eo 4 ne ee | le ahaa ee ore — ss tea if bs “*ge § 6 THE DAILY NEWS PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by The News Printing and Publishing Co., Third Avenue. H. F. ute _ MANAGING EDITOR. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Gity’ Delivery, by catrier or mail, per month .,.......... $4.00) By mail to all parts of the Brilish Empire and the United States, in Advance, per YOO ..... cece ec ete e eee seseeseees $6.00. To ali olher countries, in advance, per year ...........6. $7.50. TELEPHONE 98. Transient Disp ay Advertising $1.25 per inch each insertion Transient advertising on front page .......... $2.00 per inch Local Readers, per insertion, ......e.eeeeeeess 25e. per line Classified advertising, per inseNion, .......... 2e. per word Legal Notices, each insertion, ...... ife. per agate line, Contract Rates on Ay Ficgtion. All advertising should be in the Daily News Office.on day pre- ceding publication. All advertising received subject to approval CONSTIPATION ND HEADACHES Completely Relieved by this Grand Fruit ee “PRUIT-A-TIVES” | MAR. ALFRED OUBOISSEAU 482 St. Catherine St. E., Montreal. aaa: Friday, November 26, 1920 DAILY EDITION, Real Policy or Paltry Program. ian has a program which he dangles before the “For three years, I was a terrible sufferer from Indigestion, constant Head- aches and ConsApation I took various medicines for the trouble but nothing seemed to do me any good. Then, a friend advised me to try ‘Fruit-a-tives’.. Now I am free of Every politic electors, It is usually aowork of art. Ht is Gesigned to catch the Indigestion and Headaches, the Constipation is eured, and I have unwary voter and lure him into the polling booth ready primed gained considerable weight; and my to vote for that particular candidate. It is a bait with which general health is fine. to cateh human fish, and sometimes the suckers bite. *Frait-o-tives’ is @ grand medicine and What is tr if all elections is true here in Prince Rupert. I cannot say enough in its favor.” ‘ . ALFRED DUBOISSEAUD. Each candidate jays out a program. Some of these are published : : | "Fruit-a-tives’ are made from fruit persistently and insistently with the idea thaf-if the fish refuse Juices and valuable tonics—and are to rise te the bait it shall be shoved down their throats, The pleasant to take, their action being curious thing is that in spite of past experiences of th s kind, gentle and mild, yet always most there are still suckers Now the sucker is not very desirable fish. ‘It is full of bones and there is liltle meat to it. The human sucker, however counts just as much as an intelligent man, when it mes to voting. Every vote counts the same. The curious thing about voters is that everyone thinks he is wondrous wise and the other is the sucker, He eannot d tinguish between the false and the true. It is to draw attention to this condition and to urge that every voter make a thorough investigation into the personality of the candidates to ther past records and into the promise for the future, before casting the ballot that this is written. Electors Forsaking Former Affiliations. The electors of the north are a discriminating kind. They are more. intelligent, probably, as a whole than any other body ef electors in the province. They are already investigating and many have already made up their minds that there-is but one candidate at this lime to vote for. We knew this is true Hecause Many, who were not former supporters of Mr. -Pattullo, have dropped int to make it cledr where they stand at this election. We appreciate their confidence. We-realize that often it is con- siderable wrench for a man to vote against his party or contrary | to his past convictions, but these are extraordinary days and this period is a critical One for Prince Rupert city and the whole district. They are days when it is desirable that people should be willing to give up their natural preferences and act as a unit for the good of the north. Don’t Forget to Unite on Big Four. The thing to dp The people the hig will go to Victoria with a mandate the representatives before the from now is to unite on fonr for north. Liberal four the increase in the for fair treatment for north, including an asking number of the next Ples« fion, The eles commonly Hon. ack epled fact. assured, It is a the people ~~ Pattullo is What is desirable so that it tron ot now is lo make the now majority as large will of the rood reports come as possible impress south, Manson has done Atlin (George in from the other censtituencies. the Kergin is mak nd should have seems likely to make grade in Omineca where he excellent work ing 4 good impression in constituences i g00d majority. In Prince Perry is very sure of victory. This is in line with reports from the south, where evary ation is that the Oliver Government will be returned by a very handsome majority. A splendid wash—EARLY ! Purity — complete cleanliness,— gar- ments that are unwornend valfaded— with the waesh-board rub-and-serub done away with so the clothes are out early~ that’s a Sualight Soap wash day. Good news! LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED, Toronto. __ ih i pry he Hil ateMit Hh} Dr.JOS. = SURE effective. SOc. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size 25c. At all dealers or sent postpaid by Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa, Ont. SUITCASES TRUNKS HANDBAGS WHOLESALE AND RETAIL 3. F. MAGUIRE 722 Second Ave., OOO OOP Oe owe mene Prince Rupert fe teevpecaeepeseeeeeea * PRINCE RUPERT TIDES * eee eee ese eee eaeeregee Friday, November 26. High. 1:24 a.m. 20.6 feet. 13:9 p.m., 23.5 feet. Low, 7:10 a.m., 6.6 feet 19:58 p.m. 1.3 feet. Saturday, November 27. . High, 2:9 a.m., 20.9 feet 13:53 p.m. 23.5 feet. Low, 7:56 a.m.. 6.5 feet. 1.2 feet. The time used 1s Pactfic Stan- dard, for the 120th Meridian west. It is counted from 0 to 24 hours, from midnight to midnight. The table given is for Port Simpson but the time for Prince Rupert varies only a few minutes on some days and on the same. The range of the tide may be computed as 5 per cent greater at Prince Rupert than at Port Simpson both at springs and neaps. Therefore the rise Prince Rupert harbor is slightly greater than Port Simpson. The height is in feet and tenths of feet above the average level of lower low water. ’ 20:42 p.m MINERAL ACT, Certificate of improvements. NOTICE pper Chr pper ug No. 4 pper Cum Ne 2 ard cnn Ne Mineral Claims situate in the Neas River Mining Division f Casslar District Where located Kitsault Hiver, Alice Arm TARE NOTICE that I, George A. Young, Pree Miner's Certificate No, 3¢ . act ng Jor myself and as Josepn Wells, Pree Miner's 40661 ‘ and Arne Davedson, Miners Cer tifteate Ne 40028 intend, sixty days ‘from the date hereof \r apply wt Mining Recorder for a Certificate l\provements, for «the purpose a Crown Grant of the above And further take notice that action, un | der section 85, must be ecmmmenced before | the issuance of such Certificate of improve ments opper 565.4 agent for Certificate No Pree of im- of obtaining claims Dated this 6th aay of November, 1990 Se } WATER NOTICE, DIVERSION AND USE. | TAKE NOTICE that P. W. Racéy, agent ifor te Moose Group Mining Syndicate, twhose address js Alice Arm, B. ¢., will apply for a lieence to take and use one- quarter of a cuble foot per second of water [out of Moose Creek, which flows southe riy and drains into Trout Creek about at its jJenetion with the Kitgauit® River The Walter will be diverted fram the stream jat @ point about 2,000 feet north of the Trout Creek falle at 4 point on the Moose [No 6 Mineral Claim, and will be used for domestic purposes upon the mine deseribed jas the Moose Group |} This notice Was posted on the ground on ithe jor this notice and 4) application pursuant) waler, e ithereto and to the “Water Aet, 1014," wil amen h inh, but he Rooms 7 and 8 Smith Block | Lady Assistant Phone 575 Oo E Office Hours: pen Evenings | 9-12; 1-6; 7-9. Sunday by Appointment | ith day of September, 1926. A copy jbe ied in the office of the Water hooerder jat Prince Rupert, B. ¢ Objections to the application may be! filed with the said Water Keeorder or with the Comptrotier of Water Nights, Parlia- | ment Buildings, Victoria, B.C. within thirty days after the first appearance of this notice in a local newspaper THE MOUS GHOLP MINING SYNDICATE, Applicant, j others is ae in the, the | TIT DAILY NEWS aa ~~ oe ' Flivver Fuanyisms " From Literary Digest f Day FE ewe me The old fa vil I ty a lone lives ‘ ahd oof the i ve and Doermgpeite . In il j . i Vind ‘ = ’ hea \ ts hay j mr reeted Thay \ a puassenge should tin ! = sritoolly ! Wh d ‘ I x ‘ } Whv a ' ™~ i fans l \ thivver j ' ‘ ipted to t ‘ Vi sfng ‘ t i Trit Sik mn - with When the sa 4 { sinw N My Gi I hie Ith \ I b I ig Pha Hysta I We er i ' 3); vher ~ : i | Sig \ M if ‘ f hy ‘ - it ‘ ~ ion =f s Sen d » Spee ¥ We hy uy 2 l« ' } t Ha ' Vier) ’ bi = I fouring i Apply rim Sh Watertown St ae Ten Years Ago | / in Prince Rupert } a tt et i November 26, 1910 Mart It ef ha Charles M. Wils th estate : Was y nthe Pr ee i wit whe he as state to AS. Che betore sire pulled down = the harb M W ratte at he “wns aden Ronald Harris in ofl mning engineer of the ¢ fistrvet isiting the + * * . A new local formed laat stron reanzaton in night we campaign again ih perance party in the f election led the Citizen Leag ED OLSON WASHED FROM FISHING BOAT /: According to word received here Ed Olson was washed overboard off the halibut boat Seatth ne ldayes avo, save the Ketchikan Alaska Chronivle The boat wa enroute from Ketchikan to the the deep sea fisheries, and at the time of the aceident wa alt Yakatat, The wind was blowing al sixty five miles an hour and a heavy sea was running, A wave broke over the deck and swept Olson into the A life buoy was thrown to was unable to grasp it and went down almost imme The Realtlle diately deceased was a re sident of and ‘leaves a iwidow and two children. by PY. W. Bacey, Agent. | Mrs. A. P. Hagen wae an arrival The date of the first publication of this); | ony , F notice is November 16, 1920. jirom Terrace on last night's train, from Films | / | SSE Tse AACDONALDS PRINCE of WALES , CH TOBACCO ee {99 EWING MAIL SCHEDULE ese eee ee esc eeeeeaee For the East. Mondays 4-4 silo a Wednesdays and Sat i. From the Eest. Sundays, Ts af esday 8 and For Vancouver and South. Tuesdays rm > | = ‘fs itp From Vancouver and South . ’ W edpesdava 1 ‘es ’ 1) or An and Al‘ arm . " 10 pu N t v p From Anyox and -fillice Arm I iy’ arr DUPOGRIS. 4 i oci ce tee sted pa For Port Simpson, Arrandale, Mil! Bay, Wales ‘stand and Naas River ~ a p I ys 11 pw From Pt. Simpson, Arrandale, Mili Bay, Wales !siand and Naas River j Queen Chariotts istande: For Massett, Port Clementa and Upper isiand points - Masset, Port Clements and er Istand po ‘ ; rt “or Skidegate Queen Chartothle ity and Lower Isiand pointe 3 | hitiy From Skidewate, Queen Charlotte City and Le wer Island points tiy For Skagway and the Yukon. ’ ; I) ! ! From Ghagwey and Yukon. N Perens yer 4 1418 itewart, Maple Bay and Swamp Point. R ‘ { ind fortnightly tow 13 and fortnightly thy ft 4 Pwo-color window cards take the eye quickly Bee them at the News Job Department MINERAL ACT, j iF Certificate of improvements. NOTICE VHACTION Mune evi ral Clatm situate ‘ Naas liver s wing Division of (Cas. ‘ District wi located About 22 | from Alice Seen it tead of Kilgauit pdjoining Silver Vicrrete Mineral mn TAKE NOTICE that tL, Lewts W. Patmore, Mi No 4 i as agent for Hans ederset ree if re Certificate No a4 intend «iy fays from the date of w aj y to tee Mining Necorder ' Certificate of Improvergents, for the rose of obtain ing a Crown Urant of yh ulema TAKE NOTICE that ac ' n # Thust be COtiinenced i f men ertificate of ‘ ’ ha of mer, A.D LEWIS W. PATMORE | Thors- ny a an National Railways, a . een 5. PRINCE GEORGE SAILLA Midnight Thursday AN \ Wednesday 10 p.m 5 5. PRINCE JOHN Ocean Fails. Beaver Cove and Vancouver Sunday $9 po. m 5.S. PRINCE ALBERT TRAIN SERVICE Monday, Wednesda Saturday at 11:15 am Ps y ano Agency All Ocean Steamship Lines For informs e ‘ Ticket Offce, #20 Third ony Avenue Phen? 760 ng Oa OO OO Nt CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY CANADIAN PFAOIFIC OOEAN SERVICES B.C. Coast Steamship Services 6.8. PRINCESS BEATRICE Stegwey, Alests, from Prince Rupert: fer Ketenites, serees, rh fe on) ¥, Ocean Foils, Hardy Gey, Alert Bey from Prince Rupert for Swans & for rate rererve « a) s*. spp’y ° W. C. ORCHARD, General Agent , Cor 3rd Avenue and 4th Street i ( Prince Rupert, v Royal AutoService Prompt Service First ERNIE LARGE W. ARD ELECTRIC & MARIKE COW SUPPLY Co ELECTRICAL AND MARINE SUPPLIES represe! { Canadian Fairbanks Co Ltd C. O. Crude Oil Marine Engines from 30 oe 8-10 H. P. Heavy Duty Distillate Engines, Class Car Proprietor 250 h Pp — OF SUITS 5; al 20 per cent. discount on § i Starting THURSDAY Me: ning. tate ‘Miss GLEESON Prince Rupert B.C. Third Avenue omer ee wwwes oe