bandie business of this character Kelly, the labor man, ¢¢ afts due to their biehly ef) n serious factor in the election, and |modern plant and to the fact th ads are the chief issue im the they hate a supply of Sitka spruce campaign, Hass of exceptional quality Ihe mein reason wry orders of this kind can be bes: hardied at a nerthern mill, such as thai of tis Prince Rupert Lumber Oo... is account of the immediate pro ‘ fily of a tinsber supply of s jexceplionally geod quality With the econ pletion ef eontract it is prehab tt i mill Will close, as there mediate business there remains to do nov Clear up a few srrall orders mmaining unfilled, The company is m¢ gestiatinzg «om wether “export iether 4 f.r Australia, ui it is not seted these negotiations ¥ cone! ided tilt spring The camps at Masset I continue to operat: . weather permite “THE THIRD KISS” AT EMPRESS THEATRE Vivien Martin Piays Pretty Role in Very Interesting Picture. In her new picture The Third (Kiss, which will be shown at the Kimpress Pheatre tunight, Vi ian Martin, universally admired little star, shows how an heiress secks to atone for a greal wrong which had been perpetrated wher a factory owned by her deceased uncle, was destroyed by tire and many girls burned to death. The catastoeple Wie due to her uncle criminal ne gligence” in allowing the exitx of the building to he come congested She gives up a life of ease and luxery and under an assumed name, takes up work among thy friends of the unfortunate firs victims, and devotes her spare ltime to helping Rupert Bawlf, a jyoung se ttlement worker, in mal ling life easier for them, But Rupert secretly comes to Jove Miasy, as the litthe heiress is walked by her friends, alihough be is married to a faithful and un jsuspecting wife. How she finully ibrings about the regeneration of Rupert and finds happiness is said ite form one of the most beautiful Istories ever visualized on the jscreen, HRobert G. Vignola direct. jed and an exeellent cast supports ithe star. Bee Tite's iadaule, for moclade during the Xmas trade, tf) in a i er ee Daily News Classified Ads. 2 CENTS PER WORD IN ADVANCE. No Advertisement Taken for Lees than 50c ~~ ee eee em ee WANTED. MEN WANTED LEARN AUTO AND TRACTOR BUSINESS ' he the I ! try Eeverywwh i l iad { SCHOOLS CESSFULLY h exe me ; 4 : I M ‘ ! inixing and \ Hira Battery ONLY PEW WERBRKS REOUIRED thes GIVEN i VOT ! 1, I rUNITIES | al AL fOKILE ASSO i = - ’ i me d ! s of our tHE BI sp Al MORILI i FANS ™m Live ar st our ’ j lene ‘ a! rrr i con cern® & \ tilling on s to se hey know tf pes of men we turn oul DAY AND EVENING CLASSES NOW RUNNING Call oriv e TODAY for FREI Hlustrated catalogue which tells (he ete story EN HOLT, Né ! ive ‘ } ’ ‘ ‘? t “ ‘ S ( iM LS AUTO AND | . 1OOLS \ t BCHOGOT f ' 1 ; } te nth \\ ’ lake i “8 Hawitse Ca WA BOCHOOT { ‘ } nehard and Fisgard I ansfers to our Fifteen iran Canada and U.S.A Board af mm at lowest rates BRAD IFPFICE 23 Hastings @ Gpposite B. ¢ } ANI } d se nad ind ‘ iy cash, Api } x 1 1) News Of] ‘f WANT) TO KENT Furnished flat ail house Apply Arne ! ule if WANTED Vaitress at the Royal Cali Phone 524 74 eaanais ‘ ia FOR Sate PURCHASER WILL SAVE 85.40.00 One 20 hop, heavy duty N. & B. engine price $2,200.00, The price of t engine has gone up #50000 nee we bought this from the factory. We have also on hand 4 h. p. N. ® B. engines, price fo ame complete, $290,' Prines Rupert Cigar tore. Phone Blue 1. tf ‘FOR BALI Laying hens from 2.00 each Also pullets from 2.50 each, and boiling fowl. Apply afier five o’elock. F Shaw eorn McBride St, and Kighth | Avenue 7 5 FOR BALI Newly furnished hon se Close im, Rents 820.) Price for quiek sale, 84,175. Apply owner P.O, box 387 74) FOR BALE OR LEASE—Job print- le ing business and plant, For\® particulars apply Daily News |@ ollice, feomeeeee eee ee wee POR SALE Or will trade for ap ved close-in Prince HKupect real estate ive fast run-about launeh|iS bach either with or without neine (one first-class marine ne first-class large row bon th 2% th.p. Caille Perfection ad engine M. M. Stephens, Phone 222 SPAMINTRHANED FPURNTY ' VEGETABLES. Y ASHCHOPT POTATORS sopply from ( «ery Fulton Street FOR RENT nm RENT } rit beeedds ' Vl SHORTHAND — TYPEWRITING ening Clasees Monday, Wednes- day, Friday, 7:50 to 9°90, No Binith Wieck pone me Blue 295 music, BAILEY Teacher of Mu iu ‘organ. Theory Must By appointment, phone wk 213 2:5 Ath Ave. FB, ACCOUNTANTS ‘EHIENCED ACLU NTANYT : hare of t ; part t \\ t Will ft Pt LODGE MEETINGS LODGI 1054 LOYAL ORDER OF Moose meeta every rhureday vening at the De Luxe Hall LosT i) Phird Aver : ke ‘ I der p " Daily News office FOURD Nb at Carnival child's FARMS FOR SALE P. KR. FARM LANDS—The rich prairies of AlBerta, Saskatche- wan and Manitoba are especial- ly suited for mixed farming. Land that will produce crops of grain and fodder, and well adapted for dairying or vestock raising can atill had at prices averaging about 14.00 an acre, with twenty years to pay if you wish. 10 per cent down. No further payment on the principal until the end of the fourth year; then sixteen annual payments, terest 6 per cent Write to 4. G. Loughran, Land Agent, ©. P. RR. Station, Van couver, Advertiaa in the Naily Newn. To SUBSCRIBERS Subscribers to The News are asked to poy the de- livery boye each «month when they call, #xoept where payment has been mad« for the year in ad- vane. The boys when collecling carry official re- oeiptse which should al- waye be preserved, SHERIFF'S SALE. OP En } 2 Ain i ae wy SIT | > — * Crew, ae : | [os Te ~ 3 Txt, ; | o__ o¢ Deaviee inc Vancouver, B.C. ps TORK’ SELL TOVE | C72 G - , ity . the same siness lw é f P ' Fred Stork’s Hard ware TOM LEE CO. VEGETABLES Wholesale and Retail! Contractors Phone Black 114 NE AO LOLOL OPE Hotel Prince Rupert hotel rrinceé i EUROPEAN PLAN $1.60 per day and Up. + oe ee rococo FIRST-CLASS OAFE A La Oarte A Se tt oonert eel eccret cher cape. Apply Dally News New location Helgerson TAAI «: a 139 5 Huntley Tale. c. V. EVITT Auctioneer in Stove Le ingthe LTD PA IFIC ¢ ART) worl Auditor and : went =[= oY KINDLING WOOD gee 707 Third Ave. ROYAL HOTEL] | RESTAURANT. Home Cooking with Quick Service Only eeeeeaeeeessseres Here you can procure th that is just what yor congenial env! Superior Quality. Satisfying Service. SG eetesreereessen Phone 34 ¢ of food e kind ) want ™ jronment Attractivenes® Prices Reasonable