it: Pi Yay ee | * ta Oy j ‘ ; am I Pi’ i a a es ha se ak e: & ; { ’ , iq wt H "7 i A bE . pe 4 ‘ F a TOILET SUPPLIES and all the that dainty requisites make habits of cleanli ness a delight await you at Our Modern Drug Store a S Wy = 4! Seen | l en tt ; Call and see our line of Toilet | (ees ——s / £ j | i “ ——— > \ j articles, supplies and sundries. } .*, & a = : a +s f ; Let our experts fill your i ~ = a) Pe prescriptions Ormes Limited The Pioneer Druggists Phones 82,200 THE REXALL STORE P.O. Box 1680 of the BLADDER relieved in m6 HOURS Fa leh the (M a ovina the (toy) Rewnre of counterfeits S APSULES An TERRACE above i 1 ' tt va Uae ' ‘ \ i gt n and " All You ta ‘ serment fa la haree erecon WV t ate of Ultle is dated th ! une, f nd 6S Numbered 5 Th tive take hat ' ’ at { is 7 nienti to isste a tillpate « in ease tefeasi re 4 ! pave mentioned * wr \ melting was 1 I j 5 - M iN ' va ‘ ier | ding as re r UR m Was fa abiy f “doa ; “e i ~ i atter furtl n c > Miss Dears left on Tuesday rain for the South wher stve pects to remain for some tin NOTICE. lo whom may concern I, Ole Evindsen of Alice A na B. having disposed of my est in the Alice Aru Hote Alice Arm, B. C., will neo naibie for any debts coun ; sa l November 1 ig2n Signed OLE EVINDSEN Miss Helna Ha Thursday ‘ver Es Vancouver LAND AUT Notice or intention te Apply to Lease tend vy Yueen Unariotte t+ os Lane Uestrict Hecording District of Ske ena, and situate stone the Wester boundary of Biock 3 » District Lot 74 or Masset iIntet Take notice that the GHAHAM ISLAND srntce e BOAr co LTbp or reort lements Ipatior tumber merchants, imtend to apply for permission to lease ine Hiowme® G+ scribed tands Commencing at northwest corner of biock 53; & post planted at the tnence nortn 46 deg 37 min. west 24.9 fert thence porth 70 deg. 65 min. west 510 feet; thenee south 33 deg. west 468 feet henee soni 234.5 feet thenmee eaaet 474 feet more or tess lo @ post planted al the southwest corner of said Dieek $3; thence north-easterty following the mark along the westerty be | to *he point of comnmfncement, con taining 7.5 acres more or leas UNAHAM ISLAND SPRUCE & CEDAK Uv LIMITED Dated August 26th, 1920 TIMBER SALE X 2219. Sea temiers will be fF v ! th ' f and ut «Vie w at ' fe Of Gs I mt t ' ha f x ! fe I t ‘ ar : ' | . Jar isia 5 tT) v ‘ A nova f tim } ther pa ' t 5 high-wager - naary of nae G.H. ARNOLD Notary Public. FIRE INSURANCE and Policies are carefully intelligently in sound companies that are both able and willing any losses that may occur. YOUR business is solicited. written by us Lo pay Phone 96 for your rate. H. G Helgerson, Ltd. Real Estate Bonds Insurance Night Phones - J. G; Steen, 471 W. Longwill, Blue 270 Day Phone & STEEN & LONGWILL Sheet Metal Works Agent for MeClary Furncaes Sanitary and Heating Engineers 5th Street and Fraser Street Prince Rupert - - - B.C. Learn a Good Trade in Eight Weeks Men and women can learn tne barber trade in & weeks by our practical me thos Kaperienced leachers and practical work in shop while learning Position guaranteed on completing course Send for our catalogue giving full detalis MOLER BARBER COLLEGE 206 Main &t., Vancouver, 6.0. i ~ THE DAILY NEWS PRINCE — . The above saie is hereby post- poned until Friday, the 26th day of November, 1920. same hour and place. JOHN SHIRLEY, Sheriff. oe ' =| Westholme Theatre TONIGHT ONLY THE ALWAYS APPREC -| Constance Talma dge LATED 0 in “Who Cares’ A Farce Comedy Mack Sennett Comedy, “Fresh from the City” EMPRESS THEATRE TONIGHT ONLY VIVIAN) MARTIN geese L. Lesky gee {1.08 a Hevhird Kiss’ ese ‘aramounl-dricrajl Cp iclure Mou { is “Who's with we ! | me . | British Columbia , . 4 | Educational, j “Indian River and C li ” » Ford Educational, * Strand Comedy D PUBLIC NOTICE. VW i Shong Way and | ly i , i j ‘ it | r ‘ \ EASILY CO : Place it ng water at ‘ AUT By eating 5m Local Fishermer Certificate of improvements ' at \\ 4 i o : hilze 4 Nord Minera Ww. vain ‘ fu ul tifieat ine tthe bat “ ie ler nent “ i ‘ 4 an f " HI ' TriCK that a t nnetine 1 titteat f , me aif Under New Me Lewis W. PATMONWE oe ALL IN PROMATE rut UPHeME COURT oF srTini LU MEA we ‘ ee THE AUMINIM THA rian i " wt ret oP THE KeTATE 4 Meal - jeri ELWoOOT DECEASED, IN TKS Cc - Hr Three Course ht yerrics that im order of Mis i or ¥. Met, You made the gou day tober ‘ i eve, | wae appomted niatentor to the estate of John Biwood) i aud al! parties having claims swainal th sit extale are hereby required i me, ~ perl verified, to me, i the tat day of December wed all parties tndebled to the estate * req at pay the amount of their ndeblediess +t me forthwith JOUN 1 MeMULLIN Uticiat Admintatrator, rreinee Hupert, BO at day of November, evn Dated thi | Mayor { y i nomrine ‘ il thie d ry the Pea i h J Independ i ‘ iw i a \ \\ \ . . =i t ' ! VW M \i I i lb ha int \\ } \ MI t I M i t . I M \\ SMITHERS \ ! ! { ale | M I I Sti Ss. 6 . . . \ \ M i KK i ' Ke Mv a ds i h 1 i il ' we a) \ \ j i vl j SHERIFF'S SALE. | | j SE PuREMI COURT oO BRITISH GOLL MBLA Canada Metal Go, Lid, Plaintifl Prince Thupert bory Looe and) te hat ( j defendant j iu“ 1 : tial ued in this action and i d ected, T hays eied } Locomea e f it No hich T shal iy { ale by pul hi ion for ish on Tuesday Nu if ¢ iT bon in the forenoon at om ollie Court tH Prinee Lupert 1) al Prinee lhupert, L, ¢ Ni rT v 4 iweo iA JOUN SHIRLEY, Bherill, MUSIC DANCES | ARTHUR'S | Four Piece Grchestra including Saxaphone Phone 481 Phone 481 pe ERTS: J Keep the Body Healthy and the Brain Clear ~ RUPERT BRAND :: 4 SMOKED BLACK COD i a tese D tecisl from 45c up