<1 ee aces ae nes ee ee ee 9 ‘PRINCE RUPERT Central Labor Council, - WOw! EL CANT EAT THESE THIS 15 A GOOD WAY Te omy YOU DARLING: SAN eae O.B. U fi F PAN CAKES THAT MAGGIE GIT RID OF ‘Em AN OU ATE EVERY p's —— -~b. Uv. \ ine UY COOKS TLL PUT A TwO-cENT MAGGIE WILL THIN* i | an | Or ; or THE CAKRsS ‘ S STAMP ON FACH ONE OF EM 1 ATE THE ™? c ae A ba ls ae ee AN’ ‘EM - esis cp dee J a. \y - - aa peers 2 ee TITY TE , : Ns if ee YES -MOT tt C4 eé | ‘ My i ne ~ } (C7 GLAD writ { | X } ( =" i} fF Cry 7 1 ¢ i ~) $y A COOK AS THI | . will be held in the | \ Rpg \ { oa JAAN vot ae ©. MART FER ce / a LYN Ye ‘ wy nf 0.B.U. Hall { Is | } (| +) “4 fe i} | ( \ Mcintyre, Building ~ ¢ | \ ee ee J . missioner Jones brought fo the/tated to by any organization cue j , with 2% h.p, Caille Perfection Pork, leg bnt the mayor that tickets |\Whether religious, charitable, pa nce , Inboard engine, P : } ity ‘ 0 49 ‘4 til ici Ls St CALE SSPIULLY \ ions p ! ie a AL, ei vwere being sold for a raffle G6f|trietic or politieal, and if it is the ; i. M. Stephens, Phone 222 A, Shbouiide : ; Mids us tate ; ut ‘ _ doa cash a . “¢ : : f oe members of th ae a hits i FOR SALE OR LEAST rs, abel Fi re 7 tork : : ‘ =4100 ind at that time both he | beard of police commissioners rm iM P » busines ind slant For RUGS, LADIFS SCARVES, ETC. ‘ d the mayor stated that the allow themselves to be dictated t Ky \ ' a particulars apply os egy sine ; : ” dq Hara ware —- he $100 cash would not/ as Would appear from the B ‘ sage tf F - , D. €, TAIT j ’ plac The stances surrounding the al , ty D \ une to see me and this partieuwlar raftle, ther \ os ; TOS SAl : ' 1116 Broadway, Vancouver, B.C. fin'dnslalon Cot SAM Aa hk a Sinbethinn Ot. the é , ‘iekiod pork, per Ib PA EE NET ON EKS REO ' ie ae F -_— je < and himself fadg/board is at an end and the os e a ul UIRE D i rt me : as this decision course open to me is th a , oy re GIVEN me rile, ye Deeennonnsereeoooooeees ; : iat by a majority have followed that «of x BENG VEGETABLES. sa ot ha ’ } he members of the police com. \frem the board, ne waar runrpres, |BUY ASHCROF1 POTATOES for /! “pil TOM LEE C0) W ' . the ifter was disposed In conclusion I may say tha LRAI aa : ; ber suct fetes Maal ef tongue no e ge How ¥ SRytAS: Spon ae oe oe Pt CIA TIO GSILE ASSO a ts cery, Fulton Btreet i est its hb | id the Mavor that taken, nor have | any apologie- ; ae h ¥ - hives | , Wi i al fh the decision wifer, bul would take the sa rh meth FOR AENT ' Ae \ % VEGETABLES al pasts reached | { issioner Jones! stand again should oceasion ’ a oft - . a Seley Predyes teteenin alt Gaile nd was left at) quire—the stand of Equal Riz e ' ENT Front bed Bel i ‘ i “N : ; in giving a Bi ‘ ba Phe\f gv dav the mayor!te AH and Special Privileges ene BI AU fOBILI ; Ml ' . I ‘ beautiful, “and , re { a NONE, CONCERNS Hlach i : ! ' r nt Sine eidioed Y te * : : % (om Gets {5 last, the atten- Thanking you for trespassing ti ha _ om SHORTHAND — TYPEWRITING Lbernbves Neve j Rup I preciation m of the chief r police was|en your valuable space, . ‘ a kee “ p ‘ : ; at seman. 9 s sotinie pie. ed to the fact that tickets for Yours very truly tra t bile con-) Evening Classes Monday, Wednes ' { " ee u ere & something abor ' A . ' ' ‘ ‘ Birks’ that & more Unportant than 1 rafle Were being sold by various GPORGE HILL ta alling of day, Friday 0 to &:30, No, 10 Margarine noe o coccoees all else, It is the knowledge of its persons around the city, the chief , ; suse they an ith Blow kK, phone Blue 295 tf ¢ ! y f i it is a fact that Birks stating that this was the first he 7 y anda te Rud, «6° 5 ete teal adie music. er mes } \ wa eemtiedged sveneiee * |f}hiad heard about it but he would)! The Mam ig the Moon § tay a: 5 i | sepremntinnentyiaeninp tan) Biveed, por ton | paren {hh necessary steps to stoy i DAY AND EVENING CLASSES |, ,¢ BAILEY Yeacher of Music ; : ifithe sale. On the 16th of October SAYS:— } Bs NOW RUNNING, Piano, Organ. Theory of Milk, per case st lo $8 ; STRENSLONGHL es last, Seret Adams, acting under — . oe are ACCOUNTANTS: eninge RO Oe ' Sanitary and against the law, assurance being sumption that if he talked long I i : ‘ WNY ' r-} UIE PXPEPRIFNCED ACCOUNTANT } 1 had ; Heating Enginee : » BES { , . ; given by Father McGrath that\cneugh he might say something “s : ' / id take charge of set of ' ' ' Vancouver B Cc nothing would be done that was og 9 , , , Look | t r part tim : tthe law. The chief natur- THAT Newton is satisfied with ‘ i " hat ha \\ } \ croft Phone Salt x. ea ! neocococooocoeceeeeereeeee as salisfied with this as-/lis trip up the line, and his op- oe “ ted by the Dorin 50 e Fi jer Fil i I t anna irance ponents are also pleased with the v for the traming of Salt Acadia Cod ib. t peer Ts The best way to hav Eom Selling eee result. Everybody is happy Sf i n rf LODGE MEETINGS kate, per Ib ‘ . Learn a Good Trade e b ay to have ii bile ths thie’ Bameee . -s. 2 MPHIZLIOS AUTO AND LODGE (0s LOYAL, 6 K trille . ‘ } in Fight Weeks ® MeN une tome and informed CHAT word has been received PRACTOR SCHOOLS ee 14 LOYAL ORDER OF Salt ooiaehanas, I f ; our uit rie they had. been selling (Hat Capt Formby is safe. Fears \NOOUVER SCHOOL Moose weets efery Thursday Sninn"s “ie : } tickets for some time and it would| #44 been expressed that the Reds (a Granville and Fifteenth evening tbo De Luxe aa White salmon ; Cleaned and Pressed Tn - fair to stop the raMle now had eaten him. oe ; enue We rH ‘ oe Lost iekideinnd he t fore asked me to overlook 4 a : inessy Heights Car ee ee ere a ee wer I j ; ~ vert PHAT among the things that i : | | ( tather 4 *, b . ary 7 ; MOLER BARBER COLLERE is by our he 4 x thi ne and allow Phe 5 . o , Heets, pe ; } 306 Main St, Vancouver, & Mle whawe—sde: ie aivon't get you anywhere is belie VICTORIA SCHOOL ns zu umnd Pre ‘ ' MA ‘ ee Steam Pressing Machine onth before th drawing was ing al that is told you al election Corner* Blanchard and Fisgard y! am ON ch Mrs Feng I if ; t . § “e , ae dd , pee nrereeeeteenttet Method. dvertised to take place i ex. times, : > P Streets ! th Ave W ue : Jit Sabiniee 0 ; Y It only takes 15 minutes, plained to Mr. MeNulty that the PHAT the winters in Manitoba Pre transfers to our Fifteen FOUND Cauliflower : i } A. G. GRA Our Price is olice commission had gone oniare healthful. bracing and expen- br hes in Canada and U.S.A ace pa eR ‘ ; Teacher of Piano Re bl z ! i nen Heed | ! ; asonable ecord as against raffles, wheels-|sive. b jand room at lowest rates.) pounp ¢ Carnival +hild's |New Potat ; A Delivery is Prompt if-fortune, cte.. and that E was ar ae Bi ‘ OFFICE 23 Hastings a _ ray ; ( e d's vy Pots rs * } % . a" c , ” ie ‘ 7 ce Ker cape ply amily ewa "Weel polaloecsa ‘ e 421 Give us atrial. Phone Black 502 speaking for the mayor as-well rHAT the people who own bots Si Mast. Opposite B. ¢ Mee , se na tf Rhubarb : Ibe , rot = Lene is moyself when I stated that the/in SteWart will begin to look up eh “ —— — (ireen onions, pel ' : LING TAILOR fle in question would not be|and see if the taxes are paid. WANT ° bh: ’ FARMS FOR SALE Cucumbers. each 821, 823 2nd Ave., Prince R lowed. Mr, MeNulty than in- oe 4 , ee ae ioe . alse ct foent Prine oper formed tne that he had an ta PHAT if the Groundhog coal ! ad _ ! ‘ fi tw ©. P. A. FARM LANDS The rich Radishes, per bu eh DRY KINDLING Wot Sega — - nissioner Jones relative to the comes oul that way, there may be mie! Appi tox 159, ~ Daily prairies of Aiberta, Baskatehe- Parsley, per bunch in Stove Len “~~ \inatter and that the stand taken|” city at the head of Portland Ne Office 75 van and Manitoba are especial. |e* plant, per |b ; i e. LTe i Hot | P . R hy Sik: Scion was thetian Gad yee Canal after all. WANTED ‘REN? . 4 ly suited for mixed farming.|Celery, per lt PACIFIC ¢ ARTAG ae? Se ge ee \ ; o- 2 oe r n+ hee ‘ UPA ishec Land that will uce f ‘ e rince upert ons responsible for the raffle had THAT two moose were een flat mall how Apply ere is r — a AfAvertiaxe in the Patty New not been given sufficient notice,|\ wandering up the streets of Fort An 1 Con late if ps of gram and logger, ant enetnaee EUROPEAN PLAN he wee sie favor .ef sllowing thel@eseee ede” mies coun ao well adapted for dairying OF | = : $1.50 per day and up, raflle te“proceed, and, personally, \éreatures noticed are the chick. #4! boy wants housework livestock raising can still be aa oe eae ‘1 sa So Over ould take no steps to stop it./ens Ny box 138, Daily News had at prices averaging about 4 | FIRST-CLASS CAFE Now, I do not wish to,make any 4 ie’ 6 _ OMe a 276 #18 00 an acre, with owanty K th B d Healt and the Brain Cleat A La Carte. comment on this change of front} THAT Newton would have a years to pay if you wish. Only cep e 0 y of Commissioner Jones otheethan|university with one wing. rhat FOR SALE i? per cent down, No further Dat foe : . to say that aceorditg to the com-|would be as bad as a bird with one DI payment on the principal until RCHAS 5 . Phone 555 827 2nd missioner's own statement, he) Wing. ‘ , . a ana 00) the end of the fourth year; then ns nd Avenue Wis aware that the tickets were * ” *. re oh. p. heavy duty ” & sixteen annual payments, In- ee c.V. EVITT being sold for some time prior to THAT a short time ago there i of Sone a aaae wie PER ? wade : ‘ rice o saengine has gone , : ile 4 Auctioneer his having taken the matter up a re on n pmanetione for work — fe. roe anne bargenese : 7 < "9 arieaen ee — ae Audi ith the mayor, al which time he |MC? '0 Visit many places, but to ata , , ! GOD}, Se o> Be MeRPlOR, von uditor and Accountant had expressed himself in fevor of day nobody is wanted. Kyen from the fae tory. We have also) eouver, a ” n . iSwanson Bay is asking people to| °° hand 4 h.p, N. & 8. engines, EE EAereers - ee ; ae “5 te away. price for same complete, $290, Bene | “ e e - ie Prince Kupert Cigar Store M ¢ , ; ‘ Indi est 3! | THAT, girls, have you bobbed Phone Blue 914 if rket Prices EASIL Y Cor KED 4 j ; \yo ur hair - ' woe ame Boers ee reer ret i io i “wok fo r fiftee n minutes 4 Went tS | bhaseide: ‘ CONDHAND FURNITURE sold Mics Place in boiling water and ¢ ————————S—S le vousiia the result of sluggton Bio bot forget fo look into the Soeest 1 aaa oie ¥°" Sirloin steak, per Ib. .. 450) Smoked Black Cod you: suppor! pi action IL oral ‘: : 7 aa \ iat) se aor or ” aire, b (pe vere o" § 6 00.9 2 moke 4 y We have secured the agency for bowels, and disappears when Or. iberal committee rooms, Pat-| pyncu's old store, corner First, (20%! pot roast, Ib. 260 to $80) yee ny and a Local Industry the best Coa! toundin the interior Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills ere used. jtullo Block, They are open ali the)... | gull Dhied | Ahan |Beef, chuck roast, Ib, ....,. 4060 | al Fishermen and § and can supply any quantit ime ar “re , re oem ame Me ait ab ' 980 | by th ae ees . ity, One pilladose. 25. abox, all desters es “ vipat somebody there |_ Phone Groom 544, Beet, rib roast, ib. 35e and $86 | Sold by all, Retailers and Smoke d Daily 1 to a ie time, Most of the friends | — eciee ~~~ | Beef, boiling, th, .... 480 te 22c| Bo y (0 Lt i Prince Rupert Feed ('o. call in the evening, f)FOR SALE.