Dressed Beef jsere of the Bulkley Valley ra cEORGE. J. FRIZZELL Roya Alarket Fulton Market PRINCE KRUPERT, B. WEDS Own Slaughtering. Ship 4 ae of Live Stock now ee re eek direct from the stoc Vv phones 10, 26, 186 PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Central British Columbia’s Newspaper BMS) y OVEMBER 24 feo Vesterday's Circulation 1,746 Street Sales, 304. ‘TAXI TAXI Phone 75 WE NEVER SLEEP Prince Rupert Auto 707 Second Ave. - Prince Rupert PRICE FIVE CENTS REPORTS FROM ALL QUARTERS INDICATE LIBERALS SWEEPING PROVINCE iv! | in England SHIAL, CONTROL oe Being Hatched to Pring Soviet Rule and Sinn Feinism Plans to Organize Soviets among Un:mpk yed in United States; Secret Service Heads Off Prcperty Destitc i 1 CLECTED ._STERDAY h ene SEES” RA t oy uneT MAY DON ORERAR MANTLE ®8 @ ee ee eetens MRS. CY. PECK HOSTESS : . . * VANCOUVER JUDGE AT TEA YESTERDAY ea ae ee need z LUXURY TAX Large Number of Prominent Peo- . . ple Attend Affair in Honor . auvi N * Retail! Merchants Urge on Govern- cf Miss Henderson. ! ' pins . ment Change of Method of . nile § * Collecting VANCOUVER Non 24 Mrs . Vane . v Pee ‘ttertaine!d at tea yester wing ‘ a. VAN VER Non 2 the va Hovel /Mansivrs tn homer ‘ * ant of the Prince Ruper * ttrtat Mereha Assert ret f Miss Cirare. teodersony who e i at i ‘ > [ i wi The tea ° ' I) * ‘ a astefully ~ ' . v i ’ mt : * } ss M . . \ Dok i e*eeqeree*e ref @ @ & | M The Russian Sovie KERGIN WILL GET two representatives of the| Lane Phas) SAE ganize soviels her AN ANYOX DESPATCH Restrictive Legisiation A GREAT SUCCESS ra CONSTRUCTION OF UNIVERSITY Work to Commence at Once An- Lehnng : is at nounces Attorney General | ; . ey al we Farris INSANE COOK CUT PERRY MEETING AT Says King and Cror Up Forces PRINCE GEORGE WAS - ar are to Link % Mrs Ae i - Mel M NCE GROR \ ‘ i (iuy t , : aks ; ' Be ite