G iNT sf rh So) eG Purity! Purity! Purity! The one dominating note that runs all through the mahing of Sunlight Soap is Purity. The $5,000 Guarantee you get with every single bar is not a mere advertisement. It marks i a standard set for the buyers who select the choice Sunlight Soap meaterials—for the soap boiler—for the expert chemists—for the girls, even who wrap and pack Sunlight Insist on getting the Soap you ask for— Sunlight Soap LEVER BROTHEKS LIMITED PORONTO PRINCE RUPERT DRY DOCK Engineering Co., Limited. MARINE AND _ COMMERCIAL WORK — Engineers, Machinists, Boiler Makers, Blackamiths, Pounders, Pattern Makera, etc. We Solicit Your Enquiries P.O. Box 1713 Phones 43 and 385 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. /ELKS WON GAME We have now on hand 1000 Tons Velington Goal 1000 Tons in rl tween Two Formidable Con- tenders for Gilhuly Cup wer 7 nm . for pre t ! strongly make eure ¥ ow by . 116, 564, Blue 69 Abert & McCaffery fons * Limited Catal New eg Helgerson TAXI Block | ated my and % ae ie | 139 Huntley Tate, {Pie ree ¢ line-up and seortng wa ARTHUR’ wrilite 5, G. Leek, 4; 1, Meltag M. McRae, 2; EB. Carter and A Db. Macdonald f Larter ond half, fruryvienu Four Piece Orchestra ins inet Whiz-Bangs, E.R K. M p ee Saxaphone Kis doe M Shenton, 2; B hor oe re 481 Phone 481 Hyrne, M. Halebford ™ The pai cheduled between ihe Colts and the Sons of Tagtand nna nencaivenans resolved idaeclf info a friendly areful lmeteh which was canceded to the Hats to iano Tuping cero The Sans were mable to o Party hie Spineras sorte field a team and it ts to be hoped Ls PMs, oh lishing that in future a little more con lade Stevens ted organ sition werk will be Phone Re ry | Aveny Ww done by them that their pres P.O, Box 762 ence in the league sehedule may “ewe “ererer ecueusecurers |i) i)! prove a detriment, To Appear as Heroine of George Kibbe Turner's ~~] MAY ALLISON IN A DRAMATIC PICTURE FREIGHT RATES KILL BUSINESS Consular Report made by E. A, Wakefield Shows Fatal Effect of Drastic Action “Held In Trust.’ TURNED. TRICK ON m= Rochep LAST EVENING - Was Hotly Contested Affair Be- SEATTLE CREDITORS oint Now Lies Safely Moored at Grand Trunk Pacif Dock in Victoria “THREE GREEN EYES” AT EMPRESS THEATRE t Everybody Smokes OLD Chun | Canada’s Favorite Pipe Tobacco. _ j ppealing mant rm ry deal with I \ n girl, ho Tair with P H ther, howe, marry @ ri narrias I discr@é@t letter { Lucille 1 t sband and \ ig ! rhaste Th fi pec BEK EXTRA CREAM ROLLED Pezel,g (21S 88K WHEATRARES othing topeches the ot t dish of B & K Rolled Oats, or palatable is our Bek Wheatflakes and te K ‘ele Oats ape nally fine dish. mixed in equal proportions, Ra i ns I THE BRACKMAN-KER MILLING CO. LTD. P.O. Box 745 Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 350 APD Women of British Columbia DESPITE ALL CLAIMS TO THE CONTRARY--- Despite all e nde avoures of the opposition to obtain credit for having originated the social and domestic legislation which the women of British THE FACT REMAINS--- PENSIONS PAID tives Pro EARLY IN JULY i Columbia now enjoy--- f the highest and noblest type. Supt. Brankin Refutes Conserva- lated Sept, (1 hankineg me fora tive Statement at Weifare Convention, MOTHERS’ PENSION ACT: Starting with July 1920 to date, 637 mothers and e already received assist- i 1 t hat ne ail 2 » paid oul until be { or hie \ of the el i M Brankin stated > 1 have a leth n my pocket ec for vernber, Uf ple ae of t) h pensions have rg over 1000 children hav ance under the Act, being eared for. That until 1917, one year after the Oliver Government came into power, no material changes were made to better conditions for the women and children of our Province. neces of Canada have lifted their eyes with hope to Britich Columbia, s for their sex erystalizing and taking sh&pe in the legislation of the Oliver Government as Sinee then, the women in all as they see their ideas MINIMUM WAGE: Thousands of young girls and women, who under the aegis of previous administrations, were not paid enough to keep body anc soul together, are now receiving a decent weekly wage. fs WORKMEN’S COMPENSATION ACT: Under the present Liberal Administration 750 widows and other dependents of wee men are now A sum of over $22,000 is being expended monthly in this co nection. Other Administrations Gave You Polite Promises, The Liberal Administration Has Given You Real Beneficial Legislation. aur a ~ Vote for the Liberal Candidates December 1