5 ire gel | Pe Te THE DAILY NEWS PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by The News Printing and Publishing Co., Third Avenue. NERVES ALL GONE TO PIECES TITm DAILY NEWS LIBERALS ONFIDENT AT STEWART al a H. F. PULLEN, MANAGING EDITOK. ‘ ‘i ¥ ee aaa ee” Soleaed yt SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Prostration Conservatives Also Claim Will h City Delivery, by carrier or mail, per month ...... ga0.wye: 840001 Nervous Have Big Vote and are Weill py, Py 2 % By mail to all parts of the British Empire and the United States, R. R. No.4, Giterer Pras, Man, Organized, Cs ) ‘a ft A QAVENCE, PET YEAT . 2. cer crrssveeseveveseees ty eee $6.00. “In the year 1910, I had Nervous 4 a ‘ To all other countries, in advance, per year ............ $7.50.) Peostration in its worst form; STEWART, N i r" é) ¥ eae ‘a | dropping from 170 to 115 pounds. rity of votes Wy ‘nan TELEPHONE 98. 7 0° s ha ‘ f Winter ane ae 7 M b f h M PPiedgg eg Pe AM inde phn Yeitee : | More tobacco tor the Money , | recovery, and every medicine | triec pent meet has | To : Transient Display Advertising $1.25 per inch each insertion | proved useless until a friend induced | jut \nyox a Alice Arma i Transient advertising on front page .......... $2.00 per inch.| me to take ‘‘Fruit-a-tives’’. sirone centr th tit Local Readers, per insertion, ...... oes cise ea . BGC, per line. Y began to mend almost at once, | \ the me ee te advertising, yt insertion, .. ee... we . 820, yee re and never hs! such good health as I 3, "F just 4 Packages 15 segal Notices, each msertion, «1... oc. per agate tine.) have enjdyed the past eight years. eal Lil a. ¢ Contract Rates on Ay slicktion. lem ecver without “Fruita-tives™ \ihat they w naj of ib fins 85 All advertising shomld be in the Daily News Oflice on day pre-| ix the house’. JAS. S. DELGATY. we votes f{ h ceding publication. All advertising received subject to approval 5Oc. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size 25e, Kergin’ w ' hy Ce) f At all dealers or sent postpaid by ote Dut very iit n V th a~ . a res J “dl, O s 10 evider y DAILY EDITION, RRS Wednesday: Nov. 24, 1930, | _Pravetives Limited, Neve | he ¢ 00 qt wet ee ' oppbact Vote in Interest , SUITCASES Phey “ d , : vorking ! ‘ ’ of Prince Rupert. T R U N K S nuak? Db > sist si’ ‘ ta _ When you vote next week do so in the interest of Prince = o the part er ay ane “ aeeaadabanannnnnenenansteiitcaee= j ; i" arty Cc - a oe at j are « Rupert and district. Think what it will mean during the next HANDBAGS thas not been ' Woes [a seh eA UUESESUU ENTREE DE St EDN te five years to be well represented. Think what it will mean to siti ust arrived — = idiilantioemeees have a man in the inner councils of the party in power rather than WHOLESALE AND RETAIL ganization . so ee ee ee 2 I ee et. one beating the air on the opposition benches. Burrough admits a ‘ 5 _ Walt SCHEDULE . ( di N . é that all he wants to get to Victoria for is 16 spread the secialistir J F MAGUIRE : es kK se eee ee ee ewww eees D ana lan ational Railways, propaganda. le has a mistaken idea that as @ member of thi os m A Pri R inincienenbiaelbeainan(ieneonapsnsinaiuasisiali For the East. os 4 eee tells > . . 7 ‘* e ort Mondays minesdays a Mat legislature he will have a particular opportunity to reach the : ACRE AVE rine uper ¢ T P STOCK iS un ad public, but in this he would be disappointed. In order to get into Besieal silticlahccypaties Cone : af , Se. PRINCE GEORGE . ; - the newspapers a man has to have some constructive idea, Not SS eee eee eaeenaaee LOWER THAN ¢. i From the East, Midnight Thursday ‘ ] one quarter of the speeches deliv ‘red in the Hotlse are cepo ‘ted . da ' ys 1 Thore \ By ' ts bepre os oe \* ERENOS ‘RNPENT THES . : } Wednesday 10 p.m. Alr. His rambling diatribes would be the laughingstock o in the newspapers, Newton would find himself in a similar Tuesday. November 23. position. the Legislature and he would gel nowhere and achieve nothing. | High, fist a.m., 24 feet The members of the Legislature and the members of the orss oo mt P alr ; gallery would size him up in ten minutes and the benches wo ld we ret o ; a ée : empty, the seribes would lay down their pens and the member near ae : rox’ Be nee Rupert would talk to empty ehiiaad and an empty aes moter 86. press gallery. A man who goes to Victoria expecting to make an High, SS as is s 7 impression must have personality and logic He must leave hisd 13 ey , . country newspaper style behind and get down to business. Beat ore : ' i eal yy > . “ ‘ Th . 3 . nee is ST aece ee the eee. a Fe 2 ae pero The time used is Pactfe Stan- may need it some day?” will not help him. It is no Saeed “ma bias dard, for the 120th Meridian west peanut polities at the eapital. Ht is ‘maith better to send a man to or eee erent © 86 58 Bovey represent the community, Give dim a substantial majority atom midnight to midnight. . . ’ "se | The table given is for Port then back him up when he tries to do something. Simpson but the time for Princes Rupert varies only a few minutes jon some days and on others is jthe same. The range of the tide Imay be computed as 5 per cent greatengt Prince Rupert than at | Port Simpson both at springs and jneaps. Therefore the rise in the Prince Kupert harbor is slightly greater than Port Simpson. The height is in feet and tenths \of feet above the average level of lower low water. Will Investigate Railway Rates. It is announced fram Ottawa thaf the Railway Commission will now “make an exhaustive investigation into the railway rates generally.” This is @ curious wav of doing things. The Rattway Board jumps*the freight rates forty pér cent, the worst proliteering move of the ante-war period, kills the business of the the lumber this and accentuates the already depressed condition of business through- out the country. Then, after it has done this, it announces that it will investigate. Apparently it never suggested itself to the Board that the time to investigate was before the trouble began. | In case someone shonld think this paper is taking a political stand on this matter, it should be pointed out that the chairman of the was until recently prominent Liberal. But this is not a political question. It is a business question and one that! should be handled businesslike way, To what extent the Railway ernment which is bel thin which to he 1 sidered the question the the be a revision once question al roads, destroys business on coast MINERAL ACT. Certificate of Improvements. NCPTICE pper and board a cur Ne 1 pper Clim ine Distr © Arm Young » act Copper omp ng the \ Mineral . River Mining Div f dond ; a W here ated lit a eur r ‘ ‘ Board is influenced by Clainss « of Cass it River, fray Naas j ar 4 A 505 find ng | ine for myself and as agent for Joseph ind oO one can say. It has. however sion . Aitsa of Ey A [ARE NOTICE that ! Ong before the Railway Board con- | rree Miner's Certificate No ; Then Premier Meighen, the the-blame on | Wells. Free Miner's Certuncate No, 40651 io the lar d f ‘ and Arne Davedson, Free Miner's Cer popular demand there is toliuneatwe Ne 40628-C, intend, sixt more and hefore from hereof, to apply to the an investigation is to be made. In the meantime the lumber mills for @ Certificate of im are lying idle, the employees are flocking to the big cities out of provements, for the purpose of obtaining : 0 ; um of al work, and dhe Government has t Crown Grant the above claime And further take notice that action Ss smack polities, k ” a good many g the rates were ervone 1OWs > . Leorre sed oy ‘ olficially country up in arms ef Bowing igai order, threw cOomMmmMissioners, y days i dee date Mining Recorder ision is given this -+tinte the an unemployment problem on its} un hands which may be even more diffieult to settle than the rail-|der section #5, must be commenced before way rates, the issuance such Certifeate of improve ments Ey : - " = — =p | Dated this 61h Gay of November, 1920 WATER NOTICE. Ooo uc DIVERSION AND USE. 3 | TAKE NOTICE that P. W. Racey, agent : e for the Moose Group Mining Syndicate, he d i a sgirens peat vp . c., will ipply for a tieence to take d use one PpPetite ™” bers dangerous Fie i ar erst i te . ule Voose tree en ‘ & ect “ as too little ind drains inte 'r ut Crees “about st ite ‘ a oetion with th hitzva hiiver The When the skin is sallow or yellow, the water wil be diverted from the etre aim j4t a point ahout 2.000 feet north of the eyes dull, the head aches or sleep broken [An's atonal Tous. ‘tains ony “the Moos a 0, « imeral Claim, aud will be used fo and unrefreshing, the back aches, or there | dome st ey Irposes® upon the mine describe 4 ¥ 4 las “ oose Gros is a pain under the right shoulder blade—it the 14th day of September, Woah x cone is an indication that the body is being poi- Sheteis and tae “Weber net totes soma * 2 ere , the vauer ‘ : wi ‘ soned by poorly digested and imperfectly elim- time hap eo eooreer inated food-waste. It is a wise thing totake |fled with the said Water Necorder or with « the Comptrotier Of Water Hights, Partia } ment Buildings, Victoria, B.C. within “ 9 thirty days after the first appearance of this notice in a local newapaper - 2ec am § | THe MOOSE GROUP MINING SYNDICATE, mat By P. W. faces Agent b te The date of the first publication of this : notice is November 15, 1920 ' i S | ao i ’ i Helene. | Ye £9 to relieve these symptoms by |An y Lenk) helping to remove the causes & a) are : ’ Sold everywhere is Canads, In bones, 25c., 58. | PRINCE RUPERT COURT HOUSE, 4 j NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Sealed Tenders, superseribed “Tender for Prince Rupert Court House and Heating ; sss |lrince Rupert Court House’ will be re- mms leelved by the Honourable the Minister of a jPublic Works up to 12 o'clock noon of ne | Thursday the 25 day of November, 1920, eo for the erection and eompletion of rors jCourt House at Prince Hupert and the é | Heating arrans ments in connection there- | iP i e s wits, io an Prince HKupert Electoral Dis- er jirke ° a Viens and Spectiications, Contract, and! rs E DENTIS I ’ VYorms of Tender may be seen on and after j e * eee day of November, 1920, at the) a ame In 4. Mahoey, Esq., Government Agent, Court! v . oune ‘@neouver " J. ti. MeMullin, Esq., Government Agent, » Rooms 7 and 8 Smith Block | Court saauaa” Prince Supers oo of tne | a : Department of vublic Warks, Victoria, Bt | man logy Avlstant Open Evenings Fiaccopied 3! ANY Wnder hot necesvarity | “a. ice Hours: P Sunday by A.B. FOREMAN, * e ‘ Publ ers i‘ | 9-12; 1-6; 7-9. hone 575 Appointment | Pubise Works vepartment, Paenene i. i¢toria, a9 eb j October 26, 1920, e¢@eeee eee eaeee reese Uncertainty Regarding What Ac- tion Government will Take S 8. PRINCE JOHN : Ocean Falls. Beaver Cove and Vancouver, Sunday 9 p. m Affects Price rer Vancouver and South S 8 PRINCE ALBERT LOINTMIN, N if p ; i ) one § TRAIN SERVICE F . Monday, Wednesday and Saturday at 11:15 an ' 5 From Vancouver and South f Agency All Ocean Steamship Lines } Por format ard reervations apply +t I) ‘\ ! ‘ 5 Ony Tieket Office, £26 Third Avenue. Phen? 260 ' —"~ ih pat ad is per cent guaranteed CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY G d Tr : For Anyox and Alice &rm atte j “ 10 p.m CANADIAN PACIFIO OCEAN SERVICES ul. six . ’ ' vom i ‘ I onnlis Jcheubinn aaniad B.C. Coast Steamship Services , as j af From Anyox and Alice Arm i 3 1919 a.™ Whe or if h days , bp. o 8S PRINCESS BEATRICE that th i [ts | from Prince Puperts euaranteced Aas For Port Simpson, Arrandale, Mi'! For eRaRNAR, > Cee ore : ‘ ' ‘ . Ray, Waies letand and Naas River tilted y at : doubt t ‘ . io 4 y, Ocean Fails, Hardy Way, Alert Ber. from Prince Rupert for Bwenses Me tainty Ib ‘ ii p.m a “ ni j ur ’ re } From Pt. Simpsen rrandaic, Mill Stine eumee ‘ Por feiss. reservations and sailings, a3 g Bay, Wales leland and Naas River W. C. ORCHARD, General Agent ’ ‘ ? whole . p.tn Cor 3rd Avenue and 4th Street Prince Rupert, B.C. rt , i a —— th } Queen Crear otte Islands ~ 1) ‘ Fo Ma i rt rents and J ovine ite tame Upper talénd polete: * ELECTRIC & MARINE Atlantic of ir’ Alfred & | SUPPLY CO. a aha i! ‘ Ma p ements and COW BAY ee IES + Upper Islend points ELECTRICAL AND MARINE SUPPLIES Sheers eerceener tins rter tes ners ooo BE f repre t T Y A { Canadian Fairbanks Co. Ltd ah en ears go { ’ Cc. O. Crude Oil Marine Engines from JV to Z2.V in Prince Rupert ! SRIGORAN s harlotte 2 Heavy Duty Distillate Engines x et ee ee ind I we Island points 8- 10 H. F , sg u : ' eed s All the Latest Improve November 24, 191 , : ehithy . . . . The birthday reeeption Electric Lighting Plants * ; Rf Mh wate, Queen Ch&rioth filisiea ning im thy :1 Ta} : t al . City and Lower Island pointe cc terian | ch last night - _ eeeeee erent nen comple ts ones. j nt ’ ' ti a - in the ; sa es. KE. D (3. Huss Wr aM ‘ om: AV. Bikes oe For Skagwey and the Yukon. ; Klis, Miss Holthy, Miss Yar December %3 id Mi« ' de tefre ‘ ‘ mn all Suits ie eh From Skagway und Yukon 20 per cent. discount on all Sut haree i ‘ { } n s ° . ‘ 5 s . ; ng. Sawle tn December 4 Starting THURSDAY Morning 7. + “ spare iss GLEESON tainni afforded stewart, Maple Bay and Swamp Miss B.C querade skating carneal at ‘ Point. e | { A Prince Rupert, ; Audit m last night. Phe FOR Thirc venue masque prize winners were KE, J N f {2 1 fortnightly me Watertnan and Mrs. Millar 4 thereaftes _ keen ten lap race for boys und FROM —_ twelve years of age msulted e 13 and fortnightly C follows: 1. Biner Olsen, 2. Georges j i i t oO me un Ambre s. Kudolph Nehring, j faa ; nt es === pA . “ y ; ed advertisemen nent -w Manage | G. A. 'T. Sawle is leaving on the yon mt to buy or ll or if SSS Under New same 1p Grand ‘Trunk steamer tonight { tanything. A lot of busi ALL WHITE HEL jthe Kast where le will spend the nO 5 sel done that way. j : > pwitiher ‘ ’ MINERAL ACT, S | eg : RRAL, ACI | Westholme Spec!4 The steamer Senator ealled in ] f om 45c up port this morning loaded with Certificate of Improvements, | Th Mea -~ Tr louriats, fhe big ssel had to i _ NeTIC ree Course VOME PRACTION Mineral Claim situate wail an hour before the passen- tt Naas Hive inion’ Of Cake | | peepee po eovegmnonens. gers Could visit ashore, { apt iin on (f tN "res " n : head of Kiteaul oa OT el Public Atfeock, customs officer, Was at’! eo asain suring mnnaee N r lune h. X ; 1) | rhe i ti, Lewts yy fiimers, THEO COLLART, ota y ‘ th Ave. Mi¢ ‘ ‘ i aven ” ne . ° » singly, on! 1 Pederss vi Miners Certificate No a re Laval Late, ¢ ypether or Fgonabie ole! 107 ' sty days from the date .--b choice level Lot ‘ircle. Any ree SCHOOLS FOR VANCOUVER =f 8) tee Fron te daw FOR SALE rh School, Hays Cove oe per ton delivered ‘ ite Of Improvements, for the , ip ik $13. 6 ; ' pow obtaining 0 irant o 2D SON COAL ; Bulk, aa ‘ VANCOUVER, May, 29.—Thslin poe ae FOR SALE | Sacked, OUR ANCE on the Cont school board is considering a bude y a te ° aaitne eee PTD Bethe Most Liberal MARINE INBURS Pays Claime prom 6 ge! expenditure of a million anda i) e LOUANCE f such Certiiiceate of Insurance Company of Nort om Block Phone Blue quarter dollars next year foe the late 1 bt 10th day ef Nevember, A.D p 0 Box 66 Westholme Theatre erection of five new schools, |" " LEWIS W. PATMONE | —_ ; ”