THE DAILY NEWS PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by The News Printing and Publishing Co., Third Avenue. NERVES ALL GONE 10 PIECES TMK DAILY NEWS CHURCH CONGRESS ON THEATRE AND ORIGIN OF HUMAN SPECIES Everybody Smokes OLD Chun Canada’s Favorite Pipe Tobacco. MAIL SOHEDULE * eerree eve eew eee eeeane For the Eaat. Mondays, at 40:15 a.m From the East. Sundays, Tuesdays and ait P45 pom For Vancouver and South. » Tuesdays ..... nad i p.m ! rsdaaye {i p.n Nhe s n i From Vancouver and South Wednesdays is 10:30 a.u For Anyox and Alice Arm 10 pom i Vv p.m om A , and A e Arm. J MUPORRNS + anese++s002 boo DM For Port Simpson, Arrandale, Mil! Bay, Wales Isiand and Naas River aa see i) pw uay ti p.m From Pt. Simpson, Afrandale, Mill Bay, Wales Isiand and Naas River ! da saat aay a.m ahaoe pom Queen Charlotte islands: For Mase: Port Clemente and Upper land polols ‘ her i and f shitty entte ‘rom Masset, Port Clemente and Upper Island pointe reine ! ad fortnightly “or Skidegate, Queen Charlotte City and Lower laland pointe: Novembe 18 and fo hithy thereatter From Skidegate, Queen Charlotte City and Lower Island pointa— inig November @ and fortnightly thereafter For Skagway and the Yukon, November 16, 20; December 18 and 27, From Skagway and Yukon. November 6, 20; December 4 and 18, ftlewart, Maple Bay and Swamp Point. ? on \ ‘avermber 42 and fortnightly heveafter, fortnightly November 19 and sf the Churt Loneres wh H. F. PULL te MANAGING EDITOR. “ » viel thin wear al Southend, M Sidon Psi Shep aie: Le Tons Scena: nid SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Nervous Prostration Seer eeenire come’ “9. Oe Gity Delivery, by carrier or mail, per month ....... éie.cie 91.00 the Conseiener ' ay By mail to all parts of the British Empire and the United States, t. R. No.4, Giveerr Puauss, Man, continued ie BOUGHOG SOT PORE oh os be is As foe 8 0 80.0 5a Nee $6.00. “Ip the year 1910, I had .Verveus Dhe muterialwhich the deta To ali other countries, in advanee, per year ............ $7.50.| Prostration in its worst form; ses 9 ‘ rh ‘ —_—_—_ dropping from 170 to 11) pounds. sa a TELEPHONE 98. The doctors had no hope of my oe wpe sae ' contact inal " erry on the 5 recovery, and eyery medicine I tried j Transient Display Advertising $1.25 par inch each insertion proved useless until a friend induced Ghureh and the dra 7 oe Transient advertising on front page .......... $2.00 per inch.) me to take 'Fruit-a-tives”. he Chureh aN ates Local Readers, per insertion, .......ccceponne 25c, per line t began to mend almost at once, mi er “ 7 _ Classified advertising, per insertion, ........... Ze. per word.| and never had such good health as I |" ai r , Legal Notices, each insertion, ...... ide. per agate line have enjoyed the past eight years. ; 7 : ™ ; . Contract Rates on Ay lication. Lam never without “\Fruita-tives® 00" SVN Ne bi ak ee All advertising should be in the Daily News Office on day pre in the house”. JAS.S, DELGATY. |‘! 7 ee The Oh ceding publication. All advertising reecived subject to approval 5c. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size 250. oka di c et ” : At all dealers or sent postpaid by iis Bip eula hie re ruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. : ve DAILY EDITION, MEGS Vesa, N Wh, | eee ee _|the wetor it life and Ul down the oehy nus This , I « ! \W Stewart Comes t SUITCASES Phey Into Limelight. «| TR N K S they throw upenen on Stewart comes into the limelight as sult-of the publishes ontratod sec . fe the | ' statement that a corporation has secured an ophen on Sir bona sane aes Se ai a . . Mann's short line of bailway from Stewart up the Bear River and : he Ol i“ pure fhe charter llowing the bnilding of the sanje through to WHOLESALE AND RETAIL { presenrtin Peace Rivermyonnecting with the E. D. & B. C. Railway really and fa leased by the ‘ P. RR. running from Edmonton to the Pea sa FE. MAGUIRE fe it should | i The railway has to tunnel the mountain between the Bear OUTER wry i 1: Pt Ave., Prince Rupert i e whe | hea River and the Naas River, but otherwise has a good grade jtne ‘ - not difficult to build, according to the reports of engines enn cigirst>-imauuasecaieenairgeietainaeiniael aes tipaninaireseaieseinantag rity ‘ ceived,from time to time. ee eee eeeeeeeeerees Canon Barnes, on the se Should line be built, even only to the Groundhog coa |* PRINCE RUPERT TIDES quis cares ae i fields, it would mean an immense thing for the town of Stewart, | ¢@#@#@@e#8 ee ee88@e ¢@ es or m ye That place would become an important shipping po nd there Tuesday, November 23. a * ' > ; Sys ‘ would soon be it wrtant citv there Phe place would not de h, 14:4 a.m Pi fee S:B4 y 19 feet ‘ pend only on the ila if w d also 1 the ha neg he ee ‘' ~; was ! ew 1.4 wf. ‘0 silver mines which ha proved se | which sel FAS pin ib feet ’ : it going. One thing seems certair h } uithracite } es Wednesday, November 24. me OAs are very extensive and valuable and that the B sh Governmen zh, (9240 acs + Feet Sle . » . x i vi and evervbody else needs coal since the ure of the o ™ am 18:29 | { fer , . ? The railwav is under option and some lefi ea < ‘ I i i to follow. rhe time used is Pactfic Stan nh What About dard, for the 120th Meridian west. "#0 © ‘ N P ° It is counted from 0 to 24 hours ' ew Postmaster? from midnight to midnight a hy Now that the position of postmaster is vacant the wires will The table given is for Port . He pulled to secure the job for sofe politician who has served |Simpson but the time for Princes eee : the Conservative party faithfully. The stumbling Ilock, how Rupert varies only a few minutes ” > av t ‘ s & t Pa u“ ever, is the Civil, Service Act which provides for promotions in on some days and on others i 1 ae ave the same. The range of the tide . - ie pb service. may be computed as 5 per cent Byalling: BNC Bp! " The assistant to Mr. Melntosh was J. R. Morrison. who is at gfeater at Prince Rupert than at ("rl raduathy the presé@ut in @harge and whd.also had charge-of thé pPéstotiice while ‘Port Simpson both at springs and P!e% ef bhumart perser ty Mr. McIntosh was away on a long holiday recently. He has been |@&@Ps.- Therefore the rise in the “oe ON \ me fa : ey mttiive « mene ; connected with the post office for ten years and is said to be in| ?Pinee Rupert harbor is slightly ° Ts 7 , rete yt ay every respet! a capable man... The position.should naturally go) *pater than Port Simpson. in - int, + An rs - to him. He is the next in line for it. The height is in feet and tenths | Because tt seemed tor have " : ere om of or ve we dan The, position of postmaster is worth something slightly over |! feet above the average level of “' el See ; 2 $2,700 a year, including bonuses. It is not-a very lnerative posi- lower low water, me sa = ae — _ | aa wer sae fowl bad tia tion, considering the responsibility involved, but there is a preva MINERAL ACT tin ' = lent idea abroad thal there is nothing te do in connection with Bia ; r “ke sth \ pia it but to sit. an office and now and+then see that the others Certificate of Improvements. wn: 5 ; es es : aie a NOTICE tithe | } wig prorking. his is anyhjng but the truth. A postmaster, lo Copper cun siepie cum No. 4 upres ve @fiicient, has to work harder than any of the clerks. Ve should Copper Cum N 9 and “Coppe con be a man who knows all about the work and who is able to put)Ne. 3° Mmeral Claims situate in tne Naas —_ mt his fingers on any of the weak spots in a moment. It is to be hoped | MIYet Minne’ Division of Cassiar Disiriet rr j that the postmaster-general will see that the regular course of " See ee Gorse a ve } Ten Years Ago j promotion is carried out in order to secure the efficien: the |Pree Miner's Certineate No. 3¢ . j “ali ’ ) in Prince Rupert } mstitutlion. ing for myself and as agent for Jo onal ” 7 Wells, Free Miner's Certificate No. 40651 RO eet arnt = and Arne Davedeon, Free Miner's Cer November 23 1910 tifleate Ne 40628-¢ intend sixty days | from the date hereof, to apply to the KE. J ' ' Mining Kecorder for a Certificate of Im-jent of e GTLP., Chief 1 ‘ prove ments, for the purpose ODTAINIDE Kelliher ind Captall \ e e i frown Grant of the above claims i 4 wr . And further take potice that action, un Ven der section 85, must be commenced before | Hitt al ins; 1. the issuance of such Certificate of improve. Mr. Ch erlain, Mr. K , « ments a ; ‘ i. Dated tis 6th aay of November, 1920 ap intendent Mehar : : e i ————— --— -- eee (HedIAtely on arrival Roorns 7 and a Smith Block WATE R NOTICE, head iz | DIVERSION AND USE . cS o Lady Assistant Open Evenings Si nonice “her > sida H. | ' Office Hours; AKE TICE that P. W. Racey, agent i Crippen, murd 9-12; 1-6; 7-9. Phone 575 Sunday by Bier ace OMatD, Mining PYRG His wife, expinted hi ul iz « L6G: Be: ° 1% whose address is Alice A 7a ul ’ ‘ wited ft erime . i’ ’ ’ Appointm ont apply f ors lieenee to take and use ane Bow Btre neison yard th quart a cute foot io ‘ f walter it of Me * ek h the 4 60 iL ‘ Var ‘ nd drains inte Tr ut “Creek ear ; i a a bi Pay junction we tee hitgzauit’ Hiver the aed lies i " wa ’ with ” t ve ted fr tlhe 5 ’ ? ata poimt about 7,000 fe oe eats 7 ae ine wt ering frov old j Trout Creek falls at a point on the Moose coupled ith shame at hi ve 6 Mineral Claim, atid will be used for : jdomestic purposes upon the mine deseribed | (tl Brace a8 the louse Ore . * . uy This notice Was cd on the ground on are advised oe eae Gee ee mber, 1920. A copy; Sk Lodge, Ne, 45, K. of P jor this notiee and an plicatio rst }thereto and to the Water rr} 1914 an elected licers Monday wielt a Not f { S jat Prince mepete the Water Kecorder | tyljaws : Ct C. A. Vaughan; V4 ‘ibjections to the , ’ 0 go to Swanson Bay [iii irvoee area Conon’ vs. on by mparolier * Woy sees Pariia- |Potier: M. of W. WLI tobir n ui Pe i % “ i ai 7 it lori t as all positions are filled. thirty days after the first spenee kK fh. and 8,, ¢ I Saw! M {vii notice in @ local pewspaper | } A Lowe M. atl C.D. New Whalen Pulp and Paper Mills,Ltd. f° °°" dS ton ne. SPhattips Applicant on rteA . *hhihii ' ’ ¥ | wae date of the meas’ picailon oT't I Wi Gran 0.44 | I \ « ro * panics fon of this ® re jno ree is November 15, iMeLeod — , | We ee ee bo oe a © ~ Gieorg Heoderius ha taken ABOLISH PROLONG {Sa acl lover the Royal Cafe from Corley FINANCIAL YOUR LIFE and Burges PRINCE RUPERT COURT HOUBE ! ROTICE TO CONTRACTORS Sealec enders, superscribed “Tend A CANADIAN GOVERNMENT ANNUITY WILL DO IT lpriste‘nupert” Gone flose’ aaa eaiiee JAPANESE KILLED . - ‘i | Prince upert Court ouse’ will be re Gives a larger return for life than is obtainable veived by the Honourable the Minister of VANCOUVER N 2° Heil from any other form of investment with absolute \Tharsaay’ the 96% day ‘or Ravana’ tess | Be ae eeeeree a 4 j » “ oth day « over r, 1920, ); Ms ‘ Jap . Vue apaeaeliay rode ervetian ay 9 counpietion $90, cee | a AWi pe Japanese, wa } tw Ouse 4 t 4 1 et aAturday t lore it } Free from Dominion Income Tax. Heating artangemenis ta conection the te : i u + Pt eri et vin Any person resident or domiciled in Canada over [with, in the Prince Hupert Bletore! Dis-/O" Hardwick Island up the eon the age of 5 may purchase, to begin at once, oratany pad ppecitications, Contract, ana A ae ey poh lr sen aa sty a 14 © ei mAY be eer t a windta i er K ing lates Hie Aa, an Annie of from $50 to $5, 000, \oet =, day of November: ‘020, at the man " ' erie - voce oO | ‘ : to paid in month y or quarterly instalments. | J. Mahony, Esq., Government Agent, Court Any two persons may purchase jointl House, Vancouver | J YR ] y: a i, MeMullin, Keq., Government Agent, F : | ; “1, , Employers may purchase for their employees. court Mouse. Prince Mupert, Be C., oF the RANCE BACKS DOWN . De peremnen’ of Vubliie Works, Victoria, B.C ek , Superintendent of ene 7 peatagn fom Se T. Bactede, laceepted. ost OF BAY lender pol Heceseartty | PAIS Nov. 28, Prance will '¢ mation required, Mention age last birthday. * ‘pubic Werke bneineer, j not Phiysicaly oppose the return of PROM Pubbe Works De periment, King Constantine to the theotie of October a6! 1980. | Greece it is announeed, it hereafter, Wednesdays and Sat. Thura. eer Mestid S.S. PRINCE GEORGE Midnight Thursday for Swat l ANYON Wednesday 10 p m 8. &. "PRINCE JOHN Ocean Falis. eacier Cove and Vancouver, Sunday 9p. ™ 8.8. PRINCE ALBERT M TRAIN SERVICE Coe Monday, Wednesday and Saturday at 11:15 a a Agency All Ocean Steamship Lines for ifermation ard reverrations apply ™ Ticket Office, 820 Third Avenue Phone 260 ony CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY services CANADIAN PACIFIC OOEAN B.C. Coast Steamship Services "HS. 5S. PRINCESS MARY a for Juneau, Shegway, Alasts, from Prince Rupe Resenizen, ines Rucert Pri for Yencouver Wicterie end Beattie from Noven i ‘ Db & 6. PRINCESS eanreee Ocean Fatte Merdy Gay alert Ger Stem Prince Rupert for Swanson Bey, rw Beaver Gove, Powell River, Vancouver and Viele Every Saturday, © o™ ‘ ww ‘a rales, rerervalions an sailings, epe! _ ©. ORDHARD, Genera! Agent. , B.C. Cor 3rd a and 4th Street Prinee Rupert IC & MARINE WARD ELEY Coe eer eeeeenernareercmmmvene (CO) W BAY P os ES, fLECTRICAL AND MARINE SUPPLI repre ) L td Canadian Fair banks _ 30 to 250 hp: C-O. Crude Oil Marine Engines from ines, 8-10 H. P. Heavy Duty Distillate Eng Ajl the Latest Impre + us give Yo Electric Lighting Plants ' “— practica ver * ene THEO COLLART, ‘Notary ary Public together or * gly. "I fh choice level sat » don ek a nN offer reasonab FOR SALE, near new High School, Hay ton delivered 13.00 per EDSON COAL | Bulk, + FOR SALE | Sacked, #14. a4 CE on the © Const Most Liberel MARINE INSUR ve Claims proint Phone Blue 69 : Insurance Company o! North Americé P. 0. Box 66 Westholme Theatre Block