THS DAILY RBWB Page eee, @| ‘Tite's Store for Toys and Fancy| , Gioods. tf rn Local and Personal) hohe acy ————— or Seattle, Ask for Atkins’ Sausage. tf J. W. Me ork . hi fi SiS for Seattle Ralph Lepine went south last ge ee vening Cha s Durhan | { 2) a ae nieht f un Usk. Take Peps at Once! ae sor all this ghee oe 3 ” & Peps * itt safeguard you ae eee a ee a d . saan win j hi . ‘ : i iy just the beginning "By kes ping a j 7 educed Wallace's wid Lad olton unas mt 2 “un ne ssary suffering and A ; s Be aah Joe Izenbers left for the south cp hence . i " Te scorities, dlesstved Ei cae shies Y t ‘ ; n the Gieor Be j sp — ( ls 7 ica ; anv” ts weltdl disidlagibat test it de. 3 Haxketball tonight! Mexhibitis eee . a i carers all germs and prevents the soreness / - juilding, 7 to 10, 25¢ and 106 vi spreading. Atthe same time the healing oa 2 induws. Wa quality of the vapor soothes the inflamed . Catter eal auditor left ‘ A m dembranes and soon brings relief, 7 i night on tis ret south see Tite's i py are equally beneficial for laryng- o--e"e \ pronchitis, Coughs and colds. eps Co., Teronto. 0c. \ present for the man-—brass . . . wl stroke selx al Jite’s. tf } I “Wi Mixx \ uM. MeDonatd fi Kis I h Hot ] I * i bs M i \ \ i I is "Tax and I I ! y : at J sal 7 riLid . 7 * | z Wh corry when y ini pleasure « seeing “Suds if . 3 , il he Westholme tonight Fletetu ee Until X i- Pes al discount « Viet i ; . 2 gate ° * . fa e ‘ i ‘i thie : oard iv ” ce Oe 66 ight, W. E. Williams was QUALIT [aioe atlas ge bia ere o : : a - : Dr. Bayne Pie ee sae : OFFICE HOURS } . om shy eee ; Werning, 9 (0 12, Afternoon, 1.30 to 5.30, Saturdays, § to 12 only Suds” at the Westt Every Evening from 7.30 to § sarki Shs : ’ ane Dental Nurse in attendance y ! a Black 273 for Hyd . . TWO LOCAL LADIES Phone 109 for appointment ee een 2 — . he o . ater f , saaeis'a,'8, Oo flaloheese ni Goes ied ead ‘in ea te a oe we | ARE RECIPIENTS OF = Keep the Body Healthy and the Brain Clear Best Equipped Office in Northern B.C, tract w 7 «” Lid we pi , ‘ BEAUTIFUL PRESENTS Eat ‘ 4) : ‘ + a i ge i a : \ ei , : Miscellaneous Shower at Home of \ —- “~ nis Of fe Coral en | ._ 2 ® Miss Kenny for Misses ee R PERT BRAND ee 7 a awes Ps a tae Reid and Hill. rae i At Barrie's Furniture Store,|,.,. Rosa. 9 — PRINCE RUPERT DRY DOCK Jo: << esis a voces 1 | SMOKED BLACK COD ‘ ince for tirand Drawing hr \ s - glit at the home AND a oP ie Sens — ore i Miss N Kenny, Dunsmuir St i : : 2. 5 Setcal dca added Welne| Miss N who is to be EASILY COOKED:--- > d J jown ¢ val . f 4 . Engineering Co. . Limited. . $20 u . , Miss Susan R who Place in boiling water and cook for fifteen minutes oy . Uperating-—G * 20,00 on oating ry Voc ° ° ® ; ~ ta s i we ee tee et ree . ae Sore coy ; eatt all By eating Smoked Black Cod you support ' een een. ei a, Medesiakine dub lsia he. g be sents { Local Fishermen and a Local Industry ' . " ‘ I ~ Miss K ‘ . . Haat? COMMERCIAL WORK rirarapey atid png bbws epee a OSS" |p Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. : , al bos a i Cie ? . Prince Rupert, B.C. es - f Vess ‘ Se vera ats may Mrs. E. B has selene : : a isd “Cte tad cy a s ¢ the popu- oes Engineers, Machinists, Boller Makers, ‘ Atth gt sitting =- : i ‘ x ladies soe Blacksmiths, Founders, Pattern Makers, etc. ‘ mard, Mrs. Bo = mot . i Was ( —- ed . e, “Be e this ‘ ss whalf of ‘ We Selicit Your Enquiries i wine he cons " f . s { thie 707 Third Ave. Phone 34 4: Re P,0, Box 1713 Phones 43 and 385 wig hanged to a ; hits . ae a Ea PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. soe tee aan ie ees vert ad Joe Se stain th ROYAL HOTEL R " ‘ WY: A es s va. 7] elit \ . nfefti and s d les (Se eee | a RESTAURANT ed Cedar Shingles |: esc. ig tok : \\ hi toniz a fg = on . yw 2 ridds. t) J J Dry Kiln Capacity: 100,000 feet per day we Gilhhuly ; ’ ’ . x Misses Jeat ‘ ? ‘ ‘ i: a Vil have played two matoles : ‘ : nd Frances Home Cookirg with Quick Service | 7 * . rt " €F = Vite’s Xmas Drawing. Every $2, i: - SITKA SPRUCE ball. PUPCHAE: QRMHGR yOu i 2 hare : bas dropped 60. Here you can procure the kind of food ; WES] ERN HEMLOCK FLOORING, SIDING neat } : < sai ves ie rere : i ' ? “ al st = that is just what you want in is CEILING FINISH OF ALL KINDS tress, and pair of pillows; second j,orning congenial environment. a prize ludics wainul dressing J « able with three mirrors nine red. Med . n a 17 Charlotte Islands Spruce Produc's Ltd. me ‘aa "alt with bait "ane : 5 at Superior Quality. Attractiveness, a . losing eyes fiz ‘ t hu = r H . . . . ; ; Mills: Prince Rupert, B.C eaataia pa el Pyei e Satisfying Service. Prices Reasonable, we P Local Agents: ALBERT & McCAFFERY A report from Mrs, MeLeod re~) jay tel s =ty oer $53 "nce Rupert, B.C. Telephones, 564, 116, Blue 69 garding the installation of a laun-| jut paving . | es =; ‘st ——_— dry in the general hospital was poy oerow 2 cm “ns "referred by the board last night to . ay Tinie) ’ " ' RELA FS the house committee. One ‘auti=) A delewa ne sin . dry considered: would enet $5,000) Auxiiar euehorer ae A DEMONSTRATOR’S REPORT ¢ d lhternational Trade os conte Ae ecu antic ene “ng oboe ' ta oe . E N fiona deer Sie Xmas Cakes. is HI laundry would cost 8 Py la | “ccess of international rela- ‘ a report: This - tionah;. night to ask tl sewing | ; %3 4 } aon ‘ps is primarily dependent SIP IE ae ea RLY RE Psp m3 oi . orning one woman told me _ Place Your Order in Good Time Pi OMme . ‘ you i iftichine motor 4 sing j Panes th . . lerce between nations. at Titv’s. 15 per cent discount. Uf) pital be replaced. mard a an NMA Cat with Aur Foreign lr d D , ided | ‘ ; his mo x she told him , ’ eres epee i ' *Wipped to a d a ea mt try a eclassiffed advertisement th ‘ . , nhs ee fos Beare nv LA ASSE BAKER - = ‘ a ’ se «e old at hid ’ pp \ y World wille os a re c — ete, fy 0 sata to buy or sell or if I Vt : ‘ i would not require ( , y to ce e invite you it yo 4 ) se mt pernn we DOME bs mth Vad 4 Utilize our facilities. . iyou want anything. A lot of busi-jsider putting in a ¢ woard at any more, 717 Srd Ave. Auto Delivery Phone 190 4 Pfhis Wall mrive you in idea % cn Exch : . , , ant hi e an ' - oat ee , Departments with private mn e kK. done that way, — - n ! es , how Pacitle Milk is takinzg — or ndon, Eng. New York, an stor s oat tel away surgical oper- Limited Have pleasure in intimating that they have opened a Branch of their ation required, tliary businese at Smith Block, Third Avenue, Prinee Rupert, where they UNION BANK OF CANADA PILES TRAE Sheetal uo Ba@itic: Mills Go. | MESSRS RORIE & SMALL Staitsra*vascaunsents & : Prin, eR, — : Chase's Ointment will relieve you at once S32 Drake Gi, Vancouver, 8.0 fpr Ganaval heed anev Busing in otnen Uupert B anc roderick Mana er Dr. Chase's Se aoe hak, a will carry on a Genera ceountancy Business. e ° es h A. I e B ’ g oad ooere Biesleen” Hates & Co., Limited, You \ is sent of a FACTORY AT LADNER, 8. 0. Resident Partner: GEORGE RORIE, Chartered Accountant (Edinburgh and Canada) Toronto. Sample Bos tree if you mention this her QL Liles NG: CSCO U 0: ata tt TTA ro enaen paper and enclose de. stamp to pay postage ner @ % i 2A a