iral Dressed Beef Siaughte ring Ship (Out lo ye Stock now arriving te veel firect from the stock eT of the Bulkley Valley. raiser® ‘GEORGE. J. FRIZZELL nes 10, 25, 185 Che Daily Xe PRINCE RUPERT TAXI TAXI Phone 75 WE NEVER SLEEP Prince Rupert Auto Pho ‘ : Fulton Market aus e 707 Second Ave. - Prince Kupert pga Bartet Northern and Central British Columbia’s Newspaper Lerrrernr a Pond peepee eereeere em ‘ ut. NO. 274 PRINCE RUPERT, B. G., TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1920 Seiurday's Circulation 14,773 Street Sales 904. PRICE FIVE CENTS PREMIER MEIGHEN SUSTAINED nS FIRST D GENE GENERAL REVISION OF RAILWAY RATES PROMISED BY RAILWAY COMMISSION Railway Rate Revision Will Take Place Soon After Board Hears All Parties Interested : a GOOD COLLECTION se. Th AT SUNDAY CONCERT Sum of $160.70 Taken at Door at Westhoilme Theatre. *e*eeepeeerereeernencnee * * * POLICE SEARCH FOR * s DUBLIN MURDERERS * > > * DUBLIN, Nov iru) * * ! rrounded | * * f soldiers and ¥ * and the eit s be- - * ibed jy the tary » ® wth a . * = h asa * ] t] > * Kt Ss y * ® * wp eevee e evn eeaeeveeene# JOE FOLK CHARGED FORGING RECEIPT Prefers Political P°st to Railway Service Ottawa Government Gets First Set Back Beaten in Elgin, Ontario, by Farmer Candidate; McKelvie is Elected in Yale by Very Small Majority AYLMER, Ont., November 23.—S. MeDermand, former war- aaplas if ~ on i of Elgin ¢ ty, was elected in East Elgin by-election as a etait. * l ted | ( lidate, polling 3,043 votes against the Govern- 2,855 and the Liberal, W. G. sell’s ~ . ‘ L ment lidaie, J. L. Stan ; {004 rhe 1»? ’ . Chartle : m0 * campaign was the hottest ever waged “ is Cbtained Money at Royal Bank CN (= t i Meighen speaking in the constituency | twice, . uM i by oa of J. A. oy Crerar ¢ i King onee. This is the Meighen Government's \ n. i MILA : ‘ { Leg - . Bast dae VERNON, November 23.—The constituency of Yale returned Ficports Favorable Progress in ‘ see Ya ae ih ; G t candidate, but by (ITY College Extension 4 Kell . , cd ik ged " : i . Sint , ‘ a | National allen vine yon A. G. PERRY IS : it i via y i j i rn ; 4 ma by s: ea SYSTEM REPAIR eae ERIS Leo IESE Sime we i . . in Mia | pos : elvie i p- : SF A ' x Edeett + While Crac ed Governor is Being vi : ; : a coll Galdtets aol fist Shewstions Piant BERNARD ST. DENIS , : WHT CONFER nuns: agate ac, tanciaee ae te bsiithaans of Sweeping " on QUIETLY MARRIED nr ome } n the field. Editor Victory in Prince George. ‘ the stund. He told : ; i ee ei Local Engi Joins Ranks of jan) Sona OVER DRYDOCK « ne ees = sist PRINCE GEORGE, Nov. 29.—H. a ngineer Joins nks oF |. fa forgery. Bolk d bee tie Liberals concer el Stale Senamiees by Welding u " eS tad : n nah = bbleen lvid re | i. —_ seems likely te wre | : weinay To ner in this comstit eney. ree Miss Beesicy. ‘ te ! ~ Representative of the Vancouver eo raw ifs pe ’ geo - hat a ports rece a thou Paton: River \ i ‘ , J \ fle Creditors is on His Way : vy has bee nm secured jndicate that he is solid there, ss he Ang . ‘ b ne Here. I ers is admitted and aye though his opponents are i) ‘ . h so - hi i oa , i. ine Ag. 1 mae nent has re- wsquerading as farmers. } ; \ ve ng ; , : aEaoe ce ; ae The Liberal candidate speaks ‘ in Fort Fraser Friday, Vander- Tricks ‘ I - SCHOOL CONTRACT | hoof Saturday and Prince George : 1 ‘ S$ AS AT POWELI RIVER Monday. He says he is confident > # the \ of a sweeping victory. ot. : k ised 12 editors, left last, aight! y NCOUVER, Nov..22—Thom- tvs. St. I ue tea George, : ve tas een ewer" SUGAR DROPS TODAY ‘ \ nference i j ‘ f i f 0 we avery hal then| A confercne tee te peels. DOLLAR A HUNDRED PATTULLO MAKES Fave , ie : ost of $20,000, gery, ‘I i I t to send VANCOUVER, Noy. 23.—Sugar GOOD IMPRESSION en i th | ri. It is « King was sentenced tole Cone another Go llar a hundred tls pga ea ta cua cn aaa aml ii . ' ‘ be mad = hy Magistrate Pounds = today, The wholesale , Linong on, poe ge . price here is now $43.50 a ewt., CONSOLIDATION BYLAW a ee eee aetna te rela ate abi 81 i - = ! - y “ AnGO xis ; . WAS SEN I BACK HERE MN i has ; ‘ ed oh 1 ae n goods in his pos- hundred pound sack, Patio ae vem. thee: CAFE ASSISTANT WAS S's." When’ "entonee "was ‘ s or of Municipalities Said ah “a . ssed t soner broke down WPTIC TANK AT Inter ene eal fury nb. rere wa i BURNED YESTERDAY §2°9°'.00°..i02'Vic'usen “tei MIEN LEAVING me CITE — , . ' 1 d the mints vas given by Warden NEW SCHOOL SI i k For Soldiers i food impression and is as ! ' ’ Werritt Restaurant Destroyed, but Ii } Will Edmunds, whose BRITANNIA fas Kw suf if : ti strings ‘ wee stolen. City C&uncil Favors That Instoad \W Johnuse ip ive Firomen Save Adjoining t : ane. S eel a nes of Installing Expensive ww Mr. Pattulle ceeded to Oovar Buildings : Mr. Edmunds in his store H D df th Sewer yt ind is billed to speak there |S # were notified, War-| 19. ere ee ee ee tii M mr -N Willi R SP a alle Payroll Owing to Low Prico I i ‘a . ae syee at ? of Copper. ‘ ; ‘ i wh is ’ \ a , in. Veuings bh sempabis ed \ 4 = . ' ; + from Vaneouver on VANCOUVER, Noy, 23 Work- Bankruptcy Proceedings B Rdwa wa lend Bansee | ee rs continue to arrive from the ' . . . . : nth rs Nhen his - Britannia nines Where 200 men a Against Shipbuilding Co. ae eeeer BRITISH CATTLE EMBARGO [Were dropped from the payroll iX SA \waket by | at because the company refuses to we i sirl, whe is the t ! ship any more ce itrates to the wi ' Are Started at Vancouver ster, saw tl reflect f th facoina steeller ulle the price i wea é esi tnd { L the depa er N h obtained is less than the cost of pe "? L. W. Patmore this morning received a telegram from Van ave — , "« production, Vie 1 chads pa i ! ' ! Gopper is now selling for less iin | | evenue of 833,000 | COUVER as OWE Thess int Was uninsured than t5e¢ a pound. “Seo ; it der this bylaw “Melnnes and Arnold undertook to wire the sheriff tonight re mayor, W th o postpone the sale 1 Frida No replies from Erb or thrit ‘ g l eeteentetcnsecepinnd stein ties i a" iP ; deg ” - oe ae “A 7 ei ue r : ae ; wi a ae mee hr * PATTULLO GIVEN COURT OF REVISION * ! : ve i i tind mee Cohsequeu thistructed . L pre BRONy 15. oe this morning to institute bankrupely proceedings tnmediately, GOOD RECEPTION A rordbted dy ainnn. "6 nly pagan COTULE!)S Fee ciate] appointing us interim receiver, Our representative Leaves AT SURF INLET oiee oe es ete Meintyre Hall ; Prince Rupert tonight, list for the Gily of Prinee Thupert ; “Canadian Credit Men's Trust Association.” SURF INLET, Nov Hon. ‘'t for the year 1921, will sit in the Wednesday, 24 ASK POWERS PROVIDE Mr. Patmore was naturally very indignant at the action of the|)) pattuilo was given a goed re Council Chamber, City Hall, at © eelenn : TROOPS TO END WAR Vancouver creditors as they have been asking him to hold back (ception he re. #5 mt ~_ ° ee, - an ae sec ies er cae i This he has done Now they) Ue addressed a good crows ' “THE BOLSHEVIKI AND COLLECTIVE Hiss in ead ta anblnal OWNERSHIP? . ©