, | by e a 384 ae ene and all the that dainty requisites make habits of cleanli ness a delight await vou at Our Modern Drug Store Solem For Liver Ills. NR Tonight — SniseR eae dL Call and see our line of Toilet ; articles, supplies and sundries ORMES LIMITED Let our experts fill your ~~ wanpwss Hel = prescriptions PUBLIC NOTICE. © © Hay pure! \\ rmes Limited | 1) zx Heo, «a ’ “ The Pioneer Druggists mane Tory mens } | pay Phones 82,200 THE REXALL STORE po. Box 1680 | {0 | 1, after x y va \ I LNG IN S THE MATTER spptication for | Prince Rupert, B. ¢ Look Around ii) 2h Sieg! ee eee eee eee ees oP ene ernie or ante Ge tee . et lle ed tands in the name of Notice to Advertisers . All You nh, on core ot a ea, a > eee ge i a eM ede e Casual . advertisements * ki ; eee ee Dee 3 Oe ies for insertion same day * Please te feasib e to 1 beve mentioned should be in the Daily #* nag th ie ot et ah Tends me News ollice before 10 a.n . rh t g yout this | i Changes in advertisements * set ia lady the oth i veya 2 snauld be on Rand befom © oe * Pp in. on previous day . das y y wa lk \ . itord » . you V i be urged to buy 7 NAUEUST Gee@eeeeeseesesss mvihing We are glad WA mp graeme re ne ' ae have y , newerd Notice of Intention to Apply to Lease Land day y ay ) ples one sianas a We's hings all th . skeena, & : a war t . inne “1 Va : , HAHMAM ISLANI ar ' me; 1S ‘ : ' ‘ ’ t as ” John Bulger ee ated \ ; Jeweller ' se a ." : GIFTS THAT LAST ind ~ leg. week aan Nii es tsps! panied at the — scullwest corner of said Diock 53; tn eee norlb-easterty f wing the high-w mark alone the westerty oundary oft eee ~ = 7 The Liberal Commit- to the pom wimencement Dn atning ’ res T rv lees tee rooms in the Pat- HAHAM ISLAND SPRUCE & CEDAK « . tullo Block on Second ae Soe aed Furnished Avenue are now open every afternoon and TIMBER SALE X 2215. R ° H evening for the con- Sealed tenders will be received by th ooming ouse venience of the elec- aloe nd gh Daag onl + Hh an ae nee torate. t he chase ’ We offer a Rhoowing House . a : om Pe = ar of 23 rooms completely fur- Information regard- : PBST <§ ames | nished centrally biisakaib ing political affairs will “2 a v be allow for a 4 mS ie be cheerfully given. timber Si modern, with low renta I : , Dist: - : ; immediate sale and poss , ession, TIMBER SALE X 1037. 4,000 $ , © ~ MeCaflor, Gibbons {| stocktaking ery, Gibbons & Doyle, Lid Sal , oyie, td. a e TIMBER SALE Xx 2779 Real Estate & Insurance ! rf Prince Rupert, + .C. 2 =" te 1 DENTISTRY ; C0 W AN 5 rer : ‘ ! t Don’t neglect your Teeth JUNT OF 8 One decayed or missing tooth : lowers your efficiency N aie, + i ' E ADMINISTHA DR. BAYNE LOHN ELWOr DECEASE ‘Tes Office Hours--Morning, 9 to 12: — Afternoon, 1.30 to 6.30; Satur Half pound tins ht rot ‘ ' f d«y, ¥ to 12 only Evenings, ns h " * a Tuesday, Wednesday and Fri- © Fe teotietos a : Eiw @day, from 7 to 9. . becuase ‘ wu pa , sin DENTAL NURSE IN ATTENDANCE pecia C laa thenidy some t tt PHONE 109 POR APPOINTMENT i , Sad” aod ait ware eke ~ e required t a the an t of thelr foal “a idebtiediuess : ave f rte hn x r mote are - : mie ia A inn pists shor Prince KHupert, # Rupert Table Supply Co, PHONES 211, 212. ce PLUMBING AND HEATING First Cars of our new ENGINEERS screened Lump Goal have Ketimates furnished. arrived, aia bit IT’S CLEAN Address, 3rd Avenue, head Large stock Ege Goal also of Becond Btreet, on hand, Have you tried Phone 174 — P.O. Box 274 Our Keg Coal in your range’? é ‘ ton it’s HOT C CoalCo. Ltd Dyeing - Dry Cleaning OnSuUMers 0d 0,, . For good ware prompt service J. Lorne MacLaren, Manager ae CITIZENS nein ao Room 11, Smith Biock Phone 7 DYEKS, 2087 4th Ave., Van ; couver. Inquiries solicited | ’ Dated this 1*#t day of November, 102 REV. DUNLOP SPOKE Told of Impression G.H. ARNOLD Notary Public. FIRE INSURANCE Policies are carefully and intelligently written by us in sound companies that are both able and willing to pay any losses that may occur, YOUR business, is solicited. Phone 96 for your rate, H. G. Helgerson, Ltd. Real Estate Bonds Insurance THE DAMY nae NEWTON FOLLOWERS ENTHUSE EACH OTHER Speakers are ©. ©. Rowe, F. 8. Wright and W. R. Love who Spoak Optimistically of Prospects M ’ ‘ ‘ ' 4 - ' \ i ; r= mbna. TO SCOTTISH ORDER s Gathered on Travels——Re- and Dance His Extensive freshments estholme Theatre TONIGHT AND TOMORROW eae ‘ Auk + ON in HELD in TRUS MAY AL Gazette EMPRESS THEATRE - JUNE VIDGE AND CAR Hinzes, Lvely~ ¢ mony llth Episo “$1,000,000 REWAK D iiaiiaaaniiihieaiil : , ae ‘ i Nowe ; TREATMENT FOR COLD IN THE HEAD Prompt Action Will Breat It Up in 24 Hours ! | SHERIFF'S SALE IN ‘J HEMI COURT Of } hPish OOLL MBIA i { | } f! } | | I> lb ind bins ( Lid ce i ' | ! ~ i " na I hit { I have mzed ‘ i \ \ vel I ‘ | hie ti for “at y Ne | ce } I " n thi i TT i“ (ao i iH } nee Tuy I> } ‘ bup j { Nove ‘ if iveo i4 JOUN BHLALEY, sherify The above sale is hereby post- poned until Friday, the 26th day. of November, .1920, same hour and place. JOHN SHIRLEY, Sheriff, Tonight and Tomorrow An All Star Cast, ix 7 hree Green Eyes” A a ene LYLE BI ACKWELL Synopsis ef Land Act /mendcments business at South f “ | MESSRS RORIE & SMALL eee cee rer creer orerecere Chartered A untantes Auditors, V are vuver, B. CJ Phone 44 Minimoum price of fret-clese land redyoed to HM an sore, second-class $3.66 an acre Pre-emption mew confined te our- veyed lands only Reoords #1!) be granted covertng only land table for agriculture) purposes and wh) imber land Parte 'p pre-emplions sbetiahed but parties of sot more than feur may arrange for sdjecent pre-emptions with joint residence, but esch making necessary Lmproverentsa on reepective claima wv Pre-emptors mus cocupy claime for five years and make improvements te value of $10 per acre, including clear tna and tivation of at least acres before receiving Crewn Orant Where pre-empter in cocupation set one than 2 years, and hese made pro port “te improvements, be may. be ” f ” other sae be sr oo tr tifcate of im provement te Chaum Records with ” anent resi sence may be laevued. previded appli t makes #800 per a: mprovements te extent of num ané records same each Pellure to make improvements ' record same will operate as for : TMie cannet be obtained in oars, and improvements including & scTres vated, and residence 2 pears are required Pre-emptor holding Crowr eran nay re 4 anothe: pre-emption, ¥ he requires spetien with hie fart - t actua ~ecupation. pro vide provements made and paintained of Orewn grante t area. “ot exceeding 20 acren may be eneed as homesites tlie to be obtained after fulfilling reet- dential and improvement conditions Fs or greasing and industria! purposes . a be oding $40 acres may @ Peron or company ctory or tr dus sites on ner i ae ee e r e may be purchased, conditions inalude payment of etumpage Natural hey meadows inaccessible by existing roade may be purchased conditional upon construction of @ read to them HKeba f one-half ef aoe of re ‘ : st ¢ . road, net exceeding half of purcha- On hearing The Brunswick ke tones price, ie made c lover exclaims at ite wonderfu . aah PRE EMPTORS FREE GRANTS Back of the grill is the eccret—en ' en acr : = _meitbete Sound waves The oe f thin Act i# eniarged to of wooed of the vicnt r lac wreet acous ; nelude «@ i peregns joining and serv. plified and sent o st t he : the secret ng with . ajesty'« ores i . ‘ hy then ’ Ume within whieh b * circles No metal touches of a deceased for tithe under from for one ye 49 from the death of euch erect ae formerly unl ene year after the cor union of the present wer This privilege le eleo made re troactive No fees relating to pre emptions are due or bie by soldiers on emptior orded after June 26, 1918 Taxes are remitted for five years Provision for return of mon crued, due and been paid wines anaes 4. 1914, on aecount of 4 vince August OF tases on soldiers Interest of pre-emptions agrasussnes to purchase town ©. city lote held by members of Allied Forees, or dependenta, acquired direct or indirect, remitted from en lietment to March 21 1920 SUB-PURCHASERS OF LANOS Proviatun made for Crown grants to Crown anda CROWN lamuanece = of cub-purchasers= of acquiring rights from purchasers who falled = to complete vurchase, involving forfeiture, on fyl- liiment of conditions of purchase, in- terest and taxes Where sub pase ere do not claim whole of original eel, purchase price due and ca aap be distributed proportionately over whow area Applications must be made by May |, 1020 GRAZING Gresing Act, 1919 for mystematic development of ilvestock industry pre- vides for grasing districts and edimninistration under Commiasiones. Annual greasing permite lesued on aumbeve ranged, priority for es Hehed ywiere look owners may fort Auaoc lations for ponge man ment. Free, or partially f for eet nampers af to use eed _ ee ’s the Secret Of that wonderful 6 es i Wale “round tone mumc Come in-@ demon- jl] con: stration will why the yince you ne Brunswick #8 — whono* guperio! pho! j graph. an Remon oy newer f Meat the Gr K 4 td i Music Store handise oan The mu am sa ht Danad an dian pey ———