1020, lay November 24 THB DAILY NEWS SSS SESS wo a a ans = oa. > - =< -— 7 Se =. y aids to good looks, sound teeth, eager appetite and digestion Flavour | STS ¢ | 707 Third Ave. Phone 34 ROYAL HOTEL RESTAURANT. Heme Cooki: g with Quick Service ’ Here you (an pr re the kind of food that is just what you want in nent congenial environ: Attractiveness. Prices Reasonable, Superior Quality Satisfying Service. o®LPDBD BOLE WALLPAPERS, GLASS, Winsor & Newton Art Supplies, EXPERT SIGN WRITING AND . CARD WORK, PICTURES, IN A NAME? a _—_. —— Xmas Cakes. Place Your Order in Good Time with LA CASSE BAKERY 717 Sra Ave. Auto Delivery Phone 190 —_ Nn aeraRn + > le ae scond Street Phone 22 Prince Rupert a Ere are advised Not to go to Swanson Bay as all positions are filled. Whalen Pulp and Paper Mills, Ltd. WHAT’S | SILVERSIDES BROS PAINTS, PICTURE FRAMING P.O. Box 120 WEN LOOKING FOR WORK | o * * Extending our sale all this wee Jabour Brothers, 277 & A > Coatings and suitings greatls educed.—Wallace's ° # * Purniture for Sale, Apply 1150 Atuhrose Avenue * * ” A present for the man—bras ind wood simotk 24: 2 fhon't forget Friday night at th Westholime Buds kiks ni es Children’s Booth a Church ie if Sue. 6 Avoid the Luxury Holeproof te Presbyterian sale, Fi Pax for 82 at Ja and i msiery urs sale, id Ch SO 3m Whether be e Minstrel ¢ cember 7, Liberal or Conserva attend the Elks Westholme, De . * > Phe Prince eached port «s kena, Captain Clifl yesterday with a general cargo from th south, re I timp r A. i Acland, it \., returned on VW last night's trai ection in the a trip ofl ins pe M and Mrs. J. BLN Z r Vane They we t Melivee, of Salt Laks »> has been visiling the ! af Theme and ever st evening for Vane ‘ M irand Drawing Value aie i with i bere snded byw Magistrates Mi mornie \r were also remanded iAltiE weer ' Mord amd Ve onthe charge f stealing and Joe Polk for f y ~ 2 >. Plas i aineal supplying liquer Pillage Police hrorhning It is understood Agent and Constable were le cust brank Was with drawn in the court that Wal Withdraw the left lit distuiss londian sinson charge before they town bul they failed te do se ing the case Magistrate MeMordie remarked the negligence of the er sets at Tite's. tf specially alt afternoon : } j mse 2 . | Local and Personal [ Ask for Atkins’ Sausage. uf this!" we and DAD SIMPSON GOES TO HIS LONG REST ANYOX CHILD HURT IN C.P.R. COLLISION rad COURT OF REVISION. PAK NOVEL tevisiol ! os police or other ollicials whe would recting am ge th allow a than to be held in eustody when the charge should have been pWilhdrawn, Chureh spemially prograinine al Presbyterian concert Friday evening, i6 Faney china for your Xinas gift at Tite's, 145 per cent discount, tf Do not sufer another Gay with pioni bg, leed- ing, or Protrud ing Piles. No surgical oper ation required and afford lasting benefit. Ge, a boa; all dewlera, of Edinanson, Bates & Co, Limited, Toronto, Sample Hot free if you mention this paper and enclose do. stamp te pay postage. a on a ist for the City or the yea | {. will s oui My ID iv he said hase re i ! y ppleah ; tth i ofany pe I ius properly hu i siilal tis place on said he an | Dr, Chase's Ointment wil) relieve you al once >‘ [ro — Person ity | \ rom, Dated at BP i his 28rd day \ vale | RRNEST AL WOODS ker at Lite’s Aimas discou PIES a IR light, tender, flaky [ y you have only to Dr Cream Baking Pow- pastt hat spoonful of onct have seen isy these deliciously | pies are to make, you or more of you day in the week! Custard Pie r. Price's yur, baking dd one-half ler and sa b in lightly add water slow- ning and ru consistency out very thin; pieces re- ing; fold up- edges in to in smatl ng shorter af d lowe r nter: fold sides in to cen- ter; fold sides in to center gain; roll out thin and put on pie plate. Custard “4 edp suger 4% teaspoon salt sided mitk teaspoon vconllla extract Another Price Suggestion All measurements for all materials are level and PASTRIES Beat eggs, add salt, flavoring and milk very slow- ly. Line pie plate with paste above, and bake in ven about 10 min- Pour custard into the baked crust and bake in mod- erate oven about 25 minutes. is done when a knife custard sugar, made as very hot « utes, he pie in enter of omes out dry. ‘DR % Cocoanut Pie is made the same way, adding 1 cup of shredded cocoanut, and us- ing only 2 eggs Baking Powder 2 cups stewed and strained Made from Cream of Tartar, pumpkin 2 cups rich milk or cream derived from grapes. % cup brown or granulated sugar 2 eges \, teaspoon ginger ly teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon cinnamon Mix pumpkin with milk, sugar, well-beaten eggs, gin- ger, salt, cinnamon, and beat 2 minutes. Pour into pie tin which has been lined with pastry. Place in hot oven for 15 minutes, then reduce heat and bake 45 minutes in mod- erate oven. To bring out fla- vor of pumpkin it must be ll baked. MADE IN CANADA very we . Wallace's. or .756. Our ONLY, ane {i tb Jersey boxes al bt = cod > 1 to drop into the Pat- nz and see they ests of ms inh evel can do the tf s anything f Forester, Rupert, TIMBER SALE X 2324. be received by the ater than noon ¢ mit 1920, for X 2324, to cut 5,25 lar and Hemiock on t 1936, Selwyn Iniet, the allowed for re- t Chief Forester, t Forester, Prince TIMBER SALE X 2740. eived by tne 4 \ @ not later t f Decemper, rf Licence X 2740, edar, Spruce, mn area Situated ‘ ast District s will be allowed for re irs of the Onief Forester, it Forest Prince Rupert, roe FOR RENT}? Furnished Rooms at . . Dominion Hotel lust Remodelled and Refurnished Corner First Ave. and Eighth Street, Prince Rupert Phone Red 468 P,O. Box 358 ; FLOWERS IN BLOOM Chrysanthemums, Cyclamens and Bulbs Table Apples, No. 1 $3.50, full weight CITY MARKET Special veers. Terrace, BC. Real Estate and Insurance KENNEY BROS. & CO. DENTISTRY cs ce QUALITY Dr. Bayne OFFICE HOURS— Morning, 9 to 12; Affernoon, 1.30 to 5.30; Saturdays, 9 to 12 onty, Every Evening from 7.30 to 3 . Dental Nurse in attendance Phone 109 for appointment Rooms 4, 5, 6, Heligerson Bik., Cor. 3rd and 6th Best Equipped Office in Northern B.C, L Red Cedar Shingles Dry Kiln Capacity: 100,000 feet per day SITKA SPRUCE WESTERN HEMLOCK FLOORING, SIDING CEILING FINISH OF ALL KINDS Charlotte Islacds Spruce Produc's Ltd. Mills: Prince Rupert, B.C. Local Agents: ALBERT & McCAFFERY Prince Rupert, B.C. Telephones, 564, 116, Blue 69 Royal AutoService Day and Night First Class Cars ERNIE LARGE - - Prompt Service Proprietor G, Clark CLEANING AND PRESSING PARLORS Prince Rupert, B.C. J. Nesbit C&EN. i30 Eighth Street - - Repair Work and Alterations a Specialty Our Motto: Phone Calls given Prompt Attention Geo. Clark, Manager, better known as ‘‘Nobby’’ ‘*To Give Customers Satisfaction”’ Phone 563 aint an epee) i f at 8 v4 gti ee? As : bi aa + i ae “ALE ‘ii