‘Pare 8 THE DARLY NWS “Ormes The Pioneer Drugists Phones 82,200 THE REXALL SORE TOILET SUPPLIES | and all the dainty requisites that make habits of cleanli ness a delight await you at Our Modern Drug Store Call and see our line of Toilet articles, supplies and sundries Let our experts fill your prescriptions Limited DEVIL INVENTED THE WESLEYAN CRAWL SAYS VICTORIAN VICTORTAL N thie oe mR iILOH 30 338Fs COUGHS Fil cence comns ests Hes oes oecomnsems ee BE P.O. Box 1680 Look Around All You Please That's one thing about this scetore, said a lady the othe day, if you only want kK \ wi } he ged to buy nything Wea glad have y ie \ si aay \ \ { pled We | hy i th John Bulger Jeweller GIFTS THAT LAST | j Furnished Rooming House We of 23 offer a Rooming louse mnpletely fur- located, for rocitis ce ished, centrally modern, with Jow rental, immediate sale and poss- $4,000 McCaffery, Gibbons & Doyle, Ltd. Real Estate & Insurance Prince Rupert, §.C. ession, DENTISTRY Don't neglect your Teeth One decayed or missing tooth lowers your efficiency DR. BAYNE Office Héurs--Morning, 9 to 12; Afternoon, 1.30 to 5.30; Satur- day, 9 to 12 only. Evenings, Tuesday, Wednesday and Fri- @day, from 7 to 9. DENTAL NURSE IN ATTENDANCE PHONE 109 FOR APPOINTMENT & Pe RRS BEES BIRT ES OF EI EE ET ETE OPER Y ASHOMEOM TT 956 First Cars of our new screened Lump Coal have arrived IT’S CLEAN Large stock Keg Coal also on hand. Have you tried Our Kee Coal in you range’? IT’S HOT Consumers Coal Co.,Ltd. J. Lorne MacLaren, Manager Room 11, Smith Block Phene 7 The Liberal Commit- tee rooms in the Pate tullo Block on Second Avenue are now open every afternoon and evening for the con- venience of the elec- torate. Information regard- ing political affairs will be cheerfully given. Stocktaking Sale COWAN'S COCOA Half pound tins Special, 25¢ Rupert Table Supply Co, PHONES 211, 212. SMITH & MALLETT PLUMBING AND HEATING ENGINEERS Ketimates furnished. Address, 3rd Avenue, head of Becond Btreet. Phone 174 P.O. Box 274 Dyeing - Dry Cleaning For good work, prompt service and reasonable prices send goods tw CITIZENS’ CLEANERS & DYERS, Van- 20487 4th Ave., Inquiries solicited. couver G.H. ARNOLD Notary Public. #5 or Sale TO BRING SETTLERS INTO ALBERTA FROM “sl We stholme Theatre TONIGHT AND TOMORROW _ : ‘ Sbout 7 ‘ h : 1 M ’ “ n t " ' ue " 1 a tw ' tt g & “ “rant i tHTHER TARE vt ee t poet 8 i . ' commenced + cerut ae f ' tN mber, A.D LEWIS W. PATMUME IN PROBATE wit st rnb oont oF BNITisn sen HA MATTEM th tilt AUMINISTIHA : 4 t and we MATTER OF THER ESTATE Jen ELWoOoD DECEASED, INTES rave Shi SUTICH that tn order of Wis rt went Y ie. made the 30th day ft iw 4 b. 1020, | was appointed Administrator to the estate of John Kiwood ated parties having claims enld estate are hereby required i salt property Vertiied, to me before the tet day of December, ndebi dness and all parties indebted to the estate equired to pay the amount of their me forthwith JUN HH MeMULLIN UMectal Administrator Vvrinee Kupert, B ¢ of November, 1920 Dated this tat day - me and : ine-half story FIVE ROOM= THE UNITED KINGDOM | ED HOUSE, »i Iy 26 hex } tellent view Foundations EDMONTON, N hia in arnt wilh cement foot wt pla inges (Good basement Four \ f ind W ern Cn years if th i Me Scot i! \ il ind, W i “a Wa ‘ 1 Rich i A\viroyd loth fa ad leriuis Raa dl j ill ‘ { Old ii i ‘ cotn thie he H. G. Helgerson, Lid. J elgerson, neat Is na al tecth Real Estate Bonds Insurance mn Mine Sa cttanl aa [rel ni ee anne e en | f moti nierests in farm aod S % ste ra land emphasizing Night Phones - J. G; Steen, 371 } V i theegood agricultural W. Longwill, Blue 270 terri Niberta and the Kd Day Phone 5 T ton district thy will leave, STEEN &LONGWILL ji. os he o-opert Sheet Metal Works mAs tin their enterprise and r idea will be to bring to Agent for MeC ary Furncues 7s. * feinil\ian who wil Sanitar Te lly assist in the full ce Tet Engineers elope of the land 5th Street and Fraser Street Prince Rupert - BC. Never forget to look through jthe classified list ; ‘ MUSIC for DANCES ARTHUR'S Four Piece Orchestra including Saxaphone Phone 481 Phone 481 ‘ i i to be, on —- | Election Notes fee ere wing he i by J s THE ALWAYS APPRECIAT} D Bishi. ees eee re { { | ‘arn a at 'Constance Talma o thre coming election gives © Rah a bik lead Ve pa { - AC dige the local candidates, with Formby fi in see 9 possi bly ahead of Burrough by a & hi i. Sell een a: ihe Le Brit a Vu : ten 66 EMPR ESS 4 HE A | |. E guard, : ‘ , ? ) . ( ) Tonigh tard Ton orre Phere Is A persisten ru we CC) ona that O. B. Bush may ret : esse L.Lask the tielit on Attin He has 2 99 | pe 2-2 88 4 VY i V f a Rl ith, but [ thay be mova ! among the electors wh ire Wi ares ™ F What most peo e eatinot ut ‘ A Farce Comedy A TN erstand vhy there s ld i any opposition to Pattullo { aided the iad ae “7 has 1 ae i Lee done and the possibilities for the y wal i Midese Windhe butedsa or per Mack Sennett sonal ambition and net for ( soud of the le e and district " ‘ ¥ , Comedy v * ‘ : ’ Further details which leh, | rawr Terrace regard to ew ime tion's tp inten aah et ' rt . “Fresh from it was a frost and that th : ere Wi t nan 0 really = o, 9? aa “i as cote a “ the City ho is ready to take a nominatior ' " rom the OLB, one minut ESD om the Conservatives th The bett sie foal nues ee ° oo j : ica British Columbia In ae : ae sk ~ ‘ Educational, ld ame vi very few tab a . . niian River and UKRAINIAN MURDER ANCHORAGE A CITY hg AT VANCOUVER ON oe Capalino inst ayor nd own ounci SUNDAY EVENING : Etected Recently eB VANCOUVER, Nov, 22 i ‘ ' 4s hlooded murder Was ¢ ; } Pet hird Kiss Joik Golddl was'the Vidlim, Bom When ae rene ‘A eta tcnenad uy stot. nd ‘a Peeatd . Ford Educational, “Mount E Cavell eer. hich Dereck was killed ; . Strand Comedy, “Who's with the Ba! John Muskey has been arrested ‘ (cing . Ar and charged with the ¢ t _The victim was 56 years of age. th P 79 Se tad =~ PUBLIC NOTICE. Es Genny 4 ‘ vil ae ing ac D | eal Sind rch sll uowes, |e lw shin Way. and Keep the Boy Healy and the Brain U NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS a j Sealed Tenders, superseribed “Tender for | ; iciiiaatnieiaitiaeaaiatie Prince Rupert ¢ rt House and Heating , i sieud tallies Wenaareble the iintster’ ib! ' RUPERT BRAND Pubic Ww orks up to. 12 o'el ck 1 : ee : f the erection and completion of a , 4 ae ee oe ort Hots at Pre . Rup : = Spates ae i ve "| [SMOKED BLACK COD trict, B. ¢ x i ee 5 ems of Tender a ope r t ma after tl ” iv A | pa Ae da of November 1920, at the 4 a Bhat <3! cag, Government Agent, ¢ vt i . . Ted ad oti : ni EASILY Cor hey Mew “4 ernment Ager i ’ ‘ Ha et in Hupert Viewrna, ee yt oh Beak. Place in boiling water and rant Swat wis SHOT HIMSELF WHEN reo apace | GN CEN rere rer weree 2 parti - oe HUNTING AT VICTORIA =e . AL aC Les al Fis hermen ar Oetober 1 Certificate of Improvements Canadian Fish & Cold Storage ¢ 'o., Ltd. Prinee CTRIC & MARINE SUPPLY CO. _ y — _— WARD ™ —nin_—"—~€4©,oéQ9§: CW BA ELECTRICAL AND MARINI PPLIES Canadian r airb anks ( I , C. O. Crude Oil Marine Engi 8-10 H. P. Heavy Duty Di ite be All the Latest Electric Lighting Plants aes wereert P. 0. Box 66 a= - “errr ecoesee earner OF PEO OOOOAA OE OOF THEO COLLART, Notary FOR SALE. 5 chowe tev lla Pubs near new High School, Hay e | EDSON COAL ; Hulk $13.00 — SALE na ot RANCE hon the 4 oan RINE Most Liberal MA eee Insurance Company of No rth ” Phone Blve 69 Westholme 1+ econenreenr Theatre Block eT geet & ats account! Charteres ouver: | MESSRS RORIE & SMALL Ausitors: 7 os f thei Have pleasure in intimating th at — a a. ” busine « at h Bloek, aoe tancy B phe J cee ' | eu a Genera ; , Yartner, GEORGE KORIE, ©! ee enn Ker Parte ennnnnaonet oe weerererernre