BRUNSWICK The Ideal XMAS GIFT for the Whole Family McRAE Bros. Limited 707 Third Ave. Phone 34 ROYAL HOTEL | RESTAURANT. Home Cooki: g with Quick Service Here you can procure the kind of food that 15 tust t you ant in 4 en i tiveness Satisfying Service. Prices Reasonable, Shineles per day Red Ce edar Sh SITKA A SPRUCE WESTERN HEMLOCK FLOORING, SIDING CEILING FINISH OF ALL KINDS 0 feet Charlotte Isla.ds Spruce Produc s Ltd. M ills tea Local Agents Al MeCAPFERY Rupert, I. , 564, 116, Blue 69 Prince Rupert BERT & Prince Telephones Phone Royal AutoService ompt Service ay and Night First Class —s LA RGE ERNIE Proprietor and guar y WALLPAP ERS, G Aas, PAINTS, Winsor & Newton Art Supplies, EXPERT SIGN WRITING AND CARD WORK, PICTURE FRAMING P.O. Box 120 | SILVERSIDES BROS IN A NAME? PICTURES, Phone 22 Prince Rupert iene Pee _ Xmas Cakes. Place Your Order in Good Time with uA CASSE BAKERY itd Ave, Auto Delivery Phone 1890 = _ eee. eee itee Or «@ mats RORIE & SMAL Ls os bh rporation kh I n Club apitla 1 BKazetted hie wee tt I I bu Lt 7 - j 4 ; it Lbece ; the - is i . i { j Ma \ Al l ! i ‘ 1 . ‘ vabert ia tial i ths iq ‘ ‘ hie ‘ nix > > > } xy. NX } ! Ak I i \e ' i i ' ‘ . i | \ \ j \ Ke | i Wi i I bra «t ' rides ders were mnt } l a, S348 ind Mcthae Bros 0 © Live nolilioation thie i miner from lit a | au Wed neuncing they had aguin applied > ’ pertussion to fill in Cate mS e Was tiled last evening As NN Prank Carve chairman of the fla haullway CGommissiot said there would be another session of the ! ommission here before any ac tion was taken, the council does ©’ not consider it advisable to deal *” with the subject now, Lia Specially good programe af Presbyterian Chureh concert on? briday evening 76 easl Paney china for yout Xmas gift al al Pita 15 per cent diseount, tt! oe ¥e ou are bot : sKperimenl’ |) in K ¥ he RF mis br. al hase > “ont Re nt for Kezema and Skin Irrita |’ ws, It relieve Hit heals the skin. Sample box Dr. paper s Sinune: sut free if you mention th maper and send ve sip to po mae. S on “ \ on; all deale we or nson, Ba | beri al, Forouk ” atonee and gradu Glousing o« ~\ 1 DENTISTRY QUALITY ron i Dr. Bayne OFFICE HOURS— Morning, 9 to 12, Afternoon, 1.30 to §.30; Saturdays, $ to 12 only, Every Evening from 7.30 to $ Dental Nurse in attendance Phone 109 for appointment wm | Rooms 4, 5, 6, Helgerson Bik., Cor. 3rd and 6th : Best Equipped Office in Northern B.C. J “| scary | B&K EXTRA CREAM ROLLED POR TENT 1) PSEA OATSandB& k WHEATFLAKES | Furnished Rooms ire etre tte ; a : something different ually as palatable is our sd : nd Bak ld ‘as | Dominion Hotel | BAK Mts ois ater an cays ae hah ’ Just Remodelied and Refurnished 3 PaneTS es eRe y.* f corner First ave. and Right {11 TIE BRACKMAN- KER MILLING (0., LTD. § Phone Red 468 P.O. Box 358 P.O. Box 745 Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 3650 : ; FLOWERS IN BLOOM ysanthe eee, £2 yelamens and J. Nesbit G. Clark = . : os " "Si 3. aa foi alain C & CLEANING AND oo 2 § CITY MARKET * 4% PRESSING PARLORS und “at 130 Eighth Street - - Prince Rupert, B.C. ’ | ‘ 2 Wns hai ° P Terrace, B. (. , Bh, coy gh hi er ; ; { Rontzstateandinearance jf Gls"curt Margen mur tnows ss “xotiy” — Powe $63 u —